Emotestats commands
!keyword list //lists all keywords in the channel
!keyword new <keywordname> <;keyword1;keyword2;...;keywordn;> <response> //adds a new keyword (supports regex: <regex:<regex>> example "regex:^next\s*game\s*ResidentSleeper$")
!keyword del <keywordname> //deletes a keyword
!keyword getkeywords <keywordname> //lists the keywordsets list
!keyword addkeyword <keywordname> <;keyword1;keyword2;...;keywordn;> //adds a keywordset to an existing keyword (supports regex: <regex:<regex>> example "regex:^next\s*game\s*ResidentSleeper$")
!keyword delkeyword <keywordname> <;keyword1;keyword2;...;keywordn; OR index> //deletes a keywordset from an existing keyword
!keyword editresponse <keywordname> <response with special arguments (see special arguments below)> //edits the response of an existing keyword
!keyword active <keywordname> <true/false> //activates/deactivates a keyword response
!keyword online <keywordname> <true/false> //activates/deactivates a keyword response when the channel is online
!keyword offline <keywordname> <true/false> //activates/deactivates a keyword response when the channel is offline
!keyword modkeyword <keywordname> <true/false> //makes a keyword ignore cool downs
!keyword whitelist <keywordname> <true/false> //activates whitelist mode
!keyword getwhitelist <keywordname> //lists the whitelist
!keyword addwhitelist <keywordname> <name> //adds a user to the whitelist
!keyword delwhitelist <keywordname> <name or index> //removes a user from the whitelist
!command list //lists all commands in the channel
!command syntax <commandname> //gets the sytnax for an existing command
!command new <commandname> !<syntax> <response> //adds a new command
!command del <commandname> //deletes a command
!command editsyntax <commandname> //edits the sytnax for an existing command
!command editresponse <commandname> <response with special arguments (see special arguments below)> //edits the response of an existing command
!command active <commandname> <true/false> //activates/deactivates a command response
!command whitelist <commandname> <true/false> //activates whitelist mode
!command getwhitelist <commandname> //lists the whitelist
!command addwhitelist <commandname> <name> //adds a user to the whitelist
!command delwhitelist <commandname> <name or index> //removes a user from the whitelist
!command userlevel <commandname> <admin OR mod OR sub OR nonsub> //sets the needes userlevel to use the command
!command autorespond <commandname> <true/false> //sets the auto respond for the command
!command interval <commandname> <integer> //sets the interval for the auto respond in seconds
!moderation getblacklist //lists the blacklist
!moderation addblacklist <phrase> //adds a phrase to the blacklist (supports regex: <regex:<regex>> example "regex:^next\s*game\s*ResidentSleeper$")
!moderation delblacklist <phrase OR index> //deltes a phrase from the blacklist
!moderation symbol <true/false> //activates smybol timeouts
!moderation symboltime <integer> //sets the smybol timeout time in seconds
!moderation maxsymbols <integer> //sets the max allowed smybols in a message
!moderation caps <true/false> //activates caps timeouts
!moderation capstime <integer> //sets the caps timeout time in seconds
!moderation maxcaps <integer> //sets the max allowed caps in a row
!moderation length <true/false> //activates max length timeouts
!moderation lengthtime <integer> //sets the length timeout time in seconds
!moderation maxlength <integer> //sets the max allowed message length
!moderation repetition <true/false> //activates repetition timeouts
!moderation repetition <integer> //sets the repetition timeout time in seconds
!moderation maxrepetition <integer> //sets the max repetition
!moderation delay <integer> //sets the time between the message and the timeout in ms (to make up for browser <message deleted> delay)
!addbl //adds a user to the perma ban list (no response)
!delbl //deletes a user from the perma ban list (no response)
!addbanned //adds a banned phrase for scan commands etc
!setemotecount <name> <emote> <integer> //sets the emote amount for a user to <integer>
!resetemotes <name> //resets all emotes for that user
!startvoting //starts the votebot (voting currently sodapoppin exclusive contact me if you want a similar system)
!votingshutdown //disconnects the votebot (see above)
!startcasino //starts the casino bot
!casinoshutdown //disconnects the casinobot (users wont be able to earn points when the bot is offline)
!changegame <game> //Overloads (and logs the new game) the current game (for !game and %GAMEINFO%)
!updatesteam //updates the steam game id list (no response)
!respond <on/off> //silences/desilences the bot (main bot)
!emoterespond <on/off> //enables/disables emote commands
!spamtimer <integer> //sets the global cd for commands in seconds
!pspamtimer <integer> //sets the personal cd for commands in seconds
!kspamtimer <integer> //sets the keyword cd (time between same keywords)
!trivialoadup //starts the trivia bot
!delgame <integer> //deltes a game from the game log (see !gamesplayed)
!kpmuptime //uptime of the bot
!uptime //gets channel uptime
!downtime //gets channel downtime
!title //gets the channel title
!game //gets the current game
!age OR !age <user> //gets ur channel creation date or the channel creation date of a user
!gamesplayed OR !gamesplayed <dd.mm.yyyy> //gets a list of all games played for the last stream or for a date
!gamescan <game> //scans the gamelog for a game and lists the dates
!lines or !lines <name> //gets total lines in the channel or for a user
!scan <name> <phrase> //scans a user for a phrase
!globalscan <phrase> //scans the channel for a phrase
!settings //lists current cool down settings
!total <emote> //gets the total emote amount
!ranking <emote> //lists the emote ranking for a twitch emote
!myfav //gets the favorite emote of the sender
!my <emote> //gets stats for a twitch emote
!lordof <emote> //gets the emote lord
!topemote <emote> //gets the all time top emote of the channel
!worstemote <emote> //gets the all time least used emote
!<emote> <name> //gets stats same as !my but for another person
casino and trivia commands coming soon...
special arguments:
%SENDER% //shows the name of the user triggering the response in format "@user"
%SENDERNAME% //shows the name of the user triggering the response in format "user"
%GAMEINFO% //current game (name, playtime)
%CDXX:XXPM/AM% //countdown (UTC timezone)
%ECHO% //echoes the whole message which triggered the response without the actual syntax (commands only) example: "!echotest hello what up?" would respond "hello what up" be careful with abuse!
%INDEX<integer>% //echoes the argument at index <integer> example: "!indextest hnlpower emotestats" %INDEX1% would be hnlpower and %INDEX2% would be emotestats note that if you put %INDEX4% into your command the command has to have at least 4 arguments
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