MJRBot Commands

[]= Optional
<>= Required

-------------------Ranks Permissions--------------------
Gold(Cost: 5000 points):
-Bypass the Chat Moderation all together

Sliver(Cost: 3500 points):
-Bypass the Emote/Symbol Moderation
-Bypass the Link Moderation

Bronze(Cost: 2000 points):
-Bypass the Link Moderation

------------------User/Viewer Commands------------------
!points - Enables the user to check how many points they have
!spin - Spins the Fruit Machine allowing the user to win/lose points
!rank - Enables the user to check what rank they are
!race - Starts a race game within the chat
!bankheist- Starts a bank heist game within the chat
!answer <NUMBER> - Used with the Maths Game to answer the question
!placebet <CAR> <TYPE> <POINTS> - Used with the Bank Heist Game to make a bet |Cars= 1-8|Type= Top3 or 1st
!buyrank <RANK> - Buy a new Rank|Ranks = Bronze, Iron, Sliver, Gold
!commands - Gives the user a link to a site containing a list of the commands

-------------------Moderator Commands-------------------
!pointscheck <USER> - Enables you to check how many points a user has
!addpoints <POINTS> <USER> - Adds points to a user
!removepoints <POINTS> <USER> - Removes points to a user
!setpoints <POINTS> <USER> - Changes the users points
!uptime - Gives you the amount of time the stream has been online
!maths - Starts a Maths Game within the chat
!setrank <RANK> <USER> - Sets rank to a user
!removerank <USER> - Removes the current rank from the user and sets it to the default rank
!getrank <USER> - Gets the users current rank
!addcommand <NAME> <RESPONSE> <PERMISSIONLEVEL> - To create a new command
!removecommand <NAME> - To remove a command
!commandstate <NAME> <TRUE/FALSE> - To enable/disable custom commands
!commandresponse <NAME> <RESPONSE> - To change the output response of a custom command
!permit <USER> - Allows a user to post a link

-------------------Streamer Commands--------------------
!disconnect - Disconnects the Bot from the channel

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