Killing Floor 2 Console Commands

Killing Floor 2 Console Commands

Berserk = Gives you Berserker weapons.
Medic = Gives you Medic weapons.
Assault = Gives you Commando weapons.
Shotty = Gives you Support weapons.
Nails = Gives you the VLAD-1000 Nailgun.
Uberammo = Unlimited ammo (no reload) and grenades.
NoSpread/GoSpread = Disables/Enables weapon spread.
NoRecoil/GoRecoil = Disables/Enables weapon recoil.
WeapFOV x = Changes weapon FOV (have to be changed for each individual weapon).
NextTrack = Plays the next song.
SetGravity x = Sets the gravity.
SetJumpZ x = Sets how high the player jumps.
SetSpeed x = Sets the player walk speed.
ClearCorpses = Does what it says.
ClearSplatters = Does what it says.
ResetDoors = Resets all doors on the map.
ToggleZedsIgnoreMe = Zeds with AI will ignore the player and possibly die from inactivity.
ToggleHUD, ShowHUD = Shows/hides the hud.
ToggleScreenShotMode = Removes HUD and arms. Arms will permanently be disabled, use ShowHands 1 to reenable them.

SpawnDebugAI = Works exactly like SpawnZed, but spawns a Zed with controllable AI.
AI = Just type this in and some AI commands will appear above (if using F3 console), scroll to find more. These commands will only work with a Debug AI character.

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