KSF surf commands | Counter-Strike: Source

KSF surf commands | Counter-Strike: Source

These are the console commands on the KSF surf servers in the game Counter-Strike: Source.

Put "sm_" in front of a command to use it in console.
Put "!" or "/" in front of a command to use it in chat. If you use "/", your message will not show up to others.

There is also the !surf command for new players, and most commands have abbreviations: /mi instead of /mapinfo

I have put + before commands that can be prepended with a, sw, hsw, bw for angle surf, sideways, half-sideways, backwards
e.g: sm_ctop -> sm_hswctop

info | Display surftimer commands
surftimer | Display Surftimer settings configuration menu
restart | Teleports you to the start of the map
teleport | Teleports you to the start of your current stage
bonus | Teleports you to a bonus in the map
stage | Teleports you to a stage in the map and enables practice mode
goback | Teleports you back one stage
stop | Stops your timer
timeleft | Displays time left until map end
specinfo | Displays player's spectators

+rank | Displays player's Rank in chat
+mrank | Displays player's map rank in chat
+crank | Displays player's Country Rank in chat
+pc | Displays player's percent completion
apc | Displays player's total percent completion
cp | Displays player's current zone

+lookup | Search for a player by name or steamid
+player | Displays player's rank menu
playerinfo | Displays player's information menu
+pr | Displays player's personal record on a map
+prinfo | Displays player's personal record detailed information on a map

+cpr | Displays compare personal record menu
+ccp | Displays compare stage times menu
mapinfo | Displays map information menu
+surftop | Displays top players by points
+ctop | Displays countries by total points
+top | Displays top times in a map/stage
+btop | Displays top times in a bonus
+mtop | Displays main map menu
+topwr | Displays players by number of WRs
+topwrb | Displays players by number of WRBs
+topwrcp | Displays players by number of WRCPs
+wr | Displays the WR on a map
+wrb | Displays the WRB on a map
+wrcp | Displays the WRCP on a map
+rr | Displays recent Map records menu
+rrb | Displays recent Bonus records menu
+rrcp | Displays recent Stage records menu
+rp | Displays player's recently set records
+rb | Displays player's recently broken records
+rrtop10 | Displays recent Top10 records

demos | Displays a list of available 96 hour demos
uploadeddemos | Displays a list of uploaded demos
wrdemos | Displays a list of WR & WRB demos
lastplayed | Displays a list of recently played maps
mostplayed | Displays a list of most played maps

+toppc | Displays players by Percent Completion
+toptop10 | Displays players by Top10 Points (Abbreviation: sm_topt10)
+topimprov | Displays players by Improvement Points (Abbreviation: sm_topimp)

noclip | Toggle Noclip
speed | Change timescale speed
gravity | Change gravity
triggers | Toggle triggers
cheats | Toggle sv_cheats
getloc | Gets a Player's location
saveloc | Saves current location
tele | Teleports to location
size | Change Model Size
spec | Spectate Specified player

+mostwr | Displays players by most number of WRs beat
+mostwrb | Displays players by most number of WRBs beat
+mostwrcp | Displays players by most number of WRCPs beat
+mostcontested | Display Most Contested Maps

age | Display Age of Server and Total Time Spent On Server
togglemapfinish | Toggle map completion upon entering the end zone
practice | Enable Practice Mode
makezone | Create a custom practice zone
removezone | Remove a custom practice zone
showzone | Show a custom practice zone
telezone | Teleport To a custom practice zone
togglevel | Toggle velocity message in chat
makezone | Create a custom practice zone
removezone | Remove a custom practice zone
showzone | Show a custom practice zone
telezone | Teleport To a custom practice zone
togglevel | Toggle velocity message in c

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