Commands for TTT

Admin and Moderator commands:
Chat commands (Also works with console, but replace ! with ulx):

!slay <name> - Slays whoever's name you placed
!kick <name> - Kicks whoever's name you placed
!ban <name> - Bans whoever's name you placed
!gag <name> - Makes whoever you "gagged" unable to speak via the microphone
!mute <name> - Makes whoever you "muted" unable to talk via typing in chat
!slaynr <name> <# of rounds> - Slays the player for how many rounds you put
!rslaynr <name> <# of rounds> - Removes how many rounds you put of the player getting slayed
!afk <player> - Forces the player into spectator mode
!vote <title> <options> - Creates a public vote (Title can only be one word)
!voteban <name> <time> <reason> - Creates a public voteban (0 for permaban)
!votekick <name> <reason> - Creates a public votekick
!votemap <id> - Creates a public mapvote (Maps are shown in console with their id when you type !votemap)
@ <text> - Text is only shown to mods/admins
!p <name> <text> - Shows a private message to them only
!motd - Shows the motd

ULX Menu Commands:
ulx csay <text in box> - Makes the text appear in the middle of the screen for everyone
ulx asay <text in box> - Shows text only to mods/admins
ulx gag - Choose a name to gag in-game, making them unable to speak via microphone
ulx mute - Choose a name to mute in-game, making them unable to speak via chat
ulx psay - Shows a private message to the player you chose
ulx thetime - Shows the time
ulx tsay <text in box> - Shows text in the chat box
ulx slay - Slays whoever you chose
ulx mapvote - Forces a map vote for how many seconds you put
~ unmapvote - Takes off the mapvote
ulx motd - Shows the Motd
ulx usermanagementhelp - Shows help in console
ulx afk - Forces whoever you chose to spectator
ulx ban <time> <reason> - Bans the player you chose to the specific amount of time you put
ulx banid <time> <reason>  - Bans the steamid you put to the specific amoount of time you put
ulx kick <reason> - kicks whoever you chose
ulx map - Changes map and gamemode to whatever you chose
ulx slaynr - Slays the player you chose next round
~rslaynr - Removes slays to whoever you chose
ulx spectate - Spectates whoever you choose
ulx unban - unbans the steamid you put
ulx vslaynr - See how many times the player you chose is getting slayed
ulx who - Shows information about players in console
ulx vote - Creates a vote with the title and options you put
ulx voteban - Creates a voteban about the player, reason, and the time length you put
ulx votekick - Creates a votekick to the player and reason you chose
ulx votemap - Creates a votemap with the map you chose


Typing status will give the ids of all the players who are on the server
Right clicking a name in the scoreboard will give you three options:
 1. Copy Name - copies their name
 2. Copy Steamid - copies their steamid
 3. Open Profie - Opens up their profile
Typing * instead of a name in chat/console will do it to all players (Ex: !slay * - Slays everyone)


Chat Commands:
!gimp <name> - Makes the player type pre-made text in chatbox
!sslay <name> - Slays the player you chose silently
!slap <name> <# of times> <damage> - Slaps the player
!whip <player> <# of times> <damage> - Whips the player

Ulx Menu:
ulx slap - Slaps the player you chose with the amount of times and damage you put
ulx whip - Whips the player you chose with the amount of times and damage you put
ulx sslay - Silently slays the player you chose
ulx gimp - Makes the player you chose say pre-made text in chatbox

Slay Now - Slays player
Slay Next Round - Slays player next round
Kick - Kicks player
Ban - Bans player
PermaBan - Permamently bans the player
Mute - Mutes the player
Gag - Gags the player

~Made by Bendylegs12 for World Dominance TTT Server

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