Modified ModBot Commands (ModBot v1.3)

Modified ModBot Commands (ModBot v1.3)

Modified ModBot Commands (ModBot v1.3)

    // Mod Levels :
    // 1 - Basic Mod
    // 2 - Super Mod
    // 3 - Trusted Mod
    // 4 - Streamer
    !raffle/giveaway announce - (Mod level 1 and above) Let the viewers know that a raffle is ongoing.
    !raffle/giveaway roll - (Mod level 2 and above) Roll for a winner.
    !raffle/giveaway help - (Everyone) Information about how to qualify for the raffle.
    !<currency> - (Everyone) Check your own currency points.
    !<currency> <name> - (Mod level 1 and above) Check the currency points of a user.
    !<currency> top5 - (Everyone) Prints a list of the 5 users with the most currency points.
    !<currency> lock - (Mod level 2 and above) Lock the currency command, keeps the command available to mods.
    !<currency> unlock - (Mod level 2 and above) Unlocks the currency command.
    !<currency> clear - (Mod level 3 and above) Clears all the points.
    !<currency> add/remove/set <amount> <name> - (Mod level 3 and above) Add or remove currency points from a user (or everyone if name is "all")
    !modbot payout <amount> - (Streamer only) Changes the currency payout amount for the session (does not save if the bot is restarted).
    !modbot interval <time> - (Streamer only) Changes the currency handout interval for the session (does not save if the bot is restarted).
    !modbot greetings on/off - (Streamer only) Enables/disables welcome greetings for the session (does not save if the bot is restarted, will change soon).
    !modbot greetings set <text> - (Streamer only) Changes the welcome greeting message (@user is replaced with the user's name).
    !modbot addsub <name> - (Streamer only) Adds a user as a subscriber (subscribers get double the amount of currency in handouts, hardcoded, will change soon).
    !modbot removesub <name> - (Streamer only) Removes a user from the subscribers list.
    !modbot addcommand <level> <command> <output text> - (Mod level 2 and above) Adds a command
    !modbot removecommand <command> - (Mod level 2 and above) Removes a command
    !modbot commandlist - (Mod level 1 and above) Prints a list of available commands (added through "!mod addcommand")
    !modbot addmod <name> - (Mod level 3 and above) Adds a basic mod.
    !modbot addsuper <name> - (Mod level 3 and above) Adds a super mod.
    !modbot demote <name> - (Mod level 3 and above) Demotes a mod by 1 level.
    !modbot setlevel <name> <level> - (Mod level 3 and above) Sets a user to a mod with a specific level (only the streamer can add a level 3 mod, level 3 mod can add a level 2 mod, no one can add a level 4 mod).
    !gamble open <maxbet> <option1> <option2> ... <optionN> - (Mod level 2 and above) Opens a betting pool.
    !gamble close - (Mod level 2 and above) Closes the betting pool.
    !gamble winner <optionname> - (Mod level 2 and above) Draws all of the users who chose that option as winners (must supply full option name).
    !gamble cancel - (Mod level 2 and above) Cancels the betting pool and refunds all of the bets.
    !bet help - (Everyone) Shows which options are available and how to bet.
    !bet <amount> <option> - (Everyone) Bet <amount> on <option>, must supply full option name.
    !bet - (Everyone) Tells you about your bet.
    !auction open - (Mod level 2 and above) Opens an auction.
    !auction close - (Mod level 2 and above) Closes the auction.
    !auction cancel - (Mod level 2 and above) Cancels the auction and refunds bids.
    !bid <amount> - (Everyone) Bids <amount> at the auction.
    Undocumented commands were not removed (except the !raffle commands), they were not modified and function the same.

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