P-Bot Commands

P-Bot Commands

Basic Pug Commands
.join, .j <mod1|tag> <mod2|tag> - joins multiple mods with tags. tags are shown in a .list. used to specify information for picking purposes
.leave, .l <mod>
.leaveall, .lva - leaves all pugs you are joined, not just ones in the channel you type it in
.list, .ls <mod> - in channels with more than one mod .list will list the mods
.last, .la <mod> - can also use without <mod>
.liast, .lia - can also use without <mod>
.promote <mod>
.turn - shows which captain is currently picking
.here - type this to prevent getting kicked for idle captain
.teams - shows current teams during picking
Admin Commands
.pugbot <on|off>
.addmod <mod> <tag> - mod required
.delmod <mod> - mod required
.settag <mod> <tag> - tag is the little bit of info shown at the beginning of a .list or .last
.setlimit <mod> <#> - number of players required to start a pug
.setpickorder <mod> <#> - 1 (default) or 2 (for 4-team pugs)
.setnumteams <mod> <#> - # of teams in the pug. max 8 teams
.setpugtype <mod> <#> - 0 for manual picking pugs, 1 for random pugs, 2 for deathmatch pugs (no teams)
.sethybridpug <#> - 0 (default) must specify a mod in all commands, 1 will allow commands without mod given (joins the 'pug' mod). stillable to use mod in commands. use .listall and .liastall for full puglists
.reset - resets captains and teams in the started pug
.fullreset <mod> - fully resets pug, removing all players
.setcaptain <player> - manually set a captain
.addplayer <mod> <nick>
.delplayer <mod> <nick>
.setlink# <link>
.addrule# <rule>
.setip# <name> unreal://ip:port
.setalias <alias> unreal://ip:port
.delalias <alias>
.setts# <ip:port> - PORT IS REQUIRED FOR TS
.setvoicepug <0|1> - 0 allows anyone to pug, 1 for voiced players only
.settheme <theme> - use .themes for a list of available themes
.setmaps <maps>
.setstream <link>
.setstats <stats link>
.op [nick]
.deop [nick]
.up [nick]
.down [nick]
.halfop [nick]
.dehalfop [nick]
.voice [nick]
.devoice [nick]
.kick [nick] (reason)
.k [nick] (reason)
.ban [nick]
.kickban [nick] (reason)
.kb [nick] (reason)
.unban [nick] .topic [newtopic]
.aban add/del [nick]
.avoice [on/off]
.addhop [nick]
.delhop [nick]
.addop [nick]
.delop [nick]
.addowner [nick]
.delowner [nick]
.taunt <player> - different messages before/during/when picked as captain
.deltag, .nomic, .tag <tag> - .deltag removes tags, .nomic changes all pug tags to nomic, .tag sets a custom tag for all mods
.gt <id> <text> - translates text into language specified by the short form identifier for the language i.e. en,de,fr
.pickorders - returns all pickorders available
.pickorder <mod> - current pickorder for <mod>
.stats - stats link set from .setstats
.findstats <*player*> - wildcard search. returns a maximum of 5 results
.stats <player> <mod> - mod is optional
.ts<#> <server:port> - if # is used queries server set by .setts#
q <ut99/ut2k4/source alias or ip#>
.peak - shows the most players you have had in the channel.
.seen <player> - shows if the player is on or last on.
.8ball <question>
.say [text]
.me [text]
.msg [nick] [text]
.notice [nick] [message]
.clone [nick]
.stopclone [nick]
.server [newserver]
.newchan [newmainchan],

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