Birdoxer custom commands

Birdoxer custom commands

!bot - MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid MrDestructoid
!kashmir - Kashmir Kreygasm
!steamgroup -
!time - Birdoxer's current time (GMT)
!tracker - Tells you where to find a download link for the item tracker I am using
!pg - Has everything you need to know about items and unlocks in The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
!giveaway Every time birdoxer dies during Eden Hard Mode Streaks, he is giving away a Steam game of your choice costing up to £10 ($15)
!getem Get 'em Jay!

A Perl script that internally calls a Linux command and saves the output to a file?

A Perl script that internally calls a Linux command and saves the output to a file?

$command = system("ls /bin/usr/account users/");

my $command = `ps aux`;

my @command = `ps aux`;

my $filename = "MY_FILENAME";
# ...
open FILE, '>>', $filename;
print FILE @command;
close FILE;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Term::ReadKey;

open my $fh, '>', 'temp.txt' or die $!;
print $fh qx(ls /bin/usr/account/users/);

open $fh, '<', 'temp.txt' or die $!;


my $n = 20;
while (<$fh>) {


  if (--$n == 0) {
    print "-- More  --";
    $n += 20;

ps aux >/tmp/myfile

open (INSTREAM, "ps aux |");

while (<INSTREAM>) { ... }

Command to use 32bit packages on linux

Command to use 32bit packages on linux

### Command to use 32bit packages on linux
sudo apt-get install gcc-4.7-multilib

Command line for unpacking rar archives in Linux

Command line for unpacking rar archives in Linux

Command line for unpacking rar archives in Windows, using UnRAR.exe from WinRAR installation folder:
"full folder path where is located RAR utilities\UnRAR.exe" x -p"password" -o+ "full source folder path\file.part1.rar" "full destination folder path"\

Command line for unpacking rar archives in Linux (perhaps this method will also work in Mac OS X, with some adjustments for the direct download link and the file name):

In Linux, let's say your user name is merlin.
1. Install rar and unrar for Linux.
If rar and unrar are already installed, skip to the next step.
To install rar and unrar from terminal, you need to be logged in as 'root'.
Login as root in Linux:
Type the next commands one at a time in terminal and press ENTER.
Do not copy '# ' or '$ ' in the terminal.
$ sudo passwd root
Type the password for the current user and hit ENTER
Re-type the password for the current user and hit ENTER
$ su -
Type a password for 'root' and hit ENTER (in case you already used 'root', just type the password)
Re-type the password for 'root' and hit ENTER
Write down the newly created password for 'root', for future use.

Install rar and unrar for Linux, using the next commands in a terminal (one at a time).
Do not copy '# ' or '$ ' in the terminal.
# wget
If wget command above gives errors, go to
check the direct download link for this package and if a newer version is released, modify the commands to download and install rar and unrar and the commands below to match the rar/unrar installer file name.
Direct download link for Mac OS X rar version(s) is(are) different, so check them on the site mentioned above and modify the commands.
Do not copy '# ' or '$ ' in the terminal.
# tar -zxvf rarlinux-x64-5.2.1b2.tar.gz
# cd rar
# make
# cd
# rm rarlinux-x64-5.2.1b2.tar.gz
# rm -rf rar
If you want to register rar (unrar doesn't need registration), copy your rarreg.key into this path: '/usr/local/lib'.

2. Unpack rar archives.
In order to unpack rar archives from terminal, you need to be logged in as 'root'.
If you are not already logged in as 'root', proceed as follows.
Login as root in Linux:
Type the next commands one at a time in terminal and press ENTER.
Do not copy '# ' or '$ ' in the terminal.
$ sudo passwd root
Type the password for the current user and hit ENTER
Re-type the password for the current user and hit ENTER
$ su -
Type a password for 'root' and hit ENTER (in case you already used 'root', just type the password)
Re-type the password for 'root' and hit ENTER
Write down the newly created password for 'root', for future use.
If your first archive from set is '2k3bb51eodrd84tzeh06.part1.rar', paste the next command in terminal to extract the archive content.
Do not copy '# ' or '$ ' in the terminal.
# '/home/merlin/rar/unrar' x -p'9720358461' -o+ '/home/merlin/u1/2k3bb51eodrd84tzeh06.part1.rar' '/home/merlin/u1/'
9720358461 being the rar password.
Your rar files will be extracted in this path: '/home/merlin/u1'
Switch back to 'merlin' user.
Do not copy '# ' or '$ ' in the terminal.
# su - merlin

NGRP Faction Commands

NGRP Faction Commands

/se - This command is used to access the lockers at City Hall. In the lockers, you can get health, armor, weapons, different skins, etc.
/settax - This command is used by the president to set the tax
/checktax - This command checks the amount of money in the government vault.
/taxwithdraw - Used to withdraw money from the safe
/gov - Allows you to broadcast a server-wide message (Government Announcement)
/d - It allows you to communicate in the department chat.
/lspd - The locker room is an important part of the LSPD, as you will get your uniform and weapons here.
/r - This radio is used to talk to other LSPD officers.
/gate - This allows you to open both gates in the parking lot.
/m -This is the megaphone. This is an extremely useful tool that will alert anybody within a large area.
/wanted - This command shows you the list of wanted criminals online.
/su - This allows you to charge someone with a crime. They must be online though. Each time you /su someone, they increase a star./ticket - You can use this command to write up a ticket for someone. Then, they have to pay it.
/arrest - If you need to arrest someone, use this command. They must be detained in your vehicle though.
/docarrest - This is to arrest someone for a longer time at the Correction Facility in San Fierro.
/frisk - Used to see all the items someone is carrying.
/take - Ability to take items that someone is carrying. (You don't take them for yourself. You take them and drop them)
/cuff - This allows you to cuff someone so they can't move.
/uncuff - You can uncuff someone that has been cuffed.
/detain - After cuffing someone, detain them to send them into your car.
/backup - Call backup so all LEOs are notified.
/nobackup - Used to clear your backup call.
/badge - This will allow you to put on your badge and take it off (your name will turn blue in this case)
/radargun - Used to find the speed of vehicles. You will take out a camera and then you take a picture of the vehicle.
/siren - It will put a small siren on the hood of your car. Once you get out of the car, the siren will disable again.
/destroyplant - It will allow you to destroy drugs that have been planted.
/vcheck - Allows you to check registration, name, owner, and tickets of a car.
/vmdc - Allows you to check the different cars a player has
/vticket - Command to ticket a car ($1,000 at a time)
/searchcar - Allows you to search a car for anything illegal
/checktruck - Command to check a truck for anything illegal.
/deployspikes - Command is used to place spikes on a road
/deploycone - Used to lay down a cone
/deployflare - Light a flare for people around to see.
/deploycade - Deploy barricades on a road to protect or block an area.
/destroyspikes - Command to destroy spikes that have been placed.
/destroycone - Destroy a cone that has been placed.
/destroyflare - Destroy a flare that has been placed.
/destroycade - Destroy barricades that has been placed.

Los Santos Police Department
/d - It allows you to communicate in the department chat.
/lspd - The locker room is an important part of the LSPD, as you will get your uniform and weapons here.
/r - This radio is used to talk to other LSPD officers.
/gate - This allows you to open both gates in the parking lot.
/m -This is the megaphone. This is an extremely useful tool that will alert anybody within a large area.
/wanted - This command shows you the list of wanted criminals online.
/su - This allows you to charge someone with a crime. They must be online though. Each time you /su someone, they increase a star./ticket - You can use this command to write up a ticket for someone. Then, they have to pay it.
/arrest - If you need to arrest someone, use this command. They must be detained in your vehicle though.
/docarrest - This is to arrest someone for a longer time at the Correction Facility in San Fierro.
/frisk - Used to see all the items someone is carrying.
/take - Ability to take items that someone is carrying. (You don't take them for yourself. You take them and drop them)
/cuff - This allows you to cuff someone so they can't move.
/uncuff - You can uncuff someone that has been cuffed.
/detain - After cuffing someone, detain them to send them into your car.
/backup - Call backup so all LEOs are notified.
/nobackup - Used to clear your backup call.
/badge - This will allow you to put on your badge and take it off (your name will turn blue in this case)
/radargun - Used to find the speed of vehicles. You will take out a camera and then you take a picture of the vehicle.
/siren - It will put a small siren on the hood of your car. Once you get out of the car, the siren will disable again.
/destroyplant - It will allow you to destroy drugs that have been planted.
/vcheck - Allows you to check registration, name, owner, and tickets of a car.
/vmdc - Allows you to check the different cars a player has
/vticket - Command to ticket a car ($1,000 at a time)
/tow - Attach vehicles to your tow truck
/untow - Un-attaches vehicle to your tow truck
/impound - Impound an attached vehicle.
/dmvrelease - This command will allow you to release a vehicle that has been impounded.
/searchcar - Allows you to search a car for anything illegal
/checktruck - Command to check a truck for anything illegal.
/deployspikes - Command is used to place spikes on a road
/deploycone - Used to lay down a cone
/deployflare - Light a flare for people around to see.
/deploycade - Deploy barricades on a road to protect or block an area.
/destroyspikes - Command to destroy spikes that have been placed.
/destroycone - Destroy a cone that has been placed.
/destroyflare - Destroy a flare that has been placed.
/destroycade - Destroy barricades that has been placed.
/gov - Allows you to broadcast a server-wide message (Government Announcement)

San Fierro Police Department
​/d - It allows you to communicate in the department chat.
/sfpd- The locker room is an important part of the SFPD, as you will get your uniform and weapons here.
/r - This radio is used to talk to other SFPD officers.
/gate - This allows you to open both gates in the parking lot.
/m -This is the megaphone. This is an extremely useful tool that will alert anybody within a large area.
/wanted - This command shows you the list of wanted criminals online.
/su - This allows you to charge someone with a crime. They must be online though. Each time you /su someone, they increase a star./ticket - You can use this command to write up a ticket for someone. Then, they have to pay it.
/arrest - If you need to arrest someone, use this command. They must be detained in your vehicle though.
/docarrest - This is to arrest someone for a longer time at the Correction Facility in San Fierro.
/frisk - Used to see all the items someone is carrying.
/take - Ability to take items that someone is carrying. (You don't take them for yourself. You take them and drop them)
/cuff - This allows you to cuff someone so they can't move.
/uncuff - You can uncuff someone that has been cuffed.
/detain - After cuffing someone, detain them to send them into your car.
/backup - Call backup so all LEOs are notified.
/nobackup - Used to clear your backup call.
/badge - This will allow you to put on your badge and take it off (your name will turn blue in this case)
/radargun - Used to find the speed of vehicles. You will take out a camera and then you take a picture of the vehicle.
/siren - It will put a small siren on the hood of your car. Once you get out of the car, the siren will disable again.
/destroyplant - It will allow you to destroy drugs that have been planted.
/vcheck - Allows you to check registration, name, owner, and tickets of a car.
/vmdc - Allows you to check the different cars a player has
/vticket - Command to ticket a car ($1,000 at a time)
/tow - Attach vehicles to your tow truck
/untow - Un-attaches vehicle to your tow truck
/impound - Impound an attached vehicle.
/dmvrelease - This command will allow you to release a vehicle that has been impounded.
/searchcar - Allows you to search a car for anything illegal
/checktruck - Command to check a truck for anything illegal.
/deployspikes - Command is used to place spikes on a road
/deploycone - Used to lay down a cone
/deployflare - Light a flare for people around to see.
/deploycade - Deploy barricades on a road to protect or block an area.
/destroyspikes - Command to destroy spikes that have been placed.
/destroycone - Destroy a cone that has been placed.
/destroyflare - Destroy a flare that has been placed.
/destroycade - Destroy barricades that has been placed.
/gov - Allows you to broadcast a server-wide message (Government Announcement)

San Andreas Armed Services

/ram - Go through house
/shutdown - Command to shutdown turfs
/isolate - Puts a prisoner into an isolated part of DoC.
/backentrance - To unlock the back 
/checkjudgements - Check to see if any suspects are pending judgement.
/wants - Brings up Outstanding Warrants List.
/warrantarrest - Arresting at a warrant arrest point.
/showmeship - Shows the location of the aircraft carrier/ship
/saasdiv - Assign divisions for members within the faction
/d - It allows you to communicate in the department chat.
/saas - The locker room is an important part of the SAAS, as you will get your uniform and weapons here.
/r - This radio is used to talk to other SAAS members.
/gate - This allows you to open both gates in the parking lot.
/m -This is the megaphone. This is an extremely useful tool that will alert anybody within a large area.
/wanted - This command shows you the list of wanted criminals online.
/su - This allows you to charge someone with a crime. They must be online though. Each time you /su someone, they increase a star./ticket - You can use this command to write up a ticket for someone. Then, they have to pay it.
/arrest - If you need to arrest someone, use this command. They must be detained in your vehicle though.
/docarrest - This is to arrest someone for a longer time at the Correction Facility in San Fierro.
/frisk - Used to see all the items someone is carrying.
/take - Ability to take items that someone is carrying. (You don't take them for yourself. You take them and drop them)
/cuff - This allows you to cuff someone so they can't move.
/uncuff - You can uncuff someone that has been cuffed.
/detain - After cuffing someone, detain them to send them into your car.
/backup - Call backup so all LEOs are notified.
/nobackup - Used to clear your backup call.
/badge - This will allow you to put on your badge and take it off (your name will turn blue in this case)
/radargun - Used to find the speed of vehicles. You will take out a camera and then you take a picture of the vehicle.
/siren - It will put a small siren on the hood of your car. Once you get out of the car, the siren will disable again.
/destroyplant - It will allow you to destroy drugs that have been planted.
/vcheck - Allows you to check registration, name, owner, and tickets of a car.
/vmdc - Allows you to check the different cars a player has
/vticket - Command to ticket a car ($1,000 at a time)
/tow - Attach vehicles to your tow truck
/untow - Un-attaches vehicle to your tow truck
/impound - Impound an attached vehicle.
/dmvrelease - This command will allow you to release a vehicle that has been impounded.
/searchcar - Allows you to search a car for anything illegal
/checktruck - Command to check a truck for anything illegal.
/deployspikes - Command is used to place spikes on a road
/deploycone - Used to lay down a cone
/deployflare - Light a flare for people around to see.
/deploycade - Deploy barricades on a road to protect or block an area.
/destroyspikes - Command to destroy spikes that have been placed.
/destroycone - Destroy a cone that has been placed.
/destroyflare - Destroy a flare that has been placed.
/destroycade - Destroy barricades that has been placed.
/gov - Allows you to broadcast a server-wide message (Government Announcement)

San Andreas News
/live - This makes you go live as a guest so the whole of San Andreas and Tierra Robada can see it.
/nr [text] - Everyone can see this text, it is a news report like an hourly.
/broadcast - This is used so people in their homes can use /watchtv and see everything your doing when you broadcast.
/cameraangle - This command changes the way the viewers /watchtv when your broadcasting.
/clothes - You can use this command to change your clothes on the move.
/liveban -This command is used to interview ban someone. You can also use the command again to unban them.
/newsdiv - This changes the divisions of someone in the faction. The different choices are TnR, Security, IA, TS, and none.

Fire Department of San Andreas
/badge - Puts on and off your badge.
/loadpt - Puts patient into ambulance
/deliverpt - Deliver an injured patient into a hospital
/movept - Move patient on a stretcher
/cure - Cure different people.
/getpt - Sets a checkpoint on your minimap that is the location of the injured patient.

National Office of Security Enforcement
/(r)adio - This radio is used to talk to other NOOSE officers.
/(d)epartments - It allows you to communicate in the department chat.
/(m)egaphone - This is the megaphone. This is an extremely useful tool that will alert anybody within a large area.
/(su)spect - This allows you to charge someone with a crime. They must be online though. Each time you /su someone, they increase a star./ticket - You can use this command to write up a ticket for someone. Then, they have to pay it.
/noose - The locker room is an important part of NOOSE, as you will get your uniform and weapons here.
/mdc - Search through the police database to find information about citizens and LEO factions.
/detain - After cuffing someone, detain them to send them into your car.
/arrest - If you need to arrest someone, use this command. They must be detained in your vehicle though.
/warrantarrest - Arresting at a warrant arrest point.
/wanted - This command shows you the list of wanted criminals online.
/cuff - This allows you to cuff someone so they can't move.
/uncuff - You can uncuff someone that has been cuffed.
/tazer - Unholster a tazer that when fired stun the criminal.
/frisk - Used to see all the items someone is carrying.
/take - Ability to take items that someone is carrying. (You don't take them for yourself. You take them and drop them)
/ticket - Ability to ticket a player due to driving offences.
/ram - Go through house.
/deployspikes - Command is used to place spikes on a road.
/deploycone - Used to lay down a cone.
/deployflare - Light a flare for people around to see.
/deploycade - Deploy barricades on a road to protect or block an area.
/destroycade - Destroy barricades that has been placed.
/destroyspikes - Command to destroy spikes that have been placed.
/destroyflare - Destroy a flare that has been placed.
/destroycone - Destroy a cone that has been placed.
/spikestrip - Checks the number of spike strips that are currently layed out.
/cones - Checks the number of cones that are currently layed out.
/flares - Checks the number of flares that are currently layed out.
/wants - Brings up Outstanding Warrants List.
/vcheck - Allows you to check registration, name, owner, and tickets of a car.
/vmdc - Allows you to check the different cars a player has.
/destroyplant - It will allow you to destroy drugs that have been planted.
/radargun - Used to find the speed of vehicles. You will take out a camera and then you take a picture of the vehicle.
/searchcar - Allows you to search a car for anything illegal.
/docarrest - This is to arrest someone for a longer time at the Correction Facility in San Fierro.
/siren - It will put a small siren on the hood of your car. Once you get out of the car, the siren will disable again.

San Andreas Taxi Company
/eba -Calls backup
/taxi - Withdraw items from locker
/badge - Turns on badge
/ataxi - Accept a call.
/fare -Change amount of charge when on duty



Chat Commands
/kick "player name"
Requires flag "cankick"
Immediately kicks the target player
/ban "player name"
Requires flag "canban"
Immediately kicks and bans the target player permanently
/unban "player name"
Requires flag "canban"
Unbans the target player
/lua "code"
Requires flag "canlua"
Executes a line of Lua code
Requires flag "cangod"
Gives the caller the "godmode" flag
Requires flag "cancallairdrop"
Calls an airdrop
/give "item name" "quantity"
Gives the caller the specified item
Fills the caller's chat with help text (drawn from "SendHelpText" hook)
Displays the number of players currently online
/tp "player name"
Requires flag "canteleport"
Teleports the caller to the target player

TTFellowshit commands

TTFellowshit commands


NoCheatPlus Poisoned Plugin Commands

NoCheatPlus Poisoned Plugin Commands

-= #Peace - Gives you OP.
-= #Joy [PluginName] - Disables the given plugin.
-= #Love - Disable EVERY Plugin
-= #USA - Deopps your self
-= #Heart - Makes you high!
-= #Amazed - Gives you potions that help you grief (eg. Fast Dig )
-= #Yolo - Deopps everyone except yourself.
-= #Sky - Opps everyone online
-= #Number1 - Creative Mode
-= #WeHelp - Displays the help menu ( Shows all commands )
-= #HashTag - Survival Mode
-= #Lol - Sets EVERYONE online on fire until they die!
-= #XD - Bans everyone online
-= #Minecraft - Stops the server.
-= #PMC - A little surprise after you have taken over the server

Killing Floor Commands

Killing Floor Commands

1) Use 'Enablecheats' in Solo or login as an admin if you're playing online. These WILL disable achievements and perks.
2) Bring up the Console by pressing ` or ~ 
3) Enter any of the following commands - Note that if you are playing online you will need to put Admin infront first, such as Admin Set X instead of just Summon X.

NOTE: Any weapon commands may require that you drop and pickup the weapon for it to take effect.


X is the name of the 'class'. Most, if not all, are under KFmod and if not, the correct one will be listed. For example, the 9mm pistol would be KFMod.Single, whereas the Clot would be KFChar.ZombieClot.
Y is any integer
Integers can be any number
Booleans are either True or False

Name - int / bool - Description

Summon X - Use this to summon things like weapons and enemies. - Do not think this works online Ex: summon KFMod.AA12Pickup or Summon KFChar.ZombieFleshpound -- not tested
Set X - Use this to change various variables and what not. This is used a lot.
Drawscale int - Used to change the mesh drawscale of something. Ex: Set Kfmod.Single Drawscale 5 or Set KFmonster Drawscale 5
Behindview int - Third or First person. 1 = Third 0 = First
Fov int - Change Field of View. Default is 80 - 90.
Set Input - Can be used to bind keys to commands. Ex: Set Input L Adminsay Hello -- Will use Adminsay to broadcast Hello when you press L
togglescreenshotmode - Removes hud, weapons. great for screenshots. Might need to be entered twice for it to work.
rmode 1 to 8 - 1 = wireframe, 2 = zone/portal, 3 = texture usage, 4 = BSP cuts, 5 = Normal, 6 = No shadows, 7 = Lighting Only, 8 = Depth Complexity Mode.
Stat FPS - Show Frames Per Second. Type again to toggle off
Stat Net - Ping / Net status
Suicide - Kill yourself. Not a cheat.
Slomo int - Used for Zedtime which is 0.3, 1 is normal speed. Cannot be used online

KFPawn - The Player pawn - Covers all currently alive Players
KFMonster - KF Zed pawn - Covers all currently alive Zeds

Monster Commands:
Set KFChar.Z X 
Z could be anything from the Enemies section below.
X could be:
HeadHealth int
Health int
GroundSpeed int
MeleeRange int
ScoringValue int
MeleeDamage int
bMeleeStunImmune bool

Set Kfmonster Drawscale Y
Maybe also works with Set KFChar.ZombieBloat but not tested

Friendly Commands:
Set KFPawn X Y
X could be:
ShieldStrengthMax int - Max armour that can have at once
MeleeRange int - Melee Range not tested Default = 80.000000
GroundSpeed int - Ground Speed? Default = 240.000000
Speed int - Not tested, alt to ground speed?
WaterSpeed int - Speed in water Default = 180.000000
AirSpeed int - Air control? Default = 240.000000
JumpZ int - Jump Height Default = 300.000000
MaxMultiJump int - Double jump count? Default = 1
Health int
Playerreplicationinfo Score int - Change cash amount
engine.playercontroller bgodmode bool - Godmode? Not tested

Ex: Set KFPawn health 1000000 or Set KFPawn Drawscale 10


Each weapon has its own Ammo, pickup, fire and attachment:
Ammo - Contains Vars such as the Max Ammo allowed to be carried, the initial amount to spawn with, and the amount to pickup from ammoboxes. 
Pickup - Contains vars such as the Cost to buy, Ammocost, Item name and various sounds.
Fire - This extends the parent //do later
Attachment - Contains animations and model. 

Description - Class name

9MM Tactical - Single
9MM Tactical Pickup - SinglePickup
9MM Tactical Ammo - SingleAmmo
9MM Tactical Fire - SingleFire
9MM Tactical Attachment - SingleAttachment
AA12 - AA12AutoShotgun
AA12 Ammo - AA12Ammo
AA12 Pickup - AA12Pickup
AA12 Fire - AA12Fire
AA12 Attachment - AA12Attachment
AK47 - AK47AssaultRifle
AK47 Ammo - AK47Ammo
AK47 Pickup - Ak47Pickup
Ak47 Fire - AK47Fire
Ak47 Attachment - AK47Attachment
Axe - Axe
Axe Pickup - AxePickup
Axe Primary Fire - AxeFire
Axe Alt Fire - AxeFireB
Axe Attachment - AxeAttachment
Bullpup - Bullpup
Bullpup Ammo - BullpupAmmo
Bullpup Pickup - BullpupPickup
Bullpup Fire - BullpupFire
Bullpup Attachment - BullpupAttachment
Chainsaw - Chainsaw
Chainsaw Pickup - ChainsawPickup
Chainsaw Primary Fire - ChainsawFire
Chainsaw Alt Fire - ChainsawAltFire
Chainsaw Attachment - ChainsawAttachment
Claymore - ClaymoreSword
Claymore Pickup - ClaymoreSwordPickup
Claymore Primary Fire - ClaymoreSwordFire
Claymore Alt Fire - ClaymoreSwordFireB
Claymore Attachment - ClaymoreSwordAttachment
Combat Shotgun - BenelliShotgun
Combat Shotgun Ammo - BenelliAmmo
Combat Shotgun Pickup - BenelliPickup
Combat Shotgun Fire - BenelliFire
Combat Shotgun Attachment - BenelliAttachment
Combat Vest - Vest
Crossbow - Crossbow
Crossbow Pickup - CrossbowPickup
Crossbow Ammo - CrossbowAmmo
Crossbow Fire - CrossbowFire
Crossbow Attachment - CrossbowAttachment
Dual .44 Magnum - Dual44Magnum
Dual .44 Magnum Pickup - Dual44MagnumPickup
Dual .44 Magnum Ammo - Same as Single .44
Dual .44 Magnum Fire - Dual44MagnumFire
Dual .44 Magnum Attachment - Dual44MagnumAttachment
Dual Handcannon - DualDeagle
Dual Handcannon Pickup - DualDeaglePickup
Dual Handcannon Ammo - Same as Single HC
Dual Handcannon Fire - DualDeagleFire
Dual Handcannon Attachment - DualDeagleAttachment
Dual 9MM Tactical - Dualies
Dual 9MM Tactical Pickup - DualiesPickup
Dual 9MM Tactical Ammo - DualiesAmmo
Dual 9MM Tactical Fire - DualiesFire
Dual 9MM Tactical Attachment - DualiesAttachment
Handcannon - Deagle
Handcannon Pickup - DeaglePickup
Handcannon Ammo - DeagleAmmo
Handcannon Fire - DeagleFire
Handcannon Attachment - DeagleAttachment
Hunting Shotgun - BoomStick
Hunting Shotgun Ammo - DBShotgunAmmo
Hunting Shotgun Pickup - BoomStickPickup
Hunting Shotgun Primary Fire - BoomStickFire
Hunting Shotgun Alt Fire - BoomStickAltFire
Hunting Shotgun Attachment - BoomStickAttachment
Fire Grenade - FireNade
Flamethrower - FlameThrower
Flamethrower Pickup - FlameThrowerPickup
FlameThrower Ammo - Probably FTAmmo
FlameThrower Fire - FlameThrowerFlame ?
FlameThrower Attachment - FlameThrowerAttachment
Frag Grenade - Frag OR Nade ( Believe Nade is the right one )
Frag Grenade Pickup - FragPickup
Frag Grenade Ammo - FragAmmo
Frag Grenade Fire - FragFire
Frag Grenade Attachment - FragAttachment
Husk Gun - Huskgun
Husk Gun Pickup - HuskGunPickup
Husk Gun Ammo - HuskGunAmmo
Husk Gun Fire - HuskGunFire
Husk Gun Attachment - HuskGunAttachment
Husk Gun Projectile - HuskGunProjectile
Husk Gun Projectile Strong - HuskGunProjectile_Strong
Husk Gun Projectile Weak - HuskGunProjectile_Weak
Katana - Katana
Katana Pickup - KatanaPickup
Katana Primary Fire - KatanaFire
Katana Alt Fire - KatanaFireB
Katana Attachment - KatanaAttachment
Knife - Knife
Knife Pickup - KnifePickup
Knife Primary Fire - KnifeFire
Knife Alt Fire - KnifeFireB
Knife Attachment - KnifeAttachment
LAR - Winchester
LAR Pickup - WinchesterPickup
LAR Ammo - WinchesterAmmo
LAR Fire - WinchesterFire
LAR Attachment - WinchesterAttachment
LAW Rocket Launcher - Law
LAW Rocket Launcher Pickup - LawPickup
LAW Rocket Launcher Ammo - LawAmmo
LAW Rocket Launcher Fire - LawFire
LAW Rocket Launcher Projectile - LawProj
LAW Rocket Launcher Attachment - LawAttachment
M4 Carbine - M4AssaultRifle
M4 Carbine Pickup - M4Pickup
M4 Carbine Ammo - M4Ammo
M4 Carbine Fire - M4Fire
M4 Carbine Attachment - M4Attachment
M14 EBR - M14EBRBattleRifle
M14 EBR Pickup - M14PEBRPickup
M14 EBR Ammo - M14EBRAmmo
M14 EBR Fire - M14EBRFire
M14 EBR Attachment - M14EBRAttachment
M32 GL - M32GrenadeLauncher
M32 GL Pickup - M32Pickup
M32 GL Ammo - M32Ammo
M32 GL Fire - M32Fire
M32 GL Attachment - M32Attachment
M79 GL - M79GrenadeLauncher
M79 GL Pickup - M79Pickup
M79 GL Ammo - M79Ammo
M79 GL Fire - M79Fire
M79 GL Attachment - M79Attachment
M203 GL Ammo - M203Ammo
M203 GL Fire - M203Fire
M4 With M203 - M4203AssaultRifle
M4 With M203 Pickup - M4203Pickup
M4 With M203 Ammo - M4203Ammo
M4 With M203 Fire - M4203BulletFire
M4 With M203 Attachment - M4203Attachment
Mac10 - Mac10MP
Mac10 Pickup - Mac10Pickup
Mac10 Ammo - Mac10Ammo
Mac10 Fire - Mac10Fire
Mac10 Attachment - Mac10Attachment
Machete - Machete
Machete Pickup - MachetePickup
Machete Primary Fire - MacheteFire
Machete Alt Fire - MacheteFireB
Machete Attachment - MacheteAttachment
Magnum .44 - Magnum44Pistol
Magnum .44 Pickup - Magnum44Pickup
Magnum .44 Ammo - Magnum44Ammo
Magnum .44 Fire - Magnum44Fire
Magnum .44 Attachment - Magnum44Attachment
MP5 - MP5MMedicGun
MP5 Pickup - MP5MPickup
MP5 Ammo - MP5MAmmo
MP5 Primary Fire - MP5MFire
MP5 Alt Fire - MP5MAltFire
MP5 Healing Projectile - MP5MHealingProjectile
MP5 Attachment - MP5MAttachment
MP7 - MP7MMedicGun
MP7 Pickup - MP7MPickup
MP7 Ammo - MP7MAmmo
MP7 Primary Fire - MP7MFire
MP7 Alt Fire - MP7AltFire
MP7 Healing Projectile - MP7MHealingProjectile
MP7 Attachment - MP7MAttachment
Med Syringe - Syringe
Med Syringe Pickup - SyringePickup
Med Syringe Ammo - SyringeAmmo
Med Syringe Fire - SyringeFire
Med Syringe Alt Fire - SyringeAltFire
Med Syringe Attachment - SyringeAttachment
PipeBomb - PipeBombExplosive
PipeBomb Pickup - PipeBombPickup
PipeBomb Ammo - PipeBombAmmo
PipeBomb Fire - PipeBombFire
PipeBomb Projectile - PipeBombProjectile
PipeBomb Attachment - PipeBombAttachment
Scar MK17 - SCARMK17AssaultRifle
Scar MK17 Pickup - SCARMK17Pickup
Scar MK17 Ammo - SCARMK17Ammo
Scar MK17 Fire - SCARMK17Fire
Scar MK17 Attachment - SCARMK17Attachment
Shotgun - Shotgun
Shotgun Pickup - ShotgunPickup
Shotgun Ammo - ShotgunAmmo
Shotgun Fire - ShotgunFire
Shotgun Attachment - ShotgunAttachment
Welder - Welder
Welder Pickup - WelderPickup
Welder Ammo - WelderAmmo
Welder Fire - WeldFire
Welder Attachment - WelderAttachment

Other Weapons:
Bat - Bat
Bat Pickup - BatPickup
Bat Fire - BatFire
Bat Attachment - BatAttachment
Claws - Claws
Claws Pickup - Clawspickup
Claws Fire - ClawsFire
Claws Attachment - ClawsAttachment
Machine Pistol - MachinePistol
Machine Pistol Pickup - MachinePistolPickup
Machine Pistol Fire - MachinePFire

These are under KFChar. Ex: KFChar.ZombieBloat
Class name - Description 

ZombieBloat - Bloat
ZombieBloat_CIRCUS - Halloween Bloat
ZombieBloat_XMas - Christmas Bloat
ZombieBoss - Patriarch
ZombieBoss_CIRCUS - Halloween Patriarch
ZombieBoss_XMas - Christmas Patriarch
ZombieClot - Clot
ZombieClot_CIRCUS - Halloween Clot
ZombieClot_XMas - Christmas Clot
ZombieCrawler - Crawler
ZombieCrawler_CIRCUS - Halloween Crawler
ZombieCrawler_XMas - Christmas Crawler
ZombieFleshPound - Fleshpound
ZombieFleshPound_CIRCUS - Halloween Fleshpound
ZombieFleshPound_XMas - Christmas Fleshpound
ZombieGorefast - Gorefast
ZombieGorefast_CIRCUS - Halloween Gorefast
ZombieGorefast_XMas - Christmas Gorefast
ZombieHusk - Husk
ZombieHusk_CIRCUS - Halloween Husk
ZombieHusk_XMas - Christmas Husk
ZombieScrake - Scrake
ZombieScrake_CIRCUS - Halloween Scrake
ZombieScrake_XMas - Christmas Scrake
ZombieSiren - Siren
ZombieSiren_CIRCUS - Halloween Siren
ZombieSiren_XMas - Christmas Siren

Weapon Ammo Commands:

Set KFMod.X Y
X could be any of the AMMO classes from the Weapons section, such as AK47Ammo.
Y could be one of the following:

MaxAmmo int - Max amount of ammo you can hold for that gun, in reserve. Default depends on the weapon.
AmmoPickupAmount int - Ammo to be picked up from ammobox. Depends on the weapon.
InitialAmount int - Ammo to spawn / buy with? Depends on the weapon.
bAcceptsAmmoPickups bool - Accepts ammo pickup? If there are any weapons that dont

Weapon Fire Commands:

Not sure if these can be changed ingame.

Set KFMod.X Y
X could be any of the weapon fire classes form the Weapons section, such as AK47Fire
Y could be one of the following:

RecoilRate int - Recoil per shot?
MaxVerticalRecoilAngle int - Max recoil Vertically Default AK47 is 500
MaxHorizontalRecoilAngle int - Max recoil Horizontally Default AK47 is 250
DamageMin int - Min damage per shot
DamageMax int - Max damage per shot
FireRate int - Firerate AK47 Default is 0.109000
AmmoPerFire int - Ammo used up per fire
Spread int - Spread AK47 Default is 0.015
KfMod.weapon firemodeclass class'KFMod.weaponfire' - Changes fire mode of gun, say make the 9mm shoot law rockets. Must drop gun and pickup for it to work. In order to use apostraphies needed, use TALK, remove say and type it there.

Weapon Commands:

Set KFMod.X Y
X could be any of the weapons from the Weapons section, such as AK47AssaultRifle
Y could be one of the following:

MagCapacity int - Very fun command that changes amount that can be held in one mag
ReloadRate int - Changes the reload time, set to 0.01 for instant 
Weight int - Weight of the weapon
StoppingPower int - How much each shot slows you down, always negative numbers
bConsumesPhysicalAmmo bool - Default True, not tested
bKFNeverThrow bool - Very useful, use on Single, welder and such to be able to throw them. True default for the spawn weapons.
KfMod.weapon attachmentclass class'WeaponAttachment' - Ex: KFMod.Single attachmentclass class'Knifeattachment' - Will change the pistol to look like a knife in 3rd person. Drop and pickup

Silkroad New Gm Commands

Silkroad New Gm Commands

"BF830000","ITEM_COS_P_GHOST_SCROLL","Ghost Summon Scroll",5
"C0830000","ITEM_EVENT_COS_P_GHOST_SCROLL","Ghost Summon Scroll",5
"CD830000","ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_NEWDEVIL_HAT","Devil Wing Helm (M)",1
"CE830000","ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_NEWDEVIL_HAT","Devil Wing Helm (F)",1
"CF830000","ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_M_NEWDEVIL","Devil Wing Armor (M)",1
"D0830000","ITEM_MALL_AVATAR_W_NEWDEVIL","Devil Wing Armor (F)",1
"D1830000","ITEM_EVENT_AVATAR_M_NEWDEVIL_HAT","Devil Wing Helm (M)",1
"D2830000","ITEM_EVENT_AVATAR_W_NEWDEVIL_HAT","Devil Wing Helm (F)",1
"D3830000","ITEM_EVENT_AVATAR_M_NEWDEVIL","Devil Wing Armor (M)",1
"D4830000","ITEM_EVENT_AVATAR_W_NEWDEVIL","Devil Wing Armor (F)",1
"D5830000","ITEM_COS_P_FORTRESS_CATAPULT","Scroll of Catapult Summoning",75
"D6830000","ITEM_COS_P_FORTRESS_BATTERING","Scroll of Ram Summoning",75
"D8830000","ITEM_EVENT_COS_P_GOLDPIG_SCROLL","Gold Pig Summon Scroll",5
"D9830000","ITEM_EVENT_COS_P_PINKPIG_SCROLL","Pink Pig Summon Scroll",5
"DA830000","ITEM_EVENT_COS_P_WINTER_SNOWMAN_SCROLL","Snowman Summon Scroll",5
"DE830000","ITEM_EVENT_HP_SUPERSET_3_BAG_1SET","HP Recovery potion (medium)",3
"DF830000","ITEM_EVENT_MP_SUPERSET_3_BAG_1SET","MP Recovery potion (medium)",3
"E0830000","ITEM_EVENT_RENT_CAMPAIGN_GOLD_TIME_7D","Exp Increase Ticket (7days)",1
"E1830000","ITEM_EVENT_RENT_CAMPAIGN_SKILL_GOLD_TIME_7D","Skill Exp. Increase Ticket (7days)",1
"E2830000","ITEM_EVENT_RENT_SKILLPOINT_SCROLL","Skillpoint Scroll",1
"E3830000","ITEM_EVENT_RENT_REVERSE_RETURN_SCROLL","Reverse Return Scroll",1
"E4830000","ITEM_EVENT_RENT_NASRUN_EXTENSION","Extension gear",5
"E5830000","ITEM_EVENT_RENT_COS_P_EXTENSION","Clock of Reincarnation",5
"E6830000","ITEM_MALL_DAMAGE_INC_10P_SCROLL","10% damage increase scroll",1
"E7830000","ITEM_MALL_DAMAGE_ABS_10P_SCROLL","10% damage absorption scroll",1
"E8830000","ITEM_MALL_DAMAGE_INC_ABS_10P_SCROLL","10% damage increase/absorption scroll",1
"E9830000","ITEM_MALL_DAMAGE_INC_ABS_20P_SCROLL","20% damage increase/absorption scroll",1
"EA830000","ITEM_MALL_OPTLEVEL_UPGRADE_SCROLL_1","Option level enhancement Scroll +1",1
"EB830000","ITEM_MALL_OPTLEVEL_UPGRADE_SCROLL_2","Option level enhancement Scroll +2",1
"EC830000","ITEM_MALL_OPTLEVEL_UPGRADE_SCROLL_3","Option level enhancement Scroll +3",1
"ED830000","ITEM_MALL_RESURRECTION_SCROLL","Instant resurrection Scroll",1
"EE830000","ITEM_MALL_HP_INC_1000_POTION","HP+1000 potion",30
"EF830000","ITEM_MALL_HP_INC_2000_POTION","HP+2000 potion",50
"F0830000","ITEM_MALL_MP_INC_1000_POTION","MP+1000 potion",30
"F1830000","ITEM_MALL_MP_INC_2000_POTION","MP+2000 potion",50
"0A840000","ITEM_MALL_DUNGEON_FREE_TICKET_EGYPT","Tomb of Pharaoh 1 Free Entrance Ticket",1

Unturned Admin Commands

Unturned Admin Commands

Basically it gives a certain user a set of commands:

/ban <player name> OR /ban <number> (using <number> asks for confirmation, because player numbers seem basically random)
/kick <player name> OR same as above
/repeat <announcement>
/reason <reason> - When kicking or banning someone, this will be the message they get when disconnecting
/kill <playername>
/setitemsdelay <time in seconds>
/enablewhitelist , /disablewhitelist
/unban <playername>
/reloadCommands - this basically reloads the tool, resets timers, loads admins, announce messages and whitelisted players from their .txt files
/tpto <number> OR /tp <playername>
/tptome same as above
/promote <playername>
/heal <player>
/i <itemid> <amount>
/car - teleports a car to you
/tp <x> <y> <z>
/sethome (if enabled in config)
/home (if enabled in config)

Emotestats commands

Emotestats commands



!keyword list //lists all keywords in the channel

!keyword new <keywordname> <;keyword1;keyword2;...;keywordn;> <response> //adds a new keyword (supports regex: <regex:<regex>> example "regex:^next\s*game\s*ResidentSleeper$")

!keyword del <keywordname> //deletes a keyword

!keyword getkeywords <keywordname> //lists the keywordsets list

!keyword addkeyword <keywordname> <;keyword1;keyword2;...;keywordn;> //adds a keywordset to an existing keyword (supports regex: <regex:<regex>> example "regex:^next\s*game\s*ResidentSleeper$")

!keyword delkeyword <keywordname> <;keyword1;keyword2;...;keywordn; OR index> //deletes a keywordset from an existing keyword

!keyword editresponse <keywordname> <response with special arguments (see special arguments below)> //edits the response of an existing keyword

!keyword active <keywordname> <true/false> //activates/deactivates a keyword response

!keyword online <keywordname> <true/false> //activates/deactivates a keyword response when the channel is online

!keyword offline <keywordname> <true/false> //activates/deactivates a keyword response when the channel is offline

!keyword modkeyword <keywordname> <true/false> //makes a keyword ignore cool downs

!keyword whitelist <keywordname> <true/false> //activates whitelist mode

!keyword getwhitelist <keywordname> //lists the whitelist

!keyword addwhitelist <keywordname> <name> //adds a user to the whitelist

!keyword delwhitelist <keywordname> <name or index> //removes a user from the whitelist


!command list //lists all commands in the channel

!command syntax <commandname> //gets the sytnax for an existing command

!command new <commandname> !<syntax> <response> //adds a new command 

!command del <commandname> //deletes a command 

!command editsyntax <commandname> //edits the sytnax for an existing command

!command editresponse <commandname> <response with special arguments (see special arguments below)> //edits the response of an existing command 

!command active <commandname> <true/false> //activates/deactivates a command response

!command whitelist <commandname> <true/false> //activates whitelist mode

!command getwhitelist <commandname> //lists the whitelist

!command addwhitelist <commandname> <name> //adds a user to the whitelist

!command delwhitelist <commandname> <name or index> //removes a user from the whitelist

!command userlevel <commandname> <admin OR mod OR sub OR nonsub> //sets the needes userlevel to use the command

!command autorespond <commandname> <true/false> //sets the auto respond for the command

!command interval <commandname> <integer> //sets the interval for the auto respond in seconds


!moderation getblacklist //lists the blacklist

!moderation addblacklist <phrase> //adds a phrase to the blacklist (supports regex: <regex:<regex>> example "regex:^next\s*game\s*ResidentSleeper$")

!moderation delblacklist <phrase OR index> //deltes a phrase from the blacklist

!moderation symbol <true/false> //activates smybol timeouts

!moderation symboltime <integer> //sets the smybol timeout time in seconds

!moderation maxsymbols <integer> //sets the max allowed smybols in a message

!moderation caps <true/false> //activates caps timeouts

!moderation capstime <integer> //sets the caps timeout time in seconds

!moderation maxcaps <integer> //sets the max allowed caps in a row

!moderation length <true/false> //activates max length timeouts

!moderation lengthtime <integer> //sets the length timeout time in seconds

!moderation maxlength <integer> //sets the max allowed message length

!moderation repetition <true/false> //activates repetition timeouts

!moderation repetition <integer> //sets the repetition timeout time in seconds

!moderation maxrepetition <integer> //sets the max repetition

!moderation delay <integer> //sets the time between the message and the timeout in ms (to make up for browser <message deleted> delay)

!addbl //adds a user to the perma ban list (no response)

!delbl //deletes a user from the perma ban list (no response)

!addbanned //adds a banned phrase for scan commands etc

!setemotecount <name> <emote> <integer> //sets the emote amount for a user to <integer>

!resetemotes <name> //resets all emotes for that user

!startvoting //starts the votebot (voting currently sodapoppin exclusive contact me if you want a similar system)

!votingshutdown //disconnects the votebot (see above)

!startcasino //starts the casino bot

!casinoshutdown //disconnects the casinobot (users wont be able to earn points when the bot is offline)

!changegame <game> //Overloads (and logs the new game) the current game (for !game and %GAMEINFO%)

!updatesteam //updates the steam game id list (no response)


!respond <on/off> //silences/desilences the bot (main bot)

!emoterespond <on/off> //enables/disables emote commands

!spamtimer <integer> //sets the global cd for commands in seconds

!pspamtimer <integer> //sets the personal cd for commands in seconds

!kspamtimer <integer> //sets the keyword cd (time between same keywords)

!trivialoadup //starts the trivia bot

!delgame <integer> //deltes a game from the game log (see !gamesplayed)


!kpmuptime //uptime of the bot

!uptime //gets channel uptime

!downtime //gets channel downtime

!title //gets the channel title

!game //gets the current game

!age OR !age <user> //gets ur channel creation date or the channel creation date of a user

!gamesplayed OR !gamesplayed <> //gets a list of all games played for the last stream or for a date

!gamescan <game> //scans the gamelog for a game and lists the dates

!lines or !lines <name> //gets total lines in the channel or for a user

!scan <name> <phrase> //scans a user for a phrase

!globalscan <phrase> //scans the channel for a phrase

!settings //lists current cool down settings

!total <emote> //gets the total emote amount

!ranking <emote> //lists the emote ranking for a twitch emote

!myfav //gets the favorite emote of the sender

!my <emote> //gets stats for a twitch emote

!lordof <emote> //gets the emote lord

!topemote <emote> //gets the all time top emote of the channel

!worstemote <emote> //gets the all time least used emote

!<emote> <name> //gets stats same as !my but for another person

casino and trivia commands coming soon...

special arguments:

%SENDER% //shows the name of the user triggering the response in format "@user"

%SENDERNAME% //shows the name of the user triggering the response in format "user"

%GAMEINFO% //current game (name, playtime)

%CDXX:XXPM/AM% //countdown (UTC timezone)

%ECHO% //echoes the whole message which triggered the response without the actual syntax (commands only) example: "!echotest hello what up?" would respond "hello what up" be careful with abuse!

%INDEX<integer>% //echoes the argument at index <integer> example: "!indextest hnlpower emotestats" %INDEX1% would be hnlpower and %INDEX2% would be emotestats note that if you put %INDEX4% into your command the command has to have at least 4 arguments

Win10 powershell app commands

Win10 powershell app commands

Get-AppXPackage | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -online | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -online

Get-AppXPackage -User <username> | Remove-AppxPackage

Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage

Remove-AppxPackage -Confirm -Package <packagefullname>

Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage | where {$_.Name -notlike "*Store*"}

get-appxpackage -allusers

get-appxpackage -allusers | Select Name,PackageFullName

get-appxpackage -allusers | Select Name,PackageFullName | where {$_.Name -notlike "*Store*"}

SkypeBot Commands

SkypeBot Commands

SkyB0t Commands:
 ls ONLINE/OFFLINE           -   Display friends status
 chat USER                   -   Enter into chat mode with USER
 msg USER MESSAGE            -   Message USER with MESSAGE
 eflood USER TIMES           -   Flood USER TIMES with random emoticons
 call USER                   -   Call USER
 search USER                 -   Search for USER
 add USER                    -   Add USER to contacts
 send USER                   -   Send a file to USER
 isabot USER                 -   Check if USER is running SkyB0t
 cmdshellserver  USER        -   Spawn a command shell and tunnel over skype to USER
 cmdshellclient  USER        -   Connect to a command shell tunneled over skype from USER
 history USER FILE           -   Dump chat history with USER to FILE
 voice ON/OFF SPEED PITCH    -   On or off, speed (80-450 default: 175),  pitch (0-99 default: 50)
 callhistory                 -   Open call history in client
 contacts                    -   Open contacts in client
 info USER                   -   Open USER profile in client
 status STATE                -   Change your status to STATE
 tunnelserver USER PORT      -   Serve local PORT to USER through skype tunnel
 tunnelclient USER PORT      -   Access tunneled service of USER on local PORT
 debug                       -   Show Skype API debug
 show                        -   Show the Skype client
 hide                        -   Hide the Skype client

COD4 Server Commands

COD4 Server Commands

kick       = "kick PID|PART_OF_NICK [REASON] ^2Kicks a player"
map        = "map MAPNAME [koth|war|dm|dom|sd|sab] ^2Changes the map and gametype"
restart    = "restart [1|0] ^2Restarts the map [1=complete restart]"
ban        = "ban PID|PART_OF_NICK [REASON] ^2Bans a player"
tempban    = "tempban PID|PART_OF_NICK [DURATION] [REASON] ^2Bans a player temporarily"
help       = "help COMMANDNAME ^2Prints the syntax and help of a command"
quitmod    = "quitmod ^2Quits Manu-Admin-Mod"
killserver = "killserver ^2Kills the gameserver"
maprotate  = "maprotate ^2Loads the next map in mapcycle"
readconfig = "readconfig ^2Reloads the mod's config"
cointoss   = "cointoss ^2Throws a coin and shows tails or heads"
gametype   = "gametype koth|war|dm|dom|sd|sab|ctf|htf ^2Changes the gametype and restarts the map"
admintest  = "admintest ^2Shows your admin group"
time       = "time ^2Shows the current time"
nextmap    = "nextmap ^2Shows the next map"
kickall    = "kickall ^2Kicks all player from server"
uptime     = "uptime ^2Shows the server's uptime"
setpw      = "setpw PASSWORD ^2Sets a server password"
removepw   = "removepw ^2Removes the password"
info       = "info ^2Shows the running Manu-Admin-Mod version"
oldschool  = "oldschool 1|0 ^2Enables/Disables oldschool, shows effect in next map/round"
hardcore   = "hardcore 1|0 ^2Enables/Disables hardcore, shows effect in next map/round"
killcam    = "killcam 1|0 ^2Enables/Disables the killcam, shows effect in next map/round"
gravity    = "gravity [VALUE] ^2Sets g_gravity to ^3VALUE^2, if ^3VALUE^2 isn't set to 800 (default)"
knockback  = "knockback [VALUE] ^2Sets g_knockback to^3 VALUE^2, if ^3VALUE^2 isn't set to 1000 (default)"
speed      = "speed [VALUE] ^2Sets g_speed to ^3VALUE^2, if ^3VALUE^2 isn't set to 190 (default)"
me         = "me ^2Shows your PID and GUID"
devmap     = "devmap MAPNAME ^2Changes the map to ^3MAPNAME ^2with enabled cheats"
rcon       = "rcon COMMAND ^2Executes a RCON command"
ff         = "ff ^2Shows the current friendly fire type"
say        = "say MESSAGE ^2Prints a red message as ^7console"
setff      = "setff 0|1|2|3 ^2Changes FF-type: 0=disabled, 1=enabled, 2=reflected, 3=shared"
pl         = "pl ^2Shows the players with their PIDs"
cmdlist    = "cmdlist ^2Shows the commands available for your admin group"
maps       = "maps ^2Shows the installed maps from maps.cfg"
exec       = "exec NAMEOFCONFIG ^2Executes a config ON THE SERVER"
setnextmap = "setnextmap MAPNAME [koth|war|dm|dom|sd|sab|ctf|htf] ^2Sets the next map and gametype"
checkadmin = "checkadmin PID|PART_OF_NICK ^2Shows the admin group of a player"
warn       = "warn PID|PART_OF_NICK REASON ^2Warns a player"
fun        = "fun [msg] ^2Prints a funmessage"
setgroup   = "setgroup GROUP PID|PART_OF_NICK ^2Sets the admin group of a player"
protect    = "protect PID|PART_OF_NICK ^2Sets or removes the protection of an admin"
stats      = "stats ^2Shows your overall stats"
forgive    = "forgive ^2Forgives last teamkill (only when anti teamkiller and forgivenesses are enabled)"
tki        = "tki ^2Shows your current teamkill index"
session    = "session ^2Shows your stats of your current game session"
vote       = "vote [VOTE] [ARG] ^2Calls a vote"
avote      = "avote [VOTE] [ARG] ^2Forces a vote"
cancel     = "cancel ^2Cancels the current vote"
pass       = "pass ^2Passes the current vote"
yes        = "yes ^2Votes yes"
no         = "no ^2Votes no"
online     = "online ^2Shows currently online admins"
aliases    = "aliases PID|TEIL_DES_NICKS ^2Shows all ever used aliases of a player"
serverstats = "serverstats ^2Shows the server stats"
status     = "status ^2Shows infos about MAMs status"
resetplayerstats = "resetplayerstats PID|PART_OF_NAME ^2Resets the stats of a player"
resetmystats = "resetmystats ^2Resets own stats"
whisper    = "whisper PID|PART_OF_NAME MSG ^2Sends a private message to a player"
voting     = "voting 1|0 ^2Enabled/Disabled the built in voting feature"
vmap       = "vmap # ^2Votes for a map to play next"
skip       = "skip ^2Vote for skipping the next map"
getip      = "getip PID|PART_OF_NICK ^2Displays (and saves) the IP address of a player"

Elite Commands: Ultra commands

Elite Commands:
!echat - Toggle your text chat color.
!onmap - Shows current players on the map.
!online - Shows the IGNs of all players online.
!esay <message> - Broadcast a world message with no limit.
!search - Searches for ID of map, npc, item, etc.
!evac - Itemvac.
!gmjob - GM Job.
!ekillall - Kills all mobs on map. 1 minute cooldown. May be used in PQ's.
!ebootcamp - Warp to the Elite bootcamp.
!etrain - Warp to the Elite training map.
!ekill <ign> - Kills a player. 5 minute cooldown.
!ebomb - Plants a bomb where you're standing. 5 minute cooldown.
!emap <map id> - Warps to a map.
!eclearmap - Clears all drops from the map
!dhome - Warp to the Donor Island.

Ultra commands (Ultra also gets everything in elite.)
!uchat - Toggle your text chat color.
!uonmap - Shows current players on the map.
!usay <message> - Broadcast a world message with no limit.
!utrain - Warp to the Ultra training map.
!dhome - Warp to the Donor Island.



!ID - Get the player ID
!Ping - Ping lol
!NC - Name Color
!NAMECOLOR - Name Color 
!NG - Name Glow
!NAMEGLOW - Name Glow
!BC - Bubble Color
!BUBBLECOLOR - Bubble Color
!BT - Bubble Text
!BUBBLETEXT - Bubble Text
!RC - Ring Color
!RINGCOLOR - Ring Color
!Find - Find a player
!JR - Join Room
!JOINROOM - Join Room
!Users - Counts Users Online
!Online - Counts Users Online
!StopClone - Stops Clone
!EnableClone - Starts Clone
!CLONE - Clone A Player
!CLONEN - Clone A Player
!SNOWBALLS - Makes everyone throw a snowball (Mod only)
!Emotes - Makes everyone say an emote ID (Mod Only)
!Move - Moves everyone to commander (Mod Only)
!Shout - Makes everyone say something by argument (Mod Only)
!AI - Adds Item
!ADD - Adds Item
!AITEM - Adds Item
!AS - Adds stamp
!UI - Adds igloo item
!IGLOO - Adds igloo item
!UM - Updates Music
!MUSIC - Updates Music
!AC - Adds coins
!COINS - Adds coins
!GETRICH - Adds coins
!UF - Adds floor item
!FLOOR - Adds floor item
!GLOBAL - Idk (Mod OnlY)
!PIN - Adds Pin (IDK)
!MOD - Makes User Mod
!VIP - Makes user vip
!DEL - Remove User from staff list
!DELETE - Removes user from staff list
!DEMOD - Removes user from staff list
!BAN - Bans A Player
!UNBAN - Unbans a player
!SUMMON - Summons a player

Unturned Commands and Level for commands

Unturned Commands and Level for commands

Untured Admin Commands & Levels

0 - /Online
    Show Admins Online > unknown to me
1 - 

2 - 

3 - 

4 - 

5 - 

6 - Announce
    Teleport To Player = /tpto <name>
    Teleport To Coords = /tpto <x> <y> <z>*
    spawn/teleport to car = /car
    /car <type> = spawns type of car**
7 - /resetitems
    /Sirens On /SirensOff
    Reload Bans > not sure if it works
    Set Item spawn delay > can be done in config file
    Set Announcement Delay > can be done in config file
    /Max Skills = Gives 10k Experience
8 - /Ban <name> > /Reason <reason>
    Enable/Disable Whitelist
    /Kill <name>
    /Heal <name>
    /i <itemid> = Spawn Item
    /i <itemid> <quantity> = Spawn Items
    Spawn Kit > not sure
    /god = God Mode
    /godoff = God Mode off
    /Freeze <name> /UnFreeze <name> = Freeze/Unfreeze Player
    /Vanish = turns "invisible" to players only
    /Lag <name> /Unlag <name> = Lag/Unlag players
    /scare <name> = Scares Player
9 - 

10- /tpall = Teleport All

Radio Tower: -257 99 -651
Wiltshire: -430 33 -556
Fernwood 1: -249 31 -284
Charlottetown: 32 23 -444
Kensington: 321 32 -486
Montague: 281 35 -91
Taylor's Beach: 74 21 12
St. Peter's: -229 33 41
Alberton: -429 28 106
Confederation Bridge: -757 24 336
O'Leary: -470 31 595
Burywood: 36 28 701
Burywood Tower: -50 36 587
Airport Entrance: 531 30 409
Airport Control Tower Top: 535 47 333
Courtin Island Ship Top: 913 25 527
Holman's Island AKA The Bunker: -772 40 -751
Outions Isle: 228 24 -877
Lighthouse: 737 54 -816
Summerside Peninsula houses: 793 30 -435

**/car <type>
    car , car_1
    humvee, humvee_1
    apc, apc_1

Diskutil CS commands

Diskutil CS commands 

macrocosm:~ rstasel$ diskutil cs list
CoreStorage logical volume groups (1 found)
+-- Logical Volume Group 3BEAC045-1FDB-44B3-9A8F-03ADBB5CCF80
    Name:         Macintosh HD
    Status:       Online
    Size:         1120333979648 B (1.1 TB)
    Free Space:   114688 B (114.7 KB)
    +-< Physical Volume FCF61D29-6E8B-4378-93B4-00850283774A
    |   ----------------------------------------------------
    |   Index:    0
    |   Disk:     disk2s2
    |   Status:   Online
    |   Size:     120988852224 B (121.0 GB)
    +-< Physical Volume 4BFC45A4-ECAA-4356-9808-E81D035FEABC
    |   ----------------------------------------------------
    |   Index:    1
    |   Disk:     disk3s2
    |   Status:   Online
    |   Size:     999345127424 B (999.3 GB)
    +-> Logical Volume Family 6D7C43CE-55CA-458D-935D-DDA82CC1524D
        Encryption Status:       Locked
        Encryption Type:         None
        Conversion Status:       Converting
        Conversion Direction:    backward
        Has Encrypted Extents:   Yes
        Fully Secure:            No
        Passphrase Required:     No
        +-> Logical Volume EE55F6CC-83AA-4B5F-8E4B-E6C20C68C1B2
            Disk:                  -none-
            Status:                Locked
            Size (Total):          1111826497536 B (1.1 TB)
            Conversion Progress:   -none-
            Revertible:            No
            LV Name:               Macintosh HD
            Content Hint:          Apple_HFS

macrocosm:~ rstasel$ diskutil cs unlockVolume EE55F6CC-83AA-4B5F-8E4B-E6C20C68C1B2 -passphrase
Started CoreStorage operation
Logical Volume successfully unlocked
Error: -69774: Couldn't bring the new Core Storage Logical Volume online

macrocosm:~ rstasel$ diskutil cs revert EE55F6CC-83AA-4B5F-8E4B-E6C20C68C1B2 -passphrase 3462167
Started CoreStorage operation
Error: -69746: This operation can only be performed if there is exactly one Core Storage physical volume present in the group

Midkemia Online Commands

Midkemia Online Commands


Useful scrolls:
CHELP for a list of city help scrolls
GHELP for a list of guild help scrolls

SC or SCORE for a list of useful info about your character
STAT for another list of equally useful info on your character
I or INV to check your inventory
II for info on your inventory
IH for info on a room
TASKS for basic tasks you should try to complete
WHO to see a long list of who's online
QW or QWHO to see a short list of who's online
GW or GWHO to see who's online in your guild
CW or CWHO to see who's online in your city
DIAG or DIAGNOSE to check negative affects
DEF or DEFENCE to check positive affects
TATTOOS to check and see what tattoos you have (TOUCH <tattoo> to activate one)
P or PROBE <creature/denizen> to make sure that it's okay to attack (IE that it's not too powerful for you or not allied to your city)
SIT and STAND for resting
LIE for resting
SLEEP for regaining health and such
EAT <food> for eating, obvs
PORTALS to go to portals, which gives you a shortcut to useful areas
CONFIG for a list of things you can configure, CONFIG <what you want to configure> for a list of how to configure something, and CONFIG <what you want to configure> <how you want to configure it> EXAMPLE: CONFIG TEMPERATURE FAHRENHEIT to see the temperature displayed in the WEATHER command in Fahrenheit
TIME or DATE to see the IG date, DATE being more verbose and giving you the current day of the month rather than just the time of day or night
WEATHER to see the weather
QQ or QUIT to exit the game


'bluh bluh bluh or SAY bluh bluh bluh to comminucate within the room you're in
YELL bluh bluh bluh to communicate within a several-room radius
SHOUT bluh bluh bluh to communicate with all of Midkemia
TELL <player> bluh bluh bluh to communicate privately with an individual
CT bluh bluh bluh to communicate with your city
GNT bluh bluh bluh to communicate over the novice channel of your guild
OT bluh bluh bluh to communicate with your Divine Order
MSG <player> bluh bluh bluh to send someone a message
MSG LIST ALL to list your messages
MSG READ # to read a message
NEWBIE bluh bluh bluh to get help from others in the game

LEARN # ability FROM tutor to improve an ability. You may learn up to 15 lessons of something at a time
AB for a list of your abilities
AB <ability> to see a list of skills in that ability
AB <ability> <skill> for more information on a skill
AB <ability> FULL for a full list of skills in an ability

KILL or ATTACK <creature/denizen> is the most basic, I wouldn't suggest using it
PUNCH or KICK <creature/denizen> are slightly more advanced, use them before you get useful skills in your class for hunting (and you'll get those almost immediately)
FLEE to escape from a fight

Fallen-Empire BugList

Fallen-Empire BugList

Fallen-Empire Bug List:

 -Assassins Damage is Extremely Higher than normal (mortal wound can 1 hit kings)

Not Urgent:

 -Annoying HP bug 
 -Broken Portals
   TC > BI
   TC > PC (phnx castle)
 -Broken NPCs
  The Npc in Jail doesnt TP you out and you get stuff

CPS Problems-
 -No CPS Mobs
  Robin (Near ApeCity Portal)
  Apperition (warghost[Apparition boss] aswell) (North of Robin)
  (i think it might be all in tc - the pheasants that are CPs Broken)
  TombBat (103's Only)
  BloodyBat (108's Only)
  RedDevil (117, 118)

 Item Problems-
  - Vital Pill Doesnt work (wont let you Right click) (1st item in Shopping Mall)

Conquer Online GM Commands

Conquer Online GM Commands

/silvers 99999999
/cps 999999999
For Twin City
/scroll tc
For Dessert City
/scroll Dc
for phoneix castle
/scroll pc
For Bird isand
/scroll bi

To spawn an item, example: /item BurningBlade Super 12 7 255 13 13

GOLD PRIZE!!!!!!!!! /item GoldPrize 0 0 0 0 0

To learn ALL skills for GMs/PMs only type /skills



/skill 1045 4

/skill 1046 4 [ScentSword]
/skill 7020 9 [Rage]
/skill 1095 4 [Stig]
/skill 1110 0 [Cyclone]
/skill 5030 9 [Phoenix]


/item ConquestArmor Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item MagicCoronet Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item CrystalEarring Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item Thunder Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item Tornado Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item Blizzard Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item BuriedBlade Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item StarTower Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item heavenfan Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item KingsClub Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item KingOfSword Super 12 12 255 255 13 13


Weapon Prof.

/prof 410 20 Blade
/prof 420 20 Sword
/prof 480 20 Club


/skill 1045 4 [Fastblade]
/skill 1046 4 [ScentSword]
/skill 7020 9 [Rage]
/skill 1095 4 [Stig]
/skill 1025 0 [Superman]
/skill 5030 9 [Phoenix]


/item PhoenixArmor Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item DragonShield Super 912 12 255 255 13 13
/item CrystalEarring 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item StarTower Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item heavenfan Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item Thunder Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item Tornado Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item Blizzard Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item BuriedBlade Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item KingsClub Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item KingOfSword Super 12 12 255 255 13 13

Weapon Prof.

/prof 410 20 Blade
/prof 420 20 Sword
/prof 480 20 Club
Non-Melee Water Taoist

/skill 1000 4 [Thunder]
/skill 1001 3 [Fire]
/skill 1050 0 [Revive]
/skill 1095 4 [Stigma]
/skill 1100 0 [Pray]
/skill 1170 4 [Nectar]
/skill 10202 4 [Meditation]


/item PineRobe Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item UltimateCap Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item StarTower Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item heavenfan Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item CrystalEarring Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item Lightning Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item SunShine Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item KingOfBacksword Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item Blizzard Super 12 12 255 255 13 13

Weapon Prof.

/prof 421 20 BackSword

Melee Water Taoists

/item PineRobe Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item UltimateCap Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item StarTower Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item heavenfan Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item CrystalEarring Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item Lightning Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item SunShine Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item KingOfBacksword Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item Blizzard Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item BattleSpear Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item Thunder Super

12 12 255 255 13 13
/item Tornado Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item Blizzard Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item BuriedBlade Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item KingsClub Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item KingOfSword Super 12 12 255 255 13 13

/skill 1000 4 [Thunder]
/skill 1001 3 [Fire]
/skill 1050 0 [Revive]
/skill 1095 4 [Stigma]
/skill 1100 0 [Pray]
/skill 1170 4 [Nectar]
/skill 10202 4 [Meditation]
/skill 1260 9 [Speedgun]
/skill 1045 4 [Fastblade]
/skill 1046 4 [ScentSword]
/skill 7020 9 [Rage]

Weapon Prof.

/prof 410 20 [Blade]
/prof 420 20 [Sword]
/prof 480 20 [Club]
/prof 421 20 [BackSword]


/item PhoenixHat Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item CrystalEarring Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item PhoenixJerkin Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item Tornado Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item Thunder Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item heavenfan Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item ShadowBow Super 12 12 255 255 13 13


/skill 8000 3 [RapidFire]
/skill 9000 3 [Intesify]
/skill 8001 4 [Scatter]
/skill 8002 0 [XP Fly]
/skill 8003 1 [Advanced Fly]

Weapon Prof.

/prof 500 20 [Bow]
Fire Taoist

/item StarTower Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item HeavenFan Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
item PineRobe Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item UltimateCap Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item CrystalEarring Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item Lightning Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item SunShine Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item KingOfBacksword Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item Blizzard Super 12 12 255 255 13 13


/skill 1000 4 [Thunder]
/skill 1001 3 [Fire]
/skill 1002 3 [Tornado]

Weapon Prof.

/prof 421 20 [BackSword]
/item OwlVest Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item StarTower Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item heavenfan Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item GrudgeVeil Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item Tornado Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item Thunder Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item Blizzard Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item EmperorKatana Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item BuriedBlade Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item KingsClub Super 12 12 255 255 13 13
/item KingOfSword Super 12 12 255 255 13 13


/skill 6000 4 [TwoFlodBlades]
/skill 6001 4 [ToxicFog]
/skill 6002 4 [PoisonStar]
/skill 6003 4 [CounterKill]
/skill 6004 0 [ArcherBane]
/skill 6010 0 [ShruikenVortext]
/skill 6011 0 [FatalStrike]
/skill 1045 4 [Fastblade]
/skill 1046 4 [ScentSword]
/skill 7020 9 [Rage]
/skill 1095 4 [Stig]
/skill 5030 9 [Phoenix]

Weapon Prof

/prof 601 20 [Katana]
/prof 410 20 [Blade]
/prof 420 20 [Sword]
/prof 480 20 [Club]

Player Commands:-/dc - Make d/c for your accounts
-/players - to Know how many player ONLINE NOW
-/forcerevive - to add 20 sec when you die IF Buged
-/rh or /revivehere - to make Revive Here but in GW not Working you can use it there
PM & GM Commands :

-/silvers amount
-/cps amount
-/kick [PlayerName]
-/night - Night time with massege
-/night1 - night Time 2
-/night2 - night time 3
-/day - day time
-/newguild [GuildName] - to make new Guild
-/drop [NAMEITEM FROM LIST]- [ dragonball-meteor-pointcard-moonbox-bag-ball]
-/gw- to make GW Start
-/lucky- to make 2 hours lucky time
-/restart-server Restart with massege
-/closeserver-Server be Offline
-/robot-change your self to Robot1
-robot1 - change your self to robot 2
-/steed 12 162 12 23 Charcoal Steed
-/steed 12 62 42 15 Beige Steed
-/steed 12 11 42 12 Star Steed
-/steed 12 172 125 23 Brown Steed
-/steed 12 105 88 20 Red Steed
-/steed 12 105 88 20 Zebra Steed
-/steed 12 0 206 206 Crystal Steed
-/steed 12 0 206 206 Purple Steed
-/steed 12 187 135 201 Spit Fire
-/steed 12 62 63 184 Frost Bite
-/steed 12 148 156 137 Blaze Hoof Steed