TFM mod commands

TFM mod commands

[•] /np [Map] - Changes map, no number picks random.
[•] /npp [Map] - Changes the next map.
[•] /musique [URL] - Plays music in the room.
[•] /tropplein [Number] - Limits number of players in room.
[•] /ls - Lists rooms.
[•] /lst - Lists tribes.
[•] /sy? - Lists current sync.
[•] /sy [Name] - Changes sync to name provided.
[•] /p0 - Makes the current map not perma.
[•] /p1 - Makes the current map perma.
[•] /p2 - Makes the current map official perma.
[•] /p2 - Makes the current map bootcamp perma.
[•] /p22 - Makes the current map tribe house.
[•] /del - Deletes the current map. (Alt: suppr)
[•] /info - Displays map info.
[•] /log - View the ban log.
[•] /lsbootcamp - Lists bootcamp maps.
[•] /lsoperma - Lists official perma maps.
[•] /lsmaps - Lists all maps.
[•] /lsmap [Name] - Lists all maps by a certain player.
[•] /lsperma - Lists perma maps.
[•] /lsmodo - Lists all online mods.
[•] /lsarb - Lists all online arbs.
[•] /lsbot - Lists all online bots.
[•] /cj - Play user maps for up to 20 minutes.
[•] /cp - Play perma maps for up to 20 minutes.
[•] /mute [Name] [Time] [Reason] - Mutes player from public chat.
[•] /ban [Name] [Time] [Reason] - Bans the player.
[•] /mumute [Name] - Mutes player from public chat until disconnection.
[•] /ipnom [IP] - Lists players that used the provided IP.
[•] /nomip [Name] - Lists IPs of the provided name.
[•] /delava [Name] - Deletes the avatar of the provided name.
[•] /ip [Name] - Lists current IP of online player.
[•] /ch [Name] - Makes them shaman on next map.
[•] /unban [Name] - Unbans the player.
[•] /find [Name] - Searches for players. Partial names accepted.
[•] /ms [Message] - Does a moderation message.
[•] /m [Message] - Sends a message to online mods in the same community.
[•] /m* [Message] - Sends a message to all online mods.
[•] /a [Message] - Sends a message to online arbs in the same community.
[•] /a* [Message] - Sends a message to all online arbs.
[•] /join [Name] - Joins the room the player is in.

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