Meowbot Commands for

(Edited: February 26, 2014)

Hello, I am meowbot!

Remember to make sure you give me moderator status in your channel after I join, or commands that require me to be a moderator will not work! (You must click on my name in your channels chat and select Make Moderator, do not make me a mod by using my !mod command, it will not work)

-- My Commands --

//Channel Owner Only Commands//
!join - Typing !join makes me connect to your channel

!leave - Typing !leave makes me disconnect from your channel

!mod - Typing !mod followed by a users name will give that user mod status in your chat  - Currently Disabled due to hitbox changes -

!unmod - Typing !unmod followed by a users name will take away that user mod status in your chat  - Currently Disabled due to hitbox changes -

!modOnly !cmd - Typing !modOnly followed by ! followed by a custom command will toggle that custom command between mod-only mod and public mode. This sets who can use that command.

!modOnly @emote - Typing !modOnly followed by @ followed by an emote command will toggle that emote between mod-only mod and public mode. This sets who can use that emote.

//Mod Commands//
!ban - Typing !ban followed by a users name will ban that user from the chat

!unban - Typing !unban followed by a users name will unban that user from the chat

!kick - Typing !kick followed by a users name will kick that user from the chat

!reset - Typing !reset followed by a users name reset that users meowbot warning level and unban them from the channel if they are banned.

!Commands - Typing !Commands will display a message with all the channels custom commands.

!addCommand [cmd] message - Typing !addCommand followed by a command in square brackets followed by a message will create a custom ! command using the text inside the brackets as its trigger. (ex: !addCommand [Contact] MyEmail, would create a command triggered by !Contact that sends a message saying MyEmail)

!editCommand [cmd] newMessage - Typing !editCommand followed by a current command in square brackets followed by a message will change the current custom ! command with the new message. (ex: !editCommand [Contact] MyEmail2, would change the command triggered by !Contact to send a message saying MyEmail2)

!removeCommand [cmd] - Typing !removeCommand followed by a custom command in square brackets will remove that custom command.

!Emotes - Typing !Emotes will display a message with all the channels emotes.

!addEmote [name] url - Typing !addEmote followed by a emote name in square brackets followed by a image url (without the http://) will create a custom @ emote using the text inside the brackets as its trigger. (ex: !addEmote [Smiley], would create a emote triggered by @Smiley that sends a message with the image from

!editEmote [name]newUrl - Typing !editEmote followed by a current emote name in square brackets followed by a message will change the current custom @ emote with the new image url. (ex: !editEmote [Smiley], would change the image for @Smiley to send a message with the image from

!removeEmote [name] - Typing !removeEmote followed by a custom emote name in square brackets will remove that custom emote.

!Timers - Typing !Timers will display a message with all the channels timer.

!addTimer [name] [delay] message - Typing !addTimer followed by a name in square brackets followed by a delay number (minutes) in square brackets followed by a message will create a timed name. (ex: !addTimer [mail] [30] MyEmail, would create a timer that sends a message saying MyEmail every 30 minutes with the name of [mail])

!editTimer [CurrentName] [NewDelay] NewMessage - Typing !editTimer followed by a current name in square brackets followed by a delay number (minutes) in square brackets followed by a message will change the current timer with the delay and message. (ex: !editTimer [mail] [25]  MyEmail2, would change the timer to be on a 25 minute delay and say MyEmail2. *NOTE* If you only wish to change the delay or message and not both you still need to type both in)

!removeTimer [name] - Typing !removeTimer followed by a timers name in square brackets will remove that timer.

!lottery - Typing !lottery followed by any characters will create a lottery with the following text as its keyword.

!stopLottery - Typing !stopLottery will make meowbot stop accepting new users for the lottery.

!rollLottery - Typing !rollLottery will give you a new random winner from the lottery list. (This command can be called as many times as you wish until a new lottery is started)

!rollLottery number - Typing !rollLottery followed by a number will give you a list of random winners from the lottery list based on the number you entered. (This command can be called as many times as you wish until a new lottery is started)

!lotteryCount - Typing !lotteryCount will tell you how many users are entered into the lottery

!random number - Typing !random followed by a number will roll a random number from 1 to the number you specified and display the result in chat.

!meowbot - Typing !meowbot will give link you to my commands.

-- MeowCode Keys --  (These can be used in commands or timers to display information)
<user>  - <user> will be replaced with the username of whoever triggered it.
<channel> - <channel> will be replaced with the channels name.
<commands> - <commands> will be replaced with a list of all the channels custom commands.
<timers> - <timers> will be replaced with a list of all the channels timers.
<emotes> - <emotes> will be replaced with a list of all the channels custom emotes.
<role>  - <role> will be replaced with the role of whoever triggered it for that channel. (Admins, Mods, Viewers)
<rand10> - <rand10> will be replaced with a random number between 1 and 10.
<rand100> - <rand100> will be replaced with a random number between 1 and 100.
<stream> - <stream> will be replaced with the current stream title.
<viewers> - <viewers> will be replaced with the current viewer count.
<game> - <game> will be replaced with the current game being played.
<team> - <team> will be replaced with the channel owners team name.
<meow> - <meow> will be replaced with a random message of the words "meow", "meowski", "meowz", "purrr" and "purrrz".

Example of how to use a MeowCode key with a custom command:
Creation: !addCommand [Meow] <meow>
Result - Custom command !Meow will be created with the command  in it.
Use: !Meow
Result - meow meowz purr   (a randomly generated message from the  command)

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