Ark server Admin Commands

Ark server Admin Commands

Multiplayer Commands
In order to use the following, you will need to login as an admin using the above-mentioned Server Console method.

*All bracketed values are quantities that are to be inputted without the brackets*

banplayer <SteamName>: Bans the user from the serve

cheat addexperience 1000 0 0: gives you 1000 xp, you can change the value of 1000

cheat AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck <SteamID>: Whitelists the person

cheat broadcast <MessageString>: Will allow you to broadcast a message to everyone on the server

cheat damagetarget <amount>: Deals damage to the creature you are aiming at.

cheat destroyall <classname>: Destroys all objects/dinosaurs of a classname

cheat destroyallenemies: Destroys all enemies currently spawned

cheat DisallowPlayerToJoinNoCheck <SteamID>: Removes whitelist

cheat enemyinvisible true/false: Makes all creatures ignore you even if you attack them

cheat execsetsleeping true/false: Puts yor character to sleep/wakes them up

cheat Fly: You are able to fly.

cheat forcetame: Instantly tames a dinosaur.

cheat Ghost: Noclipping enabled.

cheat giveitemnum <ID> <QTY> <Quality> <True/False>: Gives you an item, depending on which item ID you choose.

cheat giveresources: Gives 50 of all resources

cheat God: Enables God mode.

cheat infinitestats: Gives you infinite stats.

cheat playersonly: Freezes all dinosaurs at their current location. Freezes crafting as well.

cheat quit: Exits the current world, use after saving for a safe shutdown

cheat saveworld: Saves current worldstate

cheat SetMessageOfTheDay <message>: Sets a message that pops up when people enter

cheat setplayerpos 0 0 0: Allows you to teleport to cords

cheat settimeofday <timestring>: Changes the time of day.

cheat slomo 5: Changes the speed of player movement.

cheat summon <classname>: Summons a dinosaur at your location.

cheat Teleport: You are teleported in the direction you face.

cheat ToggleInfiniteAmmo: Gives you infinite ammo for weapons

cheat Walk: Deactivates flying and allows you to walk again.

giveengrams: Unlocks all crafting recipes for your character

setcheatplayer false: Disables the cheat menu

setcheatplayer true: Enables a cheat menu

unbanplayer <SteamName>: Unbans the user from the server

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