Stallion Robot Armor/GMod mlp PAC3

Stallion Robot Armor/GMod mlp PAC3

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["UniqueID"] = "841708973",
["Event"] = "weapon_class",
["ClassName"] = "event",
["EditorExpand"] = true,
["self"] = {
["Name"] = "Pistol",
["ClassName"] = "group",
["UniqueID"] = "783903006",
["EditorExpand"] = true,
["self"] = {
["ClassName"] = "group",
["UniqueID"] = "4222108688",
["Name"] = "Weapons on Back",
[4] = {
["children"] = {
["self"] = {
["ClassName"] = "entity",
["FallApartOnDeath"] = true,
["Model"] = "models/ppm/player_default_base_nj.mdl",
["EditorExpand"] = true,
["UniqueID"] = "1392407956",
["DrawWeapon"] = false,
["MuteFootsteps"] = true,
["self"] = {
["Name"] = "my outfit",
["ClassName"] = "group",
["UniqueID"] = "3345867995",
["Description"] = "add parts to me!",

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