Rok Commands
- '' # Creates a shape out of blocks.
- 'codehatch.blocks.debug' # Toggles instant building for the local player.
- 'codehatch.command.admin.ban' # Bans the desired player from the server. You can optionally specify the number of days and/or a reason.
- 'codehatch.command.admin.kick' # Disconnects the specified player from the server.
- 'codehatch.command.admin.shutdown' # Saves and stops the server.
- 'codehatch.command.admin.notice' # Shows a message from the server with [message].
- '' # Displays info about commands or optionally about (command).
- 'codehatch.debug.buildreport.send' # Creates a report of the current state of the game for developers to look at.
- 'codehatch.reporting.players' # Submit a short report of the specified player's cheats or exploits.
- 'codehatch.server.notice' #
- 'rok.admin.debug' #
- '' # Access the /fly command to fly around the map.
- 'rok.admin.godmode' # Access the /godmode command from in-game chat to enable God mode (not killable) (on self).
- 'rok.admin.godmode.others' # Access the /godmode command from in-game chat to enable God mode (not killable) (on other players).
- 'rok.admin.videofly' #
- '' # Access chat.
- '' # Access guild chat.
- '' # Access the /say command from in-game chat.
- '' # Toggles fly mode for yourself or optionally (userName).
- 'rok.command.admin.godmode' # Enables godmode for yourself or (username).
- 'rok.command.admin.serverFps' # Broadcast the servers fps.
- 'rok.command.admin.videofly' # Toggles flying camera mode.
- '' # Displays a custom message starting with your name.
- '' # Forces a [userName] to say a [message].
- '' # Sends a [message] to your guild.
- 'rok.command.environment.time' # Controls the world's time.
- '' # Changes the weather for the world.
- '' # Heals yourself or optionally (userName) to full health.
- '' # Hydrates yourself or optionally (userName) to full hydration.
- '' # Nourishes yourself or optionally (userName) to full nourishment.
- '' # Stops Hunger on yourself or optionally (userName).
- '' # Stops Thirst on yourself or optionally (userName).
- '' # Kills yourself.
- '' # Displays a list of online players.
- 'rok.command.items.clear' # Clears the inventory of you or (username).
- 'rok.command.items.give' # Gives a specified [amount] of an [item] optionally to (userName]. Defaults to self.
- 'rok.command.objects.butcher' # Kills all monsters and critters in a radius.
- 'rok.command.objects.killall' # Kills all entities in a radius from you. Chests are not destroyed. Only objects in loaded pages will be killed.
- 'rok.command.objects.killbyblueprint' # Kills all entities in a radius from you. Everything with the blueprint specificed will be destroyed. Only objects in loaded pages will be killed.
- 'rok.command.objects.killbytype' # Kills all entities in a radius from you. Everything with the type specificed will be destroyed. Only objects in loaded pages will be killed.
- '' # Toggles security on or off.
- 'rok.command.teleport' # Teleports the player to a desired location.
- 'rok.command.ui.popup' # Shows a popup to all players on the server.
- 'rok.command.ui.question' # Shows a popup to all players on the server for a yes or no question.
- 'rok.command.ui.switchlayout' # Switches the in-game gui to it's alternative.
- 'rok.environment.time' # Access the /time command to control in-game time.
- '' # Access the /weather command to control in-game weather.
- '' # Access the /heal command from in-game chat (on self).
- '' # Access the /heal command from in-game chat (on other players).
- '' # Access the /hydrate command from in-game chat (on self).
- '' # Access the /hydrate command from in-game chat (on other players).
- '' # Access the /nourish command from in-game chat (on self).
- '' # Access the /nourish command from in-game chat (on other players).
- '' # Access the /stophunger command from in-game chat (on self).
- '' # Access the /stophunger command from in-game chat (on other players).
- '' # Access the /stopthirst command from in-game chat (on self).
- '' # Access the /stopthirst command from in-game chat (on other players).
- '' # Commit suicide in game.
- '' # Access the /help command from in-game chat.
- 'rok.items.clear' # Access the /godmode command from in-game chat to remove all items (on self).
- 'rok.items.clear.others' # Access the /godmode command from in-game chat to remove all items (on other players).
- 'rok.items.give' # Access the /give command from in-game chat to give items (on self).
- 'rok.objects.butcher' #
- 'rok.objects.killall' # Access the /killall command to kill all things around your player.
- '' #
- 'rok.teleport' # Access the /teleport command from in-game chat.
- 'rok.teleport.coord' #
- 'rok.teleport.origin' # Access the /teleport command from in-game chat to teleport to origin.
- 'rok.teleport.user' # Access the /teleport command from in-game chat to teleport to a user.
- 'rok.teleport.usertocoord' #
- 'rok.teleport.usertouser' #
- 'rok.ui.nametag' # Toggles name tags above players heads.
- 'rok.ui.nametag.hide' #
- '' #
- 'rok.ui.popup' # Access the /popup command to popup a dialog to all players on the server.
- 'rok.ui.question' # Access the /question command to popup a question dialog to all players on the server.
- 'rok.ui.switchlayout' #
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