Unturned Admin Commands

Unturned Admin Commands

Basically it gives a certain user a set of commands:

/ban <player name> OR /ban <number> (using <number> asks for confirmation, because player numbers seem basically random)
/kick <player name> OR same as above
/repeat <announcement>
/reason <reason> - When kicking or banning someone, this will be the message they get when disconnecting
/kill <playername>
/setitemsdelay <time in seconds>
/enablewhitelist , /disablewhitelist
/unban <playername>
/reloadCommands - this basically reloads the tool, resets timers, loads admins, announce messages and whitelisted players from their .txt files
/tpto <number> OR /tp <playername>
/tptome same as above
/promote <playername>
/heal <player>
/i <itemid> <amount>
/car - teleports a car to you
/tp <x> <y> <z>
/sethome (if enabled in config)
/home (if enabled in config)

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