TheBorgBot Commands

TheBorgBot Commands

TheBorgBot Commands 

Subscriber Commands:
Here's all the commands currently active: [link to this site]

Here's the background -

Click this link to subscribe on a mobile device -

Click this link to send a Twitch message to Alan and Vic on a mobile device -

To purchase a V Shirt, make a donation of $20 ($35 if you live outside the US) using the donation icon below. Be sure to leave a message in the donation making it clear you'd like to purchase a shirt. You should also send a private message, via Twitch, to “dexter_bl” which contains a notice that you donated money for a shirt, your name, address, and shirt size.

Alan and Victoria currently have 1 dog (Obi) and 7 cats (Neo, Nikita, Dennis, Cocoa, Chester, Lex, and Chinese Kitty)

Please type your address accordingly:
Name: Alan Smith [HIT ENTER]
Address: #12 199 Shitballs Lane [HIT ENTER]
City/State/Zip Code: Fuckville, CA 92122 [SEND MESSAGE]

(Note: This command would mainly be used for when Alan is bitching about people not typing their addresses correctly during a mail-delivered giveaway.)

Moderator Commands:
“!game 'game' “
Game set to: 'game' 
(Note: Just type the name of the game they’re currently playing where 'game' is.)
If no game is specified it will show which game is currently being played
The game currently being played is:

Adding/Editing/Removing Custom Commands:
Will list all of the custom commands that are currently active.

"!addcmd !?(1) ?(2)"
In place of ?(1) you're going to want to put your desired trigger word. For example "!pets" triggers the pet command.
In place of ?(2) you put whatever text you want the command to return when triggered.

"!editcmd !?(1) ?(2)"
Here, for ?(1) you're going to put the trigger for the command you want to edit, and then follow that with your edited text for the command, in place of ?(2).

"!remcmd !?(1)"
This one is simple. Just type the trigger for the command you want to remove in place of ?(1).

If you have a more complex command you'd like to see added (does more than return a text-based statement) let me know via Twitch message and I'll see what I can do.

Adding/Removing Custom Announcements:
"!announce (1) (2) (3)
(1) - the title of the announcement, mainly used for when you want to remove the announcement.
(2) - the timer. How long before the announcement repeats itself again (IN MINUTES)
(3) - the message you want to announce
When you create an announcement, a custom subscriber command will also be created with the trigger being the title you used for the announcement
  Ex. !announce test 10 Just a test. Kappa
    - Title: test
    - Timer: 10 minutes
    - Message: Just a test. Kappa
    - Sub Command: "!test" - Just a test. Kappa


Countdown Commands [MODS ONLY]:

--SHOT Countdown--
“!shotcd #”
Used to set the counter to a certain number

“!+ #”
“!- #”
Used to add/subtract an amount from the current value of shots remaining
(Note: There’s  a  [space] between the +/- and the #.)

Used to check how many shots are currently remaining

--SUB Countdown--
“!subcd #”
Set the Subscriber Countdown to a certain number. 
(Note: This countdown automatically updates each time someone subscribes so you don’t have to manually change the number.)
If no # is specified it will display how many subscribers are left to go.
# Subscribers to go!

“!subcd off”
The countdown should shut itself off when it hits 0, but if it doesn’t, use this command.

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