--ban and timeout commands are CASE SENSITIVE!
--thus, the capitalization must be exact their messages won't be cleared from chat
--(though the command itself will still work, because the hitbox server is case insensitive to names)

--this is just a 1 sec timeout
/timeout [username] 1

--default time = 600 sec (10 min) if not given
--timeout can be revoked by either using "/unban" or "/timeout 0"
--a new timeout time can be set at any time, the new one replaces the old one
/timeout [username] [time in seconds]

/ban [username]
/unban [username]

--can only be given as "red"/"green"/"blue"/"yellow" via the command
/color [color]

--clears only your window

--shouldn't need to use this unless your chat gets disconnected for some reason


/timeout RacistGuy 1
/timeout AggressiveDude
/timeout AggressiveDude 3600
/ban TotalAsshole
/unban AccidentallyBannedGuy
/color green

Twitch.tv - PsiSyndicate Chat Commands

Twitch.tv - PsiSyndicate Chat Commands By Naim Hashmi

Twitch.tv - PsiSyndicate Chat Commands
Twitch.tv - PsiSyndicate Chat Commands
One- !command add test testing
Two- !command [add] [test] testing

---RNGRbot commands---

!sch / !stream - Lewis regular stream schedule.
!chat - Current amount of people in Lewis chat.
!emote / !emoticons - Subscribers-only emoticons.
!list - Links this page.
~~~These commands might not work~~~
!viewers - Displays the current amount of viewers.
!bitrate - The current broadcast bitrate.
!uptime - How long the stream has been live for.
~~~                             ~~~

+m - Slow mode on.
-m - Slow mode off.
+s - Subscribers-only mode on.
-s - Subscribers-only mode off.
-b [NAME] - Unbans the user called NAME.
!clear - Clears the chat.

!owner [add/remove] [NAME] - Give NAME owner permissions.
!offensive [add/remove] [WORD] - Blacklists WORD from being typed by anyone except Moderators(+).
!command [add/remove] [NAME] [TEXT] - Adds a command named NAME, to use it: Type !name.
!schedule [add/remove] [NAME] [pattern] [message difference] ~ Ask AssistantNick for information about it.
!rejoin - RNGRbot will rejoin the current channel.

---Moobot commands---

!specs - Lewis PC specifications.
!social - Lewis Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.
!follow - Follow Lewis.
!emotion - Subscribers-only emoticons.

!permit [NAME] - NAME will be able to type in all-caps once(?).
!moobot poll open [1, 2, 3] - Will make a poll with three options: 1, 2, 3.
!moobot poll close - Closes the poll.
!moobot poll reset - Resets the votes.

!moobot commands [add/remove] [NAME] - Adds the command which can be triggered by using "!identifier". (This feature is limited, use RNGRbot instead.
!moobot regulars [add/remove] [NAME] - NAME will permanently not get timed out from typing in all-caps(?).
!moobot owners [add/remove] [NAME] - Give NAME owner permissions.

For command suggestions feel free to comment (This website is not monitored by PsiSyndicate).


Moobot Commands

Use commands to interact with the bot directly from the chat.

As an example, a command described below as !command [on / off] can either be used like !command on or like !command off
Moobot Commands

User commands

moobot                 Lists all commands you can use.
moobot join         Sends moobot to your chat.
moobot remove Removes moobot from your chat.
vote [option]         Adds your vote to the current poll.
raffle                         Adds your username to the raffle if one is open.
raffle [message]         Adds your username to the raffle if one is open, and sets an optional message that will   be displayed if your username is drawn from the raffle.

Moderator commands

[custom command] [text] Sets the text tag of the command.
permit [user] Temporarily makes the user immune to the enabled spam filters.
moobot poll open [option 1, option 2, option 3...] Adds the voting options to the poll and opens it for voting.
moobot poll close Closes the poll for new votes and displays the final results.
moobot poll reset Resets the poll's votes.
moobot poll results Displays the current results of the set poll.
moobot raffle open Resets the raffle and opens it for new entries.
moobot raffle close Closes the raffle for new entries.
moobot raffle draw Closes the raffle for new entries and draws a username from the current entries.
moobot raffle reset Resets the raffle, removing all entries.
moobot raffle total Displays the total number of usernames in the current raffle.
moobot raffle userlist Draws a username from the userlist.
Owner commands

moobot commands add [identifier] Adds the command which can be triggered by using !identifier
moobot commands remove [identifier] Removes the command.
moobot commands example [command] Adds an example-command so you can see how a specific command can be set up. The command can be any of these, which will behave differently:
topic: displays and sets a stream topic
title: sets the stream title
commercial: runs a commercial
game: sets the game name
gamertag: displays information about your Xbox Live gamertag
[custom command] help Displays the command list for this custom command.
[custom command] format [set / unset] [format] Sets the format of your command, which will determine how the command is displayed when called. Use tags in your format to insert dynamic data like countdowns, usernames etc. See the tags command for available tags, and the example commands for examples on different formats.
[custom command] toggle [on / off] Sets if normal users are able to use this command.
[custom command] command [event] Sets an event that will be performed every time this custom command is called. Can be any of the following:
clear: clears the chat
commercial: runs a commercial
game: sets the stream's game
title: sets the title of the stream
unset: removes the set event, if any
[custom command] repeat [on / off] Sets if the command will automatically repeat after a set amount of time and chat lines passed. If any command event is associated with the command it will always be performed after the set time, even if the chat lines have not been passed.
[custom command] repeat time [time] Sets how many minutes of time must pass before the custom command repeats.
[custom command] repeat chatlines [chatlines] Sets how many chat lines must pass before the custom command repeats.
[custom command] tags Displays all the tags you can use in your custom command's format. These tags will insert the data when the command is called, and can be as follows:
<text>: the text stored when calling the command like !command [text]
<by>: what username set the text
<when>: when the last text was set
<user>: what username is calling the command
<poll>: the results of the set poll
<raffle>: random draw from the raffle
<title>: the current title of the stream
<game>: the current game being played
<title>: the current stream title
<countdown>: time remaining on the set countdown
<followers>: number of followers the stream has
<gt.gamertag>: the set Xbox Live gamertag
<gt.gamerscore>: the gamerscore of the Xbox Live gamertag
<gt.lastplayed.title>: title of the last played Xbox Live game
<gt.lastplayed.when>: time since the last played Xbox Live game was played
<gt.lastplayed.percentage>: percent completed of the last played Xbox Live game
<lol.league>: League of Legends summoner's league
<lol.kda>: League of Legends summoner's K/D/A
<lol.losses>: League of Legends summoner's losses
<lol.wins>: League of Legends summoner's wins
moobot antispam toggle [on / off] Enables or disables all the spam filters.
moobot antispam toggle [type] [on / off] Enables or disables the specific type of spam filter, which can be:
Caps: Excessive use of capital letters
Links: Links and garbled links
Symbols: Excessive use of symbols
Spam: General spam
Walloftext: Long paragraphs
Fakepurge: Fake purges
Censor: Banned words by the Twitch chat filter
Smilies: Excessive use of smiley faces
moobot antispam warning [on / off] Enables or disables if the user will get a warning before getting timed out.
moobot antispam msg [on / off] Enables or disables sending a public message when someone is timed out.
moobot antispam msg universal [on / off] Enables or disables using a generic purge message (avoids extra spam)
moobot antispam msg [type] [message] Sets a custom message for the given spam filter type.
moobot antispam time [purge / warning] [seconds] Sets the duration of purges made by the bot.
moobot antispam permit [add / remove] [valid URL] Permanently permits an URL so anyone who links to it will not get removed by the bot. You can use the *-character as a wildcard in the URL, like so:
moobot regulars [add / remove] [username] Permanently allows the user to be immune to the enabled spam filters.
moobot owners [add / remove] [username] Allows a user to have full access to your bot's settings. Be careful who you give this privilege to.
moobot toggle [on / off] Sets if normal users are able to use the !moobot command.
moobot follow Gets the bot to follow your stream.
Contributor commands

moobot antispam subscribers [on/off] Toggles treating subscribers as regulars without adding them manually.
Admin & staff commands

moobot join [username] Sends moobot to the given user's chat.
moobot remove [username] Removes moobot from the given user's chat.

All gmod voice commands

All Chat Sounds for Garry's Mod : List of all gmod voice commands.

how to bind chat commands in gmod gmod e2 chat commands gmod command to kill player gmod command to give money gmod command to join server gmod command to spawn props gmod command to drop weapon gmod command to dance
Chat Command - GMod
ChatBox.AddSound("enough of your mumbo jumbo", "vo/npc/male01/vanswer01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("bullshit", "vo/npc/male01/question26.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("yay", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_yell.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("shit", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_ohshit03.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("hax", "vo/npc/male01/hacks01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("hacks", "vo/npc/male01/hacks02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("h4x", "vo/npc/male01/thehacks01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("h4cks", "vo/npc/male01/thehacks02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("okay", "vo/npc/male01/ok01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/ok02.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("derka", "vo/npc/vortigaunt/vortigese12.wav", "vo/npc/vortigaunt/vortigese11.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("noes", "vo/npc/Alyx/ohno_startle01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("get down", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_getdown.wav", "vo/npc/male01/getdown02.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("gtfo", "vo/npc/male01/gethellout.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("gtho", "vo/npc/male01/gethellout.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("yeah", "vo/npc/male01/yeah02.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("rofl", "vo/Citadel/br_laugh01.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("lmao", "vo/Citadel/br_laugh01.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("run", "vo/npc/male01/strider_run.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("run for your life", "vo/npc/male01/runforyourlife01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/runforyourlife02.wav", "vo/npc/male01/runforyourlife03.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("fantastic", "vo/npc/male01/fantastic01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/fantastic02.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("headcrabs", "vo/npc/male01/headcrabs01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/headcrabs02.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("headhumpers", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_headhumpers.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("hello", "vo/coast/odessa/nlo_cub_hello.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("eek", "ambient/voices/f_scream1.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("uh oh", "vo/npc/male01/uhoh.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("sodomy!", "vo/ravenholm/madlaugh01.wav", "vo/ravenholm/madlaugh02.wav", "vo/ravenholm/madlaugh03.wav", "vo/ravenholm/madlaugh04.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("oops", "vo/npc/male01/whoops01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("shut up", "vo/npc/male01/answer17.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("shutup", "vo/npc/male01/answer17.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("right on", "vo/npc/male01/answer32.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("freeman", "vo/npc/male01/gordead_ques03a.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("help", "vo/npc/male01/help01.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("haxz", "vo/npc/male01/herecomehacks01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("hi", "vo/npc/male01/hi01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/hi02.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("let's go", "vo/npc/male01/letsgo01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/letsgo02.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("lets go", "vo/npc/male01/letsgo01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/letsgo02.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("moan", "vo/npc/male01/moan01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/moan02.wav", "vo/npc/male01/moan03.wav", "vo/npc/male01/moan04.wav", "vo/npc/male01/moan05.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("nice", "vo/npc/male01/nice.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("noo", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_no01.wav", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_no02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("nooo", "vo/npc/male01/no02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("oh no", "vo/npc/male01/ohno.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("joygasm", "vo/npc/female01/pain06.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("zombies", "vo/npc/male01/zombies01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/zombies02.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("da man", "bot/whos_the_man.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("my house", "bot/this_is_my_house.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("party", "bot/its_a_party.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("watch out", "vo/npc/male01/watchout.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("excuse me", "vo/npc/male01/excuseme01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/excuseme02.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("you sure?", "vo/npc/male01/answer37.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("groan", "vo/npc/male01/moan04.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("gasp", "vo/npc/male01/startle01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/startle02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("sorry", "vo/npc/male01/sorry01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/sorry02.wav", "vo/npc/male01/sorry03.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("welcome to city 17", "vo/Breencast/br_welcome01.wav", "vo/Breencast/br_welcome06.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("it's safer here", "vo/Breencast/br_welcome07.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i'm talking to you", "vo/Breencast/br_tofreeman02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("serve mankind", "vo/Breencast/br_tofreeman12.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("get going", "vo/canals/shanty_go_nag03.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("go on out", "vo/canals/gunboat_goonout.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("get outta here", "vo/canals/shanty_go_nag01.wav", "vo/canals/boxcar_go_nag03.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("go on", "vo/canals/shanty_go_nag02.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("hey", "vo/canals/shanty_hey.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("get in here hurry", "vo/canals/matt_getin.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("hit the road jack", "vo/canals/boxcar_go_nag04.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("no", "vo/Citadel/eli_notobreen.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("no!", "vo/Citadel/br_failing11.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("never", "vo/Citadel/eli_nonever.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("you fool", "vo/Citadel/br_youfool.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("good god", "vo/Citadel/eli_goodgod.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("cheer", "vo/coast/odessa/male01/nlo_cheer01.wav", "vo/coast/odessa/male01/nlo_cheer02.wav", "vo/coast/odessa/male01/nlo_cheer03.wav", "vo/coast/odessa/male01/nlo_cheer04.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("drive safely", "vo/coast/odessa/male01/nlo_citizen_drivesafe.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("whoops", "vo/k_lab/ba_whoops.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("gee thanks", "vo/k_lab/ba_geethanks.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("what the hell", "vo/k_lab/ba_whatthehell.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("it's your pet the freakin headhumper", "vo/k_lab/ba_headhumper01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i'll stay here", "vo/npc/male01/illstayhere01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/imstickinghere01.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("up there", "vo/npc/male01/upthere01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/upthere02.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("he's dead", "vo/npc/male01/gordead_ques01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/gordead_ques07.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("lead the way", "vo/npc/male01/leadtheway02.wav", "vo/npc/male01/leadtheway01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("we're done for", "vo/npc/male01/gordead_ans14.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("over there", "vo/npc/male01/overthere01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/overthere02.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("ok i'm ready", "vo/npc/male01/okimready01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/okimready02.wav", "vo/npc/male01/okimready03.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("i'm with you", "vo/npc/male01/answer13.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("hey over here", "vo/npc/male01/overhere01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("behind you", "vo/npc/male01/behindyou01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/behindyou02.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("follow me", "vo/npc/male01/squad_away03.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("pardon me", "vo/npc/male01/pardonme01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/pardonme02.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("got one", "vo/npc/male01/gotone01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/gotone02.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("finally", "vo/npc/male01/finally.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("wait for me", "vo/npc/male01/squad_reinforce_single04.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("i'm hurt", "vo/npc/male01/imhurt01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("take cover", "vo/npc/male01/takecover02.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("it's a manhack", "vo/npc/male01/itsamanhack02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("incoming", "vo/npc/male01/incoming02.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("ready when you are", "vo/npc/male01/readywhenyouare01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/readywhenyouare02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("don't forget hawaii", "vo/npc/male01/answer34.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("that's enough outta you", "vo/npc/male01/answer39.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("wait for us", "vo/npc/male01/squad_reinforce_group04.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("now what?", "vo/npc/male01/gordead_ans01.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("we trusted you", "vo/npc/male01/wetrustedyou01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/wetrustedyou02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("god i'm hungry", "vo/npc/male01/question28.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i'm ganna be sick", "vo/npc/male01/gordead_ans19.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you're talking to yourself again", "vo/npc/male01/answer09.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("come on everybody", "vo/npc/male01/squad_follow02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("watch what you're doing", "vo/npc/male01/watchwhat.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("your mind is in the gutter", "vo/npc/male01/answer20.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("here they come!", "vo/npc/male01/heretheycome01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("same here", "vo/npc/male01/answer07.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("i wouldn't say that too loud", "vo/npc/male01/answer10.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i'll put it on your tombstone", "vo/npc/male01/answer11.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("have you ever had an original thought?", "vo/npc/male01/answer16.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("let's concentrate on the task at hand", "vo/npc/male01/answer18.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("keep your mind on your work", "vo/npc/male01/answer19.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you never know", "vo/npc/male01/answer22.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you never can tell", "vo/npc/male01/answer23.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("why are you telling me?", "vo/npc/male01/answer24.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("how about that", "vo/npc/male01/answer25.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("want a bet?", "vo/npc/male01/answer27.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("what am i supposed to do about it?", "vo/npc/male01/answer29.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("you talking to me?", "vo/npc/male01/answer30.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("leave it alone", "vo/npc/male01/answer38.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("can't you see i'm busy?", "vo/npc/male01/busy02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("look out below", "vo/npc/male01/cit_dropper04.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("shouldn't we be doing something?", "vo/npc/male01/doingsomething.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("let's even the odds a little", "vo/npc/male01/evenodds.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("oh god", "vo/npc/male01/gordead_ans04.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("should we bury him here?", "vo/npc/male01/gordead_ans08.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("what's the use?", "vo/npc/male01/gordead_ans11.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("what's the point?", "vo/npc/male01/gordead_ans12.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("this is bad", "vo/npc/male01/gordead_ques10.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("hold down this spot", "vo/npc/male01/holddownspot01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/holddownspot02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i'm hurt", "vo/npc/male01/imhurt01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/imhurt02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("im hurt", "vo/npc/male01/imhurt01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/imhurt02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("sometimes i dream about cheese", "vo/npc/male01/question06.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i can't remember the last time i had a shower", "vo/npc/male01/question19.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("watch what you're doing", "vo/npc/male01/watchwhat.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you got it", "vo/npc/male01/yougotit02.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("we thought you were here to help", "vo/npc/male01/heretohelp01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/heretohelp02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("hey doc", "vo/npc/male01/heydoc01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/heydoc02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("hit in the gut", "vo/npc/male01/hitingut01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/hitingut02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("like that?", "vo/npc/male01/likethat.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("my leg", "vo/npc/male01/myleg01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/myleg02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("my gut", "vo/npc/male01/mygut02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("my arm", "vo/npc/male01/myarm01.wav", "vo/npc/male01/myarm02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("no no", "vo/npc/male01/no01.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("you're not the man i thought you were", "vo/npc/male01/notthemanithought01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("one for me and one for me", "vo/npc/male01/oneforme.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("let me get out of your way", "vo/npc/male01/outofyourway02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i don't think this war is ever going to end", "vo/npc/male01/question01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("to think all i used to want to do is sell insurance", "vo/npc/male01/question02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i don't dream anymore", "vo/npc/male01/question03.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("when this is all over ah who am i kidding", "vo/npc/male01/question04.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("woah deja vu", "vo/npc/male01/question05.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you smell that? it's freedom", "vo/npc/male01/question07.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("if i ever get my hands on dr. breen", "vo/npc/male01/question08.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i could eat a horse hooves and all", "vo/npc/male01/question09.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i can't believe this day has finally come", "vo/npc/male01/question10.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i'm pretty sure this isn't part of the plan", "vo/npc/male01/question11.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("looks to me like things are getting worse not better", "vo/npc/male01/question12.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("if i could live my life over again", "vo/npc/male01/question13.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i'm not even gonna tell you what that reminds me of", "vo/npc/male01/question14.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("they're never gonna make a stalker outta me", "vo/npc/male01/question15.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("finally change is in the air", "vo/npc/male01/question16.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you feel it? i feel it", "vo/npc/male01/question17.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i don't feel anything anymore", "vo/npc/male01/question18.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("some day this will all be a bad memory", "vo/npc/male01/question20.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i'm not a betting man but the odds are not good", "vo/npc/male01/question21.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("doesn't anyone care what i think?", "vo/npc/male01/question22.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i can't get this tune outta my head", "vo/npc/male01/question23.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i just knew it was gonna be one of those days", "vo/npc/male01/question25.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i think i ate something bad", "vo/npc/male01/question27.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("when this is all over i'm gonna mate", "vo/npc/male01/question29.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i'm glad there's no kids around to see this", "vo/npc/male01/question30.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("scanners", "vo/npc/male01/scanners01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("whatever you say", "vo/npc/male01/squad_affirm03.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("ok i'm going", "vo/npc/male01/squad_affirm04.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("here it goes", "vo/npc/male01/squad_affirm05.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("here goes nothing", "vo/npc/male01/squad_affirm06.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("here we come", "vo/npc/male01/squad_approach02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("on our way", "vo/npc/male01/squad_approach03.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("coming", "vo/npc/male01/squad_approach04.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("this way gang", "vo/npc/male01/squad_away01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("over here", "vo/npc/male01/squad_away02.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("let's get moving", "npc/male01/squad_follow03.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("gordon freeman, you're here", "vo/npc/male01/squad_greet01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("stop it freeman", "vo/npc/male01/stopitfm.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("strider", "vo/npc/male01/strider.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("this'll do nicely", "vo/npc/male01/thislldonicely01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("damn vorts", "vo/npc/male01/vanswer02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i'm not sure how to take that", "vo/npc/male01/vanswer03.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("should i take that personally?", "vo/npc/male01/vanswer04.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("speak english", "vo/npc/male01/vanswer05.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you got that from me", "vo/npc/male01/vanswer06.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("that's why we put up with you", "vo/npc/male01/vanswer07.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("couldn't have put it better myself", "vo/npc/male01/vanswer08.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("that almost made sense", "vo/npc/male01/vanswer09.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("something must be wrong with me i almost understood that", "vo/npc/male01/vanswer10.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i guess i'm getting used to you vorts", "vo/npc/male01/vanswer11.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("none of your vort philosophy", "vo/npc/male01/vanswer12.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("stop you're killing me", "vo/npc/male01/vanswer13.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("what did i do to deserve this?", "vo/npc/male01/vanswer14.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("stop looking at me like that", "vo/npc/male01/vquestion01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("some things i just never get used to", "vo/npc/male01/vquestion02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i don't know how you things survived as long as you have", "vo/npc/male01/vquestion03.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("sometimes i wonder how i ended up with you", "vo/npc/male01/vquestion04.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you're alright vorty", "vo/npc/male01/vquestion05.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you vorts aren't half bad", "vo/npc/male01/vquestion06.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("if anyone ever told me i'd be pals with a vortigaunt", "vo/npc/male01/vquestion07.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you waiting for somebody?", "vo/npc/male01/waitingsomebody.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("woops", "vo/npc/male01/whoops01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you'd better reload", "vo/npc/male01/youdbetterreload01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("bring it on", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_bringiton.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("damnit", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_damnit.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("i don't like the looks of this", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_danger02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("down you go", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_downyougo.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("duck", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_duck.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("come on", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_followme02.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("get away from there", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_getaway.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("get outta the way", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_getoutofway.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("you're going down", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_goingdown.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("grenade", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_grenade01.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("here it comes!", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_hereitcomes.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("hurry up", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_hurryup.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("i'm with you buddy", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_imwithyou.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("maniacal!", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_laugh01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("yeaheheah", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_laugh03.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("let's do it", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_letsdoit.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("look out!", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_lookout.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i haven't lost my touch", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_losttouch.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("ohoh yeah", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_ohyeah.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("soldiers!", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_soldiers.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("turret!", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_turret.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("uh oh here they come", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_uhohheretheycome.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i need to get patched up", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_wounded02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i'm hurt pretty bad", "vo/npc/Barney/ba_wounded03.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i know you will", "vo/NovaProspekt/eli_iknow.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("nevermind me save yourselves", "vo/NovaProspekt/eli_nevermindme01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i'll see you there baby", "vo/NovaProspekt/eli_notime01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("so this is the combine portal it's smaller than i imagined", "vo/NovaProspekt/eli_thisisportal.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("but where will you go?", "vo/NovaProspekt/eli_wherewillyougo01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("instinct1", "vo/Breencast/br_instinct01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("instinct2", "vo/Breencast/br_instinct03.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("instinct3", "vo/Breencast/br_instinct08.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("instinct4", "vo/Breencast/br_instinct09.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("instinct5", "vo/Breencast/br_instinct12.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("instinct6", "vo/Breencast/br_instinct14.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("instinct7", "vo/Breencast/br_instinct15.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("instinct8", "vo/Breencast/br_instinct16.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("instinct9", "vo/Breencast/br_instinct17.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("instinct10", "vo/Breencast/br_instinct18.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("instinct11", "vo/Breencast/br_instinct19.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("instinct12", "vo/Breencast/br_instinct20.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("instinct13", "vo/Breencast/br_instinct21.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("instinct14", "vo/Breencast/br_instinct22.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("instinct15", "vo/Breencast/br_instinct23.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("instinct16", "vo/Breencast/br_instinct25.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you have plunged humanity in to free fall", "vo/Breencast/br_tofreeman06.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("even if you offered your surrunder now", "vo/Breencast/br_tofreeman07.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("help ensure that humanity's trust in you is not misguided", "vo/Breencast/br_tofreeman10.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("they're shelling us", "vo/canals/male01/stn6_shellingus.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("incoming!", "vo/canals/male01/stn6_incoming.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you can park the boat it'll be safe here", "vo/canals/male01/gunboat_parkboat.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("let's get a move on we gotta move out before they target us", "vo/canals/male01/gunboat_moveon.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you made it just in time we gotta clear outta here before we're discovered", "vo/canals/male01/gunboat_justintime.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("we'd better hurry we gotta tear down this camp and get outta here", "vo/canals/male01/gunboat_hurry.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("be careful now", "vo/canals/boxcar_becareful.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("we really can't afford to get noticed", "vo/canals/boxcar_becareful_b.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("better get going", "vo/canals/boxcar_go_nag02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("he'll help you if you let him", "vo/canals/boxcar_lethimhelp.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("we're just a lookout for the underground railroad", "vo/canals/boxcar_lookout.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("main station's right around the corner", "vo/canals/boxcar_lookout_b.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("they'll get you started on the right foot", "vo/canals/boxcar_lookout_d.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("guess those sirens are for you", "vo/canals/boxcar_sirens.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("come on in i'll show you what you're up against", "vo/canals/gunboat_comein.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i think he's just finishing up now", "vo/canals/gunboat_finishingup.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("come on get in here", "vo/canals/gunboat_getin.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("here take a look at this", "vo/canals/gunboat_herelook.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("be glad you're not the guy they're looking for", "vo/canals/matt_beglad.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("poor bastard doesn't stand a chance", "vo/canals/matt_beglad_b.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("sounds like they're calling in every cp unit in city 17", "vo/canals/matt_beglad_c.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("that was a close call thanks for your help", "vo/canals/matt_closecall.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("now they're flooding the areas up ahead with manhacks", "vo/canals/matt_flood.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you'd better get going before they sweep through here", "vo/canals/matt_flood_b.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you'd better get going now", "vo/canals/matt_go_nag01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("thanks but i'll be ok", "vo/canals/matt_go_nag02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i've got to stay and help any stragglers", "vo/canals/matt_go_nag03.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you go on", "vo/canals/matt_go_nag05.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("good luck out there", "vo/canals/matt_goodluck.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("civil protection is on to us", "vo/canals/matt_tearinguprr.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("we're tearing up the railroad covering our tracks", "vo/canals/matt_tearinguprr_a.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("looks like you're gonna be the last one through", "vo/canals/matt_tearinguprr_b.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("thanks for the help but you better get outta here", "vo/canals/matt_thanksbut.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("oh shit too late", "vo/canals/matt_toolate.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you got here at a bad time", "vo/canals/shanty_badtime.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("we got some ammo in those crates over there", "vo/canals/shanty_gotsomeammo.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("we got word you were coming", "vo/canals/shanty_gotword.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("help yourself to supplies and keep moving", "vo/canals/shanty_helpyourself.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("did you realize your contract was open to the highest bidder?", "vo/Citadel/br_bidder_b.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("that's all up to you my old friend", "vo/Citadel/br_gift_a.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("will you give your child a chance her mother never had?", "vo/Citadel/br_gift_c.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("what's this oh put it over there", "vo/Citadel/br_gravgun.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("guards get in here", "vo/Citadel/br_guards.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you have my gratitude doctor", "vo/Citadel/br_guest_b.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("and then you deliver yourself?", "vo/Citadel/br_guest_d.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i don't know what you can possibly hope to achieve", "vo/Citadel/br_mock05.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i warned you this was futile", "vo/Citadel/br_mock06.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i hope you said your farewells", "vo/Citadel/br_mock09.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("if only you had harnessed your boundless energy for a useful purpose", "vo/Citadel/br_mock13.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i agree it's a total waste", "vo/Citadel/br_newleader_a.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("this one has proven to be a fine pawn", "vo/Citadel/br_newleader_c.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i understand if you don't wish to discuss this in front of your friends", "vo/Citadel/br_nothingtosay_a.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i'll send them on their way and then we can talk openly", "vo/Citadel/br_nothingtosay_b.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("impossible to describe with our limited vocabulary", "vo/Citadel/br_oheli09.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("oh shit", "vo/Citadel/br_ohshit.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("if you won't do the right thing for the good of all people", "vo/Citadel/br_playgame_b.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("maybe you'll do it for one of them", "vo/Citadel/br_playgame_c.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("thanks to you we have everything we need in that regard", "vo/Citadel/br_rabble_a.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you're more than qualified to finish his research yourself", "vo/Citadel/br_rabble_b.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("if that's what it takes", "vo/Citadel/br_whatittakes.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you need me", "vo/Citadel/br_youneedme.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("don't struggle honey", "vo/Citadel/eli_dontstruggle.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("don't worry about me", "vo/Citadel/eli_dontworryboutme.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("that's my girl", "vo/Citadel/eli_mygirl.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("save them for what", "vo/Citadel/eli_save.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("is it really that time again?", "vo/Citadel/gman_exit02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i'm really not at liberty to say", "vo/Citadel/gman_exit08.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("in the meantime", "vo/Citadel/gman_exit09.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("this is where i get off", "vo/Citadel/gman_exit10.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("they're looking for your car", "vo/coast/barn/male01/chatter.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("here come the dropships", "vo/coast/barn/male01/crapships.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("right along there and watch your step", "vo/coast/barn/male01/exit_watchstep.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("get your car in the barn", "vo/coast/barn/male01/getcarinbarn.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("get your car in the garage", "vo/coast/barn/male01/getcaringarage.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("get off the road", "vo/coast/barn/male01/getoffroad01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("incoming dropship", "vo/coast/barn/male01/incomingdropship.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("it's a gunship", "vo/coast/barn/male01/lite_gunship01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("gunship", "vo/coast/barn/male01/lite_gunship02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("park it there", "vo/coast/barn/male01/parkit.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you made it", "vo/coast/barn/male01/youmadeit.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you idiot walking on the sand brings antlions after you", "vo/coast/bugbait/sandy_youidiot.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you there", "vo/coast/bugbait/sandy_youthere.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("stop where you are stay on the rocks", "vo/coast/bugbait/sandy_stop.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("no! help!", "vo/coast/bugbait/sandy_help.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("yeah good idea hold on a sec", "vo/coast/cardock/le_goodidea.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("patch him up and get him to the back as soon as he's stable", "vo/coast/cardock/le_patchhim.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i'll radio ahead to let the next base know you're coming", "vo/coast/cardock/le_radio.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("who's hurt?", "vo/coast/cardock/le_whohurt.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("well that's that", "vo/coast/odessa/nlo_cub_thatsthat.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i couldn't have asked for a finer volunteer", "vo/coast/odessa/nlo_cub_volunteer.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you'll make it through if anyone can", "vo/coast/odessa/nlo_cub_youllmakeit.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("good to know you", "vo/eli_lab/airlock_cit01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you'd better get going", "vo/eli_lab/airlock_cit02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("awesome!", "vo/eli_lab/al_awesome.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("alright good you keep right on it", "vo/eli_lab/eli_goodvort.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("ughghgh", "vo/eli_lab/eli_handle_b.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("ughhh", "vo/k_lab/ba_thingaway02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("feel free to look around", "vo/eli_lab/eli_lookaround.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("dr. breen", "vo/eli_lab/eli_vilebiz01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i can't look", "vo/k_lab/ba_cantlook.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("careful", "vo/k_lab/ba_careful01.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("be careful!", "vo/k_lab/ba_careful01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("forget about that thing", "vo/k_lab/ba_forgetthatthing.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("get it off me", "vo/k_lab/ba_getitoff02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("get down outta sight", "vo/k_lab/ba_getoutofsight01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i'll come find you", "vo/k_lab/ba_getoutofsight02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("guh", "vo/k_lab/ba_guh.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("hey hey he's back", "vo/k_lab/ba_hesback01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i'm getting him outta there", "vo/k_lab/ba_hesback02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("well is he here?", "vo/k_lab/ba_ishehere.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you mean it's working?", "vo/k_lab/ba_itsworking01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("for real this time?", "vo/k_lab/ba_itsworking02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i still have nightmares about that cat", "vo/k_lab/ba_itsworking04.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i've gotta get back on my shift", "vo/k_lab/ba_myshift01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("but ok", "vo/k_lab/ba_myshift02.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("yeah longer if we're lucky", "vo/k_lab/ba_longer.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("and not a moment too soon", "vo/k_lab/ba_nottoosoon01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("that's what you said last time", "vo/k_lab/ba_saidlasttime.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i can tell your mit education really pays for itself", "vo/k_lab/ba_sarcastic03.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i thought you got rid of that pest", "vo/k_lab/ba_thatpest.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("there he is", "vo/k_lab/ba_thereheis.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("there you are", "vo/k_lab/ba_thereyouare.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("here we go", "vo/k_lab/ba_thingaway01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("get that thing away from me", "vo/k_lab/ba_thingaway03.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("what's the meaning of this?", "vo/k_lab/br_tele_02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("who are you?", "vo/k_lab/br_tele_03.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("how did you get in here?", "vo/k_lab/br_tele_05.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("see for yourself", "vo/k_lab/eli_seeforyourself.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("shut it down shut it down", "vo/k_lab/eli_shutdown.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("ahhhh", "vo/k_lab/kl_ahhhh.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("there's a charger on the wall", "vo/k_lab/kl_charger01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("dear me", "vo/k_lab/kl_dearme.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("well did it work?", "vo/k_lab/kl_diditwork.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("excellent!", "vo/k_lab/kl_excellent.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("right you are", "vo/k_lab/kl_fewmoments01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("speak to you again in a few moments", "vo/k_lab/kl_fewmoments02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("oh fiddlesticks what now", "vo/k_lab/kl_fiddlesticks.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("final sequence", "vo/k_lab/kl_finalsequence02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you must get out of here", "vo/k_lab/kl_getoutrun02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("run!", "vo/k_lab/kl_getoutrun03.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("here my pet", "vo/k_lab/kl_heremypet01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("no not up there", "vo/k_lab/kl_heremypet02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("interference!", "vo/k_lab/kl_interference.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("lamarr", "vo/k_lab/kl_hedyno01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("heady", "vo/k_lab/kl_hedyno02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("is lamarr with him?", "vo/k_lab/kl_islamarr.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("lamarr there you are", "vo/k_lab/kl_lamarr.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("careful lamarr those are quite fragile", "vo/k_lab/kl_nocareful.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("conditions could hardly be more ideal", "vo/k_lab/kl_moduli02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("my goodness", "vo/k_lab/kl_mygoodness01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("it really is you isn't it?", "vo/k_lab/kl_mygoodness03.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("your talents surpass your loveliness", "vo/k_lab/kl_nonsense.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("oh dear", "vo/k_lab/kl_ohdear.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("indeed it is", "vo/k_lab/kl_packing01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("slip in to your suit now", "vo/k_lab/kl_slipin02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i'm eager to see if your old suit still fits", "vo/k_lab/kl_suitfits02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("then where is he?", "vo/k_lab/kl_thenwhere.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("what is it?", "vo/k_lab/kl_whatisit.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("i wish i knew!", "vo/k_lab/kl_wishiknew.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("go on get going", "vo/k_lab2/ba_getgoing.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("well man that's good news", "vo/k_lab2/ba_goodnews.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i almost gave you guys up for lost", "vo/k_lab2/ba_goodnews_b.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i'll take all the help i can get", "vo/k_lab2/ba_goodnews_c.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("aw crap incoming!", "vo/k_lab2/ba_incoming.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("so there you see?", "vo/k_lab2/kl_notallhopeless.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("it's not all hopeless", "vo/k_lab2/kl_notallhopeless_b.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("there's only one heady", "vo/k_lab2/kl_onehedy.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("fascinating!", "vo/k_lab2/kl_slowteleport01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("aim for the head", "vo/ravenholm/aimforthehead.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("guard yourself well", "vo/ravenholm/bucket_guardwell.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("there you are at last", "vo/ravenholm/bucket_thereyouare.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("better than better", "vo/ravenholm/cartrap_better.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("yes come to me come", "vo/ravenholm/engage01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("come!", "vo/ravenholm/engage02.wav", "vo/ravenholm/engage03.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i will end your torment", "vo/ravenholm/engage04.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("let me end your torment", "vo/ravenholm/engage05.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("yes my children it is i", "vo/ravenholm/engage06.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("come to the light i carry come", "vo/ravenholm/engage07.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("it is not me you want but the light that shines through me", "vo/ravenholm/engage08.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("come to the light", "vo/ravenholm/engage09.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("go quickly", "vo/ravenholm/exit_goquickly.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("hurry while i hold the gate", "vo/ravenholm/exit_hurry.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("flee brother", "vo/ravenholm/exit_nag01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("onward to the mines", "vo/ravenholm/exit_nag02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("look out brother behind you", "vo/ravenholm/firetrap_lookout.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("well done brother", "vo/ravenholm/firetrap_welldone.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("stay close to me brother", "vo/ravenholm/grave_stayclose.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("out of my way", "vo/ravenholm/monk_blocked01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("look out", "vo/ravenholm/monk_blocked02.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("stand aside brother", "vo/ravenholm/monk_blocked03.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("cover me brother", "vo/ravenholm/monk_coverme01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("your assistance brother", "vo/ravenholm/monk_coverme02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("over here brother", "vo/ravenholm/monk_coverme03.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("to me brother", "vo/ravenholm/monk_coverme04.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i require your assistance brother", "vo/ravenholm/monk_coverme05.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("where art thou brother", "vo/ravenholm/monk_coverme07.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("beware!", "vo/ravenholm/monk_danger02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("careful brother", "vo/ravenholm/monk_danger03.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i am outnumbered", "vo/ravenholm/monk_helpme01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("help me brother", "vo/ravenholm/monk_helpme02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i cannot fight them all alone", "vo/ravenholm/monk_helpme03.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("lend a hand brother", "vo/ravenholm/monk_helpme04.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i need help brother", "vo/ravenholm/monk_helpme05.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("rest my child", "vo/ravenholm/monk_kill03.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i think no worse of thee", "vo/ravenholm/monk_kill04.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("may the light of lights be with you", "vo/ravenholm/monk_kill05.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("you meant no harm", "vo/ravenholm/monk_kill06.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("be free my child", "vo/ravenholm/monk_kill09.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("the grave holds nothing worse for you", "vo/ravenholm/monk_kill10.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("i remember your true face", "vo/ravenholm/monk_kill11.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("so again i am alone", "vo/ravenholm/monk_mourn03.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("my advice to you is aim for the head", "vo/ravenholm/shotgun_advice.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("here i have a more suitable gun for you", "vo/ravenholm/shotgun_bettergun.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("catch!", "vo/ravenholm/shotgun_catch.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("come closer", "vo/ravenholm/shotgun_closer.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("hush", "vo/ravenholm/shotgun_hush.wav")
ChatBox.AddSound("good now keep it close", "vo/ravenholm/shotgun_keepitclose.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("they come", "vo/ravenholm/shotgun_theycome.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("if you can hold them off i'm almost done here", "vo/Streetwar/tunnel/male01/c17_06_det02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("stand back it's gonna blow", "vo/Streetwar/tunnel/male01/c17_06_det04.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("hey it's me open the door", "vo/Streetwar/tunnel/male01/c17_06_password01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("what's the password?", "vo/Streetwar/tunnel/male01/c17_06_password02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("password!", "vo/Streetwar/tunnel/male01/c17_06_password03.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("come on in", "vo/Streetwar/tunnel/male01/c17_06_password04.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("ok come across", "vo/Streetwar/tunnel/male01/c17_06_plank01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("that damn thing haunts me", "vo/Streetwar/sniper/ba_hauntsme.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("did you hear a cat just now?", "vo/Streetwar/sniper/ba_hearcat.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("hey come on", "vo/Streetwar/sniper/ba_heycomeon.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("let's get going", "vo/Streetwar/sniper/ba_letsgetgoing.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("heeelp", "vo/Streetwar/sniper/male01/c17_09_help01.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("help me!", "vo/Streetwar/sniper/male01/c17_09_help02.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("is somebody up there?", "vo/Streetwar/sniper/male01/c17_09_help03.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("damnit all", "vo/Streetwar/rubble/ba_damnitall.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("hey help me out here", "vo/Streetwar/rubble/ba_helpmeout.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("well i'll be damned", "vo/Streetwar/rubble/ba_illbedamned.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("and if you see dr. breen tell him i said fuck you", "vo/Streetwar/rubble/ba_tellbreen.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("done!", "vo/Streetwar/nexus/ba_done.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("great i'll open this up", "vo/Streetwar/nexus/ba_illopenthis.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("so much for stealth we've been spotted", "vo/Streetwar/nexus/ba_spotted.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("we're surrounded", "vo/Streetwar/nexus/ba_surrounded.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("then let's go", "vo/Streetwar/nexus/ba_thenletsgo.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("uh oh dropships", "vo/Streetwar/nexus/ba_uhohdropships.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("hey let us outta here", "vo/Streetwar/nexus/male01/c17_10_letusout.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("let us thru!", "vo/Streetwar/barricade/male01/c17_05_letusthru.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("let us through!", "vo/Streetwar/barricade/male01/c17_05_letusthru.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("open the gate!", "vo/Streetwar/barricade/male01/c17_05_opengate.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("how dare you even mention her", "vo/Citadel/al_dienow_b.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("alyx my dear you have your mother's eyes but your father's stubborn nature", "vo/Citadel/br_stubborn.wav", true)
ChatBox.AddSound("it isn't necessary", "vo/Citadel/mo_necessary.wav", true)

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