COD4 Server Commands
kick = "kick PID|PART_OF_NICK [REASON] ^2Kicks a player"
map = "map MAPNAME [koth|war|dm|dom|sd|sab] ^2Changes the map and gametype"
restart = "restart [1|0] ^2Restarts the map [1=complete restart]"
ban = "ban PID|PART_OF_NICK [REASON] ^2Bans a player"
tempban = "tempban PID|PART_OF_NICK [DURATION] [REASON] ^2Bans a player temporarily"
help = "help COMMANDNAME ^2Prints the syntax and help of a command"
quitmod = "quitmod ^2Quits Manu-Admin-Mod"
killserver = "killserver ^2Kills the gameserver"
maprotate = "maprotate ^2Loads the next map in mapcycle"
readconfig = "readconfig ^2Reloads the mod's config"
cointoss = "cointoss ^2Throws a coin and shows tails or heads"
gametype = "gametype koth|war|dm|dom|sd|sab|ctf|htf ^2Changes the gametype and restarts the map"
admintest = "admintest ^2Shows your admin group"
time = "time ^2Shows the current time"
nextmap = "nextmap ^2Shows the next map"
kickall = "kickall ^2Kicks all player from server"
uptime = "uptime ^2Shows the server's uptime"
setpw = "setpw PASSWORD ^2Sets a server password"
removepw = "removepw ^2Removes the password"
info = "info ^2Shows the running Manu-Admin-Mod version"
oldschool = "oldschool 1|0 ^2Enables/Disables oldschool, shows effect in next map/round"
hardcore = "hardcore 1|0 ^2Enables/Disables hardcore, shows effect in next map/round"
killcam = "killcam 1|0 ^2Enables/Disables the killcam, shows effect in next map/round"
gravity = "gravity [VALUE] ^2Sets g_gravity to ^3VALUE^2, if ^3VALUE^2 isn't set to 800 (default)"
knockback = "knockback [VALUE] ^2Sets g_knockback to^3 VALUE^2, if ^3VALUE^2 isn't set to 1000 (default)"
speed = "speed [VALUE] ^2Sets g_speed to ^3VALUE^2, if ^3VALUE^2 isn't set to 190 (default)"
me = "me ^2Shows your PID and GUID"
devmap = "devmap MAPNAME ^2Changes the map to ^3MAPNAME ^2with enabled cheats"
rcon = "rcon COMMAND ^2Executes a RCON command"
ff = "ff ^2Shows the current friendly fire type"
say = "say MESSAGE ^2Prints a red message as ^7console"
setff = "setff 0|1|2|3 ^2Changes FF-type: 0=disabled, 1=enabled, 2=reflected, 3=shared"
pl = "pl ^2Shows the players with their PIDs"
cmdlist = "cmdlist ^2Shows the commands available for your admin group"
maps = "maps ^2Shows the installed maps from maps.cfg"
exec = "exec NAMEOFCONFIG ^2Executes a config ON THE SERVER"
setnextmap = "setnextmap MAPNAME [koth|war|dm|dom|sd|sab|ctf|htf] ^2Sets the next map and gametype"
checkadmin = "checkadmin PID|PART_OF_NICK ^2Shows the admin group of a player"
warn = "warn PID|PART_OF_NICK REASON ^2Warns a player"
fun = "fun [msg] ^2Prints a funmessage"
setgroup = "setgroup GROUP PID|PART_OF_NICK ^2Sets the admin group of a player"
protect = "protect PID|PART_OF_NICK ^2Sets or removes the protection of an admin"
stats = "stats ^2Shows your overall stats"
forgive = "forgive ^2Forgives last teamkill (only when anti teamkiller and forgivenesses are enabled)"
tki = "tki ^2Shows your current teamkill index"
session = "session ^2Shows your stats of your current game session"
vote = "vote [VOTE] [ARG] ^2Calls a vote"
avote = "avote [VOTE] [ARG] ^2Forces a vote"
cancel = "cancel ^2Cancels the current vote"
pass = "pass ^2Passes the current vote"
yes = "yes ^2Votes yes"
no = "no ^2Votes no"
online = "online ^2Shows currently online admins"
aliases = "aliases PID|TEIL_DES_NICKS ^2Shows all ever used aliases of a player"
serverstats = "serverstats ^2Shows the server stats"
status = "status ^2Shows infos about MAMs status"
resetplayerstats = "resetplayerstats PID|PART_OF_NAME ^2Resets the stats of a player"
resetmystats = "resetmystats ^2Resets own stats"
whisper = "whisper PID|PART_OF_NAME MSG ^2Sends a private message to a player"
voting = "voting 1|0 ^2Enabled/Disabled the built in voting feature"
vmap = "vmap # ^2Votes for a map to play next"
skip = "skip ^2Vote for skipping the next map"
getip = "getip PID|PART_OF_NICK ^2Displays (and saves) the IP address of a player"
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