ixat bot commands

ixat bot commands

ixat bot commands

    say message | makes the bot say a message
    !changename new_name | makes the bot change his name to the name specified, this is saved for re-logins
    !setavatar new_ava | makes the bot change his avatar to the avatar specified, this is saved for re-logins
    !setwebsite new_web | makes the bot change his website/homepage, this is saved for re-logins
    !choose arg_1 or arg_2 or arg_3 | You can add as much choices as you want, separated by or, makes the bot choose one of the args
    !spam message | makes the bot spam a specific message until !stopspam is called, interval is 500ms, could be faster if you call the command 2 times
    !pm user_id:message | makes the bot send a PM to the specified user and send the message specified
    !pmspam user_id:message | makes the bot spam one's pm, doesn't stop until !stoppmspam is called, interval is 500ms
    !8ball question | makes the bot do an "8ball" on your question and replies with an answer
    !insult user | makes the bot insult the user specified
    !kick user_id | if the bot has moderator powers, he kicks the user specified
    !lovetest person1 and person2 | makes a lovetest between the TWO persons specified, replies with a percentage and a note
    !changeWMSG new_WMSG | changes the welcome message the bot sends once he joins the chat, this is saved for re-logins
    !fartsscmd person | says that person farted..
    !bealertof message | makes users alert of a message, saying it's of "great importance"
    -sniffmode | makes the bot ignore all commands, and be used a sniff tool instead
    -giveaccess user_id | allows the user specified to use the bot's commands
    -removeaccess user_id | removes access of bot commands from the user_id specified

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