Adding, Deleting and Editing Custom Commands:
Note: Don't include the ! when you are adding, editing, or deleting a [command]
Note: [optional parameter] does NOT have to be used.
!addcom [command] [optional parameter] [message] = Adds a Custom Command. (Mods Only)
Example: !addcom facebook Visit my Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/username
Example: !addcom facebook ul=mod Visit my Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/username
!delcom [command] = Deletes a Custom Command for the channel. (Mods Only)
Example: !delcom facebook
!editcom [command] [optional parameter] [message] = Changes the message for the chosen command. (Mods Only)
Example: !editcom facebook Visit my Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/username
Example: !editcom facebook repeat=on Visit my Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/username
!commands = Lists all current Custom Commands for the channel.
!autocommands = Lists all custom commands that are set to repeat. (Mods Only)
Optional Parameters:
ul=mod = creates a command that can only be used by mods.
ul=reg = creates a command that can only be used by mods and regulars. (See Regulars List below for more info)
ul=sub = creates a command that can only be used by channel subscribers and mods. (Partnered streamers only)
repeat=on = creates a command that will display in chat on a timer. (See AutoCom below for more info)
Note: Only one [optional parameter] can be used per command.
Special Action Commands:
Insert these into a command [message] and they will be replaced with the information below when the command is executed.
@user@ = Returns the name of the viewer who executes the !command.
@target@ = Will be replaced with the first word typed after the !command. If you insert @target@ and no target is specified, it will return a random viewer name.
@name@ = Will be replaced with the first word typed after the !command. If no @name@ is specified, it will be left blank.
Example: !addcom sample @name@ Check out my youtube at www.youtube.com/user
"!sample" will return - "Check out my youtube at www.youtube.com/user" while "!sample p0pbot" will return - "p0pbot Check out my youtube at www.youtube.com/user"
@random@ = Returns a random name from all viewers in chat.
Example: !addcom slap @user@ slaps @target@ around a bit with a large trout while @random@ laughs hysterically!
Note: Optional Parameters [ul=mod] and [ul=reg] and [ul=sub] can also be used with these commands.
AutoCom System - Display Custom Commands in Chat on a Timer:
AutoCom System can be enabled/disabled using [!autocom on] and [!autocom off] (Mods Only)
!autocom delay [minutes] = Sets the interval in minutes between commands.
Example: !autocom delay 10
!autocom stop = Pauses the AutoCom timer.
!autocom start = Starts the AutoCom timer.
!autocommands = Lists all custom commands that are set to repeat.
Note: AutoCom Timer will auto start/stop when the stream starts/stops.
Note: The timer cycles through all commands created using [repeat=on] One message will display in chat every [minutes] minutes.
Note: To stop a command from being repeated, either delete the command (!delcom) or edit the command (!editcom) omitting the [optional parameter] repeat=on
Note: All Commands are (Mods Only)
Regulars List:
Users on the Regulars List are exempt from Link Blocker and Spam Filter.
If Games are limited to Regulars, only users on this list (also subscribers and mods) can play.
!addreg [username] = Adds a viewer to the Regulars List. (Mods Only)
!delreg [username] = Removes a viewer from the Regulars List. (Mods Only)
!checkreg [username] = Checks if a user is on the Regulars List. (Mods Only)
Quotes System:
Quotes System can be enabled/disabled using [!quotes on] and [!quotes off] (Mods Only)
!quote = Returns a random quote.
!quote [num] = Returns a specified quote.
!qsearch [term] = Returns position of quotes with specified [term].
!qlines = Returns total number of added quotes.
!qadd [Author:] [Quote] = Adds a quote. Quotation marks are added automatically around [Quote]. (Mods Only)
!qdel [num] = Deletes a quote. Delete multiple quotes at once !qdel [num] [num] etc.. (Mods Only)
!qedit [num] [Author] [Quote] = Edits an existing quote. (Mods Only)
!atime [minutes] = Sets duration of auto read quotes in minutes. (Mods Only)
!aquote [on/off] = Turns auto quote on or off. (Mods Only)
Quotes will be appended with the date added.
Note: Timezone must also be set. (See below)
Games can be enabled/disabled using [!games on] and [!games off] (Broadcaster Only)
Games can be limited to Regulars, Subscribers, or both.
!limitgames subscribers [on/off] = Limit game usage to Channel Subscribers and mods. (Mods Only)
!limitgames regulars [on/off] = Limit game usage to viewers on the Regulars List and mods. (Mods Only)
!setgameflood global [seconds] = sets the global cooldown for the game commands. (Default is 30) (Mods Only)
!setgameflood user [seconds] = sets the per-user cooldown for the game commands. (Default is 90) (Mods Only)
!roulette = Plays a game of Russian Roulette with P0PBOT; a loss results in a 1 minute timeout.
Note: Mods have a chance of "killing" a random viewer resulting in a 15 second timeout for the "victim".
!roulette [username] = P0PBOT will point the gun at [username] instead.
Note: [username] must be a valid user who is currently in chat.
!rps [rock/paper/scissors/lizard/spock] = Plays a game of Rock/Paper/Scissors/Lizard/Spock with P0PBOT; a loss results in a 30 second timeout.
!rps stats = Shows your cumulative stats for RPS.
!8ball [yes or no question] = Magic 8-Ball answers your most important questions.
!love [username] = Align the stars and seek the guidance of the "Love Meter"
!seppuku = Emperor P0PBOT grants you the easy way out. (1 minute timeout for non-mods)
!slap = Slaps a random viewer with a random item from the weapons list.
!slap [num] = Slaps a random viewer with a specific item from the weapons list.
!slap [username] = Slaps a specific viewer with a random item from the weapons list.
!slap [username] [num] = Slaps a specific viewer with a specific item from the weapons list.
!weapon add [weapon] = Adds a weapon to the weapons list. (Mods Only)
Note: [weapon] should fit into this sentence: "Paper0rPlastic slaps P0PBOT with___________"
!weapon delete [num] = Deletes the chosen weapon. Use [search] function to find weapon's [num] (Mods Only)
!weapon edit [num] [weapon] = Changes the description for the chosen weapon.
!weapon search [search term] = Search for the [num] of a weapon.
!weapon display [num] = Displays the weapon's full description.
!death add = Adds 1 death to the Death Counter. (Mods Only)
!death add [num] = Adds [num] deaths to the Death Counter. (Mods Only)
!death rem = Removes 1 death from the Death Counter. (Mods Only)
!death rem [num] = Removes [num] deaths from the Death Counter. (Mods Only)
!death count = Displays the current Death Count.
!death set [num] = Sets the Death Counter to [num] (Mods Only)
!death reset = Resets the Death Counter to 0. (Mods Only)
!kill add = Adds 1 kill to the Kill Counter. (Mods Only)
!kill add [num] = Adds [num] kills to the Kill Counter. (Mods Only)
!kill rem = Removes 1 kill from the Kill Counter. (Mods Only)
!kill rem [num] = Removes [num] kills from the Kill Counter. (Mods Only)
!kill count = Displays the current Kill Count.
!kill set [num] = Sets the Kill Counter to [num] (Mods Only)
!kill reset = Resets the Kill Counter to 0. (Mods Only)
Autogreet New Chatters:
P0PBOT can welcome first time chatters to the stream. Only welcomes a new viewer if they type in chat.
(Will be a bit spammy the 1st stream or 2, until the database is built up)
!autogreet on = Enables the autogreet function. (Mods Only)
!autogreet off = Disables the autogreet function. (Mods Only)
!autogreet setmessage [greet message] = Sets a custom greet message for the channel. (Mods Only)
-Default [greet message] is - Welcome to the channel! :D We hope you enjoy your stay!
Uptime, Game and Title:
!uptime = Displays the current uptime of the stream.
!game = Displays the game currently being played.
!title = Displays the current title of the stream.
The commands below require you to have P0PBOT as an editor in your Twitch Dashboard.
!title [new title] = Changes the title of your broadcast. (Mods Only)
!game [new game] = Changes the game category for your broadcast. (Mods Only)
Last.FM Now Playing (Spotify, Winamp, iTunes, WMP, Foobar, VLC, etc.):
Last.FM Now Playing can be enabled/disabled using [!lastfm on] and [!lastfm off] (Mods Only)
Make sure you have an account with www.last.fm and you have enabled scrobbling in your media player.
!setlastfm [username] = Sets the last.fm username for the channel. (enter a valid last.fm username) (Mods Only)
!song = Displays the currently playing song.
!lastsong = Displays the previously played song.
Auto-Hosting Feature:
IMPORTANT: P0PBOT MUST be made an EDITOR in your Twitch dashboard for this feature to work.
Make a list of up to 5 streamers you host regularly, and P0PBOT will automatically host one when it comes online.
Will /unhost when the hosted channel goes offline, and searches again for a live channel from your list.
Use !autohost when not streaming, and !unhost before you start streaming.
!addhostchan [twitch name] = Adds a channel to the list. (Mods Only)
!delhostchan [twitch name] = Removes a channel from the list.
!autohost = Starts the Autohost feature and checks for a live stream every 5 minutes. (Mods Only)
!unhost = Turns off the Autohost and exits host mode. (Mods Only)
!hostlist = Displays the channels on your Host List. (Mods Only)
YouTube Integration:
Automatic = P0PBOT will display the title and other information about any YouTube link posted in chat.
!lastyt = Displays the title and a link for the broadcaster's latest YouTube video.
!setyt [UserID] = Sets the YouTube user id for the channel. Required for !lastyt command to work.
[User ID] must be in the format UCxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dictionary.com Lookup:
!define [term] = Displays a definition from dictionary.com (Regulars, Subs & Mods Only)
Keyword Giveaways & Raffles:
Keyword Giveaway:
Only followers of the channel will be allowed to enter.
!gopen [keyword] = Opens a new keyword giveaway. Viewers type in the [keyword] to enter the giveaway. (Mods Only)
!groll = Prevents any new entries and rolls for a winner. (You can roll as many times as needed) (Mods Only)
!gclose = Closes the giveaway and removes all entries. (Mods Only)
!gcheck = Viewers can check if they are entered or not.
[keyword] = Enters the viewer in the giveaway.
Channel must be using points system to use Raffle. (see Loyalty/Points below)
Each ticket costs 1 point. The more tickets purchased, the better the odds of winning.
All ticket purchases are final.
!raffle open = Opens a new raffle. (Mods Only)
!ticket [number] = Purchases [number] tickets. Tickets can be purchased multiple times during a raffle.
!raffle roll = Prevents any new entries, rolls for a winner, and closes the raffle. (Mods Only)
Or just choose a random viewer from chat:
!hat (Mods Only)
Highlight Time Markers for VOD's:
!highlight = Sets a time marker for a broadcast highlight. (Mods Only)
!display highlights = Displays all time markers. (Mods Only)
!clear highlights = Clears all time markers. (Broadcaster Only)
Note: Timezone must also be set. (See below)
Show streamer's current local time in chat:
!timezone [Pacific/Mountain/Central/Eastern/GMT/CET] = Sets the streamer's timezone for the channel. (Mods Only)
!time = Displays the current local time for the streamer's channel.
Blacklist Commands:
!blacklist add [banned word or phrase] = Adds a word or phrase to the Blacklist (Mods Only)
!blacklist del [banned word or phrase] = Removes a word or phrase from the Blacklist (Mods Only)
!blacklist clear = Clears all entries from the Blacklist.
Using a Blacklisted word results in a purge and a warning. Second offense within 30 minutes is a timeout (10 minutes)
Link Blocker:
Link Blocker can be enabled/disabled using [!links on] and [!links off] (Mods Only)
Mods and users on the Regulars List are exempt from the Link Blocker.
Messages with a link or an IP will be blocked unless [username] is permitted.
First offense is a purge and a warning, second offense within 30 minutes is a timeout (10 minutes)
!permit [username] = Permits a viewer to post a link for 1 minute. (Mods Only)
Spam Filter:
Spam Filter can be enabled/disabled using [!spam on] and [!spam off] (Mods Only)
Mods and users on the Regulars List are exempt from the Spam Filter.
Messages with too many caps will be blocked.
Messages with too many emoticons will be blocked.
Messages with repetitive words/letters/symbols/numbers will be blocked.
Messages that are 500 characters or longer will be blocked.
First offense is a purge and a warning, second offense within 30 minutes is a timeout (10 minutes)
Display status information for a live stream:
!status = Displays Game, Title, Viewers, and Uptime of current stream.
!status [username] = Displays Game, Title, Viewers, and Uptime of [username's] stream. (Mods Only)
Check if a user follows the channel, check follow date:
!followcheck = All viewers can check the date they followed the channel.
!followcheck [username] = Shows follow staus of [username] and date followed. (Mods Only)
Display last 5 followers of the channel:
!followers = Displays the last 5 followers of the channel.
Shoutout other Twitch broadcasters:
!caster [username] = Posts a link to another streamer's channel. Also shows current/last game played. (Mods Only)
!multi [streamer] [streamer] etc. (Can be one or more streamers) = Displays multitwitch.tv link (Mods Only)
!kadgar [streamer] [streamer] etc. (Can be one or more streamers) = Displays kadgar.net link (Mods Only)
Note: Broadcaster is added automatically. Only add additional streamers.
Open Movie Database:
!movie [title] = Displays a synopsis of the chosen movie.
!movie [title] , [year] = Can further refine your search.
!movie [IMDb id] = Get the synopsis of a movie using it's IMDb id. (!movie tt2294629 -> returns synopsis for "Frozen")
Example: !movie robocop -> displays a synopsis for the 1987 movie "RoboCop" - but !movie robocop, 2014 -> displays a synopsis for the 2014 remake.
AgeCheck - Prevent new Twitch Accounts from talking in chat:
This checks the age of a twitch account, and if it newer than 4 hours old (default, configurable) they will be muted for 4 hours (default, configurable)
!agecheck on/off = Enables/Disables the AgeCheck feature. (Mods Only)
!agecheck set_age [hours] = Sets the minimum age of the twitch account before they can talk in chat. (Mods Only)
!agecheck set_mute [hours] = Sets the mute time (timeout) before the twitch account will be allowed to type in chat and be age-checked again. (Mods Only)
Put channel in Subscriber-Only mode quickly:
+s = Subscriber-Only mode ON (Mods Only)
-s = Subscriber-Only mode OFF (Mods Only)
Points are only distributed when the stream is live. 1 point is given out every 5 minutes by default, viewers get 5 points to start.
!points on/off = Enables/Disables loyalty points. (Broadcaster Only)
!points add [username] [amount] = Adds [amount] points to specified [username] (Broadcaster Only)
!points remove [username] [amount] = Removes [amount] points from specified [username] (Broadcaster Only)
!points giveall [amount] = Gives [amount] points to all viewers in chat. (Broadcaster Only)
!points time [minutes] = Sets how often points are distributed. Default is 5. (Broadcaster Only)
!points amount [amount] = Sets the number of points to be distributed every [minutes] minutes. Default is 1. (Broadcaster Only)
!points check [username] = Checks point balance for specified [username] (Mods Only)
!top5 = Displays the top 5 points holders for the channel.
!top10 = Displays the top 10 points holders for the channel.
!setcurrencyname [points name] = Assigns a custom name for your loyalty points. Can be more than 1 word. (Broadcaster Only)
![points name] = Checks points balance for the user typing the command. Default [points name] is "points"
Viewrs can gamble their points to try to win more, or lose it all! :p
A bankheist can be started every 30 minutes while the stream is live and will last for 90 seconds.
!bankheist on/off = Enables/Disables bankheists. (Broadcaster Only)
!bankheist [number] = Starts a bankheist or enters the active bankheist, betting [number] points.
If Participants = Less than 10 - Win Multiplier = 1.5 - Success Chance = 55%-65%
If Participants = 10-19 - Win Multiplier = 1.7 - Success Chance = 48%-58%
If Participants = 20-29 - Win Multiplier = 2 - Success Chance = 43%-50%
If Participants = 30-39 - Win Multiplier = 2.25 - Success Chance = 39%-44%
If Participants = More than 40 - Win Multiplier = 2.75 - Success Chance = 33%-36%
Remove P0PBOT from your channel:
!p0pbot gtfo (Broadcaster Only)
Link to this help file:
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