[CS:GO] All ConVars/Commands

[CS:GO] All ConVars/Commands

- npc_select
weapon_showproficiency (Default: "0") - *None*
sv_ladder_angle (Default "-0.707") - Cos of angle of incidence to ladder perpendicular for applying ladder_dampen
cash_player_killed_teammate (Default: "-300") - *None*
cs_ShowStateTransitions (Default "-2") - cs_ShowStateTransitions <ent index or -1 for all>. Show player state transitions.
mp_deathcam_skippable (Default "1") - Determines whether a player can early-out of the deathcam.
- adsp_reset_nodes
r_DrawPortals (Default: "0") - *None*
- _restart
- unbind
- -showbudget_texture_global
- mat_showmaterialsverbose
tjs_hyp_mult_rounds (Default "1") - Clients will not be flagged (in logs and admin notifications) for hyperscrolling until they are noted 3 rounds in a row (0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled).
hlxce_version (Default "") - HLstatsX:CE
- sm_warn
ai_use_frame_think_limits (Default: "1") - *None*
ai_spread_cone_focus_time (Default: "0.6") - *None*
- _resetgamestats
sv_maxspeed (Default: "320") - *None*
mp_buy_allow_grenades (Default "1") - Whether players can purchase grenades from the buy menu or not.
cash_player_respawn_amount (Default: "0") - *None*
- nav_place_set
anim_3wayblend (Default "1") - Toggle the 3-way animation blending code.
adsp_courtyard_min (Default: "126") - *None*
sv_deltaprint (Default "0") - Print accumulated CalcDelta profiling data (only if sv_deltatime is on)
- removeid
bugreporter_username (Default "") - Username to use for bugreporter
fps_max_menu (Default "120") - Frame rate limiter, main menu
- gameui_hide
r_flashlightdepthtexture (Default: "1") - *None*
tjs_gen_cooldown (Default "60") - Cooldown time between chat notifications to admins for any given clients that is flagged.
tfc_log (Default "0") - Enables logging of files that actions are taken on.
skm_tag (Default "{GREEN}[GFL]{DEFAULT}") - The tag which is used when printing messages (Can be changed to your own clan / community tag)
- sm_guns
sm_timebomb_mode (Default "0") - Who is killed by the timebomb? 0 = Target only, 1 = Target's team, 2 = Everyone
- fd_restart
- sm_reload_translations
scene_showlook (Default "0") - When playing back, show the directions of look events.
sv_backspeed (Default "0.6") - How much to slow down backwards motion
sv_pushaway_max_force (Default "1000") - Maximum amount of force applied to physics objects by players.
snd_disable_mixer_solo (Default: "0") - *None*
tv_nochat (Default "0") - Don't receive chat messages from other GOTV spectators
- cl_view
r_eyeglintlodpixels (Default "20.0") - The number of pixels wide an eyeball has to be before rendering an eyeglint.  Is a floating point value.
r_flashlightrenderworld (Default: "1") - *None*
map_noareas (Default "0") - Disable area to area connection testing.
host_rules_show (Default "1") - How server rules get disclosed in server queries: 0 - query disabled, 1 - query enabled
mat_depthfeather_enable (Default: "1") - *None*
- sm_r
ai_debug_doors (Default: "0") - *None*
- npc_relationships
fire_maxabsorb (Default: "50") - *None*
mp_spec_swapplayersides (Default "0") - Toggle set the player names and team names to the opposite side in which they are are on the spectator panel.
inferno_child_spawn_interval_multiplier (Default "0.1") - Amount spawn interval increases for each child
room_type (Default: "0") - *None*
snd_sos_show_track_list (Default: "0") - *None*
net_compressvoice (Default "0") - Attempt to compress out of band voice payloads (360 only).
- dbghist_addline
global_event_log_enabled (Default "0") - Enables the global event log system
- sv_findsoundname
ammo_buckshot_impulse (Default "600") - You must enable tweaking via tweak_ammo_impulses to use this value.
mp_tkpunish (Default "0") - Will TK'ers and team damagers be punished in the next round?  {0=no,  1=yes}
weapon_recoil_suppression_shots (Default "4") - Number of shots before weapon uses full recoil
- workshop_start_map
- wipe_nav_attributes
snd_moviefix (Default "1") - Defer sound recording until next tick when laying off movies.
host_syncfps (Default "0") - Synchronize real render time to host_framerate if possible.
sv_enable_delta_packing (Default "0") - When enabled, this allows for entity packing to use the property changes for building up the data. This is many times faster, but can be disabled for error checking.
mem_max_heapsize (Default "256") - Maximum amount of memory to dedicate to engine hunk and datacache (in mb)
mat_exclude_async_update (Default: "1") - *None*
abner_tr_music_path (Default "misc/songs") - Path off tr sounds in /cstrike/sound
scene_flatturn (Default: "1") - *None*
- ai_show_graph_connect
- ent_messages
- setpos_player
mp_dm_bonus_length_max (Default "30") - Maximum time the bonus time will last (in seconds)
snd_async_stream_recover_from_exhausted_stream (Default "1") - If 1, recovers when the stream is exhausted when playing PCM sounds (prevents music or ambiance sounds to stop if too many sounds are played). Set to 0, to stop the sound otherwise.
sv_enableoldqueries (Default "0") - Enable support for old style (HL1) server queries
tv_debug (Default "0") - GOTV debug info.
- host_runofftime
vprof_warningmsec (Default "10") - Above this many milliseconds render the label red to indicate slow code.
mat_spewalloc (Default: "0") - *None*
- sm_djsftl
- sm_djsftw
cash_team_rescued_hostage (Default: "600") - *None*
- benchframe
voice_vox (Default: "false") - *None*
- flush
xlsp_force_dc_name (Default "") - Restrict to xlsp datacenter by name.
tjs_version (Default "1.8.2.nm") - TOGs Jump Stats Version
- sm_reloadsadvert
- sm_selfmute
- skip_next_map
sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks (Default "0") - Maximum number of client-issued usrcmd ticks that can be replayed in packet loss conditions, 0 to allow no restrictions
bot_autodifficulty_threshold_high (Default "0.0") - Upper bound above Average Human Contribution Score that a bot must be above to change its difficulty
cash_team_win_by_defusing_bomb (Default: "3500") - *None*
bot_debug_target (Default "0") - For internal testing purposes.
game_mode (Default "0") - The current game mode (based on game type). See GameModes.txt.
r_eyeshift_y (Default: "0") - *None*
r_ambientlightingonly (Default "0") - Set this to 1 to light models with only ambient lighting (and no static lighting).
mat_showlowresimage (Default: "0") - *None*
sm_hide_slots (Default "1") - If set to 1, reserved slots will hidden (subtracted from the max slot count)
hlxce_plugin_version (Default "1.6.19") - HLstatsX:CE Ingame Plugin
sm_immunity_mode (Default "1") - Mode for deciding immunity protection
sm_vote_progress_console (Default "0") - Show current vote progress as console messages
ai_moveprobe_jump_debug (Default: "0") - *None*
mp_feetyawrate (Default "400") - How many degrees per second that we can turn our feet or upper body.
lservercfgfile (Default: "listenserver.cfg") - *None*
- wc_destroy_undo
mp_halftime_pausetimer (Default "0") - Set to 1 to stay in halftime indefinitely. Set to 0 to resume the timer.
score_dropped_bomb_proximity_damage_bonus_radius_outer (Default "600") - Outer radius (zero bonus) for doing damage near dropped bomb
contributionscore_team_kill (Default "-2") - amount of contribution score for a team kill, normally negative
bot_freeze (Default: "0") - *None*
- bot_pistols_only
- nav_connect
- snd_stereo_speaker_pan_exponent
adsp_door_height (Default: "112") - *None*

- snd_setmixer
snd_async_stream_fail (Default "0") - Spew stream pool failures.
snd_sos_show_operator_start (Default: "0") - *None*
con_drawnotify (Default "1") - Disables drawing of notification area (for taking screenshots).
sv_logsdir (Default "logs") - Folder in the game directory where server logs will be stored.
host_name_store (Default "1") - Whether hostname is recorded in game events and GOTV.
- disconnect
cpu_level (Default "2") - CPU Level - Default: High
- fs_fios_prefetch_file
hlx_message_prefix (Default "") - Define the prefix displayed on every HLstatsX ingame message
sv_rollangle (Default "0") - Max view roll angle
sv_lagcompensationforcerestore (Default "0") - Don't test validity of a lag comp restore, just do it.
sv_timeconsideredfastduck (Default "0.7") - Minimum time recognizing as being a 'fast' duck
mp_teamprediction_pct (Default "0") - A value between 1 and 99 will show predictions in favor of CT team.
ammo_57mm_impulse (Default "2000") - You must enable tweaking via tweak_ammo_impulses to use this value.
snd_music_boost (Default "0") - Specifies an amount to boost music volume by
sv_endmatch_item_drop_interval_ancient (Default "3.5") - The time between drops on the end match scoreboard for ancient items 
- snd_surround_speaker_pan_exponent
demo_fastforwardstartspeed (Default "2") - Go this fast when starting to hold FF button.
- vprof_remote_stop
fast_fogvolume (Default: "0") - *None*
r_decals (Default: "2048") - *None*
mod_WeaponWorldModelMinAge (Default: "3000") - *None*
r_dscale_basefov (Default: "90") - *None*
- editdemo
- sv_pure_listfiles
- vprof_off
filesystem_use_overlapped_io (Default: "1") - *None*
mce_startround (Default "2.0") - Specifies when to start the vote based on rounds remaining. Use 0 on DoD:S, CS:S, and TF2 to start vote during bonus round time
hlx_server_tag (Default "1") - If enabled, adds "HLstatsX:CE" to server tags on supported games. 1 = Enabled (default), 0 = Disabled
- ainet_generate_report
ai_navigator_generate_spikes (Default: "0") - *None*
step_spline (Default: "0") - *None*
sv_max_distance_transmit_footsteps (Default "1250.0") - Maximum distance to transmit footstep sound effects.
mp_match_restart_delay (Default "20") - Time (in seconds) until a match restarts.
- nav_select_half_space
snd_sos_show_operator_updates (Default: "0") - *None*
- screenshot
r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymin (Default "0.1") - time in milliseconds that a model must take to render before showing an overlay in r_drawmodelstatsoverlay 2
blackbox (Default: "1") - *None*
- occlusion_test_run
- spike
studio_queue_mode (Default: "1") - *None*
mat_forceaniso (Default: "1") - *None*
ai_simulate_task_overtime (Default: "0") - *None*
ai_use_visibility_cache (Default: "1") - *None*
mp_radar_showall (Default "0") - Determines who should see all. 0 = default. 1 = both teams. 2 = Terrorists. 3 = Counter-Terrorists.
snd_sos_show_server_xmit (Default: "0") - *None*
mp_backup_restore_load_autopause (Default "1") - Whether to automatically pause the match after restoring round data from backup
ammo_357sig_small_max (Default: "24") - *None*
mp_playerid (Default "0") - Controls what information player see in the status bar: 0 all names; 1 team names; 2 no names
score_team_damage_bonus (Default "1") - Points awarded for each point of damage a nearby (in same zone) teammate does to enemies
nav_generate_fencetops (Default "1") - Autogenerate nav areas on fence and obstacle tops
- voice_reset_mutelist
dtwatchclass (Default "") - Watch all fields encoded with this table.
fr_adverts (Default "0") - Enables or disables chat adverts that display after a time limit.
- create_flashlight
sv_damage_print_enable (Default "1") - Turn this off to disable the player's damage feed in the console after getting killed.
snd_mute_losefocus (Default: "1") - *None*
snd_dvar_dist_min (Default "240") - Play full 'near' sound at this distance
mem_test_quiet (Default "0") - Don't print stats when memtesting
- version

net_maxfragments (Default "1200") - Max fragment bytes per packet

mat_drawTitleSafe (Default "0") - Enable title safe overlay
- mat_custommaterialusage
- script_reload_code
mp_force_pick_time (Default "15") - The amount of time a player has on the team screen to make a selection before being auto-teamed
CS_WarnFriendlyDamageInterval (Default "3.0") - Defines how frequently the server notifies clients that a player damaged a friend
bot_custom_strat (Default "") - Force bots to do a special behavior.
cl_clanid (Default "0") - Current clan ID for name decoration
er_colwidth (Default: "100") - *None*
- mat_savechanges
- stuffcmds
- exit
mat_triplebuffered (Default "0") - This means we want triple buffering if we are fullscreen and vsync'd
- sm_vote
fire_absorbrate (Default: "3") - *None*
r_AirboatViewZHeight (Default: "0.0") - *None*
mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_upgrade (Default "2") - Kill points required to upgrade a player's weapon
nav_generate_incremental_tolerance (Default "0") - Z tolerance for adding new nav areas.
- snd_soundmixer_list_mix_groups
- demo_gototick
- mod_DumpWeaponWiewModelCache
sv_filterban (Default "1") - Set packet filtering by IP mode
net_fakejitter (Default "0") - Jitter fakelag packet time
sm_basepath (Default "addons\sourcemod") - SourceMod base path (set via command line)
- ent_step
old_radiusdamage (Default: "0.0") - *None*
- weapon_reload_database
ammo_50AE_headshot_mult (Default "1.0") - You must enable tweaking via tweak_ammo_impulses to use this value.
bot_traceview (Default "0") - For internal testing purposes.
- nav_check_floor
name (Default "unnamed") - Current user name
- log_flags
r_decalstaticprops (Default "1") - Decal static props test
sv_cheats (Default "0") - Allow cheats on server
- vprof_cachemiss_off
mat_picmip (Default: "0") - *None*
- sm_listsbbans
mce_voteduration (Default "20") - Specifies how long the mapvote should be available for.
ai_use_think_optimizations (Default: "1") - *None*
r_VehicleViewDampen (Default: "1") - *None*
- particle_test_start
mp_ggtr_num_rounds_autoprogress (Default "3") - Upgrade the player's weapon after this number of rounds without upgrading
- host_workshop_map
mp_randomspawn_in_bombsite (Default "-1") - If set to the index of a bombsite, will cause random spawns to be only created near that site.
nav_drag_selection_volume_zmin_offset (Default "32") - The offset of the nav drag volume bottom from center
nav_show_danger (Default "0") - Show current 'danger' levels.
demo_pauseatservertick (Default "0") - Pauses demo playback at server tick
sv_hibernate_postgame_delay (Default "999999") - # of seconds to wait after final client leaves before hibernating.
sv_pure_kick_clients (Default "1") - If set to 1, the server will kick clients with mismatching files. Otherwise, it will issue a warning to the client.
mat_monitorgamma_tv_exp (Default: "2.5") - *None*
tct_enablenamecolors (Default "1") - Enable being able to set name colors (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)
fr_enabled (Default "1") - Enables or disables the plugin.
sv_party_mode (Default "0") - Party!!
mp_weapons_allow_zeus (Default "1") - Determines whether the Zeus is purchasable or not.
mp_use_respawn_waves (Default "0") - When set to 1, and that player's team is set to respawn, they will respawn in waves. If set to 2, teams will respawn when the whole team is dead.
bot_join_delay (Default "0") - Prevents bots from joining the server for this many seconds after a map change.
weapon_recoil_decay2_lin (Default "18") - Decay factor (linear term) for weapon recoil
nav_snap_to_grid (Default "0") - Snap to the nav generation grid when creating new nav areas
mm_datacenter_update_interval (Default "3600") - Interval between datacenter stats updates.
adsp_scale_delay_feedback (Default: "0.2") - *None*
- vprof_playback_step
sm_selfmute_version (Default "1.0") - Version of Self-Mute
metamod_version (Default "1.10.6-devV") - Metamod:Source Version
- npc_kill
ai_find_lateral_cover (Default: "1") - *None*
- sv_soundemitter_filecheck
mp_endmatch_votenextmap_keepcurrent (Default "1") - If set, always keeps the current map in the listof voting options.  If not set, the current map is not guaranteed to be in the list
mp_td_dmgtowarn (Default "200") - The damage threshhold players have to exceed in a match to get warned that they are about to be kicked.
sv_dumpmatchweaponmetrics (Default "0") - Turn on the exporting of weapon metrics at the end of a level.
weapon_reticle_knife_show (Default "0") - When enabled will show knife reticle on clients. Used for game modes requiring target id display when holding a knife.
nav_selected_set_border_color (Default "100 100 0 255") - Color used to draw the selected set borders while editing.
nav_test_node (Default: "0") - *None*
- writeip
- writeid
bugreporter_console_bytes (Default "15000") - Max # of console bytes to put into bug report body (full text still attached).
save_spew (Default: "0") - *None*
voice_xsend_debug (Default: "0") - *None*
- explodevector
- gods
- report_entities
debug_touchlinks (Default "0") - Spew touch link activity
mp_startmoney (Default "800") - amount of money each player gets when they reset
molotov_throw_detonate_time (Default: "2.0") - *None*
r_lightmap (Default: "-1") - *None*
- cmd
net_compresspackets_minsize (Default "1000") - Don't bother compressing packets below this size.
ai_debug_directnavprobe (Default: "0") - *None*
ai_no_talk_delay (Default: "0") - *None*
sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks_warning (Default "-1") - Print a warning when user commands get dropped due to insufficient usrcmd ticks allocated, number of seconds to throttle, negative disabled
bot_auto_follow (Default "0") - If nonzero, bots with high co-op may automatically follow a nearby human player.
- nav_corner_lower
- snd_soundmixer_list_mix_layers
- reload
budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction (Default ".25") - number between 0 and 1
mat_local_contrast_vignette_start_override (Default: "-1.0") - *None*
- mat_showtextures
mat_texture_list_exclude_editing (Default: "0") - *None*
- sm_song
- abnersound
- sm_dump_classes
- ent_script_dump
scene_clientplayback (Default "1") - Play all vcds on the clients.
mp_backup_round_file_pattern (Default "%prefix%_round%round%.txt") - If set then server will save all played rounds information to files named by this pattern, e.g.'%prefix%_%date%_%time%_%team1%_%team2%_%map%_round%round%_score_%score1%_%score2%.txt'
sv_nomvp (Default "0") - Disable MVP awards.
bot_quota (Default "0") - Determines the total number of bots in the game.
snd_duckerreleasetime (Default: "2.5") - *None*
r_visualizelighttracesshowfulltrace (Default: "0") - *None*
threadpool_affinity (Default "1") - Enable setting affinity
testscript_running (Default "0") - Set to true when test scripts are running
budget_bargraph_range_ms (Default "16.6666666667") - budget bargraph range in milliseconds
sm_multi1v1_guns_menu_first_connect (Default "0") - Should players see the guns menu automatically on their first connect?
- ent_autoaim
- buyrandom
ff_damage_reduction_bullets (Default "0.33") - How much to reduce damage done to teammates when shot.  Range is from 0 - 1 (with 1 being damage equal to what is done to an enemy)
net_megasnapshot (Default: "1") - *None*
bot_allow_pistols (Default "1") - If nonzero, bots may use pistols.
bot_max_vision_distance_override (Default "-1") - Max distance bots can see targets.
- snd_dumpclientsounds
rcon_address (Default "") - Address of remote server if sending unconnected rcon commands (format x.x.x.x:p) 
- blackbox_dump
cl_clockdrift_max_ms (Default "150") - Maximum number of milliseconds the clock is allowed to drift before the client snaps its clock to the server's.
- kickid
mem_force_flush (Default "0") - Force cache flush of unlocked resources on every alloc
mat_supportflashlight (Default "-1") - 0 - do not support flashlight (don't load flashlight shader combos), 1 - flashlight is supported
mat_bufferprimitives (Default: "1") - *None*
- sm_sql_setadmingroups
mp_allowNPCs (Default: "1") - *None*
sv_staminarecoveryrate (Default "60") - Rate at which stamina recovers (units/sec)
mp_guardian_special_weapon_needed (Default "awp") - The weapon that needs to be used to increment the kills needed to complete the mission.
nav_test_node_crouch_dir (Default: "4") - *None*
- vox_reload
- askconnect_accept
display_game_events (Default: "0") - *None*
save_asyncdelay (Default "0") - For testing, adds this many milliseconds of delay to the save operation.
- vprof_generate_report_AI
mat_motion_blur_percent_of_screen_max (Default: "4.0") - *None*
- ai_nodes
ai_no_local_paths (Default: "0") - *None*
- kill
tv_delay (Default "105") - GOTV broadcast delay in seconds
sk_player_leg (Default: "1") - *None*
inferno_debug (Default: "0") - *None*
mp_hostages_spawn_same_every_round (Default "1") - 0 = spawn hostages randomly every round, 1 = same spawns for entire match.
cl_failremoteconnections (Default "0") - Force connection attempts to time out
cl_connection_trouble_timeout (Default "-1") - How long until we timeout on our network connection because of connectivity loss (-1 if no problem)
r_overlayfadeenable (Default: "0") - *None*
sv_stats (Default "1") - Collect CPU usage stats
- mem_dump
- memory
r_lightcache_radiusfactor (Default "1000") - Allow lights to influence lightcaches beyond the lights' radii
ai_shot_bias_min (Default: "-1.0") - *None*
sv_vote_allow_spectators (Default "0") - Allow spectators to vote?
- wc_air_edit_nearer
- playvol
sv_memlimit (Default "0") - If set, whenever a game ends, if the total memory used by the server is greater than this # of megabytes, the server will exit.
- vprof_generate_report_map_load
sm_mapvote_start (Default "3.0") - Specifies when to start the vote based on time remaining.
hlxce_webpage (Default "http://www.hlxcommunity.com") - http://www.hlxcommunity.com
- god
fire_incomingheatscale (Default: "0.1") - *None*
player_old_armor (Default: "0") - *None*
- voxeltree_playerview
sv_bots_get_easier_each_win (Default "0") - If > 0, some # of bots will lower thier difficulty each time they win. The argument defines how many will lower their difficulty each time.
sv_gameinstructor_disable (Default "0") - Force all clients to disable their game instructors.
score_hostage_proximity_damage_radius_outer (Default "600") - Outer radius (zero bonus) for doing damage near hostage
gg_knife_kill_demotes (Default "1") - 0 = knife kill in gungame has no effect on player level, 1 = knife kill demotes player by one level
- nav_compress_id
- sv_shutdown
net_steamcnx_debug (Default "0") - Show debug spew for steam based connections, 2 shows all network traffic for steam sockets.
- sm_cookies
- npc_task_text
- dumpentityfactories
g_debug_vehiclebase (Default: "0") - *None*
nav_generate_fixup_jump_areas (Default "1") - Convert obsolete jump areas into 2-way connections
voice_fadeouttime (Default: "0.0") - *None*
sv_visiblemaxplayers (Default "127") - Overrides the max players reported to prospective clients
- xsave
budget_show_peaks (Default "1") - enable/disable peaks in the budget panel
cl_teamid_min (Default: "200") - *None*
sourcecomms_version (Default: "0.9.266") - *None*
sm_nominate_excludecurrent (Default "1") - Specifies if the MapChooser excluded maps should also be excluded from Nominations
- sm_djftl
- ai_show_visibility
npc_vphysics (Default: "0") - *None*
mp_tournament (Default: "0") - *None*
sv_full_alltalk (Default "0") - Any player (including Spectator team) can speak to any other player
bot_debug (Default "0") - For internal testing purposes.
nav_show_light_intensity (Default: "0") - *None*
- voice_unmute
dsp_db_min (Default: "80") - *None*
- snd_print_channel_by_guid
- demo_listimportantticks
r_flashlight_always_cull_for_single_pass (Default: "0") - *None*
r_ForceRestore (Default: "0") - *None*
budget_panel_width (Default "512") - width in pixels of the budget panel
tct_log (Default "1") - Enable chat logger.
ai_spread_pattern_focus_time (Default: "0.8") - *None*
ai_debugscriptconditions (Default: "0") - *None*
- buddha
sv_bot_difficulty_kbm (Default "0") - Bot difficulty while playing with Keyboard/Mouse device
mp_damage_scale_t_head (Default "1.0") - Scales the damage a T player takes by this much when they take damage in the head (1 == 100%, 0.5 == 50%).  REMEMBER! headshots do 4x the damage of the body before this scaler is applied.
nav_selected_set_color (Default "255 255 200 96") - Color used to draw the selected set background while editing.
- nav_mark_walkable
snd_op_test_convar (Default: "1.0") - *None*
snd_vox_captiontrace (Default "0") - Shows sentence name for sentences which are set not to show captions.
- remote_bug
- plugin_print
- soundfade
- perfui
mce_hidetimer (Default "0") - Hide the MapChooser Extended warning timer
- sm_help
- meta
ent_debugkeys (Default: "") - *None*
- shake
mp_competitive_endofmatch_extra_time (Default "15") - After a competitive match finishes rematch voting extra time is given for rankings.
- endround
bot_quota_mode (Default "fill") - Determines the type of quota.
Allowed values: 'normal', 'fill', and 'match'.
If 'fill', the server will adjust bots to keep N players in the game, where N is bot_quota.
If 'match', the server will maintain a 1:N ratio of humans to bots, where N is bot_quota.
inferno_forward_reduction_factor (Default: "0.9") - *None*
voice_threshold (Default: "4000") - *None*
snd_vox_seqtimetout (Default: "300") - *None*
r_flex (Default: "1") - *None*
r_shadowids (Default: "0") - *None*
cl_clock_correction (Default "1") - Enable/disable clock correction on the client.
- host_writeconfig_ss
- cache_print_summary
- net_steamcnx_status
stringtable_showsizes (Default "0") - Show sizes of string tables when building for signon

fr_interact (Default "0") - Enables or disables the request and shoutout system.
sk_ally_regen_time (Default "0.3003") - Time taken for an ally to regenerate a point of health.
cc_norepeat (Default "5") - In multiplayer games, don't repeat captions more often than this many seconds.
mp_dm_bonus_percent (Default "50") - Percent of points additionally awarded when someone gets a kill with the bonus weapon during the bonus period.
inferno_velocity_normal_factor (Default: "0") - *None*
mod_lock_mdls_on_load (Default: "1") - *None*
mod_dont_load_vertices (Default "0") - For the dedicated server, supress loading model vertex data
mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled (Default: "0") - *None*
joy_deadzone_mode (Default "0") - 0 => Cross-shaped deadzone (default), 1 => Square deadzone.
sm_rtv_changetime (Default "0") - When to change the map after a succesful RTV: 0 - Instant, 1 - RoundEnd, 2 - MapEnd
- sm_o
- ai_show_hull
- setang_exact
sv_massreport (Default: "0") - *None*
- dump_globals
das_process_overhang_spaces (Default: "0") - *None*
snd_vol_no_xfade (Default "5.0") - If current and target volumes are close, don't cross-fade.
- snd_sos_flush_operators
demo_fastforwardfinalspeed (Default "20") - Go this fast when starting to hold FF button.
r_brush_queue_mode (Default: "0") - *None*
vgui_drawtree_visible (Default "1") - Draw the visible panels.
- clear_anim_cache
smac_irc_mode (Default "1") - Which messages should be sent to IRC plugins. (1 = Admin notices, 2 = Mimic log)
- sm_downloadtablestatistics
sv_ladder_dampen (Default "0.2") - Amount to dampen perpendicular movement on a ladder
mp_restartround (Default "0") - If non-zero, the current round will restart in the specified number of seconds
sv_spec_hear (Default "1") - Determines who spectators can hear: 0: only spectators; 1: all players; 2: spectated team; 3: self only; 4: nobody
mm_sv_load_test (Default: "0") - *None*
voice_mixer_volume (Default: "1.0") - *None*
r_renderoverlaybatch (Default: "1") - *None*
- listmaps
- sm_joinmsgoffid
- mp_warmup_end
bot_allow_shotguns (Default "1") - If nonzero, bots may use shotguns.
nav_max_vis_delta_list_length (Default: "64") - *None*
- nav_begin_drag_selecting
- nav_walk
- bench_end
r_proplightingfromdisk (Default "1") - 0=Off, 1=On, 2=Show Errors
- stats
- mem_eat
developer (Default "0") - Set developer message level
- listmodels
paint_min_valid_alpha_value (Default: "0.7f") - *None*
- vprof_collapse_all
rope_min_pixel_diameter (Default: "2.0") - *None*
fs_report_long_reads (Default "0") - 0:Off, 1:All (for tracking accumulated duplicate read times), >1:Microsecond threshold
smac_autotrigger_ban (Default "1") - [smac_autotrigger.smx] Automatically ban players on auto-trigger detections.
sm_multi1v1_verbose_spawns (Default "0") - Set to 1 to get info about all spawns the plugin read - useful for map creators testing against the plugin.
gflwarn_version (Default "5.5") - GFL Warn: Version
rr_followup_maxdist (Default "1800") - 'then ANY' or 'then ALL' response followups will be dispatched only to characters within this distance.
contributionscore_hostage_rescue_minor (Default "1") - amount of contribution score added to all alive CTs per hostage rescued
bot_join_team (Default "any") - Determines the team bots will join into. Allowed values: 'any', 'T', or 'CT'.
inferno_velocity_decay_factor (Default: "0.2") - *None*
adsp_alley_min (Default: "122") - *None*
sv_parallel_sendsnapshot (Default: "1") - *None*
- occlusion_test_record
- reset_gameconvars
showbudget_texture (Default "0") - Enable the texture budget panel.
- sm_unban
- sm_reloadadmins
achievement_debug (Default "0") - Turn on achievement debug msgs.
debug_overlay_fullposition (Default: "0") - *None*
sv_usercmd_custom_random_seed (Default "1") - When enabled server will populate an additional random seed independent of the client
- mp_disable_autokick
mp_join_grace_time (Default "0") - Number of seconds after round start to allow a player to join a game
cash_player_interact_with_hostage (Default: "300") - *None*
inferno_initial_spawn_interval (Default "0.02") - Time between spawning flames for first fire
- nav_world_center
- nav_ladder_flip
mm_datacenter_report_version (Default "5") - Data version to report to DC.
snd_debug_panlaw (Default "0") - Visualize panning crossfade curves
cl_download_demoplayer (Default "1") - Determines whether downloads of external resources are allowed during demo playback (0:no,1:workshop,2:all)
r_drawlightinfo (Default: "0") - *None*
r_hunkalloclightmaps (Default: "1") - *None*
sv_extra_client_connect_time (Default "15.0") - Seconds after client connect during which extra frames are buffered to prevent non-delta'd update
ai_vehicle_avoidance (Default: "1") - *None*
- ent_rbox
mp_flashlight (Default: "0") - *None*
gamestats_file_output_directory (Default "") - When -gamestatsfileoutputonly is specified, file will be emitted here instead of to modpath

mp_maxrounds (Default "0") - max number of rounds to play before server changes maps
sv_endmatch_item_drop_interval (Default "1.0") - The time between drops on the end match scoreboard 
mp_guardian_player_dist_min (Default "1300") - The distance at which we start to warn a player when they are too far from the guarded bombsite.
sv_vote_issue_surrrender_allowed (Default "1") - Can people hold votes to surrender?
- nav_flood_select
- nav_end_drag_selecting
- snd_rear_stereo_speaker_position
adsp_room_min (Default: "102") - *None*
demo_highlight_skipthreshold (Default "10") - Number of seconds between previous highlight event and round start that will fast forward instead of skipping.
- +mat_texture_list
sv_tags (Default "!                                                              ") - Server tags. Used to provide extra information to clients when they're browsing for servers. Separate tags with a comma.
r_oldlightselection (Default "0") - Set this to revert to HL2's method of selecting lights
mat_tessellation_accgeometrytangents (Default: "0") - *None*
mat_vignette_enable (Default: "1") - *None*
- mat_showmaterials
sm_SMC_mapstartdelay (Default "2.0") - The timer to check for spawns on OnMapStart();
- global_set
mp_clan_ready_signal (Default "ready") - Text that team leader from each team must speak for the match to begin
sv_lagcompensateself (Default "0") - Player can lag compensate themselves.
mp_death_drop_defuser (Default "1") - Drop defuser on player death
bot_auto_vacate (Default "1") - If nonzero, bots will automatically leave to make room for human players.
das_max_z_trace_length (Default "72") - Maximum height of player and still test for adsp
- ping
- stringtabledictionary
snd_gain_max (Default: "1") - *None*
filesystem_unbuffered_io (Default: "1") - *None*
tjs_pat_count (Default "18") - Number of jump out of the last 30 that must match to be flagged for pattern jumps (scripts).
mce_extend_roundstep (Default "5") - Specifies how many more rounds each extension makes
- ent_setang
sv_stepsize (Default: "18") - *None*
mm_events_listeners_validation (Default: "0") - *None*
- snd_print_channel_by_index
voice_debugfeedback (Default: "0") - *None*
- +showbudget_texture_global
- mat_reloadallcustommaterials
skm_flag (Default "b") - The flag required for players to use the plugin.
- sm_silence
ai_debug_los (Default "0") - NPC Line-Of-Sight debug mode. If 1, solid entities that block NPC LOC will be highlighted with white bounding boxes. If 2, it'll show non-solid entities that would do it if they were solid.
mp_teamlist (Default: "hgrunt;scientist") - *None*
sv_disable_motd (Default "0") - Prevent the motd from showing.
mp_teamprediction_txt (Default "#SFUIHUD_Spectate_Predictions") - A value between 1 and 99 will set predictions in favor of first team.
sv_alltalk (Default "1") - Players can hear all enemy communication (voice, chat)
- host_workshop_collection
inferno_child_spawn_max_depth (Default: "4") - *None*
fog_enable_water_fog (Default: "1") - *None*
sv_hibernate_punt_tv_clients (Default "0") - When enabled will punt all GOTV clients during hibernation
clientport (Default "27005") - Host game client port
save_in_memory (Default "0") - Set to 1 to save to memory instead of disk (Xbox 360)
mat_displacementmap (Default: "1") - *None*
csm_quality_level (Default "0") - Cascaded shadow map quality level, [0,3], 0=VERY_LOW, 3=HIGHEST
- async_resume
sk_npc_leg (Default: "1") - *None*
- cl_csm_server_status
prop_active_gib_limit (Default: "64") - *None*
mp_respawnwavetime_t (Default "10.0") - Time between respawn waves for Terrorists.
score_hostage_proximity_damage_radius_inner (Default "120") - Inner radius (full bonus) for doing damage near hostage
mp_hostages_run_speed_modifier (Default "1.0") - Default is 1.0, slow down hostages by setting this to < 1.0.
weapon_accuracy_nospread (Default "") - Disable weapon inaccuracy spread
- nav_lower_drag_volume_max
adsp_debug (Default: "0") - *None*
r_DrawBeams (Default "1") - 0=Off, 1=Normal, 2=Wireframe
- log_color
sv_debugmanualmode (Default "0") - Make sure entities correctly report whether or not their network data has changed.
- execwithwhitelist
net_paranoid (Default: "1") - *None*
- -showvprof
mat_local_contrast_edge_scale_override (Default: "-1000.0") - *None*
gl_nvidia_occlusion_workaround (Default: "0") - *None*
g_debug_vehicledriver (Default: "0") - *None*
sv_grenade_trajectory_thickness (Default "0.2") - Visible thickness of grenade trajectory arc
g_debug_ragdoll_removal (Default: "0") - *None*
ammo_grenade_limit_total (Default: "4") - *None*
mp_spectators_max (Default "2") - How many spectators are allowed in a match.
- nav_no_hostages
sv_reservation_grace (Default "5") - Time in seconds given for a lobby reservation.
- ss_disconnect
- vprof
- smac_status
- sm_timebomb
sm_afk_enable (Default "1") - Is the AFK Manager enabled or disabled? [0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE, DEFAULT: 1]
sm_vote_delay (Default "30") - Sets the recommended time in between public votes
ai_test_moveprobe_ignoresmall (Default: "0") - *None*
ammo_9mm_max (Default: "120") - *None*
score_hostage_rescue_bonus (Default "100") - Points awarded for rescuing a hostage
sv_max_usercmd_future_ticks (Default "8") - Prevents clients from running usercmds too far in the future. Prevents speed hacks.
- nav_update_lighting
- nav_toggle_place_mode
dsp_vol_2ch (Default: "1.0") - *None*
- demo_pause
- logaddress_list
mem_test_every_n_seconds (Default "0") - Run heap check at a specified interval

r_lightcachecenter (Default: "1") - *None*
net_showudp_remoteonly (Default "0") - Dump non-loopback udp only
snd_gain_min (Default: "0.01") - *None*
mce_startfrags (Default "5.0") - Specifies when to start the vote base on frags remaining.
- hlx_sm_psay2
- sm_admin
abner_stop_map_music (Default "0") - Stop map musics
sv_soundemitter_trace (Default "-1") - Show all EmitSound calls including their symbolic name and the actual wave file they resolved to. (-1 = for nobody, 0 = for everybody, n = for one entity)

mp_round_restart_delay (Default "6") - Number of seconds to delay before restarting a round after a win
mp_win_panel_display_time (Default "6") - The amount of time to show the win panel between matches / halfs
dev_reportmoneychanges (Default "0") - Displays money account changes for players in the console
snd_async_minsize (Default: "262144") - *None*
dbg_demofile (Default: "0") - *None*
mat_queue_priority (Default: "1") - *None*
sm_extendmap_roundstep (Default "5") - Specifies how many more rounds each extension makes
fr_rating (Default "0") - Enables or disables the song and dj rating system.
- sm_msay
sv_test_scripted_sequences (Default "0") - Tests for scripted sequences that are embedded in the world. Run through your map with this set to check for NPCs falling through the world.
ai_path_insert_pause_at_obstruction (Default: "1") - *None*
ai_debug_speech (Default: "0") - *None*
hostfile (Default "host.txt") - The HOST file to load.
sk_player_head (Default: "2") - *None*
sv_bots_force_rebuy_every_round (Default "0") - If set, this strips the bots of their weapons every round and forces them to rebuy.
bot_eco_limit (Default "2000") - If nonzero, bots will not buy if their money falls below this amount.
- nav_shift
r_eyesize (Default: "0") - *None*
sv_forcepreload (Default "0") - Force server side preloading.
- flush_locked
- unbindalljoystick
net_showdrop (Default "0") - Show dropped packets in console
budget_history_numsamplesvisible (Default "100") - number of samples to draw in the budget history window.  The lower the better as far as rendering overhead of the budget panel
phys_enable_simd_optimizations (Default "1") - enable some additional SIMD/VMX128 optimizations in physics and collision
morph_debug (Default: "0") - *None*
mat_reduceparticles (Default: "0") - *None*
mat_bumpmap (Default: "1") - *None*
- sb_reload
fr_server_update_interval (Default "600.0") - DO NOT CHANGE OR YOUR SERVER IP WILL BE BANNED! Set at 10min for enabledservers info.
sm_afk_kick_time (Default "800") - Time in seconds (total) client must be AFK before being kicked. [0 = DISABLED, DEFAULT: 120.0 seconds]
vis_force (Default: "0") - *None*
sv_disable_show_team_select_menu (Default "0") - Prevent the team select menu from showing.
cs_enable_player_physics_box (Default: "0") - *None*
inferno_friendly_fire_duration (Default "6") - For this long, FF is credited back to the thrower.
- nav_end_selecting
- nav_use_place
snd_roundstart_volume (Default "1.0") - Relative volume of round start music.
snd_pause_all (Default "1") - Specifies to pause all sounds and not just voice
mat_defaultlightmap (Default "1") - Default brightness for lightmaps where none have been created in the level.
- timerefresh
- cache_print_lru
r_DrawSpecificStaticProp (Default: "-1") - *None*
- gameui_activate
flex_minplayertime (Default: "5") - *None*
- test_entity_blocker
mp_footsteps (Default: "1") - *None*
voice_serverdebug (Default: "0") - *None*
mp_guardian_bot_money_per_wave (Default "800") - The amount of money bots get time each wave the players complete.  This # is absolute and not additive, the money is set to (this)x(wave#) for each bot on each wave.
mp_ignore_round_win_conditions (Default "0") - Ignore conditions which would end the current round
mat_force_tonemap_scale (Default: "0.0") - *None*
demo_enabledemos (Default "1") - Enable recording demos (must be set true before loading a map)
mat_luxels (Default: "0") - *None*
mat_envmapsize (Default: "128") - *None*
sv_consistency (Default "0") - Whether the server enforces file consistency for critical files
sv_alternateticks (Default "0") - If set, server only simulates entities on even numbered ticks.

skill (Default "1.000000") - Game skill level (1-3).
res_restrict_access (Default: "0") - *None*
spec_freeze_time_lock (Default "2.0") - Time players are prevented from skipping the freeze cam
mp_default_team_winner_no_objective (Default "3") - If the map doesn't define an objective (bomb, hostage, etc), the value of this convar will declare the winner when the time runs out in the round.
mm_server_search_inet_ping_timeout (Default "3.0") - How long to wait for internet server details.
- snd_setmixlayer
- snd_soundmixer_list_mixers
snd_sos_show_operator_init (Default: "0") - *None*
- mat_setvideomode
- setmaster
- disp_list_all_collideable
net_public_adr (Default "") - For servers behind NAT/DHCP meant to be exposed to the public internet, this is the public facing ip address string: ("x.x.x.x" )
gl_amd_occlusion_workaround (Default: "1") - *None*
async_simulate_delay (Default "0") - Simulate a delay of up to a set msec per file operation
- sm_maphistory
- hlx_sm_hint
- ai_next_hull
g_debug_vehicleexit (Default: "0") - *None*
bot_zombie (Default "0") - If nonzero, bots will stay in idle mode and not attack.
nav_drag_selection_volume_zmax_offset (Default "32") - The offset of the nav drag volume top from center
- snd_front_stereo_speaker_position
snd_sos_show_entry_match_free (Default: "0") - *None*
- rpt_start
sv_logbans (Default "0") - Log server bans in the server logs.
cl_clock_correction_force_server_tick (Default "999") - Force clock correction to match the server tick + this offset (-999 disables it).
- recompute_speed
- key_updatelayout
ServerAdvertisement_version (Default "1.3") - Server Advertisement plugin
mce_extendposition (Default "0") - Position of Extend/Don't Change options. 0 = at end, 1 = at start.
sm_time_adjustment (Default "0") - Adjusts the server time in seconds
- ent_viewoffset
ammo_57mm_headshot_mult (Default "1.0") - You must enable tweaking via tweak_ammo_impulses to use this value.
- bot_goto_mark
nav_coplanar_slope_limit_displacement (Default: "0.7") - *None*
snd_mix_async (Default: "0") - *None*
snd_sos_show_source_info (Default: "0") - *None*
reload_materials (Default: "0") - *None*
r_drawmodelstatsoverlayfilter (Default: "-1") - *None*
r_flashlightdrawclip (Default: "0") - *None*
net_threaded_socket_recovery_time (Default "60") - Number of seconds over which the threaded socket pump algorithm will fully recover client ratelimit.
- vprof_cachemiss
mat_filterlightmaps (Default: "1") - *None*
- ent_dump
sv_turbophysics (Default "0") - Turns on turbo physics
snd_disable_mixer_duck (Default: "0") - *None*
mat_dynamic_tonemapping (Default: "1") - *None*
r_ShowViewerArea (Default: "0") - *None*
host_thread_mode (Default "0") - Run the host in threaded mode, (0 == off, 1 == if multicore, 2 == force)
- nextdemo
mod_test_not_available (Default: "0") - *None*
- sm_update_adm_tables
sm_multi1v1_version (Default "1.0.0-dev") - Current multi1v1 version
sm_extendmap_timestep (Default "15") - Specifies how much many more minutes each extension makes
sv_noclipaccelerate (Default: "5") - *None*
r_norefresh (Default: "0") - *None*
sv_logfile (Default "1") - Log server information in the log file.
sv_instancebaselines (Default "1") - Enable instanced baselines. Saves network overhead.
- vprof_child
mat_force_vertexfog (Default: "0") - *None*
tfc_debugmode (Default "0") - Enables debug mode output.
sm_afk_log_moves (Default "0") - Should the AFK Manager log client moves. [0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE, DEFAULT: 1]
ai_reaction_delay_idle (Default: "0.3") - *None*
ai_show_hull_attacks (Default: "0") - *None*
flex_looktime (Default: "5") - *None*
- nav_generate
snd_noextraupdate (Default: "0") - *None*
volume (Default "1.0") - Sound volume
dsp_spatial (Default: "40") - *None*
snd_async_stream_spew_delayed_start_filter (Default "vo") - Filter used to spew sounds that starts late. Use an empty string "" to display all sounds. By default only the VO are displayed.
enable_debug_overlays (Default "1") - Enable rendering of debug overlays
- cache_print
save_noxsave (Default: "0") - *None*
texture_budget_panel_global (Default "0") - Show global times in the texture budget panel.
- sm_note
- sm_geolist
scene_clamplookat (Default "1") - Clamp head turns to a MAX of 20 degrees per think.
voice_showincoming (Default: "0") - *None*
- listdemo
mat_dof_max_blur_radius (Default: "10") - *None*
joy_xcontroller_found (Default "0") - Automatically set to 1 if an xcontroller has been detected.
fs_monitor_read_from_pack (Default "0") - 0:Off, 1:Any, 2:Sync only
- sm_freeze
sm_ca_showenhancedadmins (Default "0") - displays a different enhanced message to admin players (ADMFLAG_GENERIC)
g_debug_trackpather (Default: "0") - *None*
g_Language (Default: "0") - *None*
- mp_backup_restore_load_file
snd_pre_gain_dist_falloff (Default: "1") - *None*
r_itemblinkrate (Default: "4.5") - *None*
violence_agibs (Default "1") - Show alien gib entities
- thread_test_tsqueue
- kickid_ex
sm_SMC_mapcycle_pre (Default "//") - When removing a map from the mapcycle, put this before the map (// will comment it out).
sm_afk_prefix_short (Default "0") - Should the AFK Manager use a short prefix? [0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE, DEFAULT: 0]
- npc_reset
sv_accelerate_debug_speed (Default: "0") - *None*
sv_wateraccelerate (Default: "10") - *None*
- mp_forcerespawnplayers
mp_weapons_glow_on_ground (Default "0") - If this convar is set, weapons on the ground will have a glow around them.
- ds_get_newest_subscribed_files
- nav_split
snd_sos_show_block_debug (Default "0") - Spew data about the list of block entries.
voice_scale (Default: "1") - *None*
r_ClipAreaPortals (Default: "1") - *None*
- net_dumpeventstats
tct_spamcountduration (Default "5") - Number of seconds used for the spam protection (0 = disabled). If more than 3 messages are sent within this time frame, it blocks them.
tv_allow_camera_man_steamid (Default "") - Allows tournament production cameraman to run csgo.exe -interactivecaster on SteamID 7650123456XXX and be the camera man.
sv_allow_thirdperson (Default "0") - Allows the server set players in third person mode without the client slamming it back (if cheats are on, all clients can set thirdperson without this convar being set)
- nav_mark_attribute
cl_downloadfilter (Default "all") - Determines which files can be downloaded from the server (all, none, nosounds)
- dti_flush
- +showbudget
rr_remarkables_enabled (Default "1") - If 1, polling for info_remarkables and issuances of TLK_REMARK is enabled.
ai_think_limit_label (Default: "0") - *None*
- commentary_finishnode
- nav_toggle_deselecting
snd_async_spew_blocking (Default "0") - Spew message to console any time async sound loading blocks on file i/o.
save_history_count (Default "1") - Keep this many old copies in history of autosaves and quicksaves.
r_novis (Default "0") - Turn off the PVS.
cl_allowupload (Default "1") - Client uploads customization files
cl_voice_filter (Default "") - Filter voice by name substring
sleep_when_meeting_framerate (Default "1") - Sleep instead of spinning if we're meeting the desired framerate.
tct_unloadflag (Default "h") - Only players with this flag can unload the entire plugin until map change.
sm_SMC_mapcycle (Default "1") - Remove the map from the map cycle if the amount of spawns is under "sm_SMC_spawns"?
g_ragdoll_important_maxcount (Default: "2") - *None*
mp_randomspawn (Default "0") - Determines whether players are to spawn. 0 = default; 1 = both teams; 2 = Terrorists; 3 = CTs.
sv_sound_discardextraunreliable (Default: "1") - *None*
sv_max_queries_sec_global (Default "99999999999") - Maximum queries per second to respond to from anywhere.
sm_afk_location_threshold (Default "40") - Threshold for amount of movement required to mark a player as AFK. [0 = DISABLED, DEFAULT: 30.0]
mp_autocrosshair (Default: "1") - *None*
pvs_min_player_distance (Default "1500") - Min distance to player at which PVS is used. At closer distances, PVS assumes we can see a shadow or something else from the player, so it's safer to just always be "Visible"
mp_stalemate_enable (Default "0") - Enable/Disable stalemate mode.
g_debug_npc_vehicle_roles (Default: "0") - *None*
ammo_357sig_min_max (Default: "12") - *None*
mp_maxmoney (Default "0") - maximum amount of money allowed in a player's account
- speak
snd_defer_trace (Default: "1") - *None*
sv_logblocks (Default "0") - If true when log when a query is blocked (can cause very large log files)
vgui_drawtree_freeze (Default "0") - Set to 1 to stop updating the vgui_drawtree view.
- vprof_expand_group
async_mode (Default "0") - Set the async filesystem mode (0 = async, 1 = synchronous)
sourcemod_version (Default "1.7.3-dev+5209") - SourceMod Version
scene_showmoveto (Default "0") - When moving, show the end location.
g_debug_angularsensor (Default: "0") - *None*
cash_team_elimination_bomb_map (Default: "3250") - *None*
cash_player_get_killed (Default: "0") - *None*
bot_show_nav (Default "0") - For internal testing purposes.
mat_depthbias_normal (Default: "0.0f") - *None*
r_dscale_farscale (Default: "4") - *None*
r_flashlightclip (Default: "0") - *None*
- maxplayers
cl_clock_correction_adjustment_min_offset (Default "10") - If the clock offset is less than this amount (in milliseconds), then no clock correction is applied.
dtwarning (Default "0") - Print data table warnings?
- killserver
- xload
r_worldlights (Default "3") - number of world lights to use per vertex
mat_showenvmapmask (Default: "0") - *None*
- sound_load
ai_enable_fear_behavior (Default: "1") - *None*
- wc_air_edit_further
sv_broadcast_ugc_download_progress_interval (Default: "8") - *None*
- demo_togglepause
- mat_crosshair_reloadmaterial
sv_minuptimelimit (Default "0") - If set, whenever a game ends, if the server uptime is less than this number of hours, the server will continue running regardless of sv_memlimit.
violence_hblood (Default "1") - Draw human blood
errorcallstacks_length (Default "20") - Length of automatic error callstacks
- vprof_parent
mat_reducefillrate (Default: "0") - *None*
- sm_sql_delgroup
ammo_45acp_impulse (Default "2100") - You must enable tweaking via tweak_ammo_impulses to use this value.
mp_respawn_immunitytime (Default "0") - How many seconds after respawn immunity lasts.
bot_flipout (Default "0") - If nonzero, bots use no CPU for AI. Instead, they run around randomly.
dsp_automatic (Default: "0") - *None*
snd_sos_list_operator_updates (Default: "0") - *None*

mat_leafvis (Default "0") - Draw wireframe of: [0] nothing, [1] current leaf, [2] entire vis cluster, or [3] entire PVS (see 

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