Xonotic command list

Xonotic command list (incomplete)

The following is the output of;

+attack : begin firing
+back : move backward
+button10 : activate button10 (behavior depends on mod)
+button11 : activate button11 (behavior depends on mod)
+button12 : activate button12 (behavior depends on mod)
+button13 : activate button13 (behavior depends on mod)
+button14 : activate button14 (behavior depends on mod)
+button15 : activate button15 (behavior depends on mod)
+button16 : activate button16 (behavior depends on mod)
+button3 : activate button3 (behavior depends on mod)
+button4 : activate button4 (behavior depends on mod)
+button5 : activate button5 (behavior depends on mod)
+button6 : activate button6 (behavior depends on mod)
+button7 : activate button7 (behavior depends on mod)
+button8 : activate button8 (behavior depends on mod)
+button9 : activate button9 (behavior depends on mod)
+forward : move forward
+jump : jump
+klook : activate keyboard looking mode, do not recenter view
+left : turn left
+lookdown : look downward
+lookup : look upward
+mlook : activate mouse looking mode, do not recenter view
+movedown : swim downward
+moveleft : strafe left
+moveright : strafe right
+moveup : swim upward
+right : turn right
+showaccuracy : console command created by QuakeC
+showscores : show scoreboard
+speed : activate run mode (faster movement and turning)
+strafe : activate strafing mode (move instead of turn)
+use : use something (may be used by some mods)
-attack : stop firing
-back : stop moving backward
-button10 : deactivate button10
-button11 : deactivate button11
-button12 : deactivate button12
-button13 : deactivate button13
-button14 : deactivate button14
-button15 : deactivate button15
-button16 : deactivate button16
-button3 : deactivate button3
-button4 : deactivate button4
-button5 : deactivate button5
-button6 : deactivate button6
-button7 : deactivate button7
-button8 : deactivate button8
-button9 : deactivate button9
-forward : stop moving forward
-jump : end jump (so you can jump again)
-klook : deactivate keyboard looking mode
-left : stop turning left
-lookdown : stop looking downward
-lookup : stop looking upward
-mlook : deactivate mouse looking mode
-movedown : stop swimming downward
-moveleft : stop strafing left
-moveright : stop strafing right
-moveup : stop swimming upward
-right : stop turning right
-showaccuracy : console command created by QuakeC
-showscores : hide scoreboard
-speed : deactivate run mode
-strafe : deactivate strafing mode
-use : stop using something
alias : create a script function (parameters are passed in as $X (being X a number), $* for all parameters, $X- for all parameters starting from $X). Without arguments show the list of all alias
apropos : lists all console variables/commands/aliases containing the specified string in the name or description
begin : signon 3 (client asks server to start sending entities, and will go to signon 4 (playing) when the first entity update is received)
bestweapon : send an impulse number to server to select the first usable weapon out of several (example: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1)
bf : briefly flashes a bright color tint on view (used when items are picked up); optionally takes R G B [A [alphafade]] arguments to specify how the flash looks
bind : binds a command to the specified key in bindmap 0
bindlist : bindlist: displays bound keys for bindmap 0 bindmaps
bottomcolor : QW command to set bottom color without changing top color
cd : execute a CD drive command (cd on/off/reset/remap/close/play/loop/stop/pause/resume/eject/info) - use cd by itself for usage
centerview : gradually recenter view (stop looking up/down)
changelevel : change to another level, bringing along all connected clients
changing : sent by qw servers to tell client to wait for level change
cl_areastats : prints statistics on entity culling during collision traces
cl_begindownloads : used internally by darkplaces client while connecting (causes loading of models and sounds or triggers downloads for missing ones)
cl_cmd : calls the client QC function GameCommand with the supplied string as argument
cl_downloadbegin : (networking) informs client of download file information, client replies with sv_startsoundload to begin the transfer
cl_downloadfinished : signals that a download has finished and provides the client with file size and crc to check its integrity
cl_modelindexlist : list information on all models in the client modelindex
cl_particles_reloadeffects : reloads effectinfo.txt and maps/levelname_effectinfo.txt (where levelname is the current map)
cl_soundindexlist : list all sounds in the client soundindex
clear : clear console history
cmd : send a console commandline to the server (used by some mods)
cmdlist : lists all console commands beginning with the specified prefix or matching the specified wildcard pattern
color : change your player shirt and pants colors
commandmode : input a console command
condump : output console history to a file (see also log_file)
connect : connect to a server by IP address or hostname
cprint : print something at the screen center
crypto_hostkey_clear : clears a cached host key
crypto_hostkeys : lists the cached host keys
crypto_keygen : generates and saves a cryptographic key
crypto_keys : lists the loaded keys
crypto_reload : reloads cryptographic keys
curl : download data from an URL and add to search path
cvar_lockdefaults : stores the current values of all cvars into their default values, only used once during startup after parsing default.cfg
cvar_resettodefaults_all : sets all cvars to their locked default values
cvar_resettodefaults_nosaveonly : sets all non-saved cvars to their locked default values (variables that will not be saved to config.cfg)
cvar_resettodefaults_saveonly : sets all saved cvars to their locked default values (variables that will be saved to config.cfg)
cvarlist : lists all console variables beginning with the specified prefix or matching the specified wildcard pattern
defer : execute a command in the future
demos : restart looping demos defined by the last startdemos command
dir : list files in searchpath matching an * filename pattern, one per line
disconnect : disconnect from server (or disconnect all clients if running a server)
download : downloads a specified file from the server
echo : print a message to the console (useful in scripts)
entities : print information on network entities known to client
envmap : render a cubemap (skybox) of the current scene
exec : execute a script file
fixtrans : change alpha-zero pixels in an image file to sensible values, and write out a new TGA (warning: SLOW)
fly : fly mode (flight)
fog : set global fog parameters (density red green blue [alpha [mindist [maxdist [top [fadedepth]]]]])
fog_heighttexture : set global fog parameters (density red green blue alpha mindist maxdist top depth textures/mapname/fogheight.tga)
force_centerview : recenters view (stops looking up/down)
fs_rescan : rescans filesystem for new pack archives and any other changes
fullinfo : allows client to modify their userinfo
fullserverinfo : internal use only, sent by server to client to update client's local copy of serverinfo string
gamedir : changes active gamedir list (can take multiple arguments), not including base directory (example usage: gamedir ctf)
gecko_create : Create a gecko browser instance
gecko_destroy : Destroy a gecko browser instance
gecko_injecttext : Injects text into a browser
gecko_movecursor : Move the cursor to a certain position
gecko_navigate : Navigate a gecko browser to a URI
give : alter inventory
gl_texturemode : set texture filtering mode (GL_NEAREST, GL_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, etc); an additional argument 'force' forces the texture mode even in cases where it may not be appropriate
gl_vbostats : prints a list of all buffer objects (vertex data and triangle elements) and total video memory used by them
god : god mode (invulnerability)
heartbeat : send a heartbeat to the master server (updates your server information)
history : prints the history of executed commands (history X prints the last X entries, history -c clears the whole history)
hud_configure : console command created by QuakeC
hud_save : console command created by QuakeC
impulse : send an impulse number to server (select weapon, use item, etc)
in_bind : binds a command to the specified key in the selected bindmap
in_bindlist : bindlist: displays bound keys for all bindmaps, or the given bindmap
in_bindmap : selects active foreground and background (used only if a key is not bound in the foreground) bindmaps for typing
in_unbind : removes command on the specified key in the selected bindmap
infobar : display a text in the infobar (usage: infobar expiretime string)
iplog_list : lists names of players whose IP address begins with the supplied text (example: iplog_list 123.456.789)
kick : kick a player off the server by number or name
kill : die instantly
load : load a saved game file
loadconfig : reset everything and reload configs
loadfont : loadfont function tganame loads a font; example: loadfont console gfx/veramono; loadfont without arguments lists the available functions
loadsky : load a skybox by basename (for example loadsky mtnsun_ loads mtnsun_ft.tga and so on)
locs_add : add a point or box location (usage: x y z[ x y z] "name", if two sets of xyz are supplied it is a box, otherwise point)
locs_clear : remove all loc points/boxes
locs_reload : reload .loc file for this map
locs_removenearest : remove the nearest point or box (note: you need to be very near a box to remove it)
locs_save : save .loc file for this map containing currently defined points and boxes
ls : list files in searchpath matching an * filename pattern, multiple per line
map : kick everyone off the server and start a new level
maps : list information about available maps
maxplayers : sets limit on how many players (or bots) may be connected to the server at once
memlist : prints memory pool information (or if used as memlist 5 lists individual allocations of 5K or larger, 0 lists all allocations)
memstats : prints memory system statistics
menu_cmd : calls the menu QC function GameCommand with the supplied string as argument
menu_restart : restart menu system (reloads menu.dat)
messagemode : input a chat message to say to everyone
messagemode2 : input a chat message to say to only your team
mod_generatelightmaps : rebuilds lighting on current worldmodel
modeldecompile : exports a model in several formats for editing purposes
modellist : prints a list of loaded models
modelprecache : load a model
name : change your player name
net_refresh : query dp master servers and refresh all server information
net_slist : query dp master servers and print all server information
net_slistqw : query qw master servers and print all server information
net_stats : print network statistics
nextul : sends next fragment of current upload buffer (screenshot for example)
noclip : noclip mode (flight without collisions, move through walls)
notarget : notarget mode (monsters do not see you)
ons_map : console command created by QuakeC
packet : send a packet to the specified address:port containing a text string
path : print searchpath (game directories and archives)
pause : pause the game (if the server allows pausing)
pausedemo : pause demo playback (can also safely pause demo recording if using QUAKE, QUAKEDP or NEHAHRAMOVIE protocol, useful for making movies)
ping : print ping times of all players on the server
pingplreport : command sent by server containing client ping and packet loss values for scoreboard, triggered by pings command from client (not used by QW servers)
pings : command sent by clients to request updated ping and packetloss of players on scoreboard (originally from QW, but also used on NQ servers)
play : play a sound at your current location (not heard by anyone else)
play2 : play a sound globally throughout the level (not heard by anyone else)
playdemo : watch a demo file
playermodel : change your player model
playerskin : change your player skin number
playvideo : play a .dpv video file
playvol : play a sound at the specified volume level at your current location (not heard by anyone else)
pmodel : (Nehahra-only) change your player model choice
pointfile : display point file produced by qbsp when a leak was detected in the map (a line leading through the leak hole, to an entity inside the level)
pqrcon : sends a command to a proquake server console (if your rcon_password matches the server's rcon_password), or to the address specified by rcon_address when not connected (again rcon_password must match the server's)
prespawn : signon 1 (client acknowledges that server information has been received)
prvm_callprofile : prints execution statistics about the most time consuming QuakeC calls from the engine in the selected VM (server, client, menu)
prvm_childprofile : prints execution statistics about the most used QuakeC functions in the selected VM (server, client, menu), sorted by time taken in function with child calls
prvm_edict : print all data about an entity number in the selected VM (server, client, menu)
prvm_edictcount : prints number of active entities in the selected VM (server, client, menu)
prvm_edictget : retrieves the value of a specified property of a specified entity in the selected VM (server, client menu) into a cvar or to the console
prvm_edicts : prints all data about all entities in the selected VM (server, client, menu)
prvm_edictset : changes value of a specified property of a specified entity in the selected VM (server, client, menu)
prvm_fields : prints usage statistics on properties (how many entities have non-zero values) in the selected VM (server, client, menu)
prvm_global : prints value of a specified global variable in the selected VM (server, client, menu)
prvm_globalget : retrieves the value of a specified global variable in the selected VM (server, client menu) into a cvar or to the console
prvm_globals : prints all global variables in the selected VM (server, client, menu)
prvm_globalset : sets value of a specified global variable in the selected VM (server, client, menu)
prvm_printfunction : prints a disassembly (QuakeC instructions) of the specified function in the selected VM (server, client, menu)
prvm_profile : prints execution statistics about the most used QuakeC functions in the selected VM (server, client, menu)
quit : quit the game
r_editlights_clear : removes all world lights (let there be darkness!)
r_editlights_copyinfo : store a copy of all properties (except origin) of the selected light
r_editlights_edit : changes a property on the selected light
r_editlights_editall : changes a property on ALL lights at once (tip: use radiusscale and colorscale to alter these properties)
r_editlights_help : prints documentation on console commands and variables in rtlight editing system
r_editlights_importlightentitiesfrommap : load lights from .ent file or map entities (ignoring .rtlights or .lights file)
r_editlights_importlightsfile : load lights from .lights file (ignoring .rtlights or .ent files and map entities)
r_editlights_lock : lock selection to current light, if already locked - unlock
r_editlights_pasteinfo : apply the stored properties onto the selected light (making it exactly identical except for origin)
r_editlights_reload : reloads rtlights file (or imports from .lights file or .ent file or the map itself)
r_editlights_remove : remove selected light
r_editlights_save : save .rtlights file for current level
r_editlights_spawn : creates a light with default properties (let there be light!)
r_editlights_togglecorona : toggle on/off the corona option on the selected light
r_editlights_toggleshadow : toggle on/off the shadow option on the selected light
r_glsl_dumpshader : dumps the engine internal default.glsl shader into glsl/default.glsl
r_glsl_restart : unloads GLSL shaders, they will then be reloaded as needed
r_listmaptextures : list all textures used by the current map
r_replacemaptexture : override a map texture for testing purposes
r_restart : restarts renderer
r_texturestats : print information about all loaded textures and some statistics
rate : change your network connection speed
rcon : sends a command to the server console (if your rcon_password matches the server's rcon_password), or to the address specified by rcon_address when not connected (again rcon_password must match the server's); note: if rcon_secure is set, client and server clocks must be synced e.g. via NTP
reconnect : reconnect to the last server you were on, or resets a quakeworld connection (do not use if currently playing on a netquake server)
record : record a demo
register_bestweapon : (for QC usage only) change weapon parameters to be used by bestweapon; stuffcmd this in ClientConnect
restart : restart current level
save : save the game to a file
saveconfig : save settings to config.cfg (or a specified filename) immediately (also automatic when quitting)
say : send a chat message to everyone on the server
say_team : send a chat message to your team on the server
screenshot : takes a screenshot of the next rendered frame
sendcvar : sends the value of a cvar to the server as a sentcvar command, for use by QuakeC
set : create or change the value of a console variable
seta : create or change the value of a console variable that will be saved to config.cfg
setinfo : modifies your userinfo
sizedown : decrease view size (decreases viewsize cvar)
sizeup : increase view size (increases viewsize cvar)
skins : downloads missing qw skins from server
snd_restart : restart sound system
snd_unloadallsounds : unload all sound files
soundinfo : print sound system information (such as channels and speed)
soundlist : list loaded sounds
spawn : signon 2 (client has sent player information, and is asking server to send scoreboard rankings)
srcon : sends a command to the server console (if your rcon_password matches the server's rcon_password), or to the address specified by rcon_address when not connected (again rcon_password must match the server's); this always works as if rcon_secure is set; note: client and server clocks must be synced e.g. via NTP
startdemos : start playing back the selected demos sequentially (used at end of startup script)
status : print server status information
stop : stop recording or playing a demo
stopdemo : stop playing or recording demo (like stop command) and return to looping demos
stopdownload : terminates a download
stopsound : silence
stopul : aborts current upload (screenshot for example)
stopvideo : stop playing a .dpv video file
stuffcmds : execute commandline parameters (must be present in quake.rc script)
sv_areastats : prints statistics on entity culling during collision traces
sv_cmd : calls the server QC function GameCommand with the supplied string as argument
sv_saveentfile : save map entities to .ent file (to allow external editing)
sv_startdownload : begins sending a file to the client (network protocol use only)
tell : send a chat message to only one person on the server
timedemo : play back a demo as fast as possible and save statistics to benchmark.log
timerefresh : turn quickly and print rendering statistcs
toggle : toggles a console variable's values (use for more info)
toggleconsole : opens or closes the console
togglemenu : opens or closes menu
topcolor : QW command to set top color without changing bottom color
unalias : remove an alias
unbind : removes a command on the specified key in bindmap 0
unbindall : removes all commands from all keys in all bindmaps (leaving only shift-escape and escape)
unset : delete a cvar (does not work for static ones like _cl_name, or read-only ones)
user : prints additional information about a player number or name on the scoreboard
users : prints additional information about all players on the scoreboard
v_cshift : sets tint color of view
version : print engine version
vid_restart : restarts video system (closes and reopens the window, restarts renderer)
viewframe : change animation frame of viewthing entity in current level
viewmodel : change model of viewthing entity in current level
viewnext : change to next animation frame of viewthing entity in current level
viewprev : change to previous animation frame of viewthing entity in current level
wait : make script execution wait for next rendered frame
which : accepts a file name as argument and reports where the file is taken from
290 Commands

4 possible commands:
sv_areastats: prints statistics on entity culling during collision traces
sv_cmd: calls the server QC function GameCommand with the supplied string as argument
sv_saveentfile: save map entities to .ent file (to allow external editing)
sv_startdownload: begins sending a file to the client (network protocol use only)

229 possible variables:
sv_accelerate is "15" ["15"] rate at which a player accelerates to sv_maxspeed
sv_accuracy_data_send is "1" ["1"] 1 send weapon accuracy data statistics and improved score info to all the clients at the end of the match, depends on cl_accuracy_data_receive, 0 send the current 'player has won' to all the clients
sv_accuracy_data_share is "1" ["1"] 1 send weapon accuracy data statistics to spectating clients, depends on cl_accuracy_data_share
sv_adminnick is "" [""] nick name to use for admin messages instead of host name
sv_aim is "2" ["2"] maximum cosine angle for quake's vertical autoaim, a value above 1 completely disables the autoaim, quake used 0.93
sv_airaccel_qw is "-0.8" ["-0.8"] ratio of QW-style air control as opposed to simple acceleration; when < 0, the speed is clamped against the maximum allowed forward speed after the move
sv_airaccel_qw_stretchfactor is "2" ["2"] when set, the maximum acceleration increase the player may get compared to forward-acceleration when strafejumping
sv_airaccel_sideways_friction is "0" ["0"] anti-sideways movement stabilization (reduces speed gain when zigzagging); when < 0, only so much friction is applied that braking (by accelerating backwards) cannot be stronger
sv_airaccelerate is "2" ["2"] rate at which a player accelerates to sv_maxairspeed while in the air, if less than 0 the sv_accelerate variable is used instead
sv_aircontrol is "125" ["125"] CPMA-style air control
sv_aircontrol_penalty is "180" ["180"] deceleration while using CPMA-style air control
sv_aircontrol_power is "2" ["2"] CPMA-style air control exponent
sv_airspeedlimit_nonqw is "800" ["800"] when set, this is a soft speed limit while in air when using airaccel_qw not equal to 1
sv_airstopaccelerate is "3" ["3"] when set, replacement for sv_airaccelerate when moving backwards
sv_airstrafeaccel_qw is "-0.95" ["-0.95"] when set, replacement for sv_airaccel_qw when just strafing
sv_airstrafeaccelerate is "24" ["24"] when set, replacement for sv_airaccelerate when just strafing
sv_allow_fullbright is "0" ["0"] when set, clients may use r_fullbright on this server without getting a night vision effect overlay
sv_allowdownloads is "1" ["1"] whether to allow clients to download files from the server (does not affect http downloads)
sv_allowdownloads_archive is "0" ["0"] whether to allow downloads of archives (pak/pk3)
sv_allowdownloads_config is "0" ["0"] whether to allow downloads of config files (cfg)
sv_allowdownloads_dlcache is "0" ["0"] whether to allow downloads of dlcache files (dlcache/)
sv_allowdownloads_inarchive is "1" ["1"] whether to allow downloads from archives (pak/pk3)
sv_areagrid_mingridsize is "128" ["128"] minimum areagrid cell size, smaller values work better for lots of small objects, higher values for large objects
sv_autodemo_perclient is "0" ["0"] set to 1 to enable autorecorded per-client demos (they'll start to record at the beginning of a match); set it to 2 to also record client->server packets (for debugging)
sv_autodemo_perclient_discardable is "0" ["0"] Allow game code to decide whether a demo should be kept or discarded.
sv_autodemo_perclient_nameformat is "sv_autodemos/%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M" ["sv_autodemos/%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M"] The format of the sv_autodemo_perclient filename, followed by the map name, the client number and the IP address + port number, separated by underscores (the date is encoded using strftime escapes)
sv_autoscreenshot is "0" ["0"] if set to 1, the server forces all clients to create a local screenshot once the map ended
sv_autotaunt is "1" ["1"] allow autotaunts on the server
sv_cheats is "0" ["0"] enables cheat commands in any game, and cheat impulses in dpmod
sv_checkforpacketsduringsleep is "0" ["0"] uses select() function to wait between frames which can be interrupted by packets being received, instead of Sleep()/usleep()/SDL_Sleep() functions which do not check for packets
sv_clmovement_enable is "1" ["1"] whether to allow clients to use cl_movement prediction, which can cause choppy movement on the server which may annoy other players
sv_clmovement_inputtimeout is "0.07" ["0.07"] when a client does not send input for this many seconds, force them to move anyway (unlike QuakeWorld)
sv_clmovement_minping is "0" ["0"] if client ping is below this time in milliseconds, then their ability to use cl_movement prediction is disabled for a while (as they don't need it)
sv_clmovement_minping_disabletime is "1000" ["1000"] when client falls below minping, disable their prediction for this many milliseconds (should be at least 1000 or else their prediction may turn on/off frequently)
sv_clones is "0" ["0"] number of clones a player may make (reset by the "kill" command)
sv_cullentities_nevercullbmodels is "0" ["0"] if enabled the clients are always notified of moving doors and lifts and other submodels of world (warning: eats a lot of network bandwidth on some levels!)
sv_cullentities_pvs is "1" ["1"] fast but loose culling of hidden entities
sv_cullentities_stats is "0" ["0"] displays stats on network entities culled by various methods for each client
sv_cullentities_trace is "1" ["1"] somewhat slow but very tight culling of hidden entities, minimizes network traffic and makes wallhack cheats useless
sv_cullentities_trace_delay is "1" ["1"] number of seconds until the entity gets actually culled
sv_cullentities_trace_delay_players is "0.2" ["0.2"] number of seconds until the entity gets actually culled if it is a player entity
sv_cullentities_trace_enlarge is "0" ["0"] box enlargement for entity culling
sv_cullentities_trace_entityocclusion is "0" ["0"] also check if doors and other bsp models are in the way
sv_cullentities_trace_prediction is "1" ["1"] also trace from the predicted player position
sv_cullentities_trace_prediction_time is "0.2" ["0.2"] how many seconds of prediction to use
sv_cullentities_trace_samples is "2" ["2"] number of samples to test for entity culling
sv_cullentities_trace_samples_extra is "2" ["2"] number of samples to test for entity culling when the entity affects its surroundings by e.g. dlight
sv_cullentities_trace_samples_players is "8" ["8"] number of samples to test for entity culling when the entity is a player entity
sv_curl_defaulturl is "" ["http://www.xonotic.org/contentdownload/getmap.php?file="] default autodownload source URL
sv_curl_maxspeed is "0" ["0"] maximum download speed for clients downloading from sv_curl_defaulturl (KiB/s)
sv_curl_serverpackages is "" [""] list of required files for the clients, separated by spaces
sv_curl_serverpackages_auto is "1" ["1"] automatically add packs with *.serverpackage files to sv_curl_serverpackages
sv_db_saveasdump is "0" ["0"] write server.db in dump format (loads slower, easier to read/parse)
sv_debugmove is "0" ["0"] disables collision detection optimizations for debugging purposes
sv_defaultcharacter is "1" ["0"] master switch, if set to 1 the further configuration for replacing all player models, skins and colors is taken from the sv_defaultplayermodel, sv_defaultplayerskin and sv_defaultplayercolors variables
sv_defaultplayercolors is "51" [""] set to 16*shirt+pants to force a color, note: it does NOT depend on defaultcharacter! Set to "" to disable
sv_defaultplayermodel is "models/player/erebus.iqm" ["models/player/erebus.iqm"] default model selection, only works if sv_defaultcharacter is set to 1
sv_defaultplayermodel_blue is "" [""] "" means see sv_defaultplayermodel
sv_defaultplayermodel_pink is "" [""] "" means see sv_defaultplayermodel
sv_defaultplayermodel_red is "" [""] "" means see sv_defaultplayermodel
sv_defaultplayermodel_yellow is "" [""] "" means see sv_defaultplayermodel
sv_defaultplayerskin is "1" ["0"] each model has 1 or more skins (combination of model and skin = character), set which skin of the model you wish the default character to have, only works if sv_defaultcharacter is set to 1
sv_defaultplayerskin_blue is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
sv_defaultplayerskin_pink is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
sv_defaultplayerskin_red is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
sv_defaultplayerskin_yellow is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
sv_dodging_delay is "0.5" ["0.5"] determines how long a player has to wait to be able to dodge again after dodging
sv_dodging_height_threshold is "10" ["10"] the maximum height above ground where to allow dodging
sv_dodging_horiz_speed is "400" ["400"] the horizontal velocity of the dodge
sv_dodging_ramp_time is "0.1" ["0.1"] a ramp so that the horizontal part of the dodge is added smoothly (seconds)
sv_dodging_sound is "1" ["1"] if 1 dodging makes a sound. if 0 dodging is silent
sv_dodging_up_speed is "200" ["200"] the jump velocity of the dodge
sv_dodging_wall_distance_threshold is "10" ["10"] the maximum distance from a wall that still allows dodging
sv_dodging_wall_dodging is "0" ["0"] set to 1 to allow dodging off walls. 0 to disable
sv_doublejump is "0" ["0"] allow Quake 2-style double jumps
sv_echobprint is "1" ["1"] prints gamecode bprint() calls to server console
sv_entpatch is "1" ["1"] enables loading of .ent files to override entities in the bsp (for example Threewave CTF server pack contains .ent patch files enabling play of CTF on id1 maps)
sv_eventlog is "0" ["0"] the master switch for efficiency reasons
sv_eventlog_console is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
sv_eventlog_files is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
sv_eventlog_files_counter is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
sv_eventlog_files_nameprefix is "xonotic" ["xonotic"] custom cvar
sv_eventlog_files_namesuffix is ".log" [".log"] custom cvar
sv_eventlog_files_timestamps is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
sv_fixedframeratesingleplayer is "1" ["1"] allows you to use server-style timing system in singleplayer (don't run faster than sys_ticrate)
sv_foginterval is "1" ["1"] force enable fog in regular intervals
sv_fragmessage_information_handicap is "1" ["1"] Enable handicap display information, 0 = Never display; 1 = Only when the player has handicap on; 2 = Always display (Displays Off if off)
sv_fragmessage_information_ping is "1" ["1"] Enable ping display information, 0 = Never display; 1 = Always display (If the player is a bot, it will say bot instead of the ping.)
sv_fragmessage_information_stats is "1" ["1"] Enable statistics (health/armor) display information, 0 = Never display; 1 = Always display (Only available for the person who was killed)
sv_fragmessage_information_typefrag is "1" ["1"] Enable typefrag display information, 0 = Never display; 1 = Always display
sv_freezenonclients is "0" ["0"] freezes time, except for players, allowing you to walk around and take screenshots of explosions
sv_friction is "8" ["8"] how fast you slow down
sv_friction_on_land is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
sv_gameplayfix_blowupfallenzombies is "1" ["1"] causes findradius to detect SOLID_NOT entities such as zombies and corpses on the floor, allowing splash damage to apply to them
sv_gameplayfix_consistentplayerprethink is "1" ["1"] improves fairness in multiplayer by running all PlayerPreThink functions (which fire weapons) before performing physics, then running all PlayerPostThink functions
sv_gameplayfix_delayprojectiles is "0" ["0"] causes entities to not move on the same frame they are spawned, meaning that projectiles wait until the next frame to perform their first move, giving proper interpolation and rocket trails, but making weapons harder to use at low framerates
sv_gameplayfix_downtracesupportsongroundflag is "1" ["1"] prevents very short moves from clearing onground (which may make the player stick to the floor at high netfps)
sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid is "0" ["0"] prevents items and monsters that start in a solid area from falling out of the level (makes droptofloor treat trace_startsolid as an acceptable outcome)
sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid_nudgetocorrect is "1" ["1"] tries to nudge stuck items and monsters out of walls before droptofloor is performed
sv_gameplayfix_easierwaterjump is "1" ["1"] changes water jumping to make it easier to get out of water (exactly like in QuakeWorld)
sv_gameplayfix_findradiusdistancetobox is "1" ["1"] causes findradius to check the distance to the corner of a box rather than the center of the box, makes findradius detect bmodels such as very large doors that would otherwise be unaffected by splash damage
sv_gameplayfix_gravityunaffectedbyticrate is "1" ["1"] fix some ticrate issues in physics.
sv_gameplayfix_grenadebouncedownslopes is "1" ["1"] prevents MOVETYPE_BOUNCE (grenades) from getting stuck when fired down a downward sloping surface
sv_gameplayfix_multiplethinksperframe is "1" ["1"] allows entities to think more often than the server framerate, primarily useful for very high fire rate weapons
sv_gameplayfix_noairborncorpse is "1" ["1"] causes entities (corpses, items, etc) sitting ontop of moving entities (players) to fall when the moving entity (player) is no longer supporting them
sv_gameplayfix_noairborncorpse_allowsuspendeditems is "1" ["1"] causes entities sitting ontop of objects that are instantaneously remove to float in midair (special hack to allow a common level design trick for floating items)
sv_gameplayfix_nogravityonground is "1" ["1"] turn off gravity when on ground (to get rid of sliding)
sv_gameplayfix_nostepmoveonsteepslopes is "0" ["0"] grude fix which prevents MOVETYPE_STEP (not swimming or flying) to move on slopes whose angle is bigger than 45 degree
sv_gameplayfix_nudgeoutofsolid is "0" ["0"] attempts to fix physics errors (where an object ended up in solid for some reason)
sv_gameplayfix_nudgeoutofsolid_separation is "0.03125" ["0.03125"] keep objects this distance apart to prevent collision issues on seams
sv_gameplayfix_q1bsptracelinereportstexture is "1" ["1"] enables mods to get accurate trace_texture results on q1bsp by using a surface-hitting traceline implementation rather than the standard solidbsp method, q3bsp always reports texture accurately
sv_gameplayfix_q2airaccelerate is "1" ["1"] Quake2-style air acceleration
sv_gameplayfix_setmodelrealbox is "1" ["1"] fixes a bug in Quake that made setmodel always set the entity box to ('-16 -16 -16', '16 16 16') rather than properly checking the model box, breaks some poorly coded mods
sv_gameplayfix_slidemoveprojectiles is "1" ["1"] allows MOVETYPE_FLY/FLYMISSILE/TOSS/BOUNCE/BOUNCEMISSILE entities to finish their move in a frame even if they hit something, fixes 'gravity accumulation' bug for grenades on steep slopes
sv_gameplayfix_stepdown is "0" ["0"] attempts to step down stairs, not just up them (prevents the familiar thud..thud..thud.. when running down stairs and slopes)
sv_gameplayfix_stepmultipletimes is "1" ["1"] applies step-up onto a ledge more than once in a single frame, when running quickly up stairs
sv_gameplayfix_stepwhilejumping is "1" ["1"] applies step-up onto a ledge even while airborn, useful if you would otherwise just-miss the floor when running across small areas with gaps (for instance running across the moving platforms in dm2, or jumping to the megahealth and red armor in dm2 rather than using the bridge)
sv_gameplayfix_swiminbmodels is "1" ["1"] causes pointcontents (used to determine if you are in a liquid) to check bmodel entities as well as the world model, so you can swim around in (possibly moving) water bmodel entities
sv_gameplayfix_upwardvelocityclearsongroundflag is "1" ["1"] prevents monsters, items, and most other objects from being stuck to the floor when pushed around by damage, and other situations in mods
sv_gentle is "0" ["0"] force gentle mode for everyone, also remove references to acts of killing from the messages
sv_gibhealth is "100" ["100"] Minus health a dead body must have in order to get gibbed
sv_gravity is "800" ["800"] how fast you fall (512 = roughly earth gravity)
sv_heartbeatperiod is "120" ["120"] how often to send heartbeat in seconds (only used if sv_public is 1)
sv_idealpitchscale is "0.8" ["0.8"] how much to look up/down slopes and stairs when not using freelook
sv_intermission_cdtrack is "" [""] custom cvar
sv_jumpspeedcap_max is "" [""] upper bound on the baseline velocity of a jump; final velocity will be <= (jumpheight * max + jumpheight)
sv_jumpspeedcap_max_disable_on_ramps is "1" ["1"] disable upper baseline velocity bound on ramps to preserve the old rampjump style
sv_jumpspeedcap_min is "" [""] lower bound on the baseline velocity of a jump; final velocity will be >= (jumpheight * min + jumpheight)
sv_jumpstep is "1" ["1"] whether you can step up while jumping (sv_gameplayfix_stepwhilejumping must also be 1)
sv_jumpvelocity is "260" ["260"] cvar that can be used by QuakeC code for jump velocity
sv_loddistance1 is "1024" ["1024"] custom cvar
sv_loddistance2 is "4096" ["4096"] custom cvar
sv_logscores_bots is "0" ["0"] exclude bots by default
sv_logscores_console is "0" ["0"] print scores to server console
sv_logscores_file is "0" ["0"] print scores to file
sv_logscores_filename is "scores.log" ["scores.log"] filename
sv_mapchange_delay is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
sv_master1 is "" [""] user-chosen master server 1
sv_master2 is "" [""] user-chosen master server 2
sv_master3 is "" [""] user-chosen master server 3
sv_master4 is "" [""] user-chosen master server 4
sv_masterextra1 is "" [""] ghdigital.com - default master server 1 (admin: LordHavoc)
sv_masterextra2 is "" [""] dpmaster.deathmask.net - default master server 2 (admin: Willis)
sv_masterextra3 is "" [""] dpmaster.tchr.no - default master server 3 (admin: tChr)
sv_masterextra4 is "[2001:41d0:2:1628::4450]:27950" ["[2001:41d0:2:1628::4450]:27950"] dpmaster.div0.qc.to - default master server 4 (admin: divVerent)
sv_maxairspeed is "360" ["360"] maximum speed a player can accelerate to when airborn (note that it is possible to completely stop by moving the opposite direction)
sv_maxairstrafespeed is "100" ["100"] when set, replacement for sv_maxairspeed when just strafing
sv_maxidle is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
sv_maxidle_spectatorsareidle is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
sv_maxrate is "10000000" ["1000000"] upper limit on client rate cvar, should reflect your network connection quality
sv_maxspeed is "360" ["360"] maximum speed a player can accelerate to when on ground (can be exceeded by tricks)
sv_maxvelocity is "1000000000" ["1000000000"] universal speed limit on all entities
sv_motd is "" [""] custom cvar
sv_nostep is "0" ["0"] prevents MOVETYPE_STEP entities (monsters) from moving
sv_onlycsqcnetworking is "0" ["0"] disables legacy entity networking code for higher performance (except on clients, which can still be legacy)
sv_pitch_fixyaw is "0" ["0"] workaround to fix the aiming direction on stupidly made player models, FIXME fix the models and set this to 0
sv_pitch_max is "35" ["35"] maximum aiming angle for shooting direction display of the gun
sv_pitch_min is "-35" ["-35"] minimum aiming angle for shooting direction display of the gun
sv_player_crouch_maxs is "16 16 25" ["16 16 25"] maxs of a crouched playermodel
sv_player_crouch_mins is "-16 -16 -24" ["-16 -16 -24"] mins of a crouched playermodel
sv_player_crouch_viewoffset is "0 0 20" ["0 0 20"] view offset of the player model when crouched
sv_player_headsize is "24 24 12" ["24 24 12"] playermodel headshot bbox size (centered at top of player bbox, preview with r_showbboxes)
sv_player_maxs is "16 16 45" ["16 16 45"] playermodel maxs
sv_player_mins is "-16 -16 -24" ["-16 -16 -24"] playermodel mins
sv_player_viewoffset is "0 0 35" ["0 0 35"] view offset of the player model
sv_playerphysicsqc is "1" ["1"] enables QuakeC function to override player physics
sv_pogostick is "1" ["1"] don't require releasing the space bar for jumping again
sv_precacheitems is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
sv_precacheplayermodels is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
sv_precacheweapons is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
sv_progs is "progs.dat" ["progs.dat"] selects which quakec progs.dat file to run
sv_protocolname is "DP7" ["DP7"] selects network protocol to host for (values include QUAKE, QUAKEDP, NEHAHRAMOVIE, DP1 and up)
sv_public is "0" ["0"] 1: advertises this server on the master server (so that players can find it in the server browser); 0: allow direct queries only; -1: do not respond to direct queries; -2: do not allow anyone to connect; -3: already block at getchallenge level
sv_public_rejectreason is "The server is closing." ["The server is closing."] Rejection reason for connects when sv_public is -2
sv_q3acompat_machineshotgunswap is "0" ["0"] shorthand for swapping uzi and shotgun (for Q3A map compatibility in mapinfo files)
sv_qcweaponanimation is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
sv_random_seed is "" [""] random seed; when set, on every map start this random seed is used to initialize the random number generator. Don't touch it unless for benchmarking or debugging
sv_ratelimitlocalplayer is "0" ["0"] whether to apply rate limiting to the local player in a listen server (only useful for testing)
sv_ready_restart is "0" ["0"] if set to 1 allow a map to be restarted once all players pressed the "ready" button'
sv_ready_restart_after_countdown is "0" ["0"] if set to 1 the players and map items are reset after the countdown ended, otherwise they're reset already at the beginning of the countdown
sv_ready_restart_repeatable is "0" ["0"] allows the players to restart the game as often as needed
sv_servermodelsonly is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
sv_shownames_cull_distance is "2500" ["2500"] distance after which to not send origin/health/armor of another player
sv_sound_land is "" [""] sound to play when MOVETYPE_STEP entity hits the ground at high speed (empty cvar disables the sound)
sv_sound_watersplash is "" [""] sound to play when MOVETYPE_FLY/TOSS/BOUNCE/STEP entity enters or leaves water (empty cvar disables the sound)
sv_spectate is "1" ["1"] if set to 1, new clients are allowed to spectate or observe the game, if set to 0 joining clients spawn as players immediately (no spectating)
sv_spectator_speed_multiplier is "1.5" ["1.5"] custom cvar
sv_status_privacy is "1" ["1"] do not show IP addresses in 'status' replies to clients
sv_status_show_qcstatus is "1" ["1"] show the 'qcstatus' field in status replies, not the 'frags' field. Turn this on if your mod uses this field, and the 'frags' field on the other hand has no meaningful value.
sv_stepheight is "26" ["26"] how high you can step up (TW_SV_STEPCONTROL extension)
sv_stopspeed is "100" ["100"] how fast you come to a complete stop
sv_strengthsound_antispam_refire_threshold is "0.04" ["0.04"] apply minimum distance only if refire of the gun is smaller than this
sv_strengthsound_antispam_time is "0.1" ["0.1"] minimum distance of strength sounds
sv_taunt is "1" ["1"] allow taunts on the server
sv_teamnagger is "1" ["1"] enable a nag message when the teams are unbalanced
sv_timeout is "0" ["0"] allows a player to call a timeout, this will pause the game for some time
sv_timeout_leadtime is "4" ["4"] how long the players will be informed that a timeout was called before it starts, in seconds
sv_timeout_length is "120" ["120"] how long the game will be paused at max, in seconds
sv_timeout_number is "2" ["2"] how many timeouts one player is allowed to call (gets reset after a restart)
sv_timeout_resumetime is "3" ["3"] how long the remaining timeout-time will be after a player called the timein command
sv_vote_call is "1" ["1"] users can call a vote for the above commands
sv_vote_change is "1" ["1"] set to 1 to allow to change you vote/mind
sv_vote_commands is "restart fraglimit chmap gotomap nextmap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick cointoss movetoteam_auto" ["restart fraglimit chmap gotomap nextmap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready kick cointoss movetoteam_auto"] these commands can be voted
sv_vote_majority_factor is "0.5" ["0.5"] which quotient of the PLAYERS constitute a majority? (try: 0.666, 0.75 when using the above)
sv_vote_master is "1" ["1"] users can call a vote to become master
sv_vote_master_commands is "movetoteam_red movetoteam_blue movetoteam_yellow movetoteam_pink" ["movetoteam_red movetoteam_blue movetoteam_yellow movetoteam_pink"] maybe add kickban here (but then sv_vote_master 0)
sv_vote_master_password is "" [""] when set, users can use "vlogin PASSWORD" to log in as master
sv_vote_nospectators is "0" ["0"] if set only players can call a vote (thus spectators and observers can't call a vote)
sv_vote_only_commands is "" [""] custom cvar
sv_vote_override_mostrecent is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
sv_vote_simple_majority_factor is "0.666" ["0.666"] which quotient of the VOTERS constitute a majority too? (0 = off, otherwise it must be higher than or equal to sv_vote_majority_factor)
sv_vote_singlecount is "0" ["0"] set to 1 to count votes once after timeout or to 0 to count with every vote
sv_vote_stop is "15" ["15"] a player can not call a vote again for this many seconds when he stopped this vote (e.g. to correct it)
sv_vote_timeout is "30" ["30"] a vote will timeout after this many seconds
sv_vote_wait is "120" ["120"] a player can not call a vote again for this many seconds when his vote was not accepted
sv_wallfriction is "1" ["1"] how much you slow down when sliding along a wall
sv_warsowbunny_accel is "0.1593" ["0.1593"] how fast you accelerate until after reaching sv_maxspeed (it gets harder as you near sv_warsowbunny_topspeed)
sv_warsowbunny_airforwardaccel is "1.00001" ["1.00001"] how fast you accelerate until you reach sv_maxspeed
sv_warsowbunny_backtosideratio is "0.8" ["0.8"] lower values make it easier to change direction without losing speed; the drawback is "understeering" in sharp turns
sv_warsowbunny_topspeed is "925" ["925"] soft speed limit (can get faster with rjs and on ramps)
sv_warsowbunny_turnaccel is "0" ["0"] max sharpness of turns (also master switch for the sv_warsowbunny_* mode; set this to 9 to enable)
sv_wateraccelerate is "-1" ["-1"] rate at which a player accelerates to sv_maxspeed while in the air, if less than 0 the sv_accelerate variable is used instead
sv_waterfriction is "-1" ["-1"] how fast you slow down, if less than 0 the sv_friction variable is used instead
sv_weaponstats_file is "" [""] when set to a file name, per-weapon stats get written to that file
sv_worldbasename is "" [""] name of current worldmodel without maps/ prefix or extension
sv_worldmessage is "" [""] title of current level
sv_worldname is "" [""] name of current worldmodel
sv_worldnamenoextension is "" [""] name of current worldmodel without extension
sv_writepicture_quality is "10" ["10"] WritePicture quality offset (higher means better quality, but slower)

25 possible aliases:
sv_fbskin_green: sv_defaultcharacter 1; sv_defaultplayermodel models/player/megaerebus.iqm; sv_defaultplayerskin 1; sv_defaultplayercolors 51
sv_fbskin_off: sv_defaultcharacter 0; sv_defaultplayerskin 0; sv_defaultplayercolors ""
sv_fbskin_orange: sv_defaultcharacter 1; sv_defaultplayermodel models/player/megaerebus.iqm; sv_defaultplayerskin 1; sv_defaultplayercolors 238
sv_fbskin_red: sv_defaultcharacter 1; sv_defaultplayermodel models/player/megaerebus.iqm; sv_defaultplayerskin 1; sv_defaultplayercolors 68
sv_loadconfig: exec $serverconfig
sv_restart: say "Server will restart at the end of the match, you will all be reconnected automatically. $* "; quit_and_redirect self

1772 possible variables:
g_allow_oldnexbeam is "0" ["0"] If enabled, clients are allowed to use old v2.3 Nexgun beam
g_antilag is "2" ["2"] AntiLag (0 = no AntiLag, 1 = verified client side hit scan, 2 = server side hit scan in the past, 3 = unverified client side hit scan)
g_antilag_bullets is "1" ["1"] Bullets AntiLag (0 = no AntiLag, 1 = server side hit scan in the past) - DO NOT TOUCH (severely changes weapon balance)
g_antilag_nudge is "0" ["0"] don't touch
g_arena is "0" ["0"] Arena: many one-on-one rounds are played to find the winner
g_arena_maxspawned is "2" ["2"] maximum number of players to spawn at once (the rest is spectating, waiting for their turn)
g_arena_point_leadlimit is "-1" ["-1"] Arena point lead limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)
g_arena_point_limit is "-1" ["-1"] Arena point limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)
g_arena_powerups is "0" ["0"] enables powerups (superhealth, strength and shield), which are removed by default
g_arena_respawn_delay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_arena_respawn_waves is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_arena_roundbased is "1" ["1"] if disabled, the next player will spawn as soon as someone dies
g_arena_warmup is "5" ["5"] time, newly spawned players have to prepare themselves in round based matches
g_arena_weapon_stay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_as_respawn_delay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_as_respawn_waves is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_as_weapon_stay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_assault is "0" ["0"] Assault: attack the enemy base as fast as you can, then defend the base against the enemy for that time to win
g_balance_armor_blockpercent is "0.6" ["0.6"] custom cvar
g_balance_armor_limit is "999" ["999"] custom cvar
g_balance_armor_regen is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_armor_regenlinear is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_armor_regenstable is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_balance_armor_rot is "0.04" ["0.04"] custom cvar
g_balance_armor_rotlinear is "0.75" ["0.75"] custom cvar
g_balance_armor_rotstable is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_balance_armor_start is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_cloaked_alpha is "0.25" ["0.25"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_primary_ammo is "3" ["3"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_primary_animtime is "0.3" ["0.3"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_primary_bouncedamagefactor is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_primary_bounces is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_primary_damage is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_primary_edgedamage is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_primary_force is "-55" ["-55"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_primary_joindelay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_primary_joinexplode is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_primary_joinexplode_damage is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_primary_joinexplode_edgedamage is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_primary_joinexplode_force is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_primary_joinexplode_radius is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_primary_joinspread is "0.4" ["0.4"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_primary_jointime is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_primary_linkexplode is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_primary_middle_fadetime is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_primary_middle_lifetime is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_primary_other_fadetime is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_primary_other_lifetime is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_primary_radius is "80" ["80"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_primary_refire is "0.7" ["0.7"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_primary_shots is "7" ["7"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_primary_speed is "1800" ["1800"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_primary_spread is "0.075" ["0.075"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_reload_ammo is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_reload_time is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_secondary is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_secondary_ammo is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_secondary_animtime is "0.2" ["0.2"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_secondary_bouncedamagefactor is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_secondary_bounces is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_secondary_damage is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_secondary_edgedamage is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_secondary_force is "-40" ["-40"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_secondary_joindelay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_secondary_joinexplode is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_secondary_joinexplode_damage is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_secondary_joinexplode_edgedamage is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_secondary_joinexplode_force is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_secondary_joinexplode_radius is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_secondary_joinspread is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_secondary_jointime is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_secondary_line_fadetime is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_secondary_line_lifetime is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_secondary_linkexplode is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_secondary_middle_fadetime is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_secondary_middle_lifetime is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_secondary_radius is "70" ["70"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_secondary_refire is "0.2" ["0.2"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_secondary_shots is "3" ["3"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_secondary_speed is "2000" ["2000"] custom cvar
g_balance_crylink_secondary_spread is "0.02" ["0.02"] custom cvar
g_balance_ctf_damageforcescale is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_ctf_delay_collect is "1.0" ["1.0"] custom cvar
g_balance_curse_empathy_minhealth is "20" ["20"] custom cvar
g_balance_curse_empathy_takedamage is "-0.4" ["-0.4"] custom cvar
g_balance_curse_slow_atkrate is "1.5" ["1.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_curse_slow_highspeed is "0.6" ["0.6"] custom cvar
g_balance_curse_venom_hpmod is "0.6" ["0.6"] custom cvar
g_balance_curse_venom_limitmod is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_curse_venom_rotrate is "3.0" ["3.0"] custom cvar
g_balance_curse_vulner_takedamage is "2.0" ["2.0"] custom cvar
g_balance_curse_weak_damage is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_curse_weak_force is "0.6" ["0.6"] custom cvar
g_balance_damagepush_speedfactor is "2.5" ["2.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_combo_comboradius is "275" ["275"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_combo_damage is "40" ["40"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_combo_edgedamage is "20" ["20"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_combo_force is "120" ["120"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_combo_radius is "175" ["175"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_combo_speed is "2000" ["2000"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_lightning is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_primary_ammo is "4" ["4"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_primary_animtime is "0.1" ["0.1"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_primary_comboradius is "150" ["150"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_primary_damage is "55" ["55"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_primary_edgedamage is "27.5" ["27.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_primary_falloff_halflifedist is "425" ["425"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_primary_falloff_maxdist is "850" ["850"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_primary_falloff_mindist is "255" ["255"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_primary_force is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_primary_force_up is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_primary_lifetime is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_primary_radius is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_primary_range is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_primary_refire is "0.6" ["0.6"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_primary_speed is "2500" ["2500"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_primary_spread is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_reload_ammo is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_reload_time is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_secondary_ammo is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_secondary_animtime is "0.2" ["0.2"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_secondary_bouncefactor is "0.4" ["0.4"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_secondary_bouncestop is "0.05" ["0.05"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_secondary_count is "3" ["3"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_secondary_damage is "40" ["40"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_secondary_damageforcescale is "4" ["4"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_secondary_edgedamage is "20" ["20"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_secondary_force is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_secondary_health is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_secondary_lifetime is "3" ["3"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_secondary_radius is "150" ["150"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_secondary_refire is "0.2" ["0.2"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_secondary_refire2 is "1.5" ["1.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_secondary_speed is "900" ["900"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_secondary_speed_up is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_secondary_speed_z is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_electro_secondary_spread is "0.05" ["0.05"] custom cvar
g_balance_falldamage_deadminspeed is "250" ["250"] custom cvar
g_balance_falldamage_factor is "0.20" ["0.20"] custom cvar
g_balance_falldamage_maxdamage is "40" ["40"] custom cvar
g_balance_falldamage_minspeed is "900" ["900"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_primary_ammo is "20" ["20"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_primary_animtime is "0.2" ["0.2"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_primary_bfgdamage is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_primary_bfgforce is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_primary_bfgradius is "1000" ["1000"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_primary_damage is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_primary_damageforcescale is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_primary_edgedamage is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_primary_force is "600" ["600"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_primary_health is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_primary_laserburntime is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_primary_laserdamage is "80" ["80"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_primary_laseredgedamage is "20" ["20"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_primary_laserradius is "256" ["256"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_primary_lifetime is "15" ["15"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_primary_radius is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_primary_refire is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_primary_refire2 is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_primary_speed is "1200" ["1200"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_primary_spread is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_reload_ammo is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_reload_time is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_secondary_ammo is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_secondary_animtime is "0.3" ["0.3"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_secondary_damage is "40" ["40"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_secondary_damageforcescale is "4" ["4"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_secondary_damagetime is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_secondary_force is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_secondary_laserburntime is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_secondary_laserdamage is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_secondary_laseredgedamage is "20" ["20"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_secondary_laserradius is "110" ["110"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_secondary_lifetime is "7" ["7"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_secondary_refire is "1.5" ["1.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_secondary_speed is "900" ["900"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_secondary_speed_up is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_secondary_speed_z is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_fireball_secondary_spread is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_firetransfer_damage is "0.8" ["0.8"] custom cvar
g_balance_firetransfer_time is "0.9" ["0.9"] custom cvar
g_balance_fuel_limit is "999" ["999"] custom cvar
g_balance_fuel_regen is "0.1" ["0.1"] fuel regeneration (only applies if the player owns IT_FUEL_REGEN)
g_balance_fuel_regenlinear is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_fuel_regenstable is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_balance_fuel_rot is "0.05" ["0.05"] custom cvar
g_balance_fuel_rotlinear is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_fuel_rotstable is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_balance_grapplehook_airfriction is "0.2" ["0.2"] custom cvar
g_balance_grapplehook_force_rubber is "2000" ["2000"] custom cvar
g_balance_grapplehook_force_rubber_overstretch is "1000" ["1000"] custom cvar
g_balance_grapplehook_health is "130" ["130"] custom cvar
g_balance_grapplehook_length_min is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_balance_grapplehook_speed_fly is "1800" ["1800"] custom cvar
g_balance_grapplehook_speed_pull is "2000" ["2000"] custom cvar
g_balance_grapplehook_stretch is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_bouncefactor is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_bouncestop is "0.075" ["0.075"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_ammo is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_animtime is "0.3" ["0.3"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_damage is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_damageforcescale is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_edgedamage is "25" ["25"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_force is "250" ["250"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_health is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_lifetime is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_lifetime2 is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_radius is "130" ["130"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_refire is "0.8" ["0.8"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_remote_minbouncecnt is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_speed is "1900" ["1900"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_speed_up is "225" ["225"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_speed_z is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_spread is "0.02" ["0.02"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_type is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_reload_ammo is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_reload_time is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_ammo is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_animtime is "0.3" ["0.3"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_damage is "60" ["60"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_damageforcescale is "4" ["4"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_edgedamage is "30" ["30"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_force is "250" ["250"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_health is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_lifetime is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_lifetime_bounce is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_lifetime_stick is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_radius is "130" ["130"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_refire is "0.7" ["0.7"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_remote_detonateprimary is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_speed is "1400" ["1400"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_speed_up is "150" ["150"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_speed_z is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_spread is "0.02" ["0.02"] custom cvar
g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_type is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_primary_ammo is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_primary_damage is "30" ["30"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_primary_edgedamage is "15" ["15"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_primary_force is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_primary_lifetime is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_primary_radius is "70" ["70"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_primary_refire is "0.15" ["0.15"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_primary_speed is "2000" ["2000"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_primary_spread is "0.05" ["0.05"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_reload_ammo is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_reload_time is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_secondary is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_secondary_ammo is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_secondary_damage is "40" ["40"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_secondary_edgedamage is "20" ["20"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_secondary_force is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_secondary_lifetime_min is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_secondary_lifetime_rand is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_secondary_load is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_secondary_load_abort is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_secondary_load_hold is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_secondary_load_max is "4" ["4"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_secondary_load_releasedeath is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_secondary_load_speed is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_secondary_radius is "80" ["80"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_secondary_refire is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_secondary_speed is "2000" ["2000"] custom cvar
g_balance_hagar_secondary_spread is "0.05" ["0.05"] custom cvar
g_balance_health_limit is "999" ["999"] custom cvar
g_balance_health_regen is "0.08" ["0.08"] custom cvar
g_balance_health_regenlinear is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_health_regenstable is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_balance_health_rot is "0.04" ["0.04"] custom cvar
g_balance_health_rotlinear is "0.75" ["0.75"] custom cvar
g_balance_health_rotstable is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_balance_health_start is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_primary_ammo is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_primary_animtime is "0.4" ["0.4"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_primary_damage is "18" ["18"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_primary_edgedamage is "9" ["9"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_primary_force is "90" ["90"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_primary_lifetime is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_primary_radius is "70" ["70"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_primary_refire is "0.15" ["0.15"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_primary_speed is "9000" ["9000"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_add is "0.0045" ["0.0045"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_crouchmod is "0.25" ["0.25"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_max is "0.25" ["0.25"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_primary_spread_min is "0.01" ["0.01"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_reload_ammo is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_reload_time is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_secondary is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_secondary_ammo is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_secondary_animtime is "0.3" ["0.3"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_secondary_damage is "15" ["15"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_secondary_edgedamage is "7.5" ["7.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_secondary_force is "90" ["90"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_secondary_lifetime is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_secondary_radius is "70" ["70"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_secondary_refire is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_secondary_shots is "6" ["6"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_secondary_speed is "9000" ["9000"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_secondary_spread is "0.15" ["0.15"] custom cvar
g_balance_hlac_secondary_spread_crouchmod is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_hook_primary_animtime is "0.3" ["0.3"] custom cvar
g_balance_hook_primary_fuel is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_hook_primary_hooked_fuel is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_hook_primary_hooked_time_free is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_hook_primary_hooked_time_max is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_hook_primary_refire is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_hook_secondary_ammo is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_balance_hook_secondary_animtime is "0.3" ["0.3"] custom cvar
g_balance_hook_secondary_damage is "25" ["25"] custom cvar
g_balance_hook_secondary_duration is "1.5" ["1.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_hook_secondary_edgedamage is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_hook_secondary_force is "-2000" ["-2000"] custom cvar
g_balance_hook_secondary_gravity is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_hook_secondary_lifetime is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_hook_secondary_power is "3" ["3"] custom cvar
g_balance_hook_secondary_radius is "500" ["500"] custom cvar
g_balance_hook_secondary_refire is "3" ["3"] custom cvar
g_balance_hook_secondary_speed is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_keyhunt_damageforcescale is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_keyhunt_delay_collect is "1.5" ["1.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_keyhunt_delay_fadeout is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_keyhunt_delay_return is "60" ["60"] custom cvar
g_balance_keyhunt_delay_round is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_keyhunt_delay_tracking is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_balance_keyhunt_dropvelocity is "300" ["300"] custom cvar
g_balance_keyhunt_maxdist is "150" ["150"] custom cvar
g_balance_keyhunt_protecttime is "0.8" ["0.8"] custom cvar
g_balance_keyhunt_score_capture is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_balance_keyhunt_score_carrierfrag is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_keyhunt_score_collect is "3" ["3"] custom cvar
g_balance_keyhunt_score_destroyed is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_balance_keyhunt_score_destroyed_ownfactor is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_keyhunt_score_push is "60" ["60"] custom cvar
g_balance_keyhunt_throwvelocity is "400" ["400"] custom cvar
g_balance_kill_antispam is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_kill_delay is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_primary_animtime is "0.3" ["0.3"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_primary_damage is "25" ["25"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_primary_delay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_primary_edgedamage is "12.5" ["12.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_primary_force is "250" ["250"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_primary_force_other_scale is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_primary_force_velocitybias is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_primary_force_zscale is "1.5" ["1.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_primary_gauntlet is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_primary_lifetime is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_primary_radius is "70" ["70"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_primary_refire is "0.7" ["0.7"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_primary_shotangle is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_primary_speed is "6000" ["6000"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_primary_spread is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_reload_ammo is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_reload_time is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_secondary is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_secondary_animtime is "0.3" ["0.3"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_secondary_damage is "25" ["25"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_secondary_delay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_secondary_edgedamage is "12.5" ["12.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_secondary_force is "400" ["400"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_secondary_force_other_scale is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_secondary_force_velocitybias is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_secondary_force_zscale is "1.25" ["1.25"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_secondary_gauntlet is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_secondary_lifetime is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_secondary_radius is "70" ["70"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_secondary_refire is "0.7" ["0.7"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_secondary_shotangle is "-90" ["-90"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_secondary_speed is "12000" ["12000"] custom cvar
g_balance_laser_secondary_spread is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_minelayer_ammo is "4" ["4"] custom cvar
g_balance_minelayer_animtime is "0.4" ["0.4"] custom cvar
g_balance_minelayer_damage is "40" ["40"] custom cvar
g_balance_minelayer_damageforcescale is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_minelayer_detonatedelay is "-1" ["-1"] custom cvar
g_balance_minelayer_edgedamage is "20" ["20"] custom cvar
g_balance_minelayer_force is "250" ["250"] custom cvar
g_balance_minelayer_health is "15" ["15"] custom cvar
g_balance_minelayer_lifetime is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_balance_minelayer_lifetime_countdown is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_minelayer_limit is "3" ["3"] custom cvar
g_balance_minelayer_protection is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_minelayer_proximityradius is "150" ["150"] custom cvar
g_balance_minelayer_radius is "175" ["175"] custom cvar
g_balance_minelayer_refire is "1.5" ["1.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_minelayer_reload_ammo is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_minelayer_reload_time is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_minelayer_remote_damage is "45" ["45"] custom cvar
g_balance_minelayer_remote_edgedamage is "40" ["40"] custom cvar
g_balance_minelayer_remote_force is "300" ["300"] custom cvar
g_balance_minelayer_remote_radius is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_balance_minelayer_speed is "1000" ["1000"] custom cvar
g_balance_minelayer_time is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_minstanex_ammo is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_balance_minstanex_animtime is "0.3" ["0.3"] custom cvar
g_balance_minstanex_laser_ammo is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_minstanex_refire is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_minstanex_reload_ammo is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_minstanex_reload_time is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_charge is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_charge_animlimit is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_charge_limit is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_charge_maxspeed is "800" ["800"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_charge_mindmg is "40" ["40"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_charge_minspeed is "400" ["400"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_charge_rate is "0.4" ["0.4"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_charge_rot_pause is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_charge_rot_rate is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_charge_shot_multiplier is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_charge_start is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_charge_velocity_rate is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_primary_ammo is "6" ["6"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_primary_animtime is "0.3" ["0.3"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_primary_damage is "90" ["90"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_primary_damagefalloff_forcehalflife is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_primary_damagefalloff_halflife is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_primary_damagefalloff_maxdist is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_primary_damagefalloff_mindist is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_primary_force is "400" ["400"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_primary_refire is "1.25" ["1.25"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_reload_ammo is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_reload_time is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_secondary is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_secondary_ammo is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_secondary_animtime is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_secondary_charge is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_secondary_charge_rate is "0.1" ["0.1"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_secondary_chargepool is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_secondary_chargepool_pause_health_regen is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_secondary_chargepool_pause_regen is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_secondary_chargepool_regen is "0.15" ["0.15"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_secondary_damage is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_secondary_damagefalloff_forcehalflife is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_secondary_damagefalloff_halflife is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_secondary_damagefalloff_maxdist is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_secondary_damagefalloff_mindist is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_secondary_force is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_nex_secondary_refire is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_nexball_primary_animtime is "0.3" ["0.3"] launching animtime
g_balance_nexball_primary_refire is "0.7" ["0.7"] launching refire
g_balance_nexball_primary_speed is "1000" ["1000"] launching speed
g_balance_nexball_secondary_animtime is "0.3" ["0.3"] stealing projectile animtime
g_balance_nexball_secondary_force is "500" ["500"] stealing projectile force
g_balance_nexball_secondary_lifetime is "0.15" ["0.15"] stealing projectile lifetime
g_balance_nexball_secondary_refire is "0.6" ["0.6"] stealing projectile refire
g_balance_nexball_secondary_speed is "3000" ["3000"] stealing projectile speed
g_balance_nix_ammo_cells is "180" ["180"] custom cvar
g_balance_nix_ammo_fuel is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_nix_ammo_nails is "320" ["320"] custom cvar
g_balance_nix_ammo_rockets is "160" ["160"] custom cvar
g_balance_nix_ammo_shells is "60" ["60"] custom cvar
g_balance_nix_ammoincr_cells is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_nix_ammoincr_fuel is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_nix_ammoincr_nails is "6" ["6"] custom cvar
g_balance_nix_ammoincr_rockets is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_nix_ammoincr_shells is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_nix_incrtime is "1.6" ["1.6"] custom cvar
g_balance_nix_roundtime is "25" ["25"] custom cvar
g_balance_pause_armor_rot is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_pause_armor_rot_spawn is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_pause_fuel_regen is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_pause_fuel_rot is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_pause_fuel_rot_spawn is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_balance_pause_health_regen is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_pause_health_regen_spawn is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_pause_health_rot is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_pause_health_rot_spawn is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_portal_health is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_balance_portal_lifetime is "15" ["15"] custom cvar
g_balance_porto_primary_animtime is "0.3" ["0.3"] custom cvar
g_balance_porto_primary_lifetime is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_porto_primary_refire is "1.5" ["1.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_porto_primary_speed is "5000" ["5000"] custom cvar
g_balance_powerup_invincible_takedamage is "0.25" ["0.25"] custom cvar
g_balance_powerup_invincible_time is "30" ["30"] custom cvar
g_balance_powerup_strength_damage is "3" ["3"] custom cvar
g_balance_powerup_strength_force is "3" ["3"] custom cvar
g_balance_powerup_strength_selfdamage is "1.5" ["1.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_powerup_strength_selfforce is "1.5" ["1.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_powerup_strength_time is "30" ["30"] custom cvar
g_balance_powerup_timer is "1" ["1"] if set to 0 the powerups dont wear off
g_balance_rifle_bursttime is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_primary_ammo is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_primary_animtime is "0.4" ["0.4"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_primary_bulletconstant is "110" ["110"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_primary_bullethail is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_primary_burstcost is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_primary_damage is "30" ["30"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_primary_force is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_primary_headshotaddeddamage is "30" ["30"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_primary_lifetime is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_primary_refire is "1.2" ["1.2"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_primary_shots is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_primary_speed is "40000" ["40000"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_primary_spread is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_primary_tracer is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_reload_ammo is "80" ["80"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_reload_time is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_secondary is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_secondary_ammo is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_secondary_animtime is "0.3" ["0.3"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_secondary_bulletconstant is "110" ["110"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_secondary_bullethail is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_secondary_burstcost is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_secondary_damage is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_secondary_force is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_secondary_headshotaddeddamage is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_secondary_lifetime is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_secondary_refire is "0.9" ["0.9"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_secondary_reload is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_secondary_shots is "4" ["4"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_secondary_speed is "20000" ["20000"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_secondary_spread is "0.02" ["0.02"] custom cvar
g_balance_rifle_secondary_tracer is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_rocketlauncher_ammo is "4" ["4"] custom cvar
g_balance_rocketlauncher_animtime is "0.3" ["0.3"] custom cvar
g_balance_rocketlauncher_damage is "80" ["80"] custom cvar
g_balance_rocketlauncher_damageforcescale is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_rocketlauncher_detonatedelay is "0.05" ["0.05"] custom cvar
g_balance_rocketlauncher_edgedamage is "40" ["40"] custom cvar
g_balance_rocketlauncher_force is "400" ["400"] custom cvar
g_balance_rocketlauncher_guidedelay is "0.2" ["0.2"] custom cvar
g_balance_rocketlauncher_guidegoal is "512" ["512"] custom cvar
g_balance_rocketlauncher_guiderate is "110" ["110"] custom cvar
g_balance_rocketlauncher_guideratedelay is "0.01" ["0.01"] custom cvar
g_balance_rocketlauncher_guidestop is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_rocketlauncher_health is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_rocketlauncher_lifetime is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_balance_rocketlauncher_radius is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_balance_rocketlauncher_refire is "1.1" ["1.1"] custom cvar
g_balance_rocketlauncher_reload_ammo is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_rocketlauncher_reload_time is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_rocketlauncher_remote_damage is "70" ["70"] custom cvar
g_balance_rocketlauncher_remote_edgedamage is "35" ["35"] custom cvar
g_balance_rocketlauncher_remote_force is "400" ["400"] custom cvar
g_balance_rocketlauncher_remote_radius is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_balance_rocketlauncher_speed is "1500" ["1500"] custom cvar
g_balance_rocketlauncher_speedaccel is "1500" ["1500"] custom cvar
g_balance_rocketlauncher_speedstart is "800" ["800"] custom cvar
g_balance_rune_defense_combo_takedamage is "1.0" ["1.0"] custom cvar
g_balance_rune_defense_takedamage is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_rune_regen_combo_hpmod is "0.9" ["0.9"] custom cvar
g_balance_rune_regen_combo_limitmod is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_rune_regen_combo_regenrate is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_rune_regen_combo_rotrate is "1.5" ["1.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_rune_regen_hpmod is "1.75" ["1.75"] custom cvar
g_balance_rune_regen_limitmod is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_rune_regen_regenrate is "3.0" ["3.0"] custom cvar
g_balance_rune_speed_atkrate is "0.66" ["0.66"] custom cvar
g_balance_rune_speed_combo_atkrate is "1.2" ["1.2"] custom cvar
g_balance_rune_speed_combo_highspeed is "0.9" ["0.9"] custom cvar
g_balance_rune_speed_highspeed is "1.5" ["1.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_rune_strength_combo_damage is "0.9" ["0.9"] custom cvar
g_balance_rune_strength_combo_force is "1.0" ["1.0"] custom cvar
g_balance_rune_strength_damage is "2.0" ["2.0"] custom cvar
g_balance_rune_strength_force is "1.5" ["1.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_rune_vampire_absorb is "0.4" ["0.4"] custom cvar
g_balance_rune_vampire_combo_absorb is "-0.1" ["-0.1"] custom cvar
g_balance_rune_vampire_combo_minhealth is "40" ["40"] custom cvar
g_balance_rune_vampire_maxhealth is "500" ["500"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_flac_ammo is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_flac_animtime is "0.1" ["0.1"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_flac_damage is "15" ["15"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_flac_edgedamage is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_flac_force is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_flac_lifetime is "0.1" ["0.1"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_flac_lifetime_rand is "0.05" ["0.05"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_flac_radius is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_flac_refire is "0.1" ["0.1"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_flac_speed is "3000" ["3000"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_flac_speed_up is "1000" ["1000"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_flac_speed_z is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_flac_spread is "0.4" ["0.4"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_missile_accel is "1500" ["1500"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_missile_ammo is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_missile_animtime is "0.2" ["0.2"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_missile_count is "3" ["3"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_missile_damage is "16" ["16"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_missile_damageforcescale is "4" ["4"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_missile_decel is "6000" ["6000"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_missile_delay is "0.25" ["0.25"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_missile_edgedamage is "8" ["8"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_missile_force is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_missile_health is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_missile_lifetime is "15" ["15"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_missile_proxy is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_missile_proxy_delay is "0.2" ["0.2"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_missile_proxy_maxrange is "45" ["45"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_missile_radius is "70" ["70"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_missile_refire is "0.25" ["0.25"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_missile_smart is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_missile_smart_mindist is "800" ["800"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_missile_smart_trace_max is "2500" ["2500"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_missile_smart_trace_min is "1000" ["1000"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_missile_speed is "1500" ["1500"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_missile_speed_max is "2000" ["2000"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_missile_speed_up is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_missile_speed_z is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_missile_spread is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_missile_turnrate is "0.15" ["0.15"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_reload_ammo is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_reload_time is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_tag_ammo is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_tag_animtime is "0.2" ["0.2"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_tag_damageforcescale is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_tag_health is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_tag_lifetime is "15" ["15"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_tag_refire is "0.75" ["0.75"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_tag_speed is "5000" ["5000"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_tag_spread is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_tag_tracker_lifetime is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_balance_seeker_type is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_selfdamagepercent is "0.75" ["0.75"] custom cvar
g_balance_shotgun_primary_ammo is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_shotgun_primary_animtime is "0.2" ["0.2"] custom cvar
g_balance_shotgun_primary_bulletconstant is "75" ["75"] custom cvar
g_balance_shotgun_primary_bullets is "14" ["14"] custom cvar
g_balance_shotgun_primary_damage is "4" ["4"] custom cvar
g_balance_shotgun_primary_force is "15" ["15"] custom cvar
g_balance_shotgun_primary_refire is "0.75" ["0.75"] custom cvar
g_balance_shotgun_primary_speed is "8000" ["8000"] custom cvar
g_balance_shotgun_primary_spread is "0.12" ["0.12"] custom cvar
g_balance_shotgun_reload_ammo is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_shotgun_reload_time is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_shotgun_secondary is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_shotgun_secondary_animtime is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_shotgun_secondary_damage is "110" ["110"] custom cvar
g_balance_shotgun_secondary_force is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_balance_shotgun_secondary_melee_delay is "0.25" ["0.25"] custom cvar
g_balance_shotgun_secondary_melee_no_doubleslap is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_shotgun_secondary_melee_range is "120" ["120"] custom cvar
g_balance_shotgun_secondary_melee_swing is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_balance_shotgun_secondary_melee_time is "0.1" ["0.1"] custom cvar
g_balance_shotgun_secondary_refire is "1.1" ["1.1"] custom cvar
g_balance_teams is "0" ["0"] automatically balance out players entering instead of asking them for their preferred team
g_balance_teams_force is "0" ["0"] automatically balance out teams when players move or disconnect
g_balance_teams_prevent_imbalance is "0" ["0"] prevent players from changing to larger teams
g_balance_tuba_animtime is "0.05" ["0.05"] custom cvar
g_balance_tuba_attenuation is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_balance_tuba_damage is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_tuba_edgedamage is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_balance_tuba_fadetime is "0.25" ["0.25"] custom cvar
g_balance_tuba_force is "40" ["40"] custom cvar
g_balance_tuba_radius is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_balance_tuba_refire is "0.05" ["0.05"] custom cvar
g_balance_tuba_volume is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_uzi_bulletconstant is "115" ["115"] custom cvar
g_balance_uzi_burst is "3" ["3"] custom cvar
g_balance_uzi_burst_ammo is "3" ["3"] custom cvar
g_balance_uzi_burst_animtime is "0.3" ["0.3"] custom cvar
g_balance_uzi_burst_damage is "25" ["25"] custom cvar
g_balance_uzi_burst_force is "20" ["20"] custom cvar
g_balance_uzi_burst_refire is "0.06" ["0.06"] custom cvar
g_balance_uzi_burst_refire2 is "0.45" ["0.45"] custom cvar
g_balance_uzi_burst_spread is "0.03" ["0.03"] custom cvar
g_balance_uzi_first is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_uzi_first_ammo is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_uzi_first_damage is "16" ["16"] custom cvar
g_balance_uzi_first_force is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_uzi_first_refire is "0.2" ["0.2"] custom cvar
g_balance_uzi_first_spread is "0.03" ["0.03"] custom cvar
g_balance_uzi_mode is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_uzi_reload_ammo is "60" ["60"] custom cvar
g_balance_uzi_reload_time is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_balance_uzi_speed is "18000" ["18000"] custom cvar
g_balance_uzi_spread_add is "0.012" ["0.012"] custom cvar
g_balance_uzi_spread_max is "0.06" ["0.06"] custom cvar
g_balance_uzi_spread_min is "0.02" ["0.02"] custom cvar
g_balance_uzi_sustained_ammo is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_balance_uzi_sustained_damage is "14" ["14"] custom cvar
g_balance_uzi_sustained_force is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_balance_uzi_sustained_refire is "0.1" ["0.1"] custom cvar
g_balance_uzi_sustained_spread is "0.04" ["0.04"] custom cvar
g_balance_weaponswitchdelay is "0.15" ["0.15"] custom cvar
g_ballistics_density_corpse is "0.10" ["0.10"] custom cvar
g_ballistics_density_player is "0.50" ["0.50"] custom cvar
g_ballistics_materialconstant is "1414213562" ["1414213562"] custom cvar
g_ballistics_mindistance is "16" ["16"] custom cvar
g_ban_default_bantime is "5400" ["5400"] 90 minutes
g_ban_default_masksize is "3" ["3"] masksize 0 means banning by UID only, 1 means banning by /8 (IPv6: /32) network, 2 means banning by /16 (IPv6: /48) network, 3 means banning by /24 (IPv6: /56) network, 4 means banning by single IP (IPv6: /64 network)
g_ban_sync_interval is "5" ["5"] sync every 5 minutes
g_ban_sync_timeout is "45" ["45"] time out in seconds for the ban sync requests
g_ban_sync_trusted_servers is "" [""] request ban lists from these xonotic servers (do not include your own server there, or unbanning may fail)
g_ban_sync_trusted_servers_verify is "0" ["0"] when set to 1, additional bans sent by the servers are ignored, and only bans for the requested IP are used
g_ban_sync_uri is "" [""] sync using this ban list provider (empty string to disable)
g_banned_list is "" [""] format: IP remainingtime IP remainingtime ...
g_banned_list_idmode is "1" ["1"] when set, the IP banning system always uses the ID over the IP address (so a user in a banned IP range can connect if they have a valid signed ID)
g_bloodloss is "0" ["0"] amount of health below which blood loss occurs
g_botclip_collisions is "1" ["1"] 0 = disable collision testing against botclips, might be useful on some defrag maps
g_bugrigs is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_bugrigs_accel is "800" ["800"] acceleration
g_bugrigs_air_steering is "1" ["1"] NFS bug emulation
g_bugrigs_angle_smoothing is "5" ["5"] smooth the car angle a bit, looks nice
g_bugrigs_friction_air is "0.00001" ["0.00001"] (very small) v <- v - v * g_bugrigs_friction_air
g_bugrigs_friction_brake is "950" ["950"] units/sec friction for braking
g_bugrigs_friction_floor is "50" ["50"] units/sec friction on floor
g_bugrigs_planar_movement is "1" ["1"] BROTRR bug emulation
g_bugrigs_planar_movement_car_jumping is "1" ["1"] my own bug
g_bugrigs_reverse_speeding is "1" ["1"] BROTRR bug emulation
g_bugrigs_reverse_spinning is "1" ["1"] BROTRR bug emulation
g_bugrigs_reverse_stopping is "1" ["1"] BROTRR bug emulation
g_bugrigs_speed_pow is "2" ["2"] reference power for accel and steer responsiveness
g_bugrigs_speed_ref is "400" ["400"] reference speed for accel and steer responsiveness
g_bugrigs_steer is "1" ["1"] steering amount
g_ca is "0" ["0"] Clan Arena: Played in rounds, once you're dead you're out! The team with survivors wins the round.
g_ca_damage2score_multiplier is "0.01" ["0.01"] custom cvar
g_ca_point_leadlimit is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_ca_point_limit is "10" ["10"] point limit 10 is standard for clan arena
g_ca_respawn_delay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_ca_respawn_waves is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_ca_round_timelimit is "180" ["180"] custom cvar
g_ca_warmup is "10" ["10"] how long the players will have time to run around the map before the round starts
g_ca_weapon_stay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_campaign is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_campaign_forceteam is "0" ["0"] Forces the player to a given team in campaign mode, 1 = red, 2 = blue, 3 = yellow, 4 = pink
g_campaign_name is "xonotic_intro_alpha" ["xonoticbeta"] custom cvar
g_campaign_skill is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_campaignxonotic20_index is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_campaignxonotic25_index is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_campaignxonotic_intro_alpha_index is "0" [""] custom cvar
g_casings is "2" ["2"] specifies which casings (0: none, 1: only shotgun casings, 2: shotgun and machine gun casings) are sent to the client
g_cdtracks_dontusebydefault is "rising-of-the-phoenix" ["rising-of-the-phoenix"] custom cvar
g_cdtracks_remaplist is "rising-of-the-phoenix ninesix northern-lights meltdown stairs out-there zzzzz mickrippon_jumpinginspace" ["rising-of-the-phoenix ninesix northern-lights meltdown stairs out-there zzzzz mickrippon_jumpinginspace"] custom cvar
g_changeteam_banned is "0" ["0"] not allowed to change team
g_changeteam_fragtransfer is "0" ["0"] % of frags you get to keep when you change teams (rounded down)
g_chat_flood_burst is "2" ["2"] normal chat: allow bursts of so many chat lines
g_chat_flood_burst_team is "2" ["2"] team chat: allow bursts of so many chat lines
g_chat_flood_burst_tell is "2" ["2"] private chat: allow bursts of so many chat lines
g_chat_flood_lmax is "2" ["2"] normal chat: maximum number of lines per chat message at once
g_chat_flood_lmax_team is "2" ["2"] team chat: maximum number of lines per chat message at once
g_chat_flood_lmax_tell is "2" ["2"] private chat: maximum number of lines per chat message at once
g_chat_flood_notify_flooder is "1" ["1"] when 0, the flooder still can see his own message
g_chat_flood_spl is "3" ["3"] normal chat: seconds between lines to not count as flooding
g_chat_flood_spl_team is "1" ["1"] team chat: seconds between lines to not count as flooding
g_chat_flood_spl_tell is "1" ["1"] private chat: seconds between lines to not count as flooding
g_chat_nospectators is "0" ["0"] if 0 spec/observer chat is always visible to the player, if 1 it is never visible to players, if 2 it is only visible to players during warmup stage
g_chat_teamcolors is "0" ["0"] colorize nicknames in team color for chat
g_cloaked is "0" ["0"] display all players mostly invisible
g_configversion is "5" ["0"] Configuration file version (used to upgrade settings) 0: first run, or previous start was <2.4.1  Later, it's overridden by config.cfg, version ranges are defined in config_update.cfg
g_ctf is "0" ["0"] Capture The Flag: take the enemy flag and bring it to yours at your base to score
g_ctf_allow_drop is "1" ["1"] dropping allows circumventing carrierkill score, so enable this with care!
g_ctf_captimerecord_always is "0" ["0"] if enabled, assisted CTF records (with other players on the server) are recorded too
g_ctf_capture_leadlimit is "-1" ["-1"] CTF capture lead limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)
g_ctf_capture_limit is "-1" ["-1"] CTF capture limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)
g_ctf_dynamiclights is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_ctf_flag_blue_model is "models/ctf/flags.md3" ["models/ctf/flags.md3"] custom cvar
g_ctf_flag_blue_skin is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_ctf_flag_capture_effects is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_ctf_flag_glowtrails is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_ctf_flag_pickup_effects is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_ctf_flag_red_model is "models/ctf/flags.md3" ["models/ctf/flags.md3"] custom cvar
g_ctf_flag_red_skin is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_ctf_flag_returntime is "30" ["30"] custom cvar
g_ctf_flagcarrier_selfdamage is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_ctf_flagcarrier_selfforce is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_ctf_flagpenalty_drop is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_ctf_flagpenalty_returned is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_ctf_flagpenalty_suicidedrop is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_ctf_flagscore_capture is "20" ["20"] custom cvar
g_ctf_flagscore_kill is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_ctf_flagscore_pickup_base is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_ctf_flagscore_pickup_dropped_early is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_ctf_flagscore_pickup_dropped_late is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_ctf_flagscore_return is "3" ["3"] custom cvar
g_ctf_flagscore_return_by_killer is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_ctf_flagscore_return_rogue is "3" ["3"] custom cvar
g_ctf_flagscore_return_rogue_by_killer is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_ctf_fullbrightflags is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_ctf_ignore_frags is "0" ["0"] 1: regular frags give no points
g_ctf_personalpenalty_drop is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_ctf_personalpenalty_returned is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_ctf_personalpenalty_suicidedrop is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_ctf_personalscore_capture is "20" ["20"] custom cvar
g_ctf_personalscore_kill is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_ctf_personalscore_pickup_base is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_ctf_personalscore_pickup_dropped_early is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_ctf_personalscore_pickup_dropped_late is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_ctf_personalscore_return is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_ctf_personalscore_return_by_killer is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_ctf_personalscore_return_rogue is "3" ["3"] custom cvar
g_ctf_personalscore_return_rogue_by_killer is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_ctf_respawn_delay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_ctf_respawn_waves is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_ctf_reverse is "0" ["0"] when 1, bases/flags are switched :P you have to capture your OWN flag by bringing it to the ENEMY's
g_ctf_shield_force is "100" ["100"] push force of the shield
g_ctf_shield_max_ratio is "0" ["0"] shield at most 0% of a team from the enemy flag (try: 0.4 for 40%)
g_ctf_shield_min_negscore is "20" ["20"] shield the player from the flag if he's got -20 points or less
g_ctf_weapon_stay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_ctf_win_mode is "0" ["0"] 0: captures only, 1: captures, then points, 2: points only
g_cts is "0" ["0"] CTS: complete the stage
g_cts_finish_kill_delay is "10" ["10"] prevent cheating by running back to the start line, and starting out with more speed than otherwise possible
g_cts_respawn_delay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_cts_respawn_waves is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_cts_selfdamage is "1" ["1"] 0 = disable all selfdamage and falldamage in cts
g_cts_weapon_stay is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_deathglow is "1.25" ["1.25"] when enabled, players stop glowing after they die (the value specifies glow fading speed)
g_debug_bot_commands is "0" ["0"] print scripted bot commands before executing
g_debug_defaultsounds is "0" ["0"] always use default sounds
g_dm is "1" ["1"] Deathmatch: killing any other player is one frag, player with most frags wins
g_dm_respawn_delay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_dm_respawn_waves is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_dm_weapon_stay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_dodging is "0" ["0"] set to 1 to enable dodging in games
g_dom_respawn_delay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_dom_respawn_waves is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_dom_weapon_stay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_domination is "0" ["0"] Domination: capture and hold control points to gain points
g_domination_default_teams is "2" ["2"] default number of teams for maps that aren't domination-specific
g_domination_disable_frags is "0" ["0"] players can't get frags normally, only get points from kills
g_domination_point_amt is "0" ["0"] override: how many points to get per ping
g_domination_point_capturetime is "0.1" ["0.1"] how long it takes to capture a point (given no interference)
g_domination_point_fullbright is "0" ["0"] domination point fullbright
g_domination_point_glow is "0" ["0"] domination point glow (warning, slow)
g_domination_point_leadlimit is "-1" ["-1"] Domination point lead limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)
g_domination_point_limit is "-1" ["-1"] Domination point limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)
g_domination_point_rate is "0" ["0"] override: how often to give those points
g_domination_teams_override is "0" ["0"] use a specific number of teams in domination games (minimum 2), disables dom_team entities
g_footsteps is "1" ["1"] serverside footstep sounds
g_forced_respawn is "0" ["0"] if set to 1 and a player died, that player gets automatically respawned once <g_respawn_delay> seconds are over
g_forced_team_blue is "" [""] list of player IDs for blue team
g_forced_team_otherwise is "default" ["default"] action if a non listed player joins (can be default for default action, spectate for forcing to spectate, or red, blue, yellow, pink)
g_forced_team_pink is "" [""] list of player IDs for pink team
g_forced_team_red is "" [""] list of player IDs for red team
g_forced_team_yellow is "" [""] list of player IDs for yellow team
g_freezetag is "0" ["0"] Freeze Tag: Freeze the opposing team(s) to win, unfreeze teammates by standing next to them
g_freezetag_frozen_force is "0.6" ["0.6"] How much to multiply the force on a frozen player with
g_freezetag_point_leadlimit is "-1" ["-1"] Freeze Tag point lead limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)
g_freezetag_point_limit is "-1" ["-1"] Freeze Tag point limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)
g_freezetag_respawn_delay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_freezetag_respawn_waves is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_freezetag_revive_clearspeed is "1.6" ["1.6"] Speed at which reviving progress gets lost when out of range
g_freezetag_revive_extra_size is "100" ["100"] Distance in qu that you can stand from a frozen teammate to keep reviving him
g_freezetag_revive_speed is "0.4" ["0.4"] Speed for reviving a frozen teammate
g_freezetag_warmup is "5" ["5"] Time players get to run around before the round starts
g_freezetag_weapon_stay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_friendlyfire is "0.500000" ["0.500000"] for teamplay 4: fiendly fire factor
g_friendlyfire_virtual is "1" ["1"] for teamplay 4: do not actually apply friendly fire, just show graphics effect for it
g_friendlyfire_virtual_force is "1" ["1"] for teamplay 4: apply force even though damage was made virtual only
g_full_getstatus_responses is "0" ["0"] this currently breaks qstat
g_fullbrightitems is "0" ["0"] brightens up items
g_fullbrightplayers is "0" ["0"] brightens up player models (note that the color, skin or model of the players does not change!)
g_ghost_items is "1" ["1"] enable ghosted items (when between 0 and 1, overrides the alpha value)
g_ghost_items_color is "-1 -1 -1" ["-1 -1 -1"] color of ghosted items, 0 0 0 leaves the color unchanged
g_grappling_hook is "0" ["0"] let players spawn with the grappling hook which allows them to pull themselves up
g_grappling_hook_tarzan is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_hitplots is "0" ["0"] when set to 1, hitplots are stored by the server to provide a means of proving that a triggerbot was used
g_hitplots_individuals is "" [""] the individuals, by IP, that should have their hitplots recorded
g_jetpack is "0" ["0"] Jetpack mutator (uses the hook's button, can't coexist with the offhand hook, but only with the onhand one)
g_jetpack_acceleration_side is "1200" ["1200"] acceleration of the jetpack in xy direction
g_jetpack_acceleration_up is "600" ["600"] acceleration of the jetpack in z direction (note: you have to factor in gravity here, if antigravity is not 1)
g_jetpack_antigravity is "0.8" ["0.8"] factor of gravity compensation of the jetpack
g_jetpack_attenuation is "2" ["2"] jetpack sound attenuation
g_jetpack_fuel is "8" ["8"] fuel per second for jetpack
g_jetpack_maxspeed_side is "1200" ["1200"] max speed of the jetpack in xy direction
g_jetpack_maxspeed_up is "600" ["600"] max speed of the jetpack in z direction
g_jump_grunt is "0" ["0"] Do you make a grunting noise every time you jump? Is it the same grunting noise every time?
g_ka_respawn_delay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_ka_respawn_waves is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_ka_weapon_stay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_keepaway is "0" ["0"] game mode which focuses around a ball, look at g_keepaway_win_mode for further details
g_keepaway_ballcarrier_damage is "1" ["1"] damage multiplier while holding the ball
g_keepaway_ballcarrier_effects is "8" ["8"] Add together the numbers you want: EF_ADDITIVE (32) / EF_NODEPTHTEST (8192) / EF_DIMLIGHT (8)
g_keepaway_ballcarrier_force is "1" ["1"] force multiplier while holding the ball
g_keepaway_ballcarrier_highspeed is "1" ["1"] speed multiplier done to the person holding the ball (recommended when used with some mutators)
g_keepaway_ballcarrier_selfdamage is "1" ["1"] self damage multiplier while holding the ball
g_keepaway_ballcarrier_selfforce is "1" ["1"] self force multiplier while holding the ball
g_keepaway_noncarrier_damage is "1" ["1"] damage done to other players if both you and they don't have the ball
g_keepaway_noncarrier_force is "1" ["1"] force done to other players if both you and they don't have the ball
g_keepaway_noncarrier_selfdamage is "1" ["1"] self damage if you don't have the ball
g_keepaway_noncarrier_selfforce is "1" ["1"] self force if you don't have the ball
g_keepaway_noncarrier_warn is "1" ["1"] warn players when they kill without holding the ball
g_keepaway_score_bckill is "1" ["1"] enable scoring points (y/n) for ball carrier kills (value is how many points to award)
g_keepaway_score_killac is "1" ["1"] amount of points to give when you kill someone while you have the ball
g_keepaway_score_timeinterval is "1" ["1"] amount of time it takes between intervals for timepoints to be added to the score
g_keepaway_score_timepoints is "0" ["0"] points to add to score per timeinterval, 0 for no points
g_keepaway_teams is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_keepaway_teams_override is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_keepawayball_damageforcescale is "3" ["3"] Scale of force which is applied to the ball by weapons/explosions/etc
g_keepawayball_effects is "0" ["0"] Add together the numbers you want: EF_ADDITIVE (32) / EF_NODEPTHTEST (8192) / EF_DIMLIGHT (8)
g_keepawayball_respawntime is "10" ["10"] if no one picks up the ball, how long to wait until the ball respawns
g_keepawayball_trail_color is "254" ["254"] particle trail color from player/ball
g_keyhunt is "0" ["0"] Key Hunt: collect all keys from the enemies and bring them together to score
g_keyhunt_point_leadlimit is "-1" ["-1"] Keyhunt point lead limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)
g_keyhunt_point_limit is "-1" ["-1"] Keyhunt point limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)
g_keyhunt_teams is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_keyhunt_teams_override is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_kh_respawn_delay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_kh_respawn_waves is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_kh_weapon_stay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_lms is "0" ["0"] Last Man Standing: everyone starts with a certain amount of lives, and the survivor wins
g_lms_campcheck_damage is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_lms_campcheck_distance is "1800" ["1800"] custom cvar
g_lms_campcheck_interval is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_lms_campcheck_message is "^1Don't camp!" ["^1Don't camp!"] custom cvar
g_lms_join_anytime is "1" ["1"] if true, new players can join, but get same amount of lives as the worst player
g_lms_last_join is "3" ["3"] if g_lms_join_anytime is false, new players can only join if the worst active player has more than (fraglimit - g_lms_last_join) lives
g_lms_lives_override is "-1" ["-1"] custom cvar
g_lms_regenerate is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_lms_respawn_delay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_lms_respawn_waves is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_lms_start_ammo_cells is "180" ["180"] custom cvar
g_lms_start_ammo_fuel is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_lms_start_ammo_nails is "320" ["320"] custom cvar
g_lms_start_ammo_rockets is "160" ["160"] custom cvar
g_lms_start_ammo_shells is "60" ["60"] custom cvar
g_lms_start_armor is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_lms_start_health is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_lms_weapon_stay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_mapinfo_allow_unsupported_modes_and_let_stuff_break is "0" ["0"] set to 1 to be able to force game types using g_ cvars even if the map does not support them
g_mapinfo_settemp_acl is "+*" ["+*"] ACL for mapinfo setting cvars
g_maplist is "downer_final darkzone lab-610 solarium xoylent g-23 bloodrage_v2 claustrophobia heart_v2 gaia runningman evilspace final_rage ruined siege afterslime above maze sirius stormkeep reflection glowplant red-planet bloodrun_a2 lord-of-the-moths aqueous atelier" [""] the list of maps to be cycled among (is autogenerated if empty)
g_maplist_allow_frustrating is "0" ["0"] allow impossible maps to be, e.g., voted for and in the maplist (if set to 2, ONLY impossible maps are allowed)
g_maplist_allow_hidden is "0" ["0"] allow hidden maps to be, e.g., voted for and in the maplist
g_maplist_check_waypoints is "0" ["0"] when 1, maps are skipped if there currently are bots, but the map has no waypoints
g_maplist_index is "19" ["0"] this is used internally for saving position in maplist cycle
g_maplist_mostrecent is "" [""] contains the name of the maps that were most recently played
g_maplist_mostrecent_count is "3" ["3"] number of most recent maps that are blocked from being played again
g_maplist_selectrandom is "0" ["0"] if 1, a random map will be chosen as next map - DEPRECATED in favor of g_maplist_shuffle
g_maplist_shuffle is "1" ["1"] new randomization method: like selectrandom, but avoid playing the same maps in short succession. This works by taking out the first element and inserting it into g_maplist with a bias to the end of the list
g_maplist_votable is "6" ["6"] number of maps that are shown in the map voting at the end of a match
g_maplist_votable_abstain is "0" ["0"] when 1, you can abstain from your vote
g_maplist_votable_keeptwotime is "15" ["15"] custom cvar
g_maplist_votable_nodetail is "1" ["1"] nodetail only shows total count instead of all vote counts per map, so votes don't influence others that much
g_maplist_votable_screenshot_dir is "maps levelshots" ["maps levelshots"] where to look for map screenshots
g_maplist_votable_suggestions is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_maplist_votable_suggestions_override_mostrecent is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_maplist_votable_timeout is "30" ["30"] timeout for the map voting; must be below 50 seconds!
g_maxplayers is "0" ["0"] maximum number of players allowed to play at the same time, set to 0 to allow all players to join the game
g_maxplayers_spectator_blocktime is "5" ["5"] if the players voted for the "nospectators" command, this setting defines the number of seconds a observer/spectator has time to join the game before he gets kicked
g_maxpushtime is "8.0" ["8.0"] timeout for kill credit when your damage knocks someone into a death trap
g_maxspeed is "0" ["0"] player speed limit, faster players are killed (0 for unlimited speed)
g_midair is "0" ["0"] if set to 1 you can only apply damage to your opponent while he is airborne
g_midair_shieldtime is "0.3" ["0.3"] number of seconds you are still invincible since you lost contact to the ground
g_minstagib is "0" ["0"] enable minstagib
g_minstagib_ammo_drop is "5" ["5"] how much ammo you'll get for weapons or cells
g_minstagib_ammo_start is "10" ["10"] starting ammo
g_minstagib_extralives is "2" ["2"] how many extra lives you will get per powerup
g_minstagib_invis_alpha is "0.15" ["0.15"] custom cvar
g_minstagib_speed_highspeed is "1.5" ["1.5"] speed-multiplier that applies while you carry the invincibility powerup
g_mirrordamage is "0.700000" ["0.700000"] for teamplay 4: mirror damage factor
g_mirrordamage_virtual is "1" ["1"] for teamplay 4: do not actually apply mirror damage, just show graphics effect for it
g_movement_highspeed is "1" ["1"] movement speed modification factor (only changes movement when above maxspeed)
g_multijump is "0" ["0"] Number of multiple jumps to allow (jumping again in the air), -1 allows for infinite jumps
g_multijump_add is "0" ["0"] 0 = make the current z velocity equal to jumpvelocity, 1 = add jumpvelocity to the current z velocity
g_multijump_speed is "-999999" ["-999999"] Minimum vertical speed a player must have in order to jump again
g_mutatormsg is "" [""] mutator message
g_nexball is "0" ["0"] Nexball: Basketball and Soccer go Xonotic
g_nexball_basketball_bouncefactor is "0.6" ["0.6"] velocity loss when the ball bounces
g_nexball_basketball_bouncestop is "0.075" ["0.075"] speed at which the ball stops when it hits the ground (multiplied by sv_gravity)
g_nexball_basketball_carrier_highspeed is "0.8" ["0.8"] speed multiplier for the ballcarrier
g_nexball_basketball_delay_hold is "20" ["20"] time before a player who caught the ball loses it (anti-ballcamp)
g_nexball_basketball_delay_hold_forteam is "60" ["60"] time before a ball reset when a team holds the ball for too long
g_nexball_basketball_effects_default is "8" ["8"] default: dim light. The original version used 1024 (fire) but it gives bad performance
g_nexball_basketball_meter is "1" ["1"] use the power meter for basketball
g_nexball_basketball_meter_maxpower is "1.2" ["1.2"] maximal multiplier to the launching speed when using the power meter
g_nexball_basketball_meter_minpower is "0.5" ["0.5"] minimal multiplier to the launching speed when using the power meter
g_nexball_basketball_teamsteal is "1" ["1"] 1 to allow players to steal from teammates, 0 to disallow
g_nexball_basketball_trail is "1" ["1"] 1 to leave a trail
g_nexball_delay_collect is "0.5" ["0.5"] time before the same player can catch the ball he launched
g_nexball_delay_goal is "3" ["3"] delay between a goal and a ball reset
g_nexball_delay_idle is "10" ["10"] maximal idle time before a reset
g_nexball_delay_start is "3" ["3"] time the ball stands on its spawn before being released
g_nexball_football_boost_forward is "100" ["100"] forward velocity boost when the ball is touched
g_nexball_football_boost_up is "200" ["200"] vertical velocity boost when the ball is touched
g_nexball_football_bouncefactor is "0.6" ["0.6"] velocity loss when the ball bounces
g_nexball_football_bouncestop is "0.075" ["0.075"] speed at which the ball stops when it hits the ground (multiplied by sv_gravity)
g_nexball_football_physics is "2" ["2"] 0: Revenant's original movement, 1: 0 but half independant of aiming height, 2: 1 fully independant, -1: first recode try
g_nexball_football_trail is "0" ["0"] 1 to leave a trail
g_nexball_goalleadlimit is "-1" ["-1"] Nexball goal lead limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)
g_nexball_goallimit is "-1" ["-1"] Nexball goal limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)
g_nexball_meter_period is "1" ["1"] time to make a full cycle on the power meter
g_nexball_radar_showallplayers is "1" ["1"] 1: show every player and the ball on the radar  0: only show teammates and the ball on the radar
g_nexball_respawn_delay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_nexball_respawn_waves is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_nexball_sound_bounce is "1" ["1"] bouncing sound (0: off)
g_nexball_trail_color is "254" ["254"] 1-256 for different colors (Quake palette, 254 is white)
g_nexball_weapon_stay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_nick_flood_penalty is "0.5" ["0.5"] duration of the nick flood penalty
g_nick_flood_penalty_red is "30" ["30"] number of changes to allow before totally disorienting the player
g_nick_flood_penalty_yellow is "3" ["3"] number of changes to allow before warning and movement blocking
g_nick_flood_timeout is "120" ["120"] time after which nick flood protection resets (set to 0 to disable nick flood checking)
g_nix is "0" ["0"] No Items Xonotic - instead of pickup items, everyone plays with the same weapon. After some time, a countdown will start, after which everyone will switch to another weapon, and so on
g_nix_with_healtharmor is "0" ["0"] when 1, health and armor still show up in NIX
g_nix_with_laser is "0" ["0"] always carry the laser as an additional weapon in NIX
g_nix_with_powerups is "0" ["0"] when 1, powerups still show up in NIX
g_nodepthtestitems is "0" ["0"] disables depth testing on items
g_nodepthtestplayers is "0" ["0"] disables depth testing on players
g_norecoil is "0" ["0"] if set to 1 shooting weapons won't make you crosshair to move upwards (recoil)
g_ons_respawn_delay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_ons_respawn_waves is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_ons_weapon_stay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_onslaught is "0" ["0"] Onslaught: take control points towards the enemy generator and then destroy it
g_onslaught_cp_buildhealth is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_onslaught_cp_buildtime is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_onslaught_cp_health is "1000" ["1000"] custom cvar
g_onslaught_cp_regen is "20" ["20"] custom cvar
g_onslaught_gen_health is "2500" ["2500"] custom cvar
g_pickup_ammo_anyway is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_pickup_armorbig is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_pickup_armorbig_anyway is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_pickup_armorbig_max is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_pickup_armorlarge is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_pickup_armorlarge_anyway is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_pickup_armorlarge_max is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_pickup_armormedium is "25" ["25"] custom cvar
g_pickup_armormedium_anyway is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_pickup_armormedium_max is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_pickup_armorsmall is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_pickup_armorsmall_anyway is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_pickup_armorsmall_max is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_pickup_cells is "30" ["30"] custom cvar
g_pickup_cells_max is "180" ["180"] custom cvar
g_pickup_cells_weapon is "30" ["30"] custom cvar
g_pickup_fuel is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_pickup_fuel_jetpack is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_pickup_fuel_max is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_pickup_fuel_weapon is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_pickup_healthlarge is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_pickup_healthlarge_anyway is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_pickup_healthlarge_max is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_pickup_healthmedium is "25" ["25"] custom cvar
g_pickup_healthmedium_anyway is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_pickup_healthmedium_max is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_pickup_healthmega is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_pickup_healthmega_anyway is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_pickup_healthmega_max is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_pickup_healthsmall is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_pickup_healthsmall_anyway is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_pickup_healthsmall_max is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_pickup_items is "1" ["1"] if set to 0 all items (health, armor, ammo, weapons...) are removed from the map
g_pickup_nails is "80" ["80"] custom cvar
g_pickup_nails_max is "320" ["320"] custom cvar
g_pickup_nails_weapon is "80" ["80"] custom cvar
g_pickup_respawntime_ammo is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_pickup_respawntime_long is "30" ["30"] custom cvar
g_pickup_respawntime_medium is "20" ["20"] custom cvar
g_pickup_respawntime_powerup is "120" ["120"] custom cvar
g_pickup_respawntime_short is "15" ["15"] custom cvar
g_pickup_respawntime_weapon is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_pickup_respawntimejitter_ammo is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_pickup_respawntimejitter_long is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_pickup_respawntimejitter_medium is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_pickup_respawntimejitter_powerup is "30" ["30"] custom cvar
g_pickup_respawntimejitter_short is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_pickup_respawntimejitter_weapon is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_pickup_rockets is "40" ["40"] custom cvar
g_pickup_rockets_max is "160" ["160"] custom cvar
g_pickup_rockets_weapon is "40" ["40"] custom cvar
g_pickup_shells is "15" ["15"] custom cvar
g_pickup_shells_max is "60" ["60"] custom cvar
g_pickup_shells_weapon is "15" ["15"] custom cvar
g_pickup_weapons_anyway is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_pinata is "0" ["0"] if set to 1 you will not only drop your current weapon when you are killed, but you will drop all weapons that you possessed
g_player_alpha is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_player_brightness is "0" ["0"] set to 2 for brighter players
g_playerclip_collisions is "1" ["1"] 0 = disable collision testing against playerclips, might be useful on some defrag maps
g_playerstats_debug is "0" ["0"] when 1, player stats are dumped to the console too
g_playerstats_uri is "" [""] custom cvar
g_powerup_shield is "1" ["1"] if set to 0 the shield (invincibility) powerup will not spawn on the map
g_powerup_strength is "1" ["1"] if set to 0 the strength powerup will not spawn on the map
g_powerup_superhealth is "1" ["1"] if set to 0 the mega health powerup will not spawn on the map
g_projectiles_newton_style is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_projectiles_newton_style_2_maxfactor is "1.5" ["1.5"] custom cvar
g_projectiles_newton_style_2_minfactor is "0.8" ["0.8"] custom cvar
g_projectiles_spread_style is "7" ["7"] custom cvar
g_race is "0" ["0"] Race: be faster than your opponents
g_race_laps_limit is "-1" ["-1"] Race laps limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)
g_race_qualifying_timelimit is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_race_qualifying_timelimit_override is "-1" ["-1"] custom cvar
g_race_teams is "0" ["0"] when 2, 3, or 4, the race is played as a team game (the team members can add up their laps)
g_rc_respawn_delay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_rc_respawn_waves is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_rc_weapon_stay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_respawn_delay is "2" ["2"] number of seconds you have to wait before you can respawn again
g_respawn_ghosts is "1" ["1"] if 1 dead bodies become ghosts and float away when the player respawns
g_respawn_ghosts_maxtime is "6" ["6"] maximum amount of time a respawn ghost can last, minimum time is half this value. 0 disables and ghosts fade when the body would
g_respawn_ghosts_speed is "5" ["5"] the speed with which respawn ghosts float and rotate
g_respawn_waves is "0" ["0"] respawn in waves (every n seconds), intended to decrease overwhelming base attacks
g_rocket_flying is "0" ["0"] set to 1 to enable rocket flying in all balance configs
g_rune_respawn_delay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_rune_respawn_waves is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_rune_weapon_stay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_runematch is "0" ["0"] Runematch: pick up and hold the runes, special items that give you points, a special power (rune) and a disadvantage (curse)
g_runematch_allow_same is "0" ["0"] allow matching rune-curse pairs
g_runematch_drop_runes_max is "2" ["2"] only drop up to 2 runes, the rest should respawn
g_runematch_fixedspawns is "1" ["1"] use fixed runematch spawns if available
g_runematch_frags_killed_runeholder is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_runematch_frags_killedby_runeholder is "4" ["4"] custom cvar
g_runematch_frags_norune is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_runematch_point_leadlimit is "-1" ["-1"] Runematch point lead limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)
g_runematch_point_limit is "-1" ["-1"] Runematch point limit overriding the mapinfo specified one (use 0 to play without limit, and -1 to use the mapinfo's limit)
g_runematch_pointamt is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_runematch_pointrate is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_runematch_respawntime is "15" ["15"] how soon after being dropped to respawn
g_runematch_rune_alpha is "0.78" ["0.78"] custom cvar
g_runematch_rune_color_strength is "1.0" ["1.0"] custom cvar
g_runematch_rune_effects is "544" ["544"] EF_ADDITIVE + EF_FULLBRIGHT = 544
g_runematch_rune_glow_color is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_runematch_rune_glow_size is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_runematch_shuffletime is "30" ["30"] how often runes change position
g_running_guns is "0" ["0"] ... or wonder, till it drives you mad, what would have followed if you had.
g_shootfromcenter is "0" ["0"] weapon gets moved to the center, shots still come from the barrel of your weapon; visual gun position can still be influenced by cl_gunalign 1 and 2
g_shootfromclient is "2" ["2"] let client decide if it has the gun left or right; if set to 2, center handedness is allowed; see also cl_gunalign
g_shootfromeye is "0" ["0"] shots are fired from your eye/crosshair; visual gun position can still be influenced by cl_gunalign 1 and 2
g_shootfromfixedorigin is "" [""] if set to a string like 0 y z, the gun is moved to the given y and z coordinates. If set to a string like x y z, the whole shot origin is used
g_showweaponspawns is "1" ["1"] display sprites for weapon spawns found on the map when a weapon key is pressed and the weapon is not available
g_spawn_furthest is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_spawnpoints_auto_move_out_of_solid is "0" ["0"] if set to 1 you will see a warning if a spawn point was placed inside a solid
g_spawnshieldtime is "1" ["1.000000"] number of seconds you are invincible after you spawned, this shield is lost after you fire
g_spawnsound is "1" ["1"] set to 0 if you don't want to hear the spawn sound when a player spawns
g_start_ammo_cells is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_start_ammo_fuel is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_start_ammo_nails is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_start_ammo_rockets is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_start_ammo_shells is "15" ["15"] custom cvar
g_start_delay is "0" ["0"] delay before the game starts, so everyone can join; recommended to set this to like 15 on a public server
g_start_weapon_crylink is "-1" ["-1"] 0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms
g_start_weapon_electro is "-1" ["-1"] 0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms
g_start_weapon_fireball is "-1" ["-1"] 0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms
g_start_weapon_grenadelauncher is "-1" ["-1"] 0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms
g_start_weapon_hagar is "-1" ["-1"] 0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms
g_start_weapon_hlac is "-1" ["-1"] 0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms
g_start_weapon_hook is "-1" ["-1"] 0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms
g_start_weapon_laser is "-1" ["-1"] 0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms
g_start_weapon_minelayer is "-1" ["-1"] 0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms
g_start_weapon_minstanex is "-1" ["-1"] 0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms
g_start_weapon_nex is "-1" ["-1"] 0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms
g_start_weapon_porto is "-1" ["-1"] 0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms
g_start_weapon_rifle is "-1" ["-1"] 0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms
g_start_weapon_rocketlauncher is "-1" ["-1"] 0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms
g_start_weapon_seeker is "-1" ["-1"] 0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms
g_start_weapon_shotgun is "-1" ["-1"] 0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms
g_start_weapon_tuba is "-1" ["-1"] 0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms
g_start_weapon_uzi is "-1" ["-1"] 0 = never provide the weapon, 1 = always provide the weapon, -1 = game mode default, -2 = provide the weapon in ca and lms
g_tdm is "0" ["0"] Team Deathmatch: the team who kills their opponents most often wins
g_tdm_respawn_delay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_tdm_respawn_waves is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_tdm_team_spawns is "0" ["0"] when 1, a map can define team spawnpoints for TDM
g_tdm_teams is "2" ["2"] how many teams are in team deathmatch (set by mapinfo)
g_tdm_teams_override is "0" ["0"] how many teams are in team deathmatch
g_tdm_weapon_stay is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_teamdamage_resetspeed is "20" ["20"] for teamplay 4: how fast player's teamdamage count decreases
g_teamdamage_threshold is "40" ["40"] for teamplay 4: threshold over which to apply mirror damage
g_telefrags is "1" ["1"] telefragging, i.e. killing someone who stands in the way of someone who is teleporting
g_telefrags_avoid is "1" ["1"] when teleporters have a random destination, avoid teleporting to locations where a telefrag would happen
g_telefrags_teamplay is "1" ["1"] never telefrag team mates
g_teleport_maxspeed is "0" ["0"] maximum speed that a player can keep when going through a teleporter (if a misc_teleporter_dest also has a cap the smallest one of these will be used), 0 = don't limit, -1 = keep no speed
g_throughfloor_damage is "0.4" ["0.4"] custom cvar
g_throughfloor_force is "0.7" ["0.7"] custom cvar
g_touchexplode is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_touchexplode_damage is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_touchexplode_edgedamage is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_touchexplode_force is "150" ["150"] custom cvar
g_touchexplode_radius is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_triggerimpulse_accel_multiplier is "1" ["1"] trigger_impulse accelerator multiplier (applied AFTER the power)
g_triggerimpulse_accel_power is "1" ["1"] trigger_impulse accelerator power (applied BEFORE the multiplier)
g_triggerimpulse_directional_multiplier is "1" ["1"] trigger_impulse directional field multiplier
g_triggerimpulse_radial_multiplier is "1" ["1"] trigger_impulse radial field multiplier
g_trueaim_minrange is "44" ["44"] TrueAim minimum range (TrueAim adjusts shots so they hit the crosshair point even though the gun is not at the screen center)
g_turrets is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_aimidle_delay is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_turrets_nofire is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_reloadcvars is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_targetscan_maxdelay is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_targetscan_mindelay is "0.1" ["0.1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_speed_fast is "500" ["500"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_speed_slow is "150" ["150"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_speed_slower is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_speed_stop is "25" ["25"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_aim_firetolerance_dist is "150" ["150"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_aim_maxpitch is "45" ["45"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_aim_maxrot is "20" ["20"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_aim_speed is "90" ["90"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_ammo is "500" ["500"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_ammo_max is "4000" ["4000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_ammo_recharge is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_health is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_respawntime is "30" ["30"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_shot_dmg is "30" ["30"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_shot_force is "125" ["125"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_shot_radius is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_shot_refire is "0.1" ["0.1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_shot_speed is "9000" ["9000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_shot_spread is "0.025" ["0.025"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_shot_volly is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_shot_volly_refire is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_target_range is "5000" ["5000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_target_range_min is "0.1" ["0.1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_target_range_optimal is "900" ["900"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_target_select_anglebias is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_target_select_missilebias is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_target_select_playerbias is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_target_select_rangebias is "0.25" ["0.25"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_target_select_samebias is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_track_accel_pitch is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_track_accel_rot is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_std_track_type is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_ewheel_turnrate is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_aim_firetolerance_dist is "150" ["150"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_aim_maxpitch is "35" ["35"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_aim_maxrot is "360" ["360"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_aim_speed is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_ammo is "400" ["400"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_ammo_max is "1000" ["1000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_ammo_recharge is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_health is "700" ["700"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_respawntime is "90" ["90"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_shot_dmg is "20" ["20"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_shot_force is "25" ["25"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_shot_radius is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_shot_refire is "0.1" ["0.1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_shot_speed is "9000" ["9000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_shot_spread is "0.02" ["0.02"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_shot_volly is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_shot_volly_refire is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_target_range is "4000" ["4000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_target_range_min is "500" ["500"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_target_range_optimal is "1250" ["1250"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_target_select_anglebias is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_target_select_missilebias is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_target_select_playerbias is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_target_select_rangebias is "0.25" ["0.25"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_target_select_samebias is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_track_accel_pitch is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_track_accel_rot is "0.7" ["0.7"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_track_blendrate is "0.2" ["0.2"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_flac_std_track_type is "3" ["3"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_fusreac_std_ammo is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_fusreac_std_ammo_max is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_fusreac_std_ammo_recharge is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_fusreac_std_health is "700" ["700"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_fusreac_std_respawntime is "90" ["90"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_fusreac_std_shot_dmg is "20" ["20"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_fusreac_std_shot_refire is "0.2" ["0.2"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_fusreac_std_shot_speed is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_fusreac_std_target_range is "1024" ["1024"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_fusreac_std_target_range_min is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_aim_firetolerance_dist is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_aim_maxpitch is "20" ["20"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_aim_maxrot is "360" ["360"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_aim_speed is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_ammo is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_ammo_max is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_ammo_recharge is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_health is "500" ["500"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_respawntime is "90" ["90"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_shot_dmg is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_shot_force is "250" ["250"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_shot_radius is "80" ["80"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_shot_refire is "0.2" ["0.2"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_shot_speed is "650" ["650"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_shot_speed_gain is "1.01" ["1.01"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_shot_speed_max is "4000" ["4000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_shot_spread is "0.08" ["0.08"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_shot_volly is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_shot_volly_refire is "4" ["4"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_target_range is "6000" ["6000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_target_range_min is "150" ["150"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_target_range_optimal is "4500" ["4500"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_target_select_anglebias is "0.01" ["0.01"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_target_select_missilebias is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_target_select_playerbias is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_target_select_rangebias is "0.7" ["0.7"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_target_select_samebias is "0.01" ["0.01"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_track_accel_pitch is "0.25" ["0.25"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_track_accel_rot is "0.6" ["0.6"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_track_blendrate is "0.25" ["0.25"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hellion_std_track_type is "3" ["3"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_aim_firetolerance_dist is "500" ["500"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_aim_maxpitch is "20" ["20"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_aim_maxrot is "360" ["360"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_aim_speed is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_ammo is "120" ["120"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_ammo_max is "240" ["240"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_ammo_recharge is "16" ["16"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_health is "500" ["500"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_respawntime is "90" ["90"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_shot_dmg is "120" ["120"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_shot_force is "600" ["600"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_shot_radius is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_shot_refire is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_shot_speed is "500" ["500"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_shot_speed_accel is "1.025" ["1.025"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_shot_speed_accel2 is "1.05" ["1.05"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_shot_speed_decel is "0.9" ["0.9"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_shot_speed_max is "1000" ["1000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_shot_speed_turnrate is "0.25" ["0.25"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_shot_spread is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_shot_volly is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_shot_volly_refire is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_target_range is "6000" ["6000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_target_range_min is "220" ["220"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_target_range_optimal is "5000" ["5000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_target_select_anglebias is "0.1" ["0.1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_target_select_missilebias is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_target_select_playerbias is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_target_select_rangebias is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_target_select_samebias is "0.01" ["0.01"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_track_accel_pitch is "0.25" ["0.25"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_track_accel_rot is "0.6" ["0.6"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_track_blendrate is "0.2" ["0.2"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_hk_std_track_type is "3" ["3"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_aim_firetolerance_dist is "25" ["25"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_aim_maxpitch is "25" ["25"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_aim_maxrot is "360" ["360"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_aim_speed is "120" ["120"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_ammo is "300" ["300"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_ammo_max is "1500" ["1500"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_ammo_recharge is "75" ["75"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_health is "256" ["256"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_respawntime is "60" ["60"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_shot_dmg is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_shot_force is "20" ["20"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_shot_radius is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_shot_refire is "0.1" ["0.1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_shot_speed is "34920" ["34920"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_shot_spread is "0.015" ["0.015"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_shot_volly is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_shot_volly_refire is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_target_range is "4500" ["4500"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_target_range_min is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_target_range_optimal is "1000" ["1000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_target_select_anglebias is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_target_select_missilebias is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_target_select_playerbias is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_target_select_rangebias is "0.25" ["0.25"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_target_select_samebias is "0.25" ["0.25"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_track_accel_pitch is "0.4" ["0.4"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_track_accel_rot is "0.9" ["0.9"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_track_blendrate is "0.2" ["0.2"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_machinegun_std_track_type is "3" ["3"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_mlrs_std_aim_firetolerance_dist is "120" ["120"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_mlrs_std_aim_maxpitch is "20" ["20"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_mlrs_std_aim_maxrot is "360" ["360"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_mlrs_std_aim_speed is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
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g_turrets_unit_mlrs_std_ammo_max is "300" ["300"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_mlrs_std_ammo_recharge is "75" ["75"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_mlrs_std_health is "500" ["500"] custom cvar
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g_turrets_unit_mlrs_std_shot_force is "25" ["25"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_mlrs_std_shot_radius is "125" ["125"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_mlrs_std_shot_refire is "0.1" ["0.1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_mlrs_std_shot_speed is "2000" ["2000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_mlrs_std_shot_spread is "0.05" ["0.05"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_mlrs_std_shot_volly is "6" ["6"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_mlrs_std_shot_volly_refire is "4" ["4"] custom cvar
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g_turrets_unit_mlrs_std_target_range_min is "500" ["500"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_mlrs_std_target_range_optimal is "500" ["500"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_mlrs_std_target_select_anglebias is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_mlrs_std_target_select_missilebias is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
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g_turrets_unit_mlrs_std_track_accel_pitch is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_mlrs_std_track_accel_rot is "0.7" ["0.7"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_mlrs_std_track_blendrate is "0.2" ["0.2"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_mlrs_std_track_type is "3" ["3"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_phaser_std_aim_firetolerance_dist is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_phaser_std_aim_maxpitch is "30" ["30"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_phaser_std_aim_maxrot is "360" ["360"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_phaser_std_aim_speed is "300" ["300"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_phaser_std_ammo is "1000" ["1000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_phaser_std_ammo_max is "2000" ["2000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_phaser_std_ammo_recharge is "25" ["25"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_phaser_std_health is "500" ["500"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_phaser_std_respawntime is "90" ["90"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_phaser_std_shot_dmg is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_phaser_std_shot_force is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_phaser_std_shot_radius is "8" ["8"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_phaser_std_shot_refire is "4" ["4"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_phaser_std_shot_speed is "4" ["4"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_phaser_std_shot_spread is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
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g_turrets_unit_phaser_std_shot_volly_refire is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_phaser_std_target_range is "3000" ["3000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_phaser_std_target_range_min is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_phaser_std_target_range_optimal is "1500" ["1500"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_phaser_std_target_select_anglebias is "0.25" ["0.25"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_phaser_std_target_select_missilebias is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_phaser_std_target_select_playerbias is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_phaser_std_target_select_rangebias is "0.85" ["0.85"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_phaser_std_target_select_samebias is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
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g_turrets_unit_phaser_std_track_accel_rot is "0.65" ["0.65"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_phaser_std_track_blendrate is "0.2" ["0.2"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_phaser_std_track_type is "3" ["3"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_aim_firetolerance_dist is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_aim_maxpitch is "30" ["30"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_aim_maxrot is "360" ["360"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_aim_speed is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_ammo is "320" ["320"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_ammo_max is "640" ["640"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_ammo_recharge is "40" ["40"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_health is "500" ["500"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_respawntime is "60" ["60"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_shot_dmg is "80" ["80"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_shot_force is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_shot_radius is "150" ["150"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_shot_refire is "0.35" ["0.35"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_shot_speed is "2000" ["2000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_shot_spread is "0.015" ["0.015"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_shot_volly is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_shot_volly_refire is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_target_range is "3000" ["3000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_target_range_min is "80" ["80"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_target_range_optimal is "1000" ["1000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_target_select_anglebias is "0.4" ["0.4"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_target_select_missilebias is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_target_select_playerbias is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_target_select_rangebias is "0.2" ["0.2"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_target_select_samebias is "0.4" ["0.4"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_track_accel_pitch is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_track_accel_rot is "0.7" ["0.7"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_track_blendrate is "0.2" ["0.2"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_dual_track_type is "3" ["3"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_std_aim_firetolerance_dist is "120" ["120"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_std_aim_maxpitch is "30" ["30"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_std_aim_maxrot is "360" ["360"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_std_aim_speed is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
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g_turrets_unit_plasma_std_ammo_max is "640" ["640"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_std_ammo_recharge is "40" ["40"] custom cvar
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g_turrets_unit_plasma_std_shot_force is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_std_shot_radius is "150" ["150"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_std_shot_refire is "0.6" ["0.6"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_std_shot_speed is "2000" ["2000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_std_shot_spread is "0.015" ["0.015"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_std_shot_volly is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_std_shot_volly_refire is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_std_target_range is "3500" ["3500"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_std_target_range_min is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_std_target_range_optimal is "500" ["500"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_std_target_select_anglebias is "0.25" ["0.25"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_std_target_select_missilebias is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_std_target_select_playerbias is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_std_target_select_rangebias is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_std_target_select_samebias is "0.01" ["0.01"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_std_track_accel_pitch is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_std_track_accel_rot is "0.7" ["0.7"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_std_track_blendrate is "0.2" ["0.2"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_plasma_std_track_type is "3" ["3"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_tesla_std_ammo is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_tesla_std_ammo_max is "1000" ["1000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_tesla_std_ammo_recharge is "15" ["15"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_tesla_std_health is "1000" ["1000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_tesla_std_respawntime is "120" ["120"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_tesla_std_shot_dmg is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_tesla_std_shot_force is "400" ["400"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_tesla_std_shot_refire is "1.5" ["1.5"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_tesla_std_shot_volly is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_tesla_std_shot_volly_refire is "2.5" ["2.5"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_tesla_std_target_range is "1000" ["1000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_tesla_std_target_range_min is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_tesla_std_target_select_missilebias is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_tesla_std_target_select_playerbias is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_speed_jump is "800" ["800"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_speed_roam is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_speed_run is "300" ["300"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_speed_stop is "90" ["90"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_speed_swim is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_speed_walk is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_aim_firetolerance_dist is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_aim_maxpitch is "15" ["15"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_aim_maxrot is "90" ["90"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_aim_speed is "45" ["45"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_ammo is "500" ["500"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_ammo_max is "4000" ["4000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_ammo_recharge is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_health is "500" ["500"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_meele_dmg is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_meele_force is "600" ["600"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_meele_range is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_respawntime is "60" ["60"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_rocket_dmg is "45" ["45"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_rocket_force is "150" ["150"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_rocket_radius is "150" ["150"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_rocket_refire is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_rocket_speed is "1000" ["1000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_rocket_turnrate is "0.05" ["0.05"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_rockets_range is "4000" ["4000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_rockets_range_min is "500" ["500"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_shot_dmg is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_shot_force is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_shot_radius is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_shot_refire is "0.05" ["0.05"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_shot_speed is "18000" ["18000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_shot_spread is "0.025" ["0.025"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_shot_volly is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_shot_volly_refire is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_target_range is "5000" ["5000"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_target_range_min is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_target_range_optimal is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_target_select_anglebias is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_target_select_missilebias is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_target_select_playerbias is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_target_select_rangebias is "0.25" ["0.25"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_target_select_samebias is "0.25" ["0.25"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_track_accel_pitch is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_track_accel_rot is "0.8" ["0.8"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_track_blendrate is "0.2" ["0.2"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_std_track_type is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_turn is "20" ["20"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_turn_run is "7" ["7"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_turn_strafe is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_turn_swim is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_turrets_unit_walker_turn_walk is "15" ["15"] custom cvar
g_use_ammunition is "1" ["1"] if set to 0 all weapons have unlimited ammunition
g_vampire is "0" ["0"] set to 1 to enable the vampire mode, where the damage done to your opponent gets added to your own health
g_vehicle_bumblebee_blowup_coredamage is "500" ["500"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_blowup_edgedamage is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_blowup_forceintensity is "600" ["600"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_blowup_radius is "500" ["500"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_cannon_cost is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_cannon_damage is "75" ["75"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_cannon_force is "400" ["400"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_cannon_pitchlimit_down is "60" ["60"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_cannon_pitchlimit_up is "60" ["60"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_cannon_radius is "150" ["150"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_cannon_refire is "1.5" ["1.5"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_cannon_speed is "5000" ["5000"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_cannon_spread is "0.0125" ["0.0125"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_cannon_turnlimit_in is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_cannon_turnlimit_out is "45" ["45"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_cannon_turnspeed is "90" ["90"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_energy is "500" ["500"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_energy_regen is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_energy_regen_pause is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_friction is "0.75" ["0.75"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_health is "750" ["750"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_health_regen is "25" ["25"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_health_regen_pause is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_pitchlimit is "15" ["15"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_pitchspeed is "36" ["36"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_respawntime is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_shield is "250" ["250"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_shield_regen is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_shield_regen_pause is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_speed_down is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_speed_forward is "400" ["400"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_speed_strafe is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_speed_up is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_bumblebee_turnspeed is "72" ["72"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_afterburn_cost is "60" ["60"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_anglestabilizer is "1.75" ["1.75"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_blowup_coredamage is "250" ["250"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_blowup_edgedamage is "15" ["15"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_blowup_forceintensity is "250" ["250"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_blowup_radius is "250" ["250"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_cannon_cost is "4" ["4"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_cannon_damage is "20" ["20"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_cannon_force is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_cannon_radius is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_cannon_refire is "0.1" ["0.1"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_cannon_speed is "9000" ["9000"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_cannon_spread is "0.0125" ["0.0125"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_collision_multiplier is "0.05" ["0.05"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_downforce is "0.01" ["0.01"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_energy is "125" ["125"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_energy_regen is "40" ["40"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_energy_regen_pause is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_friction is "0.4" ["0.4"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_health is "190" ["190"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_health_regen is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_health_regen_pause is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_hoverpower is "5000" ["5000"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_hovertype is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_mass is "900" ["900"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_maxpitch is "25" ["25"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_pitchspeed is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_respawntime is "25" ["25"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_rocket_accel is "1400" ["1400"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_rocket_cost is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_rocket_damage is "160" ["160"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_rocket_force is "350" ["350"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_rocket_locked_maxangle is "1.46" ["1.46"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_rocket_locked_time is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_rocket_locking_releasetime is "1.6" ["1.6"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_rocket_locking_time is "0.4" ["0.4"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_rocket_locktarget is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_rocket_radius is "125" ["125"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_rocket_refire is "6" ["6"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_rocket_speed is "1000" ["1000"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_rocket_turnrate is "0.17" ["0.17"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_shield is "75" ["75"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_shield_regen is "25" ["25"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_shield_regen_pause is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_speed_afterburn is "2000" ["2000"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_speed_forward is "800" ["800"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_speed_stop is "2000" ["2000"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_speed_strafe is "500" ["500"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_springlength is "65" ["65"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_turnroll is "32" ["32"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_turnspeed is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_racer_upforcedamper is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_bomblet_alt is "750" ["750"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_bomblet_damage is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_bomblet_edgedamage is "20" ["20"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_bomblet_explode_delay is "0.4" ["0.4"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_bomblet_force is "150" ["150"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_bomblet_radius is "310" ["310"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_bomblet_spread is "0.4" ["0.4"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_bomblet_time is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_bomblets is "8" ["8"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_bombs_refire is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_cost is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_damage is "25" ["25"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_force is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_locked_time is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_locking_releasetime is "1.6" ["1.6"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_locking_time is "0.4" ["0.4"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_locktarget is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_pitchlimit_down is "32" ["32"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_pitchlimit_up is "12" ["12"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_predicttarget is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_radius is "60" ["60"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_refire is "0.05" ["0.05"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_speed is "12000" ["12000"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_spread is "0.01" ["0.01"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_turnlimit is "20" ["20"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_cannon_turnspeed is "90" ["90"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_energy is "30" ["30"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_energy_regen is "15" ["15"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_energy_regen_pause is "0.8" ["0.8"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_friction is "0.7" ["0.7"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_health is "150" ["150"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_health_regen is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_health_regen_pause is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_mass is "2200" ["2200"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_movestyle is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_pitchlimit is "35" ["35"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_pitchspeed is "40" ["40"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_respawntime is "35" ["35"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_shield is "120" ["120"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_shield_regen is "25" ["25"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_shield_regen_pause is "1.5" ["1.5"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_speed_down is "800" ["800"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_speed_forward is "900" ["900"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_speed_strafe is "700" ["700"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_speed_up is "500" ["500"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_turnroll is "0.1" ["0.1"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_raptor_turnspeed is "80" ["80"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_crush_dmg is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_crush_force is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_energy is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_energy_regen is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_energy_regen_pause is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_head_pitchlimit_down is "-16" ["-16"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_head_pitchlimit_up is "24" ["24"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_head_pitchspeed is "70" ["70"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_head_turnlimit is "120" ["120"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_head_turnspeed is "120" ["120"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_health is "850" ["850"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_health_regen is "15" ["15"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_health_regen_pause is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_mass is "5000" ["5000"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_minigun_ammo_cost is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_minigun_ammo_max is "200" ["200"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_minigun_ammo_regen is "15" ["15"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_minigun_ammo_regen_pause is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_minigun_damage is "16" ["16"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_minigun_refire is "0.05" ["0.05"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_minigun_speed is "50000" ["50000"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_minigun_spread is "0.015" ["0.015"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_movement_inertia is "0.25" ["0.25"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_respawntime is "45" ["45"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_rocket_damage is "75" ["75"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_rocket_edgedamage is "15" ["15"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_rocket_force is "150" ["150"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_rocket_health is "100" ["100"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_rocket_lifetime is "30" ["30"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_rocket_noise is "0.3" ["0.3"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_rocket_radius is "150" ["150"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_rocket_refire is "0.2" ["0.2"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_rocket_reload is "4" ["4"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_rocket_speed is "1750" ["1750"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_rocket_turnrate is "0.2" ["0.2"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_shield is "150" ["150"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_shield_block is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_shield_regen is "25" ["25"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_shield_regen_pause is "0.2" ["0.2"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_speed_stop is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_speed_strafe is "300" ["300"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_speed_walk is "400" ["400"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_springblend is "0.15" ["0.15"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_springlength is "150" ["150"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_springup is "5" ["5"] custom cvar
g_vehicle_spiderbot_turnspeed is "180" ["180"] custom cvar
g_vehicles is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_vehicles_allow_flagcarry is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_vehicles_crush_dmg is "70" ["70"] custom cvar
g_vehicles_crush_force is "50" ["50"] custom cvar
g_vehicles_delayspawn is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_vehicles_delayspawn_jitter is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_warmup is "0" ["0"] split the game into a warmup- and match-stage when set to 1
g_warmup_allguns is "0" ["0"] if set players start with all guns in warmup mode
g_warmup_allow_timeout is "0" ["0"] if set to 1 timeouts can also be called in the warmup-stage, when sv_timeout is set to 1
g_warmup_limit is "60" ["60"] if set to -1 the warmup-stage is not affected by any timelimit, if set to 0 the usual timelimit also affects warmup-stage, otherwise warmup will be limited to this time in SECONDS (useful for public matches)
g_warmup_start_ammo_cells is "90" ["90"] starting values when being in warmup-stage
g_warmup_start_ammo_fuel is "0" ["0"] starting values when being in warmup-stage
g_warmup_start_ammo_nails is "160" ["160"] starting values when being in warmup-stage
g_warmup_start_ammo_rockets is "80" ["80"] starting values when being in warmup-stage
g_warmup_start_ammo_shells is "30" ["30"] starting values when being in warmup-stage
g_warmup_start_armor is "100" ["100"] starting values when being in warmup-stage
g_warmup_start_health is "100" ["100"] starting values when being in warmup-stage
g_waypointeditor is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_waypoints_for_items is "1" ["1"] make waypoints out of items, values: 0 = never, 1 = unless the mapper prevents it by worldspawn.spawnflags & 1, 2 = always
g_waypointsprite_alpha is "1" ["1"] This allows the client to control transparency of the waypoint
g_waypointsprite_crosshairfadealpha is "0.25" ["0.25"] alpha multiplier near crosshair
g_waypointsprite_crosshairfadedistance is "150" ["150"] distance in virtual pixels from crosshair where to start fading
g_waypointsprite_crosshairfadescale is "1" ["1"] scale multiplier near the crosshair
g_waypointsprite_deadlifetime is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_waypointsprite_deployed_lifetime is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
g_waypointsprite_distancealphaexponent is "2" ["2"] custom cvar
g_waypointsprite_distancefadealpha is "1" ["1"] alpha multiplier near distance
g_waypointsprite_distancefadedistancemultiplier is "0.5" ["0.5"] distance in map sizes from distance where to stop fading
g_waypointsprite_distancefadescale is "0.7" ["0.7"] scale multiplier near the distance
g_waypointsprite_edgefadealpha is "0.5" ["0.5"] alpha multiplier near the edge
g_waypointsprite_edgefadedistance is "50" ["50"] distance in virtual pixels from edge where to start fading
g_waypointsprite_edgefadescale is "1" ["1"] scale multiplier near the edge
g_waypointsprite_edgeoffset_bottom is "0" ["0"] offset of how close the waypoint can be to the bottom edge of the screen
g_waypointsprite_edgeoffset_left is "0" ["0"] offset of how close the waypoint can be to the left edge of the screen
g_waypointsprite_edgeoffset_right is "0" ["0"] offset of how close the waypoint can be to the right edge of the screen
g_waypointsprite_edgeoffset_top is "0" ["0"] offset of how close the waypoint can be to the top edge of the screen
g_waypointsprite_fontsize is "12" ["12"] custom cvar
g_waypointsprite_limitedrange is "5120" ["5120"] custom cvar
g_waypointsprite_minalpha is "0.4" ["0.4"] custom cvar
g_waypointsprite_minscale is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_waypointsprite_normdistance is "512" ["512"] custom cvar
g_waypointsprite_scale is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_waypointsprite_stuffbinds is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_waypointsprite_timealphaexponent is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_waypointsprite_uppercase is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_weapon_charge_colormod_blue_full is "-1" ["-1"] custom cvar
g_weapon_charge_colormod_blue_half is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_weapon_charge_colormod_green_full is "-0.5" ["-0.5"] custom cvar
g_weapon_charge_colormod_green_half is "0.5" ["0.5"] custom cvar
g_weapon_charge_colormod_hdrmultiplier is "4" ["4"] how much to multiply the colors by in the colormod vector
g_weapon_charge_colormod_red_full is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
g_weapon_charge_colormod_red_half is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
g_weapon_stay is "0" ["0"] if set to 1 or 2, weapons stay after they were picked up (1: weapons you don't have yet give you ammo of their type and they can not be dropped, 2: weapons don't give ammo, but instead players start with one pickup-load of ammo by default, 3: weapons give ammo, weapons only stay as ammo-less ghosts)
g_weapon_throwable is "1" ["1"] if set to 1, weapons can be dropped
g_weaponarena is "0" ["0"] put in a list of weapons to enable a weapon arena mode, or try "all" or "most"
g_weaponarena_random is "0" ["0"] if set to a number, only that weapon count is given on every spawn (randomly)
g_weaponarena_random_with_laser is "1" ["1"] additionally, always provide the laser in random weapon arena games
g_weapondamagefactor is "1" ["1"] weapon damage multiplier
g_weaponforcefactor is "1" ["1"] weapon force multiplier
g_weaponratefactor is "1" ["1"] weapon fire rate multiplier
g_weaponreplace_crylink is "" [""] custom cvar
g_weaponreplace_electro is "" [""] custom cvar
g_weaponreplace_fireball is "" [""] custom cvar
g_weaponreplace_grenadelauncher is "" [""] custom cvar
g_weaponreplace_hagar is "" [""] custom cvar
g_weaponreplace_hlac is "" [""] custom cvar
g_weaponreplace_hook is "" [""] custom cvar
g_weaponreplace_laser is "" [""] custom cvar
g_weaponreplace_minelayer is "" [""] custom cvar
g_weaponreplace_minstanex is "" [""] custom cvar
g_weaponreplace_nex is "" [""] custom cvar
g_weaponreplace_porto is "" [""] custom cvar
g_weaponreplace_rifle is "" [""] custom cvar
g_weaponreplace_rocketlauncher is "" [""] custom cvar
g_weaponreplace_seeker is "" [""] custom cvar
g_weaponreplace_shotgun is "" [""] custom cvar
g_weaponreplace_tuba is "" [""] custom cvar
g_weaponreplace_uzi is "" [""] custom cvar
g_weaponspeedfactor is "1" ["1"] weapon projectile speed multiplier
g_weaponspreadfactor is "1" ["1"] weapon spread multiplier
g_xonoticversion is "0.1.0autobuild" ["0.1.0autobuild"] Xonotic version (formatted for humans)

29 possible aliases:
g_hitplots_add: qc_cmd rpn /g_hitplots_individuals g_hitplots_individuals $1 union def
g_hitplots_remove: qc_cmd rpn /g_hitplots_individuals g_hitplots_individuals $1 difference def
g_maplist_add: qc_cmd maplist add $*
g_maplist_cleanup: qc_cmd maplist cleanup
g_maplist_putfirst: qc_cmd maplist remove $* ; qc_cmd maplist add $*
g_maplist_remove: qc_cmd maplist remove $*
g_maplist_shufflenow: qc_cmd maplist shuffle
g_tourney: g_tourney_$1
g_tourney_0: g_warmup 0; g_chat_nospectators 0; sv_vote_nospectators 0
g_tourney_1: g_warmup 1; g_chat_nospectators 2; sv_vote_nospectators 1
g_turrets_reload: set g_turrets_reloadcvars 1
g_waypointeditor_relinkall: impulse 105
g_waypointeditor_remove: impulse 104
g_waypointeditor_saveall: impulse 106
g_waypointeditor_spawn: impulse 103
g_waypointeditor_unreachable: impulse 107
g_waypointsprite_clear: impulse 48
g_waypointsprite_clear_personal: impulse 47
g_waypointsprite_personal: impulse 30
g_waypointsprite_personal_d: impulse 32
g_waypointsprite_personal_p: impulse 31
g_waypointsprite_team_danger: impulse 37
g_waypointsprite_team_danger_d: impulse 39
g_waypointsprite_team_danger_p: impulse 38
g_waypointsprite_team_helpme: impulse 33
g_waypointsprite_team_here: impulse 34
g_waypointsprite_team_here_d: impulse 36
g_waypointsprite_team_here_p: impulse 35
g_waypointsprite_toggle: impulse 49

8 possible commands:
cl_areastats: prints statistics on entity culling during collision traces
cl_begindownloads: used internally by darkplaces client while connecting (causes loading of models and sounds or triggers downloads for missing ones)
cl_cmd: calls the client QC function GameCommand with the supplied string as argument
cl_downloadbegin: (networking) informs client of download file information, client replies with sv_startsoundload to begin the transfer
cl_downloadfinished: signals that a download has finished and provides the client with file size and crc to check its integrity
cl_modelindexlist: list information on all models in the client modelindex
cl_particles_reloadeffects: reloads effectinfo.txt and maps/levelname_effectinfo.txt (where levelname is the current map)
cl_soundindexlist: list all sounds in the client soundindex

286 possible variables:
cl_accuracy_data_receive is "0" ["0"] 1 receive weapon accuracy data statistics at the end of the match
cl_accuracy_data_share is "0" ["0"] 1 share my weapon accuracy data statistics with other players, 0 keep my weapon accuracy data statistics hidden
cl_allow_uid2name is "-1" ["-1"] -1 = ask if the player wants to disable/enable this feature, 0 = disable, 1 = enable uid2name (allows showing your name in race rankings for instance)
cl_allow_uidtracking is "1" ["1"] -1 = ask if the player wants to disable/enable this feature, 0 = disable, 1 = enable uid tracking (allows associating your data with your player ID)
cl_anglespeedkey is "1.5" ["1.5"] how much +speed multiplies keyboard turning speed
cl_announcer is "default" ["default"] name of the announcer you wish to use from data/sound/announcer
cl_autodemo is "1" ["0"] records every game played, using the date/time and map name to name the demo file
cl_autodemo_delete is "0" ["0"] Delete demos after recording.  This is a bitmask, bit 1 gives the default, bit 0 the value for the current demo.  Thus, the values are: 0 = disabled; 1 = delete current demo only; 2 = delete all demos except the current demo; 3 = delete all demos from now on
cl_autodemo_delete_keeprecords is "0" ["0"] when 1, records with a newly made race/cts demo are kept even if cl_autodemo_delete is used to delete demos
cl_autodemo_nameformat is "demos/%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M" ["demos/%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M"] The format of the cl_autodemo filename, followed by the map name (the date is encoded using strftime escapes)
cl_autoswitch is "0" ["1"] automatically switch to newly picked up weapons if they are better than what you are carrying
cl_autotaunt is "0" ["0"] automatically taunt enemies when fragging them
cl_backspeed is "360" ["400"] backward movement speed
cl_beams_instantaimhack is "0" ["0"] makes your lightning gun aiming update instantly
cl_beams_lightatend is "0" ["0"] make a light at the end of the beam
cl_beams_polygons is "1" ["1"] use beam polygons instead of models
cl_beams_quakepositionhack is "1" ["1"] makes your lightning gun appear to fire from your waist (as in Quake and QuakeWorld)
cl_bob is "0.01" ["0.01"] view bobbing amount
cl_bob2 is "0.01" ["0.01"] sideways view bobbing amount
cl_bob2cycle is "0" ["0"] sideways view bobbing speed
cl_bob2smooth is "0.05" ["0.05"] how fast the view goes back when you stop touching the ground
cl_bobcycle is "0" ["0"] view bobbing speed
cl_bobfall is "0.05" ["0.05"] how much the view swings down when falling (influenced by the speed you hit the ground with)
cl_bobfallcycle is "3" ["3"] speed of the bobfall swing
cl_bobfallminspeed is "200" ["200"] necessary amount of speed for bob-falling to occur
cl_bobmodel is "1" ["1"] enables gun bobbing
cl_bobmodel_side is "0.15" ["0.15"] gun bobbing sideways sway amount
cl_bobmodel_speed is "7" ["7"] gun bobbing speed
cl_bobmodel_up is "0.06" ["0.06"] gun bobbing upward movement amount
cl_bobup is "0.5" ["0.5"] view bobbing adjustment that makes the up or down swing of the bob last longer
cl_capturevideo is "0" ["0"] enables saving of video to a .avi file using uncompressed I420 colorspace and PCM audio, note that scr_screenshot_gammaboost affects the brightness of the output)
cl_capturevideo_fps is "30" ["30"] how many frames per second to save (29.97 for NTSC, 30 for typical PC video, 15 can be useful)
cl_capturevideo_framestep is "1" ["1"] when set to n >= 1, render n frames to capture one (useful for motion blur like effects)
cl_capturevideo_height is "0" ["0"] scales all frames to this resolution before saving the video
cl_capturevideo_nameformat is "dpvideo" ["dpvideo"] prefix for saved videos (the date is encoded using strftime escapes)
cl_capturevideo_number is "1" ["1"] number to append to video filename, incremented each time a capture begins
cl_capturevideo_ogg is "1" ["1"] save captured video data as Ogg/Vorbis/Theora streams
cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_bitrate is "-1" ["-1"] video bitrate (45 to 2000 kbps), or -1 to use quality only; higher is better; setting both to -1 achieves unlimited quality
cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_keyframe_auto_threshold is "80" ["80"] threshold for key frame decision (0 to 100)
cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_keyframe_bitrate_multiplier is "1.5" ["1.5"] how much more bit rate to use for keyframes, specified as a factor of at least 1
cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_keyframe_maxinterval is "64" ["64"] maximum keyframe interval (1 to 1000)
cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_keyframe_mininterval is "8" ["8"] minimum keyframe interval (1 to 1000)
cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_noise_sensitivity is "1" ["1"] video noise sensitivity (0 to 6); lower is better
cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_quality is "48" ["48"] video quality factor (0 to 63), or -1 to use bitrate only; higher is better; setting both to -1 achieves unlimited quality
cl_capturevideo_ogg_theora_vp3compat is "1" ["1"] make VP3 compatible theora streams
cl_capturevideo_ogg_vorbis_quality is "3" ["3"] audio quality (-1 to 10); higher is better
cl_capturevideo_printfps is "1" ["1"] prints the frames per second captured in capturevideo (is only written to the log file, not to the console, as that would be visible on the video)
cl_capturevideo_realtime is "0" ["0"] causes video saving to operate in realtime (mostly useful while playing, not while capturing demos), this can produce a much lower quality video due to poor sound/video sync and will abort saving if your machine stalls for over a minute
cl_capturevideo_width is "0" ["0"] scales all frames to this resolution before saving the video
cl_casings is "1" ["1"] enable or disable bullet casings
cl_casings_bronze_time is "10" ["10"] bullet casings lifetime
cl_casings_maxcount is "100" ["100"] maximum amount of shell casings (must be at least 1)
cl_casings_shell_time is "30" ["30"] shell casing lifetime
cl_casings_sloppy is "1" ["1"] sloppy casings, may temporarily penetrate walls
cl_casings_ticrate is "0.1" ["0.1"] ticrate for casings
cl_curl_enabled is "1" ["1"] whether client's download support is enabled
cl_curl_maxdownloads is "2" ["1"] maximum number of concurrent HTTP/FTP downloads
cl_curl_maxspeed is "1500" ["400"] maximum download speed (KiB/s)
cl_db_saveasdump is "0" ["0"] write client.db in dump format (loads slower, easier to read/parse)
cl_deathfade is "0" ["0"] fade screen to dark red when dead, value represents how fast the fade is (higher is faster)
cl_deathnoviewmodel is "1" ["1"] hides gun model when dead
cl_deathscoreboard is "1" ["1"] shows scoreboard (+showscores) while dead
cl_decals is "1" ["1"] enables decals (bullet holes, blood, etc)
cl_decals_bias is "0.125" ["0.125"] distance to bias decals from surface to prevent depth fighting
cl_decals_fadetime is "5" ["5"] how long decals take to fade away
cl_decals_max is "4096" ["4096"] maximum number of decals allowed to exist in the world at once
cl_decals_models is "0" ["0"] enables decals on animated models (if newsystem is also 1)
cl_decals_newsystem is "1" ["1"] enables new advanced decal system
cl_decals_newsystem_immediatebloodstain is "2" ["2"] 0: no on-spawn blood stains; 1: on-spawn blood stains for pt_blood; 2: always use on-spawn blood stains
cl_decals_newsystem_intensitymultiplier is "2" ["2"] boosts intensity of decals (because the distance fade can make them hard to see otherwise)
cl_decals_time is "2" ["2"] how long before decals start to fade away
cl_decals_visculling is "1" ["1"] perform a very cheap check if each decal is visible before drawing
cl_demo_mousegrab is "0" ["0"] Allows reading the mouse input while playing demos. Useful for camera mods developed in csqc. (0: never, 1: always)
cl_dlights_decaybrightness is "1" ["1"] reduces brightness of light flashes over time
cl_dlights_decayradius is "1" ["1"] reduces size of light flashes over time
cl_dodging_timeout is "0.2" ["0.2"] determines how long apart (in seconds) two taps on the same direction key are considered a dodge. use 0 to disable
cl_effects_lightningarc_branchfactor_add is "0.1" ["0.1"] custom cvar
cl_effects_lightningarc_branchfactor_start is "0.25" ["0.25"] custom cvar
cl_effects_lightningarc_drift_end is "0.1" ["0.1"] custom cvar
cl_effects_lightningarc_drift_start is "0.45" ["0.45"] custom cvar
cl_effects_lightningarc_segmentlength is "64" ["64"] custom cvar
cl_effects_lightningarc_simple is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
cl_eventchase_death is "1" ["1"] camera goes into 3rd person mode when the player is dead
cl_eventchase_distance is "140" ["140"] final camera distance
cl_eventchase_speed is "1.3" ["1.3"] how fast the camera slides back, 0 is instant
cl_explosions_alpha_end is "0" ["0"] end alpha of an explosion shell (just before it disappears)
cl_explosions_alpha_start is "1.5" ["1.5"] starting alpha of an explosion shell
cl_explosions_lifetime is "0.5" ["0.5"] how long an explosion shell lasts
cl_explosions_size_end is "128" ["128"] ending alpha of an explosion shell (just before it disappears)
cl_explosions_size_start is "16" ["16"] starting size of an explosion shell
cl_firststart is "" [""] how many times the client has been run
cl_followmodel is "1" ["1"] enables gun following
cl_followmodel_side_highpass is "5" ["5"] gun following sideways highpass in 1/s
cl_followmodel_side_highpass1 is "30" ["30"] gun following sideways pre-highpass in 1/s
cl_followmodel_side_limit is "6" ["6"] gun following sideways limit
cl_followmodel_side_lowpass is "10" ["10"] gun following sideways lowpass in 1/s
cl_followmodel_side_speed is "0.25" ["0.25"] gun following sideways speed
cl_followmodel_up_highpass is "2" ["2"] gun following upward highpass in 1/s
cl_followmodel_up_highpass1 is "60" ["60"] gun following upward pre-highpass in 1/s
cl_followmodel_up_limit is "5" ["5"] gun following upward limit
cl_followmodel_up_lowpass is "10" ["10"] gun following upward lowpass in 1/s
cl_followmodel_up_speed is "0.5" ["0.5"] gun following upward speed
cl_forwardspeed is "360" ["400"] forward movement speed
cl_gameplayfix_soundsmovewithentities is "1" ["1"] causes sounds made by lifts, players, projectiles, and any other entities, to move with the entity, so for example a rocket noise follows the rocket rather than staying at the starting position
cl_gentle is "0" ["0"] client side gentle mode, master switch for removing both gibs and messages
cl_gentle_damage is "0" ["0"] client side gentle mode (only replaces damage flash); when set to 1, a white flash replaces the blood image, when set to 2, a randomily colored flash is used instead
cl_gentle_gibs is "0" ["0"] client side gentle mode (only replaces gibs); when set to 1, white smoke replaces gibs, when set to 2, colorful clouds replace gibs
cl_gentle_messages is "0" ["0"] client side gentle mode (only replaces frag messages/centerprints)
cl_gibs_damageforcescale is "3.5" ["3.5"] force to push around gibs
cl_gibs_lifetime is "5" ["5"] average lifetime of gibs
cl_gibs_maxcount is "100" ["100"] maximum amount of gibs (must be at least 1)
cl_gibs_sloppy is "1" ["1"] sloppy gibs, may temporarily penetrate walls
cl_gibs_ticrate is "0.1" ["0.1"] ticrate for gibs
cl_gibs_velocity_random is "1" ["1"] gib throw velocity randomness scale
cl_gibs_velocity_scale is "1" ["1"] gib throw velocity force scale
cl_gibs_velocity_up is "1" ["1"] extra z velocity for gibs
cl_gravity is "800" ["800"] but ignored anyway
cl_gunalign is "1" ["3"] Gun alignment; 1 = center (if allowed by g_shootfromclient) or right, 2 = center (if allowed by g_shootfromclient) or left, 3 = right only, 4 = left only
cl_handicap is "1" ["1"] the higher, the more damage you will receive (client setting)
cl_hidewaypoints is "0" ["0"] disable static waypoints, only show team waypoints
cl_hitsound is "1" ["1"] play a hit notifier sound when you have hit an enemy
cl_hitsound_antispam_time is "0.05" ["0.05"] don't play the hitsound more often than this
cl_iplog_name is "darkplaces_iplog.txt" ["darkplaces_iplog.txt"] name of iplog file containing player addresses for iplog_list command and automatic ip logging when parsing status command
cl_itembobheight is "0" ["0"] how much items bob up and down (try 8)
cl_itembobspeed is "0.5" ["0.5"] how frequently items bob up and down
cl_joinbeforedownloadsfinish is "1" ["1"] if non-zero the game will begin after the map is loaded before other downloads finish
cl_leanmodel is "1" ["1"] enables gun leaning
cl_leanmodel_side_highpass is "3" ["3"] gun leaning sideways highpass in 1/s
cl_leanmodel_side_highpass1 is "30" ["30"] gun leaning sideways pre-highpass in 1/s
cl_leanmodel_side_limit is "35" ["35"] gun leaning sideways limit
cl_leanmodel_side_lowpass is "20" ["20"] gun leaning sideways lowpass in 1/s
cl_leanmodel_side_speed is "0.7" ["0.7"] gun leaning sideways speed
cl_leanmodel_up_highpass is "15" ["15"] gun leaning upward highpass in 1/s
cl_leanmodel_up_highpass1 is "5" ["5"] gun leaning upward pre-highpass in 1/s
cl_leanmodel_up_limit is "50" ["50"] gun leaning upward limit
cl_leanmodel_up_lowpass is "20" ["20"] gun leaning upward lowpass in 1/s
cl_leanmodel_up_speed is "0.65" ["0.65"] gun leaning upward speed
cl_lerpanim_maxdelta_framegroups is "0.05" ["0.05"] maximum frame delta for smoothing between framegroups (when 0, one network frame)
cl_lerpanim_maxdelta_server is "0.1" ["0.1"] maximum frame delta for smoothing between server-controlled animation frames (when 0, one network frame)
cl_lerpexcess is "0" ["0"] maximum allowed lerp excess (hides, not fixes, some packet loss)
cl_lockview is "0" ["0"] when 1, the camera does not move any more
cl_maxfps is "0" ["0"] maximum fps cap, 0 = unlimited, if game is running faster than this it will wait before running another frame (useful to make cpu time available to other programs)
cl_maxfps_alwayssleep is "1" ["1"] gives up some processing time to other applications each frame, value in milliseconds, disabled if cl_maxfps is 0
cl_maxidlefps is "20" ["20"] maximum fps cap when the game is not the active window (makes cpu time available to other programs
cl_minfps is "40" ["40"] minimum fps target - while the rendering performance is below this, it will drift toward lower quality
cl_minfps_fade is "0.2" ["0.2"] how fast the quality adapts to varying framerate
cl_minfps_qualitymax is "1" ["1"] highest allowed drawdistance multiplier
cl_minfps_qualitymin is "0.25" ["0.25"] lowest allowed drawdistance multiplier
cl_minfps_qualitypower is "4" ["4"] raises quality value to a power of itself, higher values make quality drop more sharply in relation to framerate
cl_minfps_qualityscale is "0.5" ["0.5"] multiplier for quality
cl_movecliptokeyboard is "0" ["0"] if set to 1, any move is clipped to the nine keyboard states; if set to 2, only the direction is clipped, not the amount
cl_movement is "1" ["1"] enables clientside prediction of your player movement
cl_movement_accelerate is "10" ["10"] how fast you accelerate (should match sv_accelerate)
cl_movement_airaccel_qw is "1" ["1"] ratio of QW-style air control as opposed to simple acceleration (reduces speed gain when zigzagging) (should match sv_airaccel_qw); when < 0, the speed is clamped against the maximum allowed forward speed after the move
cl_movement_airaccel_sideways_friction is "0" ["0"] anti-sideways movement stabilization (should match sv_airaccel_sideways_friction); when < 0, only so much friction is applied that braking (by accelerating backwards) cannot be stronger
cl_movement_airaccelerate is "-1" ["-1"] how fast you accelerate while in the air (should match sv_airaccelerate), if less than 0 the cl_movement_accelerate variable is used instead
cl_movement_edgefriction is "1" ["1"] how much to slow down when you may be about to fall off a ledge (should match edgefriction)
cl_movement_friction is "4" ["4"] how fast you slow down (should match sv_friction)
cl_movement_jumpvelocity is "270" ["270"] how fast you move upward when you begin a jump (should match the quakec code)
cl_movement_maxairspeed is "30" ["30"] how fast you can move while in the air (should match sv_maxairspeed)
cl_movement_maxspeed is "320" ["320"] how fast you can move (should match sv_maxspeed)
cl_movement_minping is "0" ["0"] whether to use prediction when ping is lower than this value in milliseconds
cl_movement_nettimeout is "0.3" ["0.3"] stops predicting moves when server is lagging badly (avoids major performance problems), timeout in seconds
cl_movement_replay is "1" ["1"] use engine prediction
cl_movement_stepheight is "18" ["18"] how tall a step you can step in one instant (should match sv_stepheight)
cl_movement_stopspeed is "100" ["100"] speed below which you will be slowed rapidly to a stop rather than sliding endlessly (should match sv_stopspeed)
cl_movement_track_canjump is "0" ["0"] track if the player released the jump key between two jumps to decide if he is able to jump or not; when off, this causes some "sliding" slightly above the floor when the jump key is held too long; if the mod allows repeated jumping by holding space all the time, this has to be set to zero too
cl_movement_wallfriction is "1" ["1"] how fast you slow down while sliding along a wall (should match sv_wallfriction)
cl_movement_wateraccelerate is "-1" ["-1"] how fast you accelerate while in water (should match sv_wateraccelerate), if less than 0 the cl_movement_accelerate variable is used instead
cl_movement_waterfriction is "-1" ["-1"] how fast you slow down (should match sv_waterfriction), if less than 0 the cl_movement_friction variable is used instead
cl_movespeedkey is "2.0" ["2.0"] how much +speed multiplies keyboard movement speed
cl_netfps is "100" ["60"] how many input packets to send to server each second
cl_netimmediatebuttons is "1" ["1"] sends extra packets whenever your buttons change or an impulse is used (basically: whenever you click fire or change weapon)
cl_netlocalping is "0" ["0"] lags local loopback connection by this much ping time (useful to play more fairly on your own server with people with higher pings)
cl_netpacketloss_receive is "0" ["0"] drops this percentage of incoming packets, useful for testing network protocol robustness (jerky movement, effects failing to start, sounds failing to play, etc)
cl_netpacketloss_send is "0" ["0"] drops this percentage of outgoing packets, useful for testing network protocol robustness (jerky movement, prediction errors, etc)
cl_netrepeatinput is "1" ["1"] how many packets in a row can be lost without movement issues when using cl_movement (technically how many input messages to repeat in each packet that have not yet been acknowledged by the server), only affects DP7 and later servers (Quake uses 0, QuakeWorld uses 2, and just for comparison Quake3 uses 1)
cl_nettimesyncboundmode is "6" ["6"] method of restricting client time to valid values, 0 = no correction, 1 = tight bounding (jerky with packet loss), 2 = loose bounding (corrects it if out of bounds), 3 = leniant bounding (ignores temporary errors due to varying framerate), 4 = slow adjustment method from Quake3, 5 = slighttly nicer version of Quake3 method, 6 = bounding + Quake3
cl_nettimesyncboundtolerance is "0.25" ["0.25"] how much error is tolerated by bounding check, as a fraction of frametime, 0.25 = up to 25% margin of error tolerated, 1 = use only new time, 0 = use only old time (same effect as setting cl_nettimesyncfactor to 1)
cl_nettimesyncfactor is "0" ["0"] rate at which client time adapts to match server time, 1 = instantly, 0.125 = slowly, 0 = not at all (bounding still applies)
cl_noantilag is "0" ["0"] turn this on if you believe antilag is bad
cl_nodelta is "0" ["0"] disables delta compression of non-player entities in QW network protocol
cl_nogibs is "0" ["0"] reduce number of violence effects, or remove them totally
cl_nolerp is "0" ["0"] network update smoothing
cl_noplayershadow is "0" ["0"] hide player shadow
cl_notify_carried_items is "3" ["3"] notify you of carried items when you obtain them (e.g. flags in CTF) - 0: disabled, 1: notify of taken items, 2: notify of picking up dropped items, 3: notify of both
cl_particlegibs is "0" ["0"] simpler gibs
cl_particles is "1" ["1"] enables particle effects
cl_particles_alpha is "1" ["1"] multiplies opacity of particles
cl_particles_blood is "1" ["1"] enables blood effects
cl_particles_blood_alpha is "1" ["1"] opacity of blood, does not affect decals
cl_particles_blood_bloodhack is "1" ["1"] make certain quake particle() calls create blood effects instead
cl_particles_blood_decal_alpha is "1" ["1"] opacity of blood decal
cl_particles_blood_decal_scalemax is "2" ["2"] maximal random scale of decal
cl_particles_blood_decal_scalemin is "1.5" ["1.5"] minimal random scale of decal
cl_particles_bubbles is "1" ["1"] enables bubbles (used by multiple effects)
cl_particles_bulletimpacts is "1" ["1"] enables bulletimpact effects
cl_particles_collisions is "1" ["1"] allow costly collision detection on particles (sparks that bounce, particles not going through walls, blood hitting surfaces, etc)
cl_particles_explosions_shell is "0" ["0"] enables polygonal shell from explosions
cl_particles_explosions_sparks is "1" ["1"] enables sparks from explosions
cl_particles_oldnexbeam is "0" ["0"] Uses the old v2.3 Nexgun beam instead of the new beam, only works if server allows it (g_allow_oldnexbeam 1)
cl_particles_quake is "0" ["0"] makes particle effects look mostly like the ones in Quake
cl_particles_quality is "0.500000" ["1"] multiplies number of particles
cl_particles_rain is "1" ["1"] enables rain effects
cl_particles_size is "1" ["1"] multiplies particle size
cl_particles_smoke is "1" ["1"] enables smoke (used by multiple effects)
cl_particles_smoke_alpha is "0.5" ["0.5"] smoke brightness
cl_particles_smoke_alphafade is "0.55" ["0.55"] brightness fade per second
cl_particles_snow is "1" ["1"] enables snow effects
cl_particles_sparks is "1" ["1"] enables sparks (used by multiple effects)
cl_particles_visculling is "0" ["0"] perform a costly check if each particle is visible before drawing
cl_pitchspeed is "150" ["150"] keyboard pitch turning speed
cl_playerdetailreduction is "0" ["0"] the higher, the less detailed player models are displayed (LOD)
cl_port is "0" ["0"] forces client to use chosen port number if not 0
cl_projectiles_sloppy is "0" ["0"] sloppy projectiles, may temporarily penetrate walls
cl_prydoncursor is "0" ["0"] enables a mouse pointer which is able to click on entities in the world, useful for point and click mods, see PRYDON_CLIENTCURSOR extension in dpextensions.qc
cl_prydoncursor_notrace is "0" ["0"] disables traceline used in prydon cursor reporting to the game, saving some cpu time
cl_readpicture_force is "0" ["0"] when enabled, the low quality pictures read by ReadPicture() are preferred over the high quality pictures on the file system
cl_reticle_item_nex is "1" ["1"] draw aiming reticle for the nex weapon's zoom, 0 disables and values between 0 and 1 change alpha
cl_reticle_item_normal is "1" ["1"] draw reticle when zooming with the zoom button, 0 disables and values between 0 and 1 change alpha
cl_reticle_stretch is "0" ["0"] whether to stretch reticles so they fit the screen (brakes image proportions)
cl_rollangle is "0" ["0"] how much to tilt the view when strafing
cl_rollkillspeed is "10" ["10"] custom cvar
cl_rollspeed is "200" ["200"] how much strafing is necessary to tilt the view
cl_serverextension_download is "0" ["0"] indicates whether the server supports the download command
cl_showacceleration is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
cl_shownet is "0" ["0"] 1 = print packet size, 2 = print packet message list
cl_showspeed is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
cl_sidespeed is "360" ["350"] strafe movement speed
cl_smoothviewheight is "0.05" ["0.05"] time of the averaging to the viewheight value so that it creates a smooth transition. higher values = longer transition, 0 for instant transition.
cl_sound_hknighthit is "" [""] sound to play during TE_KNIGHTSPIKE (empty cvar disables sound)
cl_sound_maptime_warning is "3" ["1"] play announcer sound telling you the remaining maptime - 0: do not play at all, 1: play at one minute, 2: play at five minutes, 3: play both
cl_sound_r_exp3 is "" [""] sound to play during TE_EXPLOSION and related effects (empty cvar disables sound)
cl_sound_ric1 is "weapons/ric1.wav" ["weapons/ric1.wav"] sound to play with 5% chance during TE_SPIKE/TE_SUPERSPIKE (empty cvar disables sound)
cl_sound_ric2 is "weapons/ric2.wav" ["weapons/ric2.wav"] sound to play with 5% chance during TE_SPIKE/TE_SUPERSPIKE (empty cvar disables sound)
cl_sound_ric3 is "weapons/ric3.wav" ["weapons/ric3.wav"] sound to play with 10% chance during TE_SPIKE/TE_SUPERSPIKE (empty cvar disables sound)
cl_sound_ric_gunshot is "0" ["0"] specifies if and when the related cl_sound_ric and cl_sound_tink sounds apply to TE_GUNSHOT/TE_GUNSHOTQUAD, 0 = no sound, 1 = TE_GUNSHOT, 2 = TE_GUNSHOTQUAD, 3 = TE_GUNSHOT and TE_GUNSHOTQUAD
cl_sound_tink1 is "weapons/tink1.wav" ["weapons/tink1.wav"] sound to play with 80% chance during TE_SPIKE/TE_SUPERSPIKE (empty cvar disables sound)
cl_sound_wizardhit is "" [""] sound to play during TE_WIZSPIKE (empty cvar disables sound)
cl_stainmaps is "0" ["0"] stains lightmaps, much faster than decals but blurred
cl_stainmaps_clearonload is "1" ["1"] clear stainmaps on map restart
cl_stairsmoothspeed is "200" ["200"] how fast your view moves upward/downward when running up/down stairs
cl_startcount is "98" ["0"] how many times the client has been run
cl_stripcolorcodes is "0" ["0"] experimental feature (notes: strips ALL color codes from messages!)
cl_upspeed is "360" ["400"] vertical movement speed (while swimming or flying)
cl_vehicle_spiderbot_cross_alpha is "0.4" ["0.4"] custom cvar
cl_vehicle_spiderbot_cross_size is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
cl_vehicles_hudalpha is "0" ["0"] custom cvar
cl_vehicles_hudscale is "0.5way" ["0.5way"] custom cvar
cl_velocityzoom is "0" ["0"] velocity based zooming of fov, negative values zoom out
cl_velocityzoomtime is "0.3" ["0.3"] time value for averaging speed values
cl_video_brightness is "1" ["1"] brightness of video, 1 = fullbright, 0.75 - 3/4 etc.
cl_video_fadein is "0" ["0"] fading-from-black effect once video is started, in seconds
cl_video_fadeout is "0" ["0"] fading-to-black effect once video is ended, in seconds
cl_video_keepaspectratio is "0" ["0"] keeps aspect ratio of fullscreen videos, leaving black color on unfilled areas, a value of 2 let video to be stretched horizontally with top & bottom being sliced out
cl_video_scale is "1" ["1"] scale of video, 1 = fullscreen, 0.75 - 3/4 of screen etc.
cl_video_scale_vpos is "0" ["0"] vertical align of scaled video, -1 is top, 1 is bottom
cl_video_stipple is "0" ["0"] draw interlacing-like effect on videos, similar to scr_stipple but static and used only with video playing.
cl_video_subtitles is "0" ["0"] show subtitles for videos (if they are present)
cl_video_subtitles_lines is "4" ["4"] how many lines to occupy for subtitles
cl_video_subtitles_textsize is "16" ["16"] textsize for subtitles
cl_viewmodel_scale is "1" ["1"] changes size of gun model, lower values prevent poking into walls but cause strange artifacts on lighting and especially r_stereo/vid_stereobuffer options where the size of the gun becomes visible
cl_voice_directional is "1" ["1"] 0 = all voices are non-directional, 1 = all voices are directional, 2 = only taunts are directional
cl_voice_directional_taunt_attenuation is "0.5" ["0.5"] this defines the distance from which taunts can be heard
cl_warpzone_usetrace is "1" ["1"] custom cvar
cl_weaponimpulsemode is "0" ["0"] 0: only cycle between currently usable weapons in weapon priority order; 1: cycle between all possible weapons on a key in weapon priority order
cl_weaponpriority is "minstanex rocketlauncher nex grenadelauncher minelayer fireball hlac hagar seeker crylink rifle uzi electro tuba shotgun laser hook porto" ["minstanex rocketlauncher nex grenadelauncher minelayer fireball hlac hagar seeker crylink rifle uzi electro tuba shotgun laser hook porto"] weapon priority list
cl_weaponpriority0 is "rocketlauncher grenadelauncher hagar seeker fireball" ["rocketlauncher grenadelauncher hagar seeker fireball"] use impulse 200 for prev gun from this list, 210 for best gun, 220 for next gun.  Default value: explosives
cl_weaponpriority1 is "minstanex nex crylink hlac electro laser" ["minstanex nex crylink hlac electro laser"] use impulse 201 for prev gun from this list, 211 for best gun, 221 for next gun.  Default value: energy
cl_weaponpriority2 is "minstanex nex rifle" ["minstanex nex rifle"] use impulse 202 for prev gun from this list, 212 for best gun, 222 for next gun.  Default value: hitscan exact
cl_weaponpriority3 is "minstanex nex rifle uzi shotgun" ["minstanex nex rifle uzi shotgun"] use impulse 203 for prev gun from this list, 213 for best gun, 223 for next gun.  Default value: hitscan all
cl_weaponpriority4 is "grenadelauncher minelayer hlac hagar crylink seeker shotgun" ["grenadelauncher minelayer hlac hagar crylink seeker shotgun"] use impulse 204 for prev gun from this list, 214 for best gun, 224 for next gun.  Default value: spam weapons
cl_weaponpriority5 is "laser hook porto" ["laser hook porto"] use impulse 205 for prev gun from this list, 215 for best gun, 225 for next gun.  Default value: weapons for moving
cl_weaponpriority6 is "" [""] use impulse 206 for prev gun from this list, 216 for best gun, 226 for next gun
cl_weaponpriority7 is "" [""] use impulse 207 for prev gun from this list, 217 for best gun, 227 for next gun
cl_weaponpriority8 is "" [""] use impulse 208 for prev gun from this list, 218 for best gun, 228 for next gun
cl_weaponpriority9 is "" [""] use impulse 209 for prev gun from this list, 219 for best gun, 229 for next gun
cl_weaponpriority_useforcycling is "0" ["0"] when set, weapon cycling by the mouse wheel makes use of the weapon priority list (the special value 2 uses the weapon ID list for cycling)
cl_worldbasename is "geoplanetary" [""] name of current worldmodel without maps/ prefix or extension
cl_worldmessage is "geoplanetary" [""] title of current level
cl_worldname is "maps/geoplanetary.bsp" [""] name of current worldmodel
cl_worldnamenoextension is "maps/geoplanetary" [""] name of current worldmodel without extension
cl_yawspeed is "140" ["140"] keyboard yaw turning speed
cl_zoomfactor is "3.500000" ["5"] how much +zoom will zoom (1-16)
cl_zoomsensitivity is "0" ["0"] how zoom changes sensitivity (0 = weakest, 1 = strongest)
cl_zoomspeed is "3.500000" ["8"] how fast it will zoom (0.5-16), negative values mean instant zoom

24 possible aliases:
cl_fbskin_green: playermodel models/player/erebus.iqm; playerskin 1; color 3 3
cl_fbskin_off: playermodel models/player/erebus.iqm; playerskin 0
cl_fbskin_orange: playermodel models/player/erebus.iqm; playerskin 1; color 14 14
cl_fbskin_red: playermodel models/player/erebus.iqm; playerskin 1; color 4 4

8 possible variables:
sys_colortranslation is "0" ["0"] terminal console color translation (supported values: 0 = strip color codes, 1 = translate to ANSI codes, 2 = no translation)
sys_debugsleep is "0" ["0"] write requested and attained sleep times to standard output, to be used with gnuplot
sys_memsize_physical is "6135.117188" ["6135.117188"] physical memory size in MB (or empty if unknown)
sys_memsize_virtual is "8388608" ["8388608"] virtual memory size in MB (or empty if unknown)
sys_specialcharactertranslation is "1" ["1"] terminal console conchars to ASCII translation (set to 0 if your conchars.tga is for an 8bit character set or if you want raw output)
sys_ticrate is "0.0333333" ["0.0333333"] how long a server frame is in seconds, 0.05 is 20fps server rate, 0.1 is 10fps (can not be set higher than 0.1), 0 runs as many server frames as possible (makes games against bots a little smoother, overwhelms network players), 0.0138889 matches QuakeWorld physics
sys_usenoclockbutbenchmark is "0" ["0"] don't use ANY real timing, and simulate a clock (for benchmarking); the game then runs as fast as possible. Run a QC mod with bots that does some stuff, then does a quit at the end, to benchmark a server. NEVER do this on a public server.
sys_usequeryperformancecounter is "0" ["0"] use windows QueryPerformanceCounter timer (which has issues on multicore/multiprocessor machines and processors which are designed to conserve power) for timing rather than timeGetTime function (which has issues on some motherboards)

21 possible commands:
r_editlights_clear: removes all world lights (let there be darkness!)
r_editlights_copyinfo: store a copy of all properties (except origin) of the selected light
r_editlights_edit: changes a property on the selected light
r_editlights_editall: changes a property on ALL lights at once (tip: use radiusscale and colorscale to alter these properties)
r_editlights_help: prints documentation on console commands and variables in rtlight editing system
r_editlights_importlightentitiesfrommap: load lights from .ent file or map entities (ignoring .rtlights or .lights file)
r_editlights_importlightsfile: load lights from .lights file (ignoring .rtlights or .ent files and map entities)
r_editlights_lock: lock selection to current light, if already locked - unlock
r_editlights_pasteinfo: apply the stored properties onto the selected light (making it exactly identical except for origin)
r_editlights_reload: reloads rtlights file (or imports from .lights file or .ent file or the map itself)
r_editlights_remove: remove selected light
r_editlights_save: save .rtlights file for current level
r_editlights_spawn: creates a light with default properties (let there be light!)
r_editlights_togglecorona: toggle on/off the corona option on the selected light
r_editlights_toggleshadow: toggle on/off the shadow option on the selected light
r_glsl_dumpshader: dumps the engine internal default.glsl shader into glsl/default.glsl
r_glsl_restart: unloads GLSL shaders, they will then be reloaded as needed
r_listmaptextures: list all textures used by the current map
r_replacemaptexture: override a map texture for testing purposes
r_restart: restarts renderer
r_texturestats: print information about all loaded textures and some statistics

304 possible variables:
r_ambient is "4" ["4"] brightens map, value is 0-128
r_bloom is "0" ["0"] enables bloom effect (makes bright pixels affect neighboring pixels)
r_bloom_blur is "8" ["8"] how large the glow is
r_bloom_brighten is "3" ["3"] how bright the glow is, after subtract/power
r_bloom_colorexponent is "1" ["1"] how exaggerated the glow is
r_bloom_colorscale is "1" ["1"] how bright the glow is
r_bloom_colorsubtract is "0.25" ["0.25"] reduces bloom colors by a certain amount
r_bloom_resolution is "320" ["320"] what resolution to perform the bloom effect at (independent of screen resolution)
r_colormap_palette is "gfx/colormap_palette.lmp" ["gfx/colormap_palette.lmp"] name of a palette lmp file to override the shirt/pants colors of player models. It consists of 16 shirt colors, 16 scoreboard shirt colors, 16 pants colors and 16 scoreboard pants colors
r_coronas is "0" ["1"] brightness of corona flare effects around certain lights, 0 disables corona effects
r_coronas_occlusionquery is "0" ["0"] use GL_ARB_occlusion_query extension if supported (fades coronas according to visibility)
r_coronas_occlusionsizescale is "0.1" ["0.1"] size of light source for corona occlusion checksum the proportion of hidden pixels controls corona intensity
r_cullentities_trace is "0" ["0"] probabistically cull invisible entities
r_cullentities_trace_delay is "1" ["1"] number of seconds until the entity gets actually culled
r_cullentities_trace_enlarge is "0" ["0"] box enlargement for entity culling
r_cullentities_trace_samples is "2" ["2"] number of samples to test for entity culling (in addition to center sample)
r_cullentities_trace_tempentitysamples is "-1" ["-1"] number of samples to test for entity culling of temp entities (including all CSQC entities), -1 disables trace culling on these entities to prevent flicker (pvs still applies)
r_damageblur is "0" ["0"] motionblur based on damage
r_deformvertexes is "1" ["1"] allows use of deformvertexes in shader files (can be turned off to check performance impact)
r_depthfirst is "2" ["1"] renders a depth-only version of the scene before normal rendering begins to eliminate overdraw, values: 0 = off, 1 = world depth, 2 = world and model depth
r_draw2d is "1" ["1"] draw 2D stuff (dangerous to turn off)
r_drawdecals is "1" ["1"] enables drawing of decals
r_drawdecals_drawdistance is "300" ["300"] decals further than drawdistance*size will not be drawn
r_draweffects is "1" ["1"] renders temporary sprite effects
r_drawentities is "1" ["1"] draw entities (doors, players, projectiles, etc)
r_drawexplosions is "1" ["1"] enables rendering of explosion shells (see also cl_particles_explosions_shell)
r_drawexteriormodel is "1" ["1"] draw your player model (e.g. in chase cam, reflections)
r_drawfog is "1" ["1"] allows one to disable fog rendering
r_drawparticles is "1" ["1"] enables drawing of particles
r_drawparticles_drawdistance is "1000" ["1000"] particles further than drawdistance*size will not be drawn
r_drawparticles_nearclip_max is "16" ["16"] particles closer than drawnearclip_min will be faded
r_drawparticles_nearclip_min is "8" ["8"] particles closer than drawnearclip_min will not be drawn
r_drawportals is "0" ["0"] shows portals (separating polygons) in world interior in quake1 maps
r_drawviewmodel is "1" ["1"] draw your weapon model
r_drawworld is "1" ["1"] draw world (most static stuff)
r_dynamic is "1" ["1"] enables dynamic lights (rocket glow and such)
r_editlights is "0" ["0"] enables .rtlights file editing mode
r_editlights_cursordistance is "1024" ["1024"] maximum distance of cursor from eye
r_editlights_cursorgrid is "4" ["4"] snaps cursor to this grid size
r_editlights_cursorpushback is "0" ["0"] how far to pull the cursor back toward the eye
r_editlights_cursorpushoff is "4" ["4"] how far to push the cursor off the impacted surface
r_editlights_quakelightsizescale is "1" ["1"] changes size of light entities loaded from a map
r_enableshadowvolumes is "1" ["1"] Enables use of Stencil Shadow Volume shadowing methods, saves some memory if turned off
r_equalize_entities_by is "0.7" ["0.7"] light equalizing: exponent of dynamics compression (0 = no compression, 1 = full compression)
r_equalize_entities_fullbright is "1" ["1"] render fullbright entities by equalizing their lightness, not by not rendering light
r_equalize_entities_minambient is "0.5" ["0.5"] light equalizing: ensure at least this ambient/diffuse ratio
r_equalize_entities_to is "0.8" ["0.8"] light equalizing: target light level
r_explosionclip is "1" ["1"] enables collision detection for explosion shell (so that it flattens against walls and floors)
r_fakelight is "1" ["1"] render 'fake' lighting instead of real lightmaps
r_fakelight_intensity is "0.75" ["0.75"] fakelight intensity modifier
r_farclip_base is "65536" ["65536"] farclip (furthest visible distance) for rendering when r_useinfinitefarclip is 0
r_farclip_world is "2" ["2"] adds map size to farclip multiplied by this value
r_fixtrans_auto is "0" ["0"] automatically fixtrans textures (when set to 2, it also saves the fixed versions to a fixtrans directory)
r_fog_clear is "1" ["1"] clears renderbuffer with fog color before render starts
r_fog_exp2 is "0" ["0"] uses GL_EXP2 fog (as in Nehahra) rather than realistic GL_EXP fog
r_font_antialias is "1" ["1"] 0 = monochrome, 1 = grey
r_font_compress is "0" ["0"] use texture compression on font textures to save video memory
r_font_disable_freetype is "0" ["0"] disable freetype support for fonts entirely
r_font_diskcache is "0" ["0"] save font textures to disk for future loading rather than generating them every time
r_font_hinting is "1" ["1"] 0 = no hinting, 1 = light autohinting, 2 = full autohinting, 3 = full hinting
r_font_kerning is "1" ["1"] Use kerning if available
r_font_nonpoweroftwo is "1" ["1"] use nonpoweroftwo textures for font (saves memory, potentially slower)
r_font_postprocess_blur is "1" ["1"] font blur amount
r_font_postprocess_outline is "1" ["1"] font outline amount
r_font_postprocess_shadow_x is "0" ["0"] font shadow X shift amount, applied during outlining
r_font_postprocess_shadow_y is "0" ["0"] font shadow Y shift amount, applied during outlining
r_font_postprocess_shadow_z is "0" ["0"] font shadow Z shift amount, applied during blurring
r_font_size_snapping is "4" ["4"] stick to good looking font sizes whenever possible - bad when the mod doesn't support it!
r_font_use_alpha_textures is "0" ["0"] use alpha-textures for font rendering, this should safe memory
r_framedatasize is "16" ["0.5"] size of renderer data cache used during one frame (for skeletal animation caching, light processing, etc)
r_fullbright is "0" ["0"] makes map very bright and renders faster
r_fullbrights is "1" ["1"] enables glowing pixels in quake textures (changes need r_restart to take effect)
r_glsl is "1" ["1"] indicates whether the OpenGL 2.0 rendering path is active
r_glsl_deluxemapping is "0" ["1"] use per pixel lighting on deluxemap-compiled q3bsp maps (or a value of 2 forces deluxemap shading even without deluxemaps)
r_glsl_offsetmapping is "0" ["0"] offset mapping effect (also known as parallax mapping or virtual displacement mapping)
r_glsl_offsetmapping_reliefmapping is "1" ["0"] relief mapping effect (higher quality)
r_glsl_offsetmapping_reliefmapping_refinesteps is "5" ["5"] relief mapping refine steps (these are a binary search executed as the last step as given by r_glsl_offsetmapping_reliefmapping_steps)
r_glsl_offsetmapping_reliefmapping_steps is "10" ["10"] relief mapping steps (note: too high values may be not supported by your GPU)
r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale is "0.02" ["0.02"] how deep the offset mapping effect is
r_glsl_offsetmapping_steps is "2" ["2"] offset mapping steps (note: too high values may be not supported by your GPU)
r_glsl_postprocess is "1" ["1"] use a GLSL postprocessing shader
r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1 is "0 0 0 0" ["0 0 0 0"] a 4-component vector to pass as uservec1 to the postprocessing shader (only useful if default.glsl has been customized)
r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1_enable is "0" ["1"] enables postprocessing uservec1 usage, creates USERVEC1 define (only useful if default.glsl has been customized)
r_glsl_postprocess_uservec2 is "0 0 0 0" ["0 0 0 0"] a 4-component vector to pass as uservec2 to the postprocessing shader (only useful if default.glsl has been customized)
r_glsl_postprocess_uservec2_enable is "1" ["1"] enables postprocessing uservec2 usage, creates USERVEC1 define (only useful if default.glsl has been customized)
r_glsl_postprocess_uservec3 is "0 0 0 0" ["0 0 0 0"] a 4-component vector to pass as uservec3 to the postprocessing shader (only useful if default.glsl has been customized)
r_glsl_postprocess_uservec3_enable is "1" ["1"] enables postprocessing uservec3 usage, creates USERVEC1 define (only useful if default.glsl has been customized)
r_glsl_postprocess_uservec4 is "0 0 0 0" ["0 0 0 0"] a 4-component vector to pass as uservec4 to the postprocessing shader (only useful if default.glsl has been customized)
r_glsl_postprocess_uservec4_enable is "1" ["1"] enables postprocessing uservec4 usage, creates USERVEC1 define (only useful if default.glsl has been customized)
r_glsl_saturation is "1" ["1"] saturation multiplier (only working in glsl!)
r_glsl_saturation_redcompensate is "0" ["0"] a 'vampire sight' addition to desaturation effect, does compensation for red color, r_glsl_restart is required
r_glsl_vertextextureblend_usebothalphas is "1" ["1"] use both alpha layers on vertex blended surfaces, each alpha layer sets amount of 'blend leak' on another layer.
r_hdr is "0" ["0"] enables High Dynamic Range bloom effect (higher quality version of r_bloom)
r_hdr_glowintensity is "1" ["1"] how bright light emitting textures should appear
r_hdr_irisadaptation is "0" ["0"] adjust scene brightness according to light intensity at player location
r_hdr_irisadaptation_fade is "1" ["1"] fade rate at which value adjusts
r_hdr_irisadaptation_maxvalue is "4" ["4"] maximum value that can result from multiplier / brightness
r_hdr_irisadaptation_minvalue is "0.5" ["0.5"] minimum value that can result from multiplier / brightness
r_hdr_irisadaptation_multiplier is "2" ["2"] brightness at which value will be 1.0
r_hdr_irisadaptation_value is "1" ["1"] current value as scenebrightness multiplier, changes continuously when irisadaptation is active
r_hdr_range is "4" ["4"] how much dynamic range to render bloom with (equivalent to multiplying r_bloom_brighten by this value and dividing r_bloom_colorscale by this value)
r_hdr_scenebrightness is "1" ["1"] global rendering brightness
r_labelsprites_roundtopixels is "1" ["1"] try to make label sprites sharper by rounding their size to 0.5x or 1x and by rounding their position to whole pixels if possible
r_labelsprites_scale is "0.40625" ["0.40625"] global scale to apply to label sprites before conversion to HUD coordinates
r_lerpimages is "1" ["1"] bilinear filters images when scaling them up to power of 2 size (mode 1), looks better than glquake (mode 0)
r_lerplightstyles is "0" ["0"] enable animation smoothing on flickering lights
r_lerpmodels is "1" ["1"] enables animation smoothing on models
r_lerpsprites is "0" ["0"] enables animation smoothing on sprites
r_letterbox is "0" ["0"] reduces vertical height of view to simulate a letterboxed movie effect (can be used by mods for cutscenes)
r_lightningbeam_color_blue is "1" ["1"] color of the lightning beam effect
r_lightningbeam_color_green is "1" ["1"] color of the lightning beam effect
r_lightningbeam_color_red is "1" ["1"] color of the lightning beam effect
r_lightningbeam_qmbtexture is "0" ["0"] load the qmb textures/particles/lightning.pcx texture instead of generating one, can look better
r_lightningbeam_repeatdistance is "128" ["128"] how far to stretch the texture along the lightning beam effect
r_lightningbeam_scroll is "5" ["5"] speed of texture scrolling on the lightning beam effect
r_lightningbeam_thickness is "4" ["4"] thickness of the lightning beam effect
r_lockpvs is "0" ["0"] disables pvs switching, allows you to walk around and inspect what is visible from a given location in the map (anything not visible from your current location will not be drawn)
r_lockvisibility is "0" ["0"] disables visibility updates, allows you to walk around and inspect what is visible from a given viewpoint in the map (anything offscreen at the moment this is enabled will not be drawn)
r_mipnormalmaps is "1" ["1"] mipmaps normalmaps (turning it off looks sharper but may have aliasing)
r_mipskins is "1" ["1"] mipmaps model skins so they render faster in the distance and do not display noise artifacts, can cause discoloration of skins if they contain undesirable border colors
r_mipsprites is "1" ["1"] mipmaps sprites so they render faster in the distance and do not display noise artifacts
r_motionblur is "0" ["0"] motionblur value scale - 0.5 recommended
r_motionblur_bmin is "0.5" ["0.5"] velocity at which there is no blur yet (may be negative to always have some blur)
r_motionblur_maxblur is "0.88" ["0.88"] cap for motionblur alpha value
r_motionblur_randomize is "0.1" ["0.1"] randomizing coefficient to workaround ghosting
r_motionblur_vcoeff is "0.05" ["0.05"] sliding average reaction time for velocity
r_motionblur_vmax is "600" ["600"] maximum influence from velocity
r_motionblur_vmin is "300" ["300"] minimum influence from velocity
r_nearclip is "1" ["1"] distance from camera of nearclip plane
r_nosurftextures is "0" ["0"] pretends there was no texture lump found in the q1bsp/hlbsp loading (useful for debugging this rare case)
r_novis is "0" ["0"] draws whole level, see also sv_cullentities_pvs 0
r_overheadsprites_perspective is "5" ["5"] fake perspective effect for SPR_OVERHEAD sprites
r_overheadsprites_pushback is "15" ["15"] how far to pull the SPR_OVERHEAD sprites toward the eye (used to avoid intersections with 3D models)
r_overheadsprites_scalex is "1" ["1"] additional scale for overhead sprites for x axis
r_overheadsprites_scaley is "1" ["1"] additional scale for overhead sprites for y axis
r_picmipsprites is "0" ["0"] make gl_picmip affect sprites too (saves some graphics memory in sprite heavy games) (setting this to 0 is a shorthand for gl_picmip_sprites -9999999)
r_picmipworld is "1" ["1"] whether gl_picmip shall apply to world textures too (setting this to 0 is a shorthand for gl_picmip_world -9999999)
r_polygonoffset_decals_factor is "0" ["0"] biases depth values of decals to prevent z-fighting artifacts
r_polygonoffset_decals_offset is "-28" ["-28"] biases depth values of decals to prevent z-fighting artifacts
r_polygonoffset_submodel_factor is "0" ["0"] biases depth values of world submodels such as doors, to prevent z-fighting artifacts in Quake maps
r_polygonoffset_submodel_offset is "0" ["0"] biases depth values of world submodels such as doors, to prevent z-fighting artifacts in Quake maps
r_q1bsp_skymasking is "1" ["1"] allows sky polygons in quake1 maps to obscure other geometry
r_q3bsp_renderskydepth is "0" ["0"] draws sky depth masking in q3 maps (as in q1 maps), this means for example that sky polygons can hide other things
r_render is "1" ["1"] enables rendering 3D views (you want this on!)
r_renderview is "1" ["1"] enables rendering 3D views (you want this on!)
r_shadow_bouncegrid is "0" ["0"] perform particle tracing for indirect lighting (Global Illumination / radiosity) using a 3D texture covering the scene, only active on levels with realtime lights active (r_shadow_realtime_world is usually required for these)
r_shadow_bouncegrid_bounceanglediffuse is "0" ["0"] use random bounce direction rather than true reflection, makes some corner areas dark
r_shadow_bouncegrid_directionalshading is "0" ["0"] use diffuse shading rather than ambient, 3D texture becomes 8x as many pixels to hold the additional data
r_shadow_bouncegrid_dlightparticlemultiplier is "0" ["0"] if set to a high value like 16 this can make dlights look great, but 0 is recommended for performance reasons
r_shadow_bouncegrid_hitmodels is "0" ["0"] enables hitting character model geometry (SLOW)
r_shadow_bouncegrid_includedirectlighting is "0" ["0"] allows direct lighting to be recorded, not just indirect (gives an effect somewhat like r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps)
r_shadow_bouncegrid_intensity is "4" ["4"] overall brightness of bouncegrid texture
r_shadow_bouncegrid_lightradiusscale is "4" ["4"] particles stop at this fraction of light radius (can be more than 1)
r_shadow_bouncegrid_maxbounce is "2" ["2"] maximum number of bounces for a particle (minimum is 0)
r_shadow_bouncegrid_particlebounceintensity is "1" ["1"] amount of energy carried over after each bounce, this is a multiplier of texture color and the result is clamped to 1 or less, to prevent adding energy on each bounce
r_shadow_bouncegrid_particleintensity is "1" ["1"] brightness of particles contributing to bouncegrid texture
r_shadow_bouncegrid_photons is "2000" ["2000"] total photons to shoot per update, divided proportionately between lights
r_shadow_bouncegrid_spacing is "64" ["64"] unit size of bouncegrid pixel
r_shadow_bouncegrid_stablerandom is "1" ["1"] make particle distribution consistent from frame to frame
r_shadow_bouncegrid_static is "1" ["1"] use static radiosity solution (high quality) rather than dynamic (splotchy)
r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_directionalshading is "1" ["1"] whether to use directionalshading when in static mode
r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_lightradiusscale is "10" ["10"] particles stop at this fraction of light radius (can be more than 1) when in static mode
r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_maxbounce is "5" ["5"] maximum number of bounces for a particle (minimum is 0) in static mode
r_shadow_bouncegrid_static_photons is "25000" ["25000"] photons value to use when in static mode
r_shadow_bouncegrid_updateinterval is "0" ["0"] update bouncegrid texture once per this many seconds, useful values are 0, 0.05, or 1000000
r_shadow_bouncegrid_x is "64" ["64"] maximum texture size of bouncegrid on X axis
r_shadow_bouncegrid_y is "64" ["64"] maximum texture size of bouncegrid on Y axis
r_shadow_bouncegrid_z is "32" ["32"] maximum texture size of bouncegrid on Z axis
r_shadow_bumpscale_basetexture is "0" ["0"] generate fake bumpmaps from diffuse textures at this bumpyness, try 4 to match tenebrae, higher values increase depth, requires r_restart to take effect
r_shadow_bumpscale_bumpmap is "4" ["4"] what magnitude to interpret _bump.tga textures as, higher values increase depth, requires r_restart to take effect
r_shadow_debuglight is "-1" ["-1"] renders only one light, for level design purposes or debugging
r_shadow_deferred is "0" ["0"] uses image-based lighting instead of geometry-based lighting, the method used renders a depth image and a normalmap image, renders lights into separate diffuse and specular images, and then combines this into the normal rendering, requires r_shadow_shadowmapping
r_shadow_deferred_8bitrange is "4" ["4"] dynamic range of image-based lighting when using 32bit color (does not apply to fp)
r_shadow_frontsidecasting is "1" ["1"] whether to cast shadows from illuminated triangles (front side of model) or unlit triangles (back side of model)
r_shadow_gloss is "0" ["1"] 0 disables gloss (specularity) rendering, 1 uses gloss if textures are found, 2 forces a flat metallic specular effect on everything without textures (similar to tenebrae)
r_shadow_gloss2exponent is "32" ["32"] same as r_shadow_glossexponent but for forced gloss (gloss 2) surfaces
r_shadow_gloss2intensity is "0.125" ["0.125"] how bright the forced flat gloss should look if r_shadow_gloss is 2
r_shadow_glossexact is "1" ["1"] use exact reflection math for gloss (slightly slower, but should look a tad better)
r_shadow_glossexponent is "32" ["32"] how 'sharp' the gloss should appear (specular power)
r_shadow_glossintensity is "1" ["1"] how bright textured glossmaps should look if r_shadow_gloss is 1 or 2
r_shadow_lightattenuationdividebias is "1" ["1"] changes attenuation texture generation
r_shadow_lightattenuationlinearscale is "2" ["2"] changes attenuation texture generation
r_shadow_lightintensityscale is "1" ["1"] renders all world lights brighter or darker
r_shadow_lightradiusscale is "1" ["1"] renders all world lights larger or smaller
r_shadow_polygonfactor is "0" ["0"] how much to enlarge shadow volume polygons when rendering (should be 0!)
r_shadow_polygonoffset is "1" ["1"] how much to push shadow volumes into the distance when rendering, to reduce chances of zfighting artifacts (should not be less than 0)
r_shadow_projectdistance is "0" ["0"] how far to cast shadows
r_shadow_realtime_dlight is "0" ["1"] enables rendering of dynamic lights such as explosions and rocket light
r_shadow_realtime_dlight_portalculling is "0" ["0"] enables portal optimization on dynamic lights (slow!)
r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows is "1" ["0"] enables rendering of shadows from dynamic lights
r_shadow_realtime_dlight_svbspculling is "0" ["0"] enables svbsp optimization on dynamic lights (very slow!)
r_shadow_realtime_world is "0" ["0"] enables rendering of full world lighting (whether loaded from the map, or a .rtlights file, or a .ent file, or a .lights file produced by hlight)
r_shadow_realtime_world_compile is "1" ["1"] enables compilation of world lights for higher performance rendering
r_shadow_realtime_world_compileportalculling is "1" ["1"] enables portal-based culling optimization during compilation (overrides compilesvbsp)
r_shadow_realtime_world_compileshadow is "1" ["1"] enables compilation of shadows from world lights for higher performance rendering
r_shadow_realtime_world_compilesvbsp is "1" ["1"] enables svbsp optimization during compilation (slower than compileportalculling but more exact)
r_shadow_realtime_world_lightmaps is "1" ["1"] brightness to render lightmaps when using full world lighting, try 0.5 for a tenebrae-like appearance
r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows is "1" ["0"] enables rendering of shadows from world lights
r_shadow_scissor is "1" ["1"] use scissor optimization of light rendering (restricts rendering to the portion of the screen affected by the light)
r_shadow_shadowmapping is "1" ["0"] enables use of shadowmapping (depth texture sampling) instead of stencil shadow volumes, requires gl_fbo 1
r_shadow_shadowmapping_bias is "0.03" ["0.03"] shadowmap bias parameter (this is multiplied by nearclip * 1024 / lodsize)
r_shadow_shadowmapping_bordersize is "4" ["4"] shadowmap size bias for filtering
r_shadow_shadowmapping_depthbits is "24" ["24"] requested minimum shadowmap texture depth bits
r_shadow_shadowmapping_filterquality is "-1" ["-1"] shadowmap filter modes: -1 = auto-select, 0 = no filtering, 1 = bilinear, 2 = bilinear 2x2 blur (fast), 3 = 3x3 blur (moderate), 4 = 4x4 blur (slow)
r_shadow_shadowmapping_maxsize is "512" ["512"] shadowmap size limit
r_shadow_shadowmapping_minsize is "32" ["32"] shadowmap size limit
r_shadow_shadowmapping_nearclip is "1" ["1"] shadowmap nearclip in world units
r_shadow_shadowmapping_polygonfactor is "2" ["2"] slope-dependent shadowmapping bias
r_shadow_shadowmapping_polygonoffset is "0" ["0"] constant shadowmapping bias
r_shadow_shadowmapping_precision is "1" ["1"] makes shadowmaps have a maximum resolution of this number of pixels per light source radius unit such that, for example, at precision 0.5 a light with radius 200 will have a maximum resolution of 100 pixels
r_shadow_shadowmapping_vsdct is "1" ["1"] enables use of virtual shadow depth cube texture
r_shadow_sortsurfaces is "1" ["1"] improve performance by sorting illuminated surfaces by texture
r_shadow_texture3d is "1" ["1"] use 3D voxel textures for spherical attenuation rather than cylindrical (does not affect OpenGL 2.0 render path)
r_shadow_usebihculling is "1" ["1"] use BIH (Bounding Interval Hierarchy) for culling lit surfaces instead of BSP (Binary Space Partitioning)
r_shadow_usenormalmap is "1" ["1"] enables use of directional shading on lights
r_shadows is "0" ["0"] casts fake stencil shadows from models onto the world (rtlights are unaffected by this); when set to 2, always cast the shadows in the direction set by r_shadows_throwdirection, otherwise use the model lighting.
r_shadows_castfrombmodels is "0" ["0"] do cast shadows from bmodels
r_shadows_darken is "0.5" ["0.5"] how much shadowed areas will be darkened
r_shadows_drawafterrtlighting is "0" ["0"] draw fake shadows AFTER realtime lightning is drawn. May be useful for simulating fast sunlight on large outdoor maps with only one noshadow rtlight. The price is less realistic appearance of dynamic light shadows.
r_shadows_focus is "0 0 0" ["0 0 0"] offset the shadowed area focus
r_shadows_shadowmapscale is "1" ["1"] increases shadowmap quality (multiply global shadowmap precision) for fake shadows. Needs shadowmapping ON.
r_shadows_throwdirection is "0 0 -1" ["0 0 -1"] override throwing direction for r_shadows 2
r_shadows_throwdistance is "500" ["500"] how far to cast shadows from models
r_showbboxes is "0" ["0"] shows bounding boxes of server entities, value controls opacity scaling (1 = 10%,  10 = 100%)
r_showcollisionbrushes is "0" ["0"] draws collision brushes in quake3 maps (mode 1), mode 2 disables rendering of world (trippy!)
r_showcollisionbrushes_polygonfactor is "-1" ["-1"] expands outward the brush polygons a little bit, used to make collision brushes appear infront of walls
r_showcollisionbrushes_polygonoffset is "0" ["0"] nudges brush polygon depth in hardware depth units, used to make collision brushes appear infront of walls
r_showdisabledepthtest is "0" ["0"] disables depth testing on r_show* cvars, allowing you to see what hidden geometry the graphics card is processing
r_showlighting is "0" ["0"] shows areas lit by lights, useful for finding out why some areas of a map render slowly (bright orange = lots of passes = slow), a value of 2 disables depth testing which can be interesting but not very useful
r_shownormals is "0" ["0"] shows per-vertex surface normals and tangent vectors for bumpmapped lighting
r_showoverdraw is "0" ["0"] shows overlapping geometry
r_showshadowvolumes is "0" ["0"] shows areas shadowed by lights, useful for finding out why some areas of a map render slowly (bright blue = lots of passes = slow), a value of 2 disables depth testing which can be interesting but not very useful
r_showsurfaces is "0" ["0"] 1 shows surfaces as different colors, or a value of 2 shows triangle draw order (for analyzing whether meshes are optimized for vertex cache)
r_showtris is "0" ["0"] shows triangle outlines, value controls brightness (can be above 1)
r_skeletal_debugbone is "-1" ["-1"] development cvar for testing skeletal model code
r_skeletal_debugbonecomponent is "3" ["3"] development cvar for testing skeletal model code
r_skeletal_debugbonevalue is "100" ["100"] development cvar for testing skeletal model code
r_skeletal_debugtranslatex is "1" ["1"] development cvar for testing skeletal model code
r_skeletal_debugtranslatey is "1" ["1"] development cvar for testing skeletal model code
r_skeletal_debugtranslatez is "1" ["1"] development cvar for testing skeletal model code
r_skeletal_use_sse is "1" ["1"] use SSE for skeletal model animation
r_sky is "1" ["1"] enables sky rendering (black otherwise)
r_skyscroll1 is "1" ["1"] speed at which upper clouds layer scrolls in quake sky
r_skyscroll2 is "2" ["2"] speed at which lower clouds layer scrolls in quake sky
r_smoothnormals_areaweighting is "1" ["1"] uses significantly faster (and supposedly higher quality) area-weighted vertex normals and tangent vectors rather than summing normalized triangle normals and tangents
r_speeds is "0" ["0"] displays rendering statistics and per-subsystem timings
r_stereo_angle is "0" ["0"] separation angle of eyes (makes the views look different directions, as an example, 90 gives a 90 degree separation where the views are 45 degrees left and 45 degrees right)
r_stereo_horizontal is "0" ["0"] aspect skewed side by side view for special decoder/display hardware
r_stereo_redblue is "0" ["0"] red/blue anaglyph stereo glasses (note: most of these glasses are actually red/cyan, try that one too)
r_stereo_redcyan is "0" ["0"] red/cyan anaglyph stereo glasses, the kind given away at drive-in movies like Creature From The Black Lagoon In 3D
r_stereo_redgreen is "0" ["0"] red/green anaglyph stereo glasses (for those who don't mind yellow)
r_stereo_separation is "4" ["4"] separation distance of eyes in the world (negative values are only useful for cross-eyed viewing)
r_stereo_sidebyside is "0" ["0"] side by side views for those who can't afford glasses but can afford eye strain (note: use a negative r_stereo_separation if you want cross-eyed viewing)
r_stereo_vertical is "0" ["0"] aspect skewed top and bottom view for special decoder/display hardware
r_subdivisions_collision_maxtess is "1024" ["1024"] maximum number of subdivisions (prevents curves beyond a certain detail level, limits smoothing)
r_subdivisions_collision_maxvertices is "4225" ["4225"] maximum vertices allowed per subdivided curve
r_subdivisions_collision_mintess is "0" ["0"] minimum number of subdivisions (values above 0 will smooth curves that don't need it)
r_subdivisions_collision_tolerance is "15" ["15"] maximum error tolerance on curve subdivision for collision purposes (usually a larger error tolerance than for rendering)
r_subdivisions_maxtess is "1024" ["1024"] maximum number of subdivisions (prevents curves beyond a certain detail level, limits smoothing)
r_subdivisions_maxvertices is "65536" ["65536"] maximum vertices allowed per subdivided curve
r_subdivisions_mintess is "0" ["0"] minimum number of subdivisions (values above 0 will smooth curves that don't need it)
r_subdivisions_tolerance is "3" ["3"] maximum error tolerance on curve subdivision for rendering purposes (in other words, the curves will be given as many polygons as necessary to represent curves at this quality)
r_test is "0" ["0"] internal development use only, leave it alone (usually does nothing anyway)
r_textbrightness is "0.2" ["0.2"] additional brightness for text color codes (0 keeps colors as is, 1 makes them all white)
r_textcontrast is "0.8" ["0.8"] additional contrast for text color codes (1 keeps colors as is, 0 makes them all black)
r_textshadow is "0" ["0"] draws a shadow on all text to improve readability (note: value controls offset, 1 = 1 pixel, 1.5 = 1.5 pixels, etc)
r_texture_dds_load is "1" ["1"] load compressed dds/filename.dds texture instead of filename.tga, if the file exists (requires driver support)
r_texture_dds_load_alphamode is "2" ["2"] 0: trust DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS flag, 1: texture format and brute force search if ambiguous, 2: texture format only
r_texture_dds_load_logfailure is "0" ["0"] log missing DDS textures to ddstexturefailures.log
r_texture_dds_save is "0" ["0"] save compressed dds/filename.dds texture when filename.tga is loaded, so that it can be loaded instead next time
r_texture_dds_swdecode is "1" ["1"] 0: don't software decode DDS, 1: software decode DDS if unsupported, 2: always software decode DDS
r_texture_jpeg_fastpicmip is "1" ["1"] perform gl_picmip during decompression for JPEG files (faster)
r_textureunits is "4" ["32"] number of texture units to use in GL 1.1 and GL 1.3 rendering paths
r_track_sprites is "1" ["1"] track SPR_LABEL* sprites by putting them as indicator at the screen border to rotate to
r_track_sprites_flags is "1" ["1"] 1: Rotate sprites accordingly, 2: Make it a continuous rotation
r_track_sprites_scaleh is "1" ["1"] height scaling of tracked sprites
r_track_sprites_scalew is "1" ["1"] width scaling of tracked sprites
r_transparent is "1" ["1"] allows use of transparent surfaces (can be turned off to check performance impact)
r_transparent_alphatocoverage is "1" ["1"] enables GL_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE antialiasing technique on alphablend and alphatest surfaces when using vid_samples 2 or higher
r_transparent_sortarraysize is "4096" ["4096"] number of distance-sorting layers
r_transparent_sortmaxdist is "32768" ["32768"] upper distance limit for transparent sorting
r_transparentdepthmasking is "0" ["0"] enables depth writes on transparent meshes whose materially is normally opaque, this prevents seeing the inside of a transparent mesh
r_trippy is "0" ["0"] easter egg
r_useinfinitefarclip is "1" ["1"] enables use of a special kind of projection matrix that has an extremely large farclip
r_useportalculling is "2" ["2"] improve framerate with r_novis 1 by using portal culling - still not as good as compiled visibility data in the map, but it helps (a value of 2 forces use of this even with vis data, which improves framerates in maps without too much complexity, but hurts in extremely complex maps, which is why 2 is not the default mode)
r_usesurfaceculling is "1" ["1"] improve framerate by culling offscreen surfaces
r_viewfbo is "0" ["0"] enables use of an 8bit (1) or 16bit (2) or 32bit (3) per component float framebuffer render, which may be at a different resolution than the video mode
r_viewscale is "1" ["1"] scaling factor for resolution of the fbo rendering method, must be > 0, can be above 1 for a costly antialiasing behavior, typical values are 0.5 for 1/4th as many pixels rendered, or 1 for normal rendering
r_viewscale_fpsscaling is "0" ["0"] change resolution based on framerate
r_viewscale_fpsscaling_min is "0.0625" ["0.0625"] worst acceptable quality
r_viewscale_fpsscaling_multiply is "5" ["5"] adjust quality up or down by the frametime difference from 1.0/target, multiplied by this factor
r_viewscale_fpsscaling_stepmax is "1.00" ["1.00"] largest adjustment to hit the target framerate (this value prevents wild overshooting of the estimate)
r_viewscale_fpsscaling_stepsize is "0.01" ["0.01"] smallest adjustment to hit the target framerate (this value prevents minute oscillations)
r_viewscale_fpsscaling_target is "70" ["70"] desired framerate
r_water is "1" ["0"] whether to use reflections and refraction on water surfaces (note: r_wateralpha must be set below 1)
r_water_clippingplanebias is "1" ["1"] a rather technical setting which avoids black pixels around water edges
r_water_lowquality is "0" ["0"] special option to accelerate water rendering, 1 disables shadows and particles, 2 disables all dynamic lights
r_water_reflectdistort is "0.01" ["0.01"] how much water reflections shimmer
r_water_refractdistort is "0.01" ["0.01"] how much water refractions shimmer
r_water_resolutionmultiplier is "0.25" ["0.5"] multiplier for screen resolution when rendering refracted/reflected scenes, 1 is full quality, lower values are faster
r_water_scissormode is "3" ["3"] scissor (1) or cull (2) or both (3) water renders
r_wateralpha is "1" ["1"] opacity of water polygons
r_waterscroll is "1" ["1"] makes water scroll around, value controls how much
r_waterwarp is "1" ["1"] warp view while underwater

5 possible commands:
net_refresh: query dp master servers and refresh all server information
net_slist: query dp master servers and print all server information
net_slistqw: query qw master servers and print all server information
net_stats: print network statistics
nextul: sends next fragment of current upload buffer (screenshot for example)

32 possible variables:
nehx00 is "0" ["0"] nehahra data storage cvar (used in singleplayer)
nehx01 is "0" ["0"] nehahra data storage cvar (used in singleplayer)
nehx02 is "0" ["0"] nehahra data storage cvar (used in singleplayer)
nehx03 is "0" ["0"] nehahra data storage cvar (used in singleplayer)
nehx04 is "0" ["0"] nehahra data storage cvar (used in singleplayer)
nehx05 is "0" ["0"] nehahra data storage cvar (used in singleplayer)
nehx06 is "0" ["0"] nehahra data storage cvar (used in singleplayer)
nehx07 is "0" ["0"] nehahra data storage cvar (used in singleplayer)
nehx08 is "0" ["0"] nehahra data storage cvar (used in singleplayer)
nehx09 is "0" ["0"] nehahra data storage cvar (used in singleplayer)
nehx10 is "0" ["0"] nehahra data storage cvar (used in singleplayer)
nehx11 is "0" ["0"] nehahra data storage cvar (used in singleplayer)
nehx12 is "0" ["0"] nehahra data storage cvar (used in singleplayer)
nehx13 is "0" ["0"] nehahra data storage cvar (used in singleplayer)
nehx14 is "0" ["0"] nehahra data storage cvar (used in singleplayer)
nehx15 is "0" ["0"] nehahra data storage cvar (used in singleplayer)
nehx16 is "0" ["0"] nehahra data storage cvar (used in singleplayer)
nehx17 is "0" ["0"] nehahra data storage cvar (used in singleplayer)
nehx18 is "0" ["0"] nehahra data storage cvar (used in singleplayer)
nehx19 is "0" ["0"] nehahra data storage cvar (used in singleplayer)
net_address is "" [""] network address to open ipv4 ports on (if empty, use default interfaces)
net_address_ipv6 is "" [""] network address to open ipv6 ports on (if empty, use default interfaces)
net_connectfloodblockingtimeout is "5" ["5"] when a connection packet is received, it will block all future connect packets from that IP address for this many seconds (cuts down on connect floods)
net_connecttimeout is "30" ["30"] after requesting a connection, the client must reply within this many seconds or be dropped (cuts down on connect floods). Must be above 10 seconds.
net_messagetimeout is "300" ["300"] drops players who have not sent any packets for this many seconds
net_slist_favorites is "NFyu4HDDViBfQctN5cCHS5zXD6SsJG0VIM0oPav0Cio=" [""] contains a list of IP addresses and ports to always query explicitly
net_slist_maxtries is "3" ["3"] how many times to ask the same server for information (more times gives better ping reports but takes longer)
net_slist_pause is "0" ["0"] when set to 1, the server list won't update until it is set back to 0
net_slist_queriesperframe is "4" ["4"] maximum number of server information requests to send each rendered frame (guards against low framerates causing problems)
net_slist_queriespersecond is "20" ["20"] how many server information requests to send per second
net_slist_timeout is "4" ["4"] how long to listen for a server information response before giving up
nextmap is "" [""] override the maplist when switching to the next map
]condump cmdlist.txt

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