HL2DM RolePlay 3.2.15 Commands

HL2DM RolePlay 3.2.15 Commands

sv_crimetocuff - Minimum crime for a client to have to be cuffed. (Default 400)

sv_crimepermin - Assigned how much crime per minute when client goes to jail (Default 300)

sv_rpexperience - Enable/Disable the experience points for both rebels/cops. (Default 1)

sv_taximode - Modes: 0 = Use Taxi Only with 0 crime, 1 = Use Taxi with Crime (Default 1)

sv_robmode - Modes: 0 = Rebels can rob with no cops online, 1 = Rebels can only rob if cops are online (Default 1)

sv_starterpacks - Modes: 0 = No starterpacks, 1 = Starterpacks are given (Default 1)

sv_firefightermode - Modes: 0 = Easy mode with Menus, 1 = Hard mode with no Menus

sv_firefighterchiefmode - Modes: 0 = Chief is not a cop, 1 = Chief is a cop

sv_playeroftheweek -  Modes: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enable

sv_commandslocks - Modes: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enable (sm_locks)

sv_crimehudamt - How much crime client's need to be on menu (Default 0 - Everyone is shown on menu)

sv_crimehudsetting - Modes: 0 - Disabled menu when combine comes. 1 - Enable menu when combine comes (Default 0)

sv_firefighterteam - Modes: 1 - Combine, 2 - Rebels (Default 1) [This doesn't include the chief]

sv_logdoors - Modes: 0 - off, 1 - on (Default 1)

sv_rpmotd "Message" - Message when person joins server [^ seperates lines] (Default is "Please Hit Escape to^Select a Job and^Begin Playing!")

sv_combineteamname "Police"
sv_rebelteamname "Civilians"

Commands Added:

No Kill Zone Commands:
sm_createnokillzone <id 1-100>
sm_removenokillzone <id 1-100>

Taxi Commands:
=>To Create Taxi Drivers:
Use sm_createnpc and use type 8 to create a taxi driver.

=>To Create Destinations:
sm_addtaxizone <id 1-20> <Name of place in quote>
sm_removetaxizone <id 1-20>

BuyDoor Commands:
=>Admin Commands:
==>Set up door to be buyable:
sm_setdooramount <amount> 
==>Reset the door to For Sale:
==>Delete door from database:

=>Client Commands:
==>Chat commands:
==>Console commands
sm_mydoormess <message>
sm_givekeys <id 1-3> <Name>
sm_deletekeys <id 1-3> <Name>

RP Phones:
sm_createphone <id 1-50>
sm_deletephone <id 1-50>

Config File Setup:
=>Regular Jails:
sm_addjail <id 1-10>
sm_removejail <id 1-10>

=>Vip Jail:

=>Suicide Jail
sm_setsuicide <id 1-2>
sm_removesuicide <id 1-2>

=>Exit Coordinate

=>AFK Room
==>How to Use:
Cops have to cuff and press e on the client.  Then click Afk Room.
Once client has been put into the afk room, they get a one time access of using the chat command /exitafk to get out of the afk room.

=>Default Cop Doors:
sm_createcopdoor <id 1-64>
sm_removecopdoor <id 1-64>

=>Default FireFighter Doors:
sm_createfirefighterdoor <id 1-64>
sm_removefirefighterdoor <id 1-64>

New way to set notices:
sm_looknotice <0|1 save> <message>
==>Look at a door first and then run this command.

Spawn Doors:
sm_spawndoor <1-14 skins> - Temp creates doors.
sm_tempremovedoor - Removes doors temporary.
sm_permremovedoor - Permanently removes doors.
sm_savedoor <1-100> - Makes door permanent and saves to a database.
sm_listdoors - List what custom door ids are used.

You can use sm_givedoor, sm_takedoor, sm_setnotice, and sm_looknotice on these custom doors.
****Custom doors aren't capable of doing buydoor....yet lol.

Prop Building Commands:
sm_freezeprop - Freeze Prop.
sm_unfreezeprop - Unfreeze Prop.
sm_angles <x> <y> <z> - Add angles to a prop. (Same exact thing as e_rotate in SourceOp)
sm_origin <x> <y> <z> - Same as sm_angles but you can add origins.
sm_delete - Delete an object.

FireFighter Jobs:
Firefighter Member = sm_employ 13
Firefighter Chief = sm_employ 14

Chat Client Commands:

If sv_firefightermode 1
You can just press e on the bomb and a menu will come up on what to do.

If sv_firefighterchiefmode 1
The firefighter chief will receive extra weapons and stunstick to cuff people. They become a firefighter and cop.  They can also can cuff firefighter members.

Only rebels can use bombs by pressing "e" on them.

Player of the week:
sm_playeroftheweek <name> - Give a person a reward for being the player of the week! (Edit rewards in playeroftheweek.txt database)

sm_takedoorall - This will remove everyones keys to the door even if their not in the server

Bank Commands Addition:
sm_addmoney <name> <amount> - Add money to person's money.
sm_addmoneybank <name> <amount> - Add money to a person's bank account.

Item Commands Addition:
sm_itemlist <page> <sortfuncstring>
sm_takeitem <name> <id> <amount>

Gambling Businesses:
sm_addgamblingzone <zone id> - add gambling zone
sm_removegamblingzone <zone id> - remove gambling zone
sm_listgamblingzones - list zones
sm_setgamblingowner <name> <zone id> - set owner
sm_removegamblingowner <zone id> - remove owner

Client Commands (Casino Owners):
sm_mycasinos - list your casinos
sm_opencasino - open a casino
sm_closecasino - close a casino
sm_maxbet - maximum someone could bet
sm_givecasinomoney - give casino money
sm_takecasinomoney - take casino money

Client Commands:
sm_casinocommands - show casino commands
sm_bet - bet
sm_bettypes - types of betting

No Crime Zones:
sm_createnocrimezone <id>
sm_removenocrimezone <id>

Log Doors:
sm_doorhistory <door id>
sm_cleardoorhistory <door id>

Convert Item In Save.txt:
- Can only be ran from rcon/server console and no one can be in server.
sm_convertitem <old id> <new id>

Custom Transaction Amounts:
sm_deposit <amount>
sm_withdraw <amount>


Experience Points:
sm_setexp <name> <exp>

Customize Saved Props:
sm_changeskin <skin number> <opt 0|1 save> - Change the skin on a prop (Ex. An Armchair has three skins)
sm_changecolor <Red 0-255> <Green 0-255> <Blue 0-255> <Alpha 0-255> <opt 0|1 save> - Change the color/transparency on a prop

*******Due To An Update In The HL2 Engine, I Recommand Not Using These Commands (Airboats don't work):
Car Setup:
sm_createcar <1-50>
sm_removecar <1-50>
sm_givecarkeys <name>
sm_takecarkeys <name>

Use shift to lock/unlock airboat when you have keys.

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