7 Days To Die: Admin Console Commands

7 Days To Die: Admin Console Commands

The Command Console is a debugging tool primarily used for game development. However, it can be accessed by the player and used to input various Console Commands adding a wider range of functionality to the game. Using the commands the player is able to retrieve game information and statistics in addition, but not limited to altering the game's settings, spawning items and controlling time. Commands are also available which can be used to control guest players when the game is running in multi-player. This allows the host player to kick or even ban other players that are abusive or being disruptive.

There are two different keys that can be used to open the Command Console these are as follows:
Key 1- 
press ~ for US keyboards.
press ¬ for EU keyboards.
To dispel any confusion, regardless of the keyboard layout, it is the key directly to the left of the 1 key.
Key 2- 
press " for US keyboards.
press @ for EU keyboards.
Again to dispel any confusion, regardless of the keyboard layout, it is the key directly above the Right Shift and to the left of the Enter Key.
Console Commands
Entering codes - 
Be careful when entering a code, each one is case sensitive; "a" is not the same as "A".
Short-cuts are made up of only two letters and can be used in place of the full command. Not all commands have a short-cut.
Command arguments presented in [square braces] are optional, however commands using <pointed braces> are not.
Command "settime" is prone to CTD during gameplay if value entered is 0.
Command List[edit]
Current list taken from Alpha 8.8, Commands are as listed by typing help into the Command Console.

Command Short Cut Effect

admin add <playerID> <permission level> n/a Used to add a player to the admin list
with the desired permission level.
admin remove <playerID> n/a Used to remove a player from the admin list.
admin update <playerID> <permission level> n/a Used to update a players admin permission level.
aiddebug n/a Toggles AIDirector debug output.
ban <playerID> <timeframe> n/a Bans a player from the game for the timeframe selected,
allowed timeframes are minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years.
e.g "ban 175 10 hours" would apply a 10 hour ban to the playerID 175.
chunkcache cc Shows all loaded chunks in the cache.
clear n/a clears the command console
cp add <permission level> n/a Used to add a command to the command permission list,
with the desired permission level.
cp remove <command> n/a Used to remove a command from the command permission list.
cp update <command> <permission level> n/a Used to update a commands permission level.
debugmenu [on/off] dm Toggles debug menu on or off (for developers).
enablescope <on/off> es Toggle debug scope.
gameover go Set the games state to GameOver.
kick <playerID> [reason] n/a Kicks a player from the game, reason is optional.
listents le Lists all entities currently in game.
listplayers lp Lists all players currently in game.
listthreads lt Lists all threads.
mem n/a Prints memory information and calls garbage collector.
mod add <playerID> <permission level> n/a Used to add a player to the moderator list
with the desired permission level.
mod remove <playerID> n/a Used to remove a player from the moderator list.
mod update <playerID> <permission level> n/a Used to update a players moderator permission level.
say <message> n/a Sends a server message to all connected clients.
settime st Sets the current world time.
Hour notation is military time * 1000 (1000 = 1 hour). 
eg. 0 = Day 1, 8h; 8000 = Day 1, 16h; 16000 = Day 2, 0h; 24000 = Day 2, 08h
sounddebug n/a Toggles SoundManager debug output.
saveworld sa Saves the world manually.
setgamepref sg Shows a list of preferences that can be changed using the console.
setgamepref <preference> <value> sg <preference> <value> This will change the chosen preference to value selected.
showchunkdata sc Shows some data relating to the current chunk.
shownexthordetime n/a Displays the wandering horde time.
shutdown n/a Shuts the game down.
spawnairdrop n/a Spawns an air drop.
spawnentity se Shows a list of entities that can be spawned.
spawnentity <playerID> <entityID> se <playerID> <entityID> This will spawn the chosen entity next to the player selected.
spawnsupplycrate n/a Spawns a supply crate above the player
whitelist add <playerID> <permission level> n/a Used to add a player to the white list
with the desired permission level.
whitelist remove <playerID> n/a Used to remove a player from the white list.
whitelist update <playerID> <permission level> n/a Used to update a white listed players permission level.


debugmenu dm  => enables/disables the debugmenu
shownormals norms  => enables/disables display of normal maps in gBuffer
showalbedo albedo  => enables/disables display of albedo in gBuffer
showspecular spec  => enables/disables display of specular values in gBuffer
creativemenu cm  => enables/disables the creativemenu
mem   => Prints memory information and calls garbage collector
sounddebug  => Toggles SoundManager debug output.
enablescope es  => toggle debug scope
admin   => admin control, use admin add playername permissionLevel, admin remove playername, admin update playername permissionLevel
cp   => command permission control, use cp add command permissionLevel, cp remove command, whitelist update playername permissionLevel
whitelist   => whitelist control, use whitelist add playername permissionLevel, whitelist remove playername, whitelist update playername permissionLevel
kick   => Kicks user with optional reason. "kick playername reason"
ban   => Bans user for x timeframe. "ban playername 1 hour" timeframes allowed: minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years
say   => Sends a message to all connected clients
listthreads lt  => lists all threads
gameover go  => sets the game state to GameOver
setgamepref sg  => sets a game pref
shutdown   => shuts down the game
spawnentity se  => spawns an entity
settime st  => sets the time
aiddebug  => Toggles AIDirector debug output.
spawnairdrop  => Spawns an air drop
spawnsupplycrate  => Spawns a supply crate where the player is
shownexthordetime  => Displays the wandering horde time
saveworld sa  => Saves the world manually.
buff  => Applies a buff to the local player
debuff  => Removes a buff from the local player
starve  => Makes the player starve.
thirsty  => Makes the player thirsty.
listents le  => lists all entities
listplayers lp  => lists all players
chunkcache cc  => shows all loaded chunks in cache
showchunkdata sc  => shows some date of the current chunk

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