How To Create a PVP Safe Zone

To Create a PVP Safe Zone:

setup team (do once only in command line)

/scoreboard teams add PVPoff

Set Friendly Fire off (do once only in command line)

/scoreboard teams option PVPoff friendlyfire false

Add players in area to team (need to be on a clock and constantly running)

/scoreboard teams join PVPoff @a[team=!PVPoff,x,y,z,r] 
x,y,z,r is your co-ords

remove from team when leave area
/scoreboard teams leave PVPoff @a[team=PVPoff,x,y,z,r,rm] 

the above the R needs to be bigger than the previous R that added them, the RM needs to be the same as the R used to add them to team

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