Use commands to interact with the bot directly from the chat.
As an example, a command described below as !command [on / off] can either be used like !command on or like !command off
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Moobot Commands |
User commands
moobot Lists all commands you can use.
moobot join Sends moobot to your chat.
moobot remove Removes moobot from your chat.
vote [option] Adds your vote to the current poll.
raffle Adds your username to the raffle if one is open.
raffle [message] Adds your username to the raffle if one is open, and sets an optional message that will be displayed if your username is drawn from the raffle.
Moderator commands
[custom command] [text] Sets the text tag of the command.
permit [user] Temporarily makes the user immune to the enabled spam filters.
moobot poll open [option 1, option 2, option 3...] Adds the voting options to the poll and opens it for voting.
moobot poll close Closes the poll for new votes and displays the final results.
moobot poll reset Resets the poll's votes.
moobot poll results Displays the current results of the set poll.
moobot raffle open Resets the raffle and opens it for new entries.
moobot raffle close Closes the raffle for new entries.
moobot raffle draw Closes the raffle for new entries and draws a username from the current entries.
moobot raffle reset Resets the raffle, removing all entries.
moobot raffle total Displays the total number of usernames in the current raffle.
moobot raffle userlist Draws a username from the userlist.
Owner commands
moobot commands add [identifier] Adds the command which can be triggered by using !identifier
moobot commands remove [identifier] Removes the command.
moobot commands example [command] Adds an example-command so you can see how a specific command can be set up. The command can be any of these, which will behave differently:
topic: displays and sets a stream topic
title: sets the stream title
commercial: runs a commercial
game: sets the game name
gamertag: displays information about your Xbox Live gamertag
[custom command] help Displays the command list for this custom command.
[custom command] format [set / unset] [format] Sets the format of your command, which will determine how the command is displayed when called. Use tags in your format to insert dynamic data like countdowns, usernames etc. See the tags command for available tags, and the example commands for examples on different formats.
[custom command] toggle [on / off] Sets if normal users are able to use this command.
[custom command] command [event] Sets an event that will be performed every time this custom command is called. Can be any of the following:
clear: clears the chat
commercial: runs a commercial
game: sets the stream's game
title: sets the title of the stream
unset: removes the set event, if any
[custom command] repeat [on / off] Sets if the command will automatically repeat after a set amount of time and chat lines passed. If any command event is associated with the command it will always be performed after the set time, even if the chat lines have not been passed.
[custom command] repeat time [time] Sets how many minutes of time must pass before the custom command repeats.
[custom command] repeat chatlines [chatlines] Sets how many chat lines must pass before the custom command repeats.
[custom command] tags Displays all the tags you can use in your custom command's format. These tags will insert the data when the command is called, and can be as follows:
<text>: the text stored when calling the command like !command [text]
<by>: what username set the text
<when>: when the last text was set
<user>: what username is calling the command
<poll>: the results of the set poll
<raffle>: random draw from the raffle
<title>: the current title of the stream
<game>: the current game being played
<title>: the current stream title
<countdown>: time remaining on the set countdown
<followers>: number of followers the stream has
<gt.gamertag>: the set Xbox Live gamertag
<gt.gamerscore>: the gamerscore of the Xbox Live gamertag
<gt.lastplayed.title>: title of the last played Xbox Live game
<gt.lastplayed.when>: time since the last played Xbox Live game was played
<gt.lastplayed.percentage>: percent completed of the last played Xbox Live game
<lol.league>: League of Legends summoner's league
<lol.kda>: League of Legends summoner's K/D/A
<lol.losses>: League of Legends summoner's losses
<lol.wins>: League of Legends summoner's wins
moobot antispam toggle [on / off] Enables or disables all the spam filters.
moobot antispam toggle [type] [on / off] Enables or disables the specific type of spam filter, which can be:
Caps: Excessive use of capital letters
Links: Links and garbled links
Symbols: Excessive use of symbols
Spam: General spam
Walloftext: Long paragraphs
Fakepurge: Fake purges
Censor: Banned words by the Twitch chat filter
Smilies: Excessive use of smiley faces
moobot antispam warning [on / off] Enables or disables if the user will get a warning before getting timed out.
moobot antispam msg [on / off] Enables or disables sending a public message when someone is timed out.
moobot antispam msg universal [on / off] Enables or disables using a generic purge message (avoids extra spam)
moobot antispam msg [type] [message] Sets a custom message for the given spam filter type.
moobot antispam time [purge / warning] [seconds] Sets the duration of purges made by the bot.
moobot antispam permit [add / remove] [valid URL] Permanently permits an URL so anyone who links to it will not get removed by the bot. You can use the *-character as a wildcard in the URL, like so:*
moobot regulars [add / remove] [username] Permanently allows the user to be immune to the enabled spam filters.
moobot owners [add / remove] [username] Allows a user to have full access to your bot's settings. Be careful who you give this privilege to.
moobot toggle [on / off] Sets if normal users are able to use the !moobot command.
moobot follow Gets the bot to follow your stream.
Contributor commands
moobot antispam subscribers [on/off] Toggles treating subscribers as regulars without adding them manually.
Admin & staff commands
moobot join [username] Sends moobot to the given user's chat.
moobot remove [username] Removes moobot from the given user's chat.
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